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Spring Anime 2015 |OT| The Disappearance of YEAARRT!

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It's the exact same direction as the manga. The first episode was a damn near scene-for-scene adaption of the first manga chapter.

Yeah, the problem here is the source material. I wouldn't blame the animation studio for the shoddy structure of the story.


Jex is just saying that you'd probably find something to enjoy in Space Dandy, given the impressions you've left in the thread before. I hold similar reservations about gratuitous breasts and other fanservice garbage that anime is prone to and I liked it a lot- as opposed to, say, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt or something else where the talent and energy behind the show was not enough to get me over the crass, gleeful tastelessness of it.

Yeah I truly appreciate the sentiment, I'm sure the show is great, and have no qualms with others enjoying it. I guess the best way to describe it is I have my trajectory, my list of shows to watch and to go through and I'm really peculiar in regards to it as I'm a person who for better or worse bases his judgements heavily on emotions. I've had shows that I was 100% certain that I wanted to watch, for months on end only to look at it on an unsuspecting day with no relevance whatsoever and think "Don't want to watch this at all any more" without seeing new material, or anything to sway my judgement, just a simple mood swing that I for some reason vehemently stand by. And like a man with a grudge, I hold that with an iron fist. It's stupid and childish, I know.

This is pretty random and technically it aired in 1979, but have you seen Anne of Green Gables? It's a beautiful adaptation of the novel by no less a director than Isao Takahata himself, and if you're willing to watch older shows I'd recommend it whole-heartedly.

Not random at all! It's something I've been meaning to watch for a long time, I love Takahata, Only Yesterday is probably one of my favorite films bar none, animated or otherwise, but my viewings of pre-Ghibli works by the likes of Takahata and Miyazaki are limited to say the least, which is by no way helped by the lack of support of such shows in the west. In the end, I look at it and when I see 50 episodes, it just drains me out mentally. Being aimed at what I assume to be a younger audience makes me feel like it wouldn't be for me. It depresses me that I even just wrote that last sentence, ashamed, but I feel as if I've lost all of my vigour and optimism for everything. I guess that's my downfall. Utterly depressing.

Link Man

Its timing was inappropriate, yes. But I wouldn't quit a show just because of one poorly timed joke in the first episode, lol.

Well, the pacing was abysmal and the animation was jerky at parts as well. And if that's where it's willing to go for comedy, then I'm not too thrilled that comedy is one of its focuses.
Argevollen 21

So for villains this series has

The blue army who are attacking the red army the good guys work for
Random red dude in red army who is a crazy psycho who wants to keep waring
The company that made Argevollen, who's supplying tech to both sides for profits
Government officials who are aligned with company to keep the war going

Argevollen wants to be a story of war told from the soldiers point of view, but continues to show these bigger world scenes of why the war is happening or what is keeping the war going when they aren't relevant at all to the main cast. I think this disconnect is what really hurts Argevollen as all the finer details good or bad the series doesn't have time for so it goes for all cliches all over even if they aren't explained or don't make sense. They only make sense in the context of their trope/cliche which might work well enough if this series has some amazing animation or even amazing cg-i work, but it's just bland cg-i everything looks good enough to not distract you but isn't amazing enough to engross you.

3 more left


Plastic Memories 1

Someone in my house just had to start cutting onions while I was watching this..

This show seems promising, although they really
killed the mood there at the end...

Anyways, I haven't felt like doing crap lately, so may as well catch up on some shows I've been putting off for a while. I finished up Durarara!! last week, and I was pretty satisfied with the ending, so I'm not sure how I feel about a continuation. I'll probably watch X2 regardless. Also, I'm waaaay behind on JoJo.
Shonen Hollywood Holly Stage for 50 Episode 26 [end]

Phenomenal episode. A concert to close out the season was great considering the lack of musical numbers. Sure some of the songs werent new but it was still good. I love Eternally Never Ever, Jin Jin, and also the best one of the night, Shun Shun, Tomii, and Kira's Lets Party. Ah they were so good in it. I rewatched twice.

The clip show surprise made me tear up. Seeing them go from 0 to where they are now was fantastic. They were such amateurs back then and so sincere after their first performance. I was tearing up like Shun Shun seeing it. When did the president even capture it. I thought it was a nice way to tie the two seasons together and show us how their hard work paid off. Then the ending message for the video, lovely

Ill miss this funny group of characters and performers. Shonen Hollywood forever.

Please give us a Holly Stage for 51, that tease has to happen, please anime goddesses.


Fate/Zero 7

Rider sure is amiable towards people far beneath him. I agree, pants are overrated. Saber and Kiritsugu still can't get along. Can't run away now dude. I'm impressed that Caster has managed to out dick Zouken. Not something you can do easily. Lancer is super-bro at least. Archibald sure recovered fast overall. Kind of awkward for the masters to be fighting while their Servants are getting along well.
Argevollen 22

So help me follow this train of logic

The red army was ready to make peace with the blue army, one guy who I guess is now main villain isn't happy with this and springs his trap of a bunch of dissenters who don't want to surrender and they essentially stage a coup using the power of their new unmanned super robots (USRs) based upon Argevollen's design. These USRs are all controlled by mental commands by the former captain of the squad the main characters are in who is also part of this coup. Right before the highest members of the red army are arrested by the coup, they give control of the rest of the army to cool guy who was friends with the captain giving him orders to have the coup leader captured and the USRs destroyed.

Cool guy then gives an order to main characters group to go capture their former captain and stop the USRs. When they arrive the USRs are fighting blue armies squad of piloted super robots in a losing battle until main character co with Argevollen and non super robots show up to turn the tide. Out of nowhere captain guy uses some new ability never established before to take control of all the super robots including Argevollen, ejects the pilots, and takes off to win the war. When main character group reports what happens cool guy tells them to retreat back to base and it's revealed he knew about the captains plan and intentionally sent them out so that captain could take control of Argevollen.

So at this point the entire red army has basically been taken over by the coup, those who opposed it were arrested. At this point the main character group decides to defy orders and go after captain and argevollen because "Argevollen is our mech" and "we need to punch captain in the face for being a jerk and not saying goodbye to us". All super robots are now in control of one guy who can single highhandedly win the war, the war the main character group originally started using Argevollen to help end... and now they want to take back Argevollen with a bunch of regular mechs against not only an army of super mechs, but against the blue army that's trying to conquer their home land.

This series really felt like someone watched a whole bunch of famous mech series, and then just tried to combine elements of all of them without understanding any of them using duck tape to keep it together. The series doesn't want you to think about things as you'll see all the holes in the story line.

Edit: And to further add to the stupid, episode 23 starts with I guess main villain revealing the only reason this plan worked (to control all super robots) was because the top brass had been leaking information about the various super robot units this whole time because they wanted to lose the war... yeah...

Edit 2: Holy shit and main villain has been working with corporation that was supplying tech stuff to both sides to continue the war. Jeebus why does this series need so many villains and sides if you're not going to explain any of them?
World Trigger Episode 24

Invasion arc is going pretty good. The episodes continue to be a bit more dramatic and serious than the manga. The destruction from the Rabits and how more appear upon their defeat back to back really keeps things moving a bit.
Kitora's death even, wow
. Loved how they are handling it.

Also love the comedy, these three were perfect.
Seraph of the End 1

I have to say the background art is very lovely, that's Studio Pablo for you.

As edgy as it is, it's gonna be an enjoyable trainwreck with WIT's animation if they stay consistent.


Valvrave the Liberator 11

Did Tomino write this?

Okouchi always seems to get really preachy and make his character act in very forced ways to push those messages when his stories enter "serious mode". I'll be wary if he returns as the main writer of another anime...


This may not alleviate your issues with the film, but I hope that it may have shed some light on what Oshii was striving for and the notion that the film was shaped by the period in which it was made in, and the mind-set of Oshii at that time. I apologize for the crude writing.

Well, like I said, I don't think Patlabor II was a bad movie. I just didn't like it. I think that what I thought it was going to be and what it was were two very different things. I appreciate that it wanted to do its own thing, and that it had its own message, but it just felt so markedly against what I had come to understand Patlabor to be about. That the majority of the cast was absent from the film, that it all seems to come to a head in Gotoh telling himself a depressing lie and that so much of it is spent standing and talking instead of doing and being just sort of put me at odds with it.

Perhaps if I'd only seen the first and third movie by that point, but with the whole weight of the TV series and OVA series, I felt like the third and second movie were tonally off and so I felt put off by it.


Fate/Zero 8

Irisviel won't let Kirei steal her man that easily. Archibald is impressive, taking a shot and still standing. Kiritsugu is now bulletproof? Man, he grew fat and lazy by the 5th Grail War. Shirou has no business taking him on. Teamwork beats Caster. Archibald is taken out in a really messy way. Luckily Lancer is still super-bro. Arguably too bro. The Irisviel trick is falling apart. I guess Irisviel won't die even if she's killed.
Argevollen 23

One more episode of this crap, at least we have an end game kind of? It's not exactly clear what'll happen if the main group gets Argevollen back but I guess that'll make them happy so yay? And I guess minor blue army guy is also now a major bad guy for reasons so this final battle can be a 3 way.


Yep this show is now one of my favorite anime shows ever. The gall to have a whole episode on nabe is one thing but to parody death note while doing it is just amazing. I couldn't stop laughing. 10/10


are mods seriously banning people with joke recommendations now?

Well at least I'm 90% sure it's a temp ban. Unless the mod really really hates School Days. Which is an ok anime at best, nothing to lose your head over

It would not surprise me if it had to do with the trolling and the chortling that has evolved over the years.
Yep this show is now one of my favorite anime shows ever. The gall to have a whole episode on nabe is one thing but to parody death note while doing it is just amazing. I couldn't stop laughing. 10/10

So everybody in here who has been watching it recently seems to agree this is the turnaround point. So now we know what to tell people. To be fair we always said "somewhere in the mid 20s" which apparently was literal.

It would not surprise me if it had to do with the trolling and the chortling that has evolved over the years.

After my ban I've learned that hot button threads/topics is not the place to try and be funny with a risky reference.


So everybody in here who has been watching it recently seems to agree this is the turnaround point. So now we know what to tell people. To be fair we always said "somewhere in the mid 20s" which apparently was literal.
I've liked it so far but this and the fly woman episode are top notch. Don't think I've seen a funnier anime show than this.
I've liked it so far but this and the fly woman episode are top notch. Don't think I've seen a funnier anime show than this.

Oh the show was watchable before. But starting from this point it's just constant amazing shit. Wait till the cast gets more breathing room. The serious arcs are some of the best on shonen anime, and the comedy? FUHGED about it.

I know people love to say to wait till something gets good (FFXIII) but in here it applies. 20 episodes to get amazing is a lot for many, but you need to consider the show is 200+ episodes and getting a new season
Damn Metroid got banned. Who would of thought School Days could be this dangerous.

Yep this show is now one of my favorite anime shows ever. The gall to have a whole episode on nabe is one thing but to parody death note while doing it is just amazing. I couldn't stop laughing. 10/10

Man if you thought this was a great episode your gonna definitely have a blast from here on out.

Just wait till you get to the Ghost arc because goddamn did it make me laugh nonstop.


Gatchaman Crowds END

Ultimately what kept me watching this show is the short length, the dank tunes (G-G-G-GATCHAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAN) and Mamoru Miyano's performance as Berg Katze. Nothing special, but I don't regret watching it. Kind of a flat finale but I guess that's also kind of the point. Will give S2 a few episodes at least.

For as big a buildup as OD's and Katze's transformations were that sure didn't last all that long. Hopefully he finds some bullshit way to wreak havoc in S2.

Haven't posted my Gintama progress in here, but I'm on that train too and here goes:

Gintama Fuyo Arc, episodes 69-71

What an amazing arc. I think I liked this more than Benizakura by the end. From the amazing start of the 69th episode, to the amazing conclusion.

Samurai rank above the brave warrior and the evil king. ;_;


You guys have made me want to watch Gintama. STOP, it's too big

Nodame Cantabile 3 (rewatch): I've never been this happy watching an anime. Chiaki is too cute, Nodame is hilarious, a very charismatic show. I really don't know anything like it (when it comes to shows targeted to women). It's something truly special, and perhaps my favorite anime of all time. This episode in particular shows a side of Chiaki that is quite universal: self-loathing is bad, and we should concentrate on making our lives better. It's quite hard, though. Hyped for the rest because I don't remember a lot. It's been a long time.
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