Subete no aware
Chu~the hell
Chu~the hell
I'm really enjoying Stardust Crusaders so far but am I the only one who feels Battle Tendency is better. Now I know that I'm barely just 16 episodes in with Stardust Crusaders and it may be a bit unfair I guess. Still I just don't know how to explain it and put into clear words but Battle Tendency just had that flair.
I'm not trying to downplay Stardust Crusaders because it has been really good and enjoyable but it's just that something about Battle Tendency puts it above.
Future Diary 19
...Okay two things. First off,I knew that Akise was going to be an antagonist. His design and personality oozed of Magnificent/manipulative bastard.
SecondTwo Yuno's? As in the alive Yuno is either an impostor or perhaps a Yuno from an alternate dimension? I do hope there's a good explanation for this because this has the potential to become really stupid.
The second part is MUCh better than the first.Just a little BL pics up in here. I guess it's to balance out all the Yuri pics?
Myself:Yourself ep1-6:
Not much to say about this one, it's actually pretty boring. They start the first three episodes witha storyline them completely deviate from it and go in completely different direction.. It feels disjointed in regards to the flow of things.. Oh well, we'll see hwo the second half of this one goes tomorrow, but man, this one is pretty dry.
SECONDEEEDDDwatch Full Moon O Sagashite. Do ittttttt
Lol. I might have to, but it sounds sooooo sad. The fan art online is crazy though. .
I'm really enjoying Stardust Crusaders so far but am I the only one who feels Battle Tendency is better. Now I know that I'm barely just 16 episodes in with Stardust Crusaders and it may be a bit unfair I guess. Still I just don't know how to explain it and put into clear words but Battle Tendency just had that flair.
I'm not trying to downplay Stardust Crusaders because it has been really good and enjoyable but it's just that something about Battle Tendency puts it above.
Lol. I might have to, but it sounds sooooo sad. The fan art online is crazy though. .
I'm really enjoying Stardust Crusaders so far but am I the only one who feels Battle Tendency is better. Now I know that I'm barely just 16 episodes in with Stardust Crusaders and it may be a bit unfair I guess. Still I just don't know how to explain it and put into clear words but Battle Tendency just had that flair.
I'm not trying to downplay Stardust Crusaders because it has been really good and enjoyable but it's just that something about Battle Tendency puts it above.
Victory Gundam 18
Flanders was the secret star of this ep.
thats kind of adorable but Im sure they ruined the moment with stupid.
No, the moment was enhanced with stupid.
The explanation's pretty good iirc
It has moments of intense sadness but also jubilation. True rollercoaster feels in this one.
The second part is MUCh better than the first.
it's not ..don't hesitate
Ok OK, it'll be next.. I lived through Clannad and Kanon so I can do it, lol.
Good, the first part just added all that stuff about the 10 yr old kid sleeping over and falling for that other dude and stuff. . Just so odd. I hope the second half finishes up strong, they have 6 episodes left and they still haven't talked about the MC's reasons for moving back and the while violin thing yet.... time to get to the story here...
Yeah, Full Moon will be next.
The second part is MUCh better than the first.
Death Note 1-37 finale
I hate Near with a burning passion. That is all.
Death Note 1-37 finale
I hate Near with a burning passion. That is all.
plastic memories 11
Future Diary 21
Welp, you can't say this episode (or FD in general) hasn't been boringAnd I still have 5 episodes left to watch.Minene and the mayor are dead, the world's going to hell and it looks like Yuno is really from an alternate dimension of some sort if she was able to get into the vault.
man I dont even want to spoil the music in Full Moon O Sagashite.
I wish I could watch it again for the first time.
Its lengthy but worth it. One of the most heartfelt stories I have seen.
Lol, I guess you really like this one, huh?
He's as bad as his name.
L was far superior to Near and his one dimensional self.Near is kind of annoying but I was ok with him.
it kind of deflated the show for me but I stuck with it anyway.when L died
I am so thoroughly in love with this series it isnt even funny.
Lol, I guess you really like this one, huh?
I am so thoroughly in love with this series it isnt even funny.
You'd have to block Narag there some ann staffer blocklist for twitter out there so i dont have to read another bad hope chapman tweet again tia
You'd have to block Narag first.![]()
only if he like, posts them as picturesYou'd have to block Narag first.![]()
I feel the same.
This anime is legendary in my eyes
I'll probably hit up Maid-sama right after that one.
The Devil is a Part-timer Episode 1
That was a great laughDD The foregign accents made me laugh way harder than it should, and I'm grateful. I'm looking forward to this series.
Gunbuster 6- [END]
Guys im feeling feels i dont want to feel right now........I dont think I want to travel space anymore.
Shit is too depressing unless im taking everyone with me.
10/10 anime.