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Spring Anime 2015 |OT2| Euriphonium

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Huge Nickleback Fan
Hibike Euphonium 11
There's no yuri contents at all in this episode. NOPE. NOT AT ALL. JUST FRIENDS DOING FRIENDS THINGS.

Legit get goosebumps when Reina start her solo piece. I don't know how to say it, more expressive? more emotion when compared to Kaori piece. Can't wait for thoraxes deep analysis for this episode since i know he could explain this better. One thing for sure though, salute to Kaori senpai for being good sports and let Reina play the solo parts. O

Asuka show more and more of her true character with each passing episode. What i thought just another eccentric character turn out to have more layer than most cast.

RIP ribbon. You tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end, it doesn't even matter~
JoJo Stardust Crusaders 13

So a Stand that turns into a car. Well what do you know it even shoots gasoline, I bet you have to refill as well. Man those body proportions for the enemy is just too uneven.

Also how many times do the characters have to say "Yare Yare" or "Oh No" lol.

JoJo Stardust Crusaders 14

Well what do you know the Town they finally arrive at is creepy. That lady with acne or that white looking stuff made me disgusted. I couldn't handle it when she started itching it. So it seems granny can create holes through Justice Stand which is entirely fog.

Also that Tom and Jerry reference.
JoJo Stardust Crusaders 15

Seeing Granny's inner monologue was hilarious. Poor Polnareff had to lick the toilet and to make matters worse Joseph had to rub it in. Jotaro was beast this episode with his Ora Ora Ora Ora.

I must bored to do this lol.

Please stop that's just a total disgrace to Shenmue.


Yohoo, Thanks again for the Mamoru Hosoda esque recommendations!
I have two new questions.
First: how long stay anime Movies in Cinema in japan? I'm thinking about watching Bakemono no Ko in Cinema:

Second: I only have one ep. Left of shigatsu wa Kimi no umso
way to forseeable
and i Need a new love Drama Comedy anime. Can Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru satisfy my desire?

Edit: is that the anime Version of the pantsu man movie?
JoJo Stardust Crusaders 16

Is it me or are these Stands just getting weirder and weirder. Like you would think Dan Steel's Stand would be worthless but it's more handy than what you can imagine. I'm suprised that Stands can shrink. Stands really do show lots of flexibility. Also "Oh My God" line by Joseph is just too funny.

I feel a major ass beating by Jotaro is coming up.
JoJo Stardust Crusaders 16

Is it me or are these Stands just getting weirder and weirder. Like you would think Dan Steel's Stand would be worthless but it's more handy than what you can imagine. I'm suprised that Stands can shrink. Stands really do show lots of flexibility. Also "Oh My God" line by Joseph is just too funny.

It just keeps getting better. Especially if you aren't bothered by all the inconsistencies. I actually think they're part of the charm.

I feel a major ass beating by Jotaro is coming up.



Dragon Crisis ep 4-END:

This one had a nice mix of action, comedy and a splatter of romance mixed in. (well, really not until the end) but it was a pretty decent watch overall. Rose was cute as the "Lil' loli dragon" lol. Oh well, I was entertained, but they really rushed through this oen especially at teh beginning, they trew a bunch of scenerios but never did do a good job of explaining the world and how the whole dragon/human relationships work as well as the Breakers and what their levels mean....


Yami Hat 4

Saving princesses through the divine power of fan service.

A question we must all face eventually.

Seems legit.

So, Ritsuko from last ep is now a >100 year old semi-powerful witch. She saves a princess who then falls victim to Gar, aka Mr Fabulous in a sacrifice to a demon who turns out to be witch girl. Ritsuko saves her, but she takes her own life as she is half demon. Demon/witch girl accepts the sacrifice and presumably helps Gar on the way to achieving the ultimate life/ power.

So, is it all beginning to make sense now?
Because if it does, no worries the show will work hard to confuse you again!

John Blade


Another, " let's introduce new character" episode. Nothing special really as they're using the same formula from previous episodes. You meet Yoko who is actually a model but got reject from audition and need something to do as she don't want to go back home. Well, she join the baseball team even though she have no ability in baseball (and you will see it soon enough). Somehow, she pass the baseball test and now in the team. I am betting she will be the one who will bring the team down a bit with the lack of skill.

The 2nd new character is Mao who is big in size but gentle and shy in heart. She was actually from the Judo team but didn't get alone with the people there. She meet Ryo and yea, she try out the baseball team as a catcher and pass (mostly because she is the only one who can catch Ryo speedy ball). You found out she is great if work in team then by herself which is useful because baseball is a team game.

Overall, both of the new character isn't much to say as the character development is a bit too early but I guess Mao have a slight up in development. Still, too early and hope they're develop more as the show continue.

The only major thing happened in this episode which is important is when Ryo found out from Izumi friend that Hiroki and Izumi are actually engaged and she shouldn't try to interfere with them. This look like it will cause a small rift for Ryo as she didn't do anything to cause the issue but somehow she now need to avoid Hiroki as she don't want to cause any trouble even though the relationship between them isn't much to start with (at best.....annoyed friendship).

Other than that, it's an average episode which introduce 2 new characters. I am guessing it will be like it till we get all nine and from there, they will be more development of the story.


Sound! Euphonium - 05

Previous impressions/observations:
Episode 01
Episode 02
Episode 03
Episode 04


- I have never seen a machine like that for testing lung capacity. Most of the ones i've used are a little machine with a ball and threshold, where it shows you your measurement in liters on the side with little notches. It's also like 75% smaller than the one here lol. Most instrumentalists will have lung capacities on par with pro athletes just because they exercise their lungs so much. At my last measurement, I could hold almost 9 liters of air in my lungs!

- Lung capacity is most important for Tuba players because of the size of the instrument, but it's also very important for flute players, since they don't have a medium between breath and sound like woodwinds with their reeds or brass players with their mouthpieces.

- Poor Kumiko and her breasts lol. You're fine just the way you are!

- Oh nice, new uniforms! Most schools tend to keep a set they use for multiple years and only switch them every half-decade or so, depending on funding. It's also cool to see them show other band uniforms too, and they all appear to be doing indoor marching!

- It's funny in that one cut to see marching oboes. That does not happen because they'd have to spend $100s and countless man-hours making a shitload of reeds because they're so delicate!

- That being said, in the west you don't usually see different uniforms for males and females. Everyone is the same, and for competitions it's important because it shows formations better.

- These girls are cute in their uniforms.

- It's nice to see the trumpets are using trumpet stands while they're outside.

- This marching section is so rad! I love how they're doing everything correctly with regards to posture and march practice. It's kinda funny to see them talk about being so precise with step distance when in a parade anything can happen and you'll have to adjust your steps all the time. There's also proper footwork here too, rolling from the heel to the toes in a smooth motion.

- Well, later on I see it's more a 1-by-1 exhibition. This makes the steps stuff totally more relevant now!

- It's common to see people who don't play a marching instrument be delegated to color guard. They usually use flags, sabers, poms, and rifles when marching, while a leader or designated person will use the maces. Sometimes groups (mostly college groups) will use a baton twirler too! Even the flag work here is spot on and the girl's movements are all correct.


- It's also really awesome to see them go into drum major stuff! Asuka is a great person for that job.

- Watching them pay attention to the posture in the animation is nice.

- Taki-sensei fuck yeah.

- Watching Kumiko just blab is hilarious.

- Yo this cut! That smile!

- Yay, a sousaphone is in that case! Also yes, they do load them up by truck!

- I like this part with all of them checking in and doing the attendance. I used to be in charge of this stuff back in high-school because I was both a section leader and the president!

- I wonder if by music stands they mean the hook-on ones that are typically used with marching?

- Wow, they even included a clip-on tuner on this trumpet drawing. Holy shit.

- This is nice to hear them do all the gossip about the other ensembles. It really happens this way! I love how she's got a friend in the other ensemble too, and she mentions she went there for their program.

- Kumiko ;_;


- Woooooo banner carriers! The unsung heroes of parades.

- Holy shit this Rikka school animation with both band and guard, even in the distance it looks so cool watching it all in sync.

- Kousaka is kind of a jerk here lol. But she knows it hahaha. It totally brought their morale back.

- Taki-sensei my hero.

- It's nice to see marching cymbals. They have a hard-ass job to do when they are accompaniment to the snares/quads because they have to march backwards.

- This one trumpet girl in the cut here has such bad posture lol.

- Dude, the fingering animations here are orgasmic. Look at this shit my god. It's all spot-on by pitch and by part. God damn.

- Ahhhh yeaaaaahhh marching xylophone and glockenspiel!

- Just a single marching bass drum.

- They even drew the marching snare harness correctly!

- One thing I find kind of odd is the way they chose to do their formation. Usually you'll do 4-5 across to make forming lines easier for players. It's weird seeing 1 straggler between sections with one in the french horns and one in the trumpets! They usually need someone to be able to see in their peripheral vision to maintain formation better!

- This song is pretty cool!


This was a pretty fun episode! All the pressure and emotion of being at one of these things was captured perfectly. Made me all warm and fuzzy inside.

So many details of this I wouldnt pick up on but you make this show ten times more enjoyable to watch with your explanations. thanks BEAR!

Damn, all these fancy, cell-shaded waifus are distracting people from the only true best Fire Emblem character.

Its funny that people seem to forget that Fire Emblem has always been about the waifus!


Phew. Finally got back from my amazing Kajiura dedicated trip to Japan. YK#12 was heavenly. Heigen was heavenly. Contractor was heavenly. Moonflower was (repeat ad infinitum.

And now, to catch up on the shows...

Euriphonium 10&11
Loved the two episodes. Loads of club drama to be had. Episode 10 and 11 sky rocketed Natsuki to best character imo. I'm glad she is still trying hard together with Hazuki. That she noticed Kumiko being bothered by the auditions and that she would go out of her way to reassure her was nice. She's a good senpai. Though that smile and the way she teased Kumiko was golden. And it seems that both Hazuki and Sapphire have gotten used to Kumiko's loose lips.

I am still trying to figure out Asuka. She really doesn't care who plays the solo, does she?
All she cares about is improving on her own part. I was kind of surprised when she refused to visit Kaori before the audition. She's totally such a robot. lol

I don't really dislike Yuko. I understand where she is coming from. I also know that it is unfair of her to have Reina give up for those reasons. Kaori raised her hand without hesitation for a re-audition, and I doubt she regretted doing so. She tried and although it still wasn't enough, she can move on knowing that she gave her all and that she lost in a fair fight. Yuko gave her the opportunity to do so, however unpleasant the means may have been.

Now on to the relationships.
We have Kaori's admiration for Asuka and Yuko's admiration for Kaori. Then we have the delicious scenes between Yuko and Natsuki, and of course the main pair of Kumiko and Reina.

I kind of like the relationship between Yuko and Natsuki. Yuko has always been very tsun towards Natsuki but we occasionally see the two getting along, like at the festival.

As for Kumiko and Reina. The two are getting closer, but wth. Reina's a lot more touchy feely than necessary. That hug in 10 came out of nowhere (might I point out the weakness in Reina's voice when she said "hontou ni?" for that scene?
). And of course, that scene in 11. That's... totally not how friends talk or interact. lol.

Just what are you trying to do, KyoAni?

I am pretty jealous of your ability to see Yuki in concert in Japan. I would love to do that someday but it will probably never happen. At least I have her music.

This doesnt show the comedic bits but its definitely faithful to the original OVAs.
Yall should enjoy this.

Black & White's mom is a milf...

Hmmm. Noted. A Faye Valentine hairstyle, I like it!
Why didn't I know this was a thing ? (NSFW) Summer anime season saved.

" A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn’t Exist"

Yep. This is a thing now. I think I got everything I need to know about this one from the trailer.

Its funny that people seem to forget that Fire Emblem has always been about the waifus!

Silly Cajunator, Fire Emblem isn't just about Waifus. Fire Emblem has also been about the Husbandos. You can't forget about those who have Frederick or Gonzales as their Husbando.


Taki gets a lot of focus and Shuichi has a fair amount of scenes (I wouldn't say he has a lot of focus as he serves more as a semi-sounding board for Kumiko to talk about what she's feeling). Honestly, Hanada's done more for showing Shuichi as more than a cardboard cutout saying "I like you Kumiko" than Takeda did in the novels. Gatou is pretty much the same as in the anime, lines here/there.

There's another male instructor introduced in novel 2/3, but I don't recall any other guys pointed out. It's incredibly girl-heavy.

The end of the third novel really felt like the end of the series. I don't want to say what it was for fear of spoiling something else to be animated, but it felt very "concluding" without saying "The End." There was another volume of shorts, but that's it. No further volumes have been solicited at this time.

What irks me is that people are so willing to attach "yuribaiting" to "KyoAni" when it's really the source material that did that. Takeda included all the close moments after having Reina admit she went to the school due to her crush on Taki. I personally wouldn't be as upset if people would even consider that possibility instead of rushing to judge "KyoAni" for adapting the work Takeda wrote. They're shooting the messenger.

Hmm. Is it yuri baiting when goggles arent even required for this one?
More like throwing half a giant tuna in the water for the sharks.

Oh i see..hard to tell right now indeed.
But i have hope, since i think they clearly realised they went too far in that aspect. My hope is for something closer to 3 or first departure.

Well yeah ..let's agree of disagreeing.
The SSY bit doesn't make sense , since they aren't using the same format while telling their story, they are like in total opposition. As i said , there is nothing wrong with S&W , except your expectations of the show, maybe.

And nobody does. You were accusing the show of pandering ..pandering to what ? to whom ? The apple lovers ? the fact that she appeared nude the 2 times the plot required it ?The fact that the male lead character and the female lead character are teasing each other during the journey in order to know each other. OMG she loves apples ..what a sin.

Let me be clear , you don't like it. OK That's understandable. Pandering ? i don't see it. There is so many things the show doesn't do in order to not be accused of pandering , yet spice and wolf is guilty of this ? Yeah no.

Yeah dragon crisis burn a lot of story during his anime. Very unusual.
Thing happen often and there isn't really a downtime in this show.

Well could have least have done an anime original ending ...

I dont see it either. Holo is naked in a couple scenes. thats enough for fanart to do its thing. Every show turns into seedy fanart regardless of content because thats what fans do. Spice and Wolf is one of the least pandering shows. Though how can you expect such a strong independent female character with a lovely fluffy tail and wolf ears to not be the subject of some fantasies?


I've been watching a few things for my backlog, but only posting occasionally, and the next show I started is one that I think should get some more attention. A 2005 series called Petopeto-san. Kana Ueda stars as a poor half-youkai, in a tale of her daily life and first love. The atmosphere reminds me of Gargoyle of the Yoshinagas (turns out it's from the same publisher. Go figure.), with the supernatural peacefully existing alongside the "regular", and it's kind of like The Disappearance of Yuki Nagato or Tsuyokiss in the way it's presented.

That is, a story aimed at the young male demographic, but telling a romance story from the girls' perspective. It's my hope that more stories like this are made because of the potential for empathy, but I suppose shipping and the tournament/battle metaphors will persist no matter the lineup is. The series also has some quirky elements, like Nuri, the Nurikabe girl who speaks with words written on her forehead and can dissolve into walls.

I'm only four episodes in, but I quite like what I see. Series about Japanese folklore are almost always peaceful. In some ways, I'd say the show is an earlier version of Re-Kan!


I've been watching a few things for my backlog, but only posting occasionally, and the next show I started is one that I think should get some more attention. A 2005 series called Petopeto-san. Kana Ueda stars as a poor half-youkai, in a tale of her daily life and first love. The atmosphere reminds me of Gargoyle of the Yoshinagas (turns out it's from the same publisher. Go figure.), with the supernatural peacefully existing alongside the "regular", and it's kind of like The Disappearance of Yuki Nagato or Tsuyokiss in the way it's presented.

That is, a story aimed at the young male demographic, but telling a romance story from the girls' perspective. It's my hope that more stories like this are made because of the potential for empathy, but I suppose shipping and the tournament/battle metaphors will persist no matter the lineup is. The series also has some quirky elements, like Nuri, the Nurikabe girl who speaks with words written on her forehead and can dissolve into walls.

I'm only four episodes in, but I quite like what I see. Series about Japanese folklore are almost always peaceful. In some ways, I'd say the show is an earlier version of Re-Kan!

I was interested in watching this because of the really unique OP/ED. In particular that soothing ED.



Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Gunbuster 3
How are they even going to fight something going at lightspeed, like on the real.
You couldnt even make out what they looked like.
Ore Monogatari 11

I really liked the direction in this episode. Probably the show's strongest point.

Gunbuster 3
How are they even going to fight something going at lightspeed, like on the real.
You couldnt even make out what they looked like.

Because of relativity if two things are moving at near lightspeed they will appear to be moving the same as two cars driving alongside each other...I think. It's complicated, I don't understand it, I don't think anyone does


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Ore Monogatari 11

I really liked the direction in this episode. Probably the show's strongest point.

Because of relativity if two things are moving at near lightspeed they will appear to be moving the same as two cars driving alongside each other...I think. It's complicated, I don't understand it, I don't think anyone does

Well I guess their robots are capable of going at almost lightspeed, but I havent really seen them in action beyond fighting eachother, im watching episode 4 now and the coach mentions that the enemy can reach mars to the moon in 3 mins, and that she was moving too slow, so we talkin some extreme shit.


Wish Upon the Pleiades 11

new powers
kind of make her look like Minato. And as much as people like to throw around "they're really in a coma" for every conceivable series,
Minato actually has been
. All the talk of possibility and science when jumping across the universe has given this series' "magic" a bit of a different feel than most magical girl series, and it's been one of my favorites throughout the entire season. Never doing anything that would make it stand out, but it's been consistently entertaining while telling a variety of different kinds of stories. Gonna miss it after next week.


Subete no aware
Holy shit, the after credits scene from Gintama 276 just killed me. So damn unexpected.

Takeda's lucky in a sense. Euphonium's first novel was only her second novel published (her first being the Japan Love Story award-winning "We Breathed Together Today" novel published in June 2013). She was inspired to become an author after reading Risa Wataya's "I Want to Kick You in the Back" (translated into English this year; Japan Times article about Wataya in English), so that would definitely be her influence. It definitely seems like she's a shojo manga type person rather than a shounen manga type person.

Edit: I don't want to sound as though Takeda only won the award because she was "lucky". Euphonium's novels are incredibly well-written and definitely deserve the acclaim they've gotten. Her writing style is simple, yet dense. They're easy to read with a small amount of Japanese knowledge, yet packed with details. I truly enjoyed reading them, probably even moreso than when I read the Haruhi novels.
I think that makes sense. I just wonder about broader influences. Or perhaps the whole "skinship" thing is just natural in Japan.

I'm reminded of OoFuri, which is also written by a woman, and has scenes like this:


I mean, I'm not like Narag making sportsball avatar bets, I imagine in most NFL/MLB rooms, guys aren't looking into each other's eyes and holding hands in order to support each other. But there's this female perspective on physical contact in homosocial situations that seems to be unique to the Japanese perspective, whether through social acculturation (like say, public baths) or through cultural acculturation (all the Class-S stuff like Marimite, but also seemingly popular texts like Anne of Green Gables).

But at some point, this is all outside of anything I know about Japan and becomes pure speculation.
Future Diary 19

...Okay two things. First off,
I knew that Akise was going to be an antagonist. His design and personality oozed of Magnificent/manipulative bastard.

Two Yuno's? As in the alive Yuno is either an impostor or perhaps a Yuno from an alternate dimension? I do hope there's a good explanation for this because this has the potential to become really stupid.
I'm really enjoying Stardust Crusaders so far but am I the only one who feels Battle Tendency is better. Now I know that I'm barely just 16 episodes in with Stardust Crusaders and it may be a bit unfair I guess. Still I just don't know how to explain it and put into clear words but Battle Tendency just had that flair.

I'm not trying to downplay Stardust Crusaders because it has been really good and enjoyable but it's just that something about Battle Tendency puts it above.



Just a little BL pics up in here. I guess it's to balance out all the Yuri pics?

Myself:Yourself ep1-6:

Not much to say about this one, it's actually pretty boring. They start the first three episodes witha storyline them completely deviate from it and go in completely different direction.. It feels disjointed in regards to the flow of things.. Oh well, we'll see hwo the second half of this one goes tomorrow, but man, this one is pretty dry.


Just a little BL pics up in here. I guess it's to balance out all the Yuri pics?

Myself:Yourself ep1-6:

Not much to say about this one, it's actually pretty boring. They start the first three episodes witha storyline them completely deviate from it and go in completely different direction.. It feels disjointed in regards to the flow of things.. Oh well, we'll see hwo the second half of this one goes tomorrow, but man, this one is pretty dry.

watch Full Moon O Sagashite. Do ittttttt


I'm really enjoying Stardust Crusaders so far but am I the only one who feels Battle Tendency is better. Now I know that I'm barely just 16 episodes in with Stardust Crusaders and it may be a bit unfair I guess. Still I just don't know how to explain it and put into clear words but Battle Tendency just had that flair.

I'm not trying to downplay Stardust Crusaders because it has been really good and enjoyable but it's just that something about Battle Tendency puts it above.
Nope. I enjoyed part 2 a lot more than I've liked part 3.


I'm really enjoying Stardust Crusaders so far but am I the only one who feels Battle Tendency is better. Now I know that I'm barely just 16 episodes in with Stardust Crusaders and it may be a bit unfair I guess. Still I just don't know how to explain it and put into clear words but Battle Tendency just had that flair.

I'm not trying to downplay Stardust Crusaders because it has been really good and enjoyable but it's just that something about Battle Tendency puts it above.

Battle Tendency smokes the first half. Might be a toss up once you hit Egypt though.
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