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Spring Anime 2015 |OT2| Euriphonium

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Well I've already established there's nothing to gain from taking Cajun's opinion on anything Hyouka serious, but Shard, keep going for 3-4 episodes and if you don't think the characterization is strong, just stop watching because it's clear you'll get nothing out of it in that case.

My take on Hyouka is 100% serious, but you dont have to agree with it. I think it might be the most over rated anime show in recent memory.
Am 6 episodes into Love Lab and you know, even in this kind of show I really appreciate the non-episodic and hardly formulaic format. I don't even think the comedy is amazing but when every episode feels somewhat fresh and there's some character and story progression it's really quite a boon.

My take on Hyouka is 100% serious, but you dont have to agree with it. I think it might be the most over rated anime show in recent memory.

Yeh well I won't give much on an opinion that values 'cutesy' characters over well written ones every time.
Symphogear G 11




Well there was actually some nice animation at the end, this season is far superior to the first on that front. The duet between Chris and Kirika was great.

But this scientist guy. Does he even have a name? He is now literally going to kill everyone and they are still like "BUT OUR HOPE THO"
I actually respect Euphonium more in this regard because they are taking on the ambition of doing an anime about a concert band and thus have to deal with a cast of about roughly 60 people and that is not easy to juggle in the best of times. Also, Koyto Animation isn't cheaping out here either, they have given everybody in the band a unique character look.
The cast is enormous yeah, that's definitely why. The fact that the visuals are still great too, specially the backgrounds and instruments is remarkable too. Someone on here talked about other details, such as how the sounds from the instruments aren't being played by professionals, but by teenagers, making the sounds more authentic.

There's only one book that hasn't been animated yet if I recall correctly so we'll have to wait a while for a completely new season. A movie would be nice and could totally work but someone in this thread told me a few weeks ago that Hyouka licensing is a complete mess so that's also out of the picture. For now at least.

It's a shame though because I don't like the current ending.
Felt like a tease.
I KNOWWW (talking about the spoiled part). I still hope to see a conclusion to that one of these days.


Little Busters Refrain ep. 7-END:

My Goodness, this show plays all kinds of games with you and it does a great job of hiding it's secrets until the very end. It’s all a big giant set-up like any good show should be. The first season is a lot of fun to watch with some dramatic moments that touch your heart, but it’s still keeps the humor intact with a lighthearted feel and tone in the background. However, that all changes in Refrain. There is a new tone and feel to these episodes from the opening track throughout. You get tiny hints of fun, but there is a much darker tone that follows you throughout these episodes as your still kept in the dark on the happenings; it doesn’t kick in until halfway through when you start figuring things out a little. With that beig said, the show did switch gears to focus in on two of the most dynamic childhood friends and you find yourself rooting for them, (just like everyone else) However, the show never delves too deep into the romantic side of their relationship. (We’ll leave that for all the fan art online) However, within the story and the setting, it is a perfect and beautiful relationship to witness. Also, episode (ep.4) was excellent and was a really low-key as a whole, but was again perfect within the context of the story. It’s one of those “happenings, that doesn’t make complete sense until the story starts gaining momentum with the story.


When you finally close in on the end and the plotline is laid out (ep. 11-13.) It really kicks you in the gut and makes you want to break down crying. Despair, pain, fear, panic and melancholy all kick in and the feels really bear down yon you. What just happened? Are you serious, so that’s what has been going on this whole time….

There are moments that make you smile as well, but the tone is different as the world around them is changing. My lawd, what an ending and closure to the story. Everything that led up to this point worked wonders in deepening the plotline and final ending… Just watch it and enjoy your time with this show. It’s a crazy, confusing, emotional ride, that it’s all worth it when the final credits roll, I'm glad I held out through those final episodes as it was very much worth it even through the rough parts..


The cast is enormous yeah, that's definitely why. The fact that the visuals are still great too, specially the backgrounds and instruments is remarkable too. Someone on here talked about other details, such as how the sounds from the instruments aren't being played by professionals, but by teenagers, making the sounds more authentic.

I KNOWWW (talking about the spoiled part). I still hope to see a conclusion to that one of these days.

KyoAni's attention to detail borders on fanatical but I can appreciate it.
The thing about the teens playing music instead of adults is a great example, or observing how people actually act when doing, feeling, saying things.


Yea, not really seeing anything special about any of these characters yet. In fact, Hōtarō Oreki is already starting to grate on the nerves.

IIRC back when Hyouka was airing almost everyone in AnimeGAF was describing it as beautiful but boring and mundane. In time, most of those people became fans. The festival arc is one of my favorite episode runs ever, I couldn't wait for a new episode to air during that time.
IIRC back when Hyouka was airing almost everyone in AnimeGAF was describing it as beautiful but boring and mundane. In time, most of those people became fans. The festival arc is one of my favorite episode runs ever, I couldn't wait for a new episode to air during that time.

Other than episde 6, Hyouka was highly praised from early on, well before the festival arc. You had people saying it was boring, but those are mostly the same people saying it today.


IIRC back when Hyouka was airing almost everyone in AnimeGAF was describing it as beautiful but boring and mundane. In time, most of those people became fans. The festival arc is one of my favorite episode runs ever, I couldn't wait for a new episode to air during that time.

Yeah it does improve dramatically during the festival arc and onwards when stuff actually HAPPENS.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Yamada and the Seven Witches 8

This episode makes no fucking sense. The source material also made no fucking sense. Therefore, its actually just accurate. *shrug*


Other than episde 6, Hyouka was highly praised from early on, well before the festival arc. You had people saying it was boring, but those are mostly the same people saying it today.

I don't know, I remember not starting to watch right away because the first impressions weren't the best, and then it suddenly shifted and I jumped in right around the festival arc.


Sound! Euphonium 09

Hey, you can't
break up the main foursome like that.
I know that Hazuki's an amateur, but I was hoping her main character power would be enough to get her through this. She'll have her chance to shine, I know it!


I don't know, I remember not starting to watch right away because the first impressions weren't the best, and then it suddenly shifted and I jumped in right around the festival arc.

To be fair, the movie arc was kinda fun just before it.

Link Man

Sound! Euphonium 9


I don't know if it was just poor direction or what (the art definitely seemed rushed at spots), but what should have been one of the most tense episodes just came out sort of blah.

PK Gaming

Bojack Horseman

Fuck Shinji, Fuck Homura, Fuck Ghoul DeMasque. This is soul crushing depression done better, without any contrived circumstances for the hole they've found themselves in. Bojack is a gross, selfish pig of a horsebeing that you can't help but follow down a path of drugs, rejection and bad life decisions. The first two or so episodes are weak but once the focus shifts from hit and miss comedy to Bojack's fucked up life the show really hits its stride. Watch this, cleanse your soul.

Please, please, please watch the Christmas episode

It's legitimatly amazing


I wacthed the first 2 episodes of Bakemonogatari.
That was... something.

The first two episodes are properly brilliant, showing off the genuinely good premise and story that Bakemonogatari has. To me, almost nothing else in the series touches the start, which left it as a bit of a disappointment imo.
Dat HMV box, dat Asuka... HNNNG

What's goin' on here, is this meant to be the art for the retailer-exclusive box that will hold all the Blu-rays?

And I can already feel various social media networks threatening to explode with fury over the scenes about Shuichi...

The main plot interests me far more in the end so Hmm.
Sound! Euphonium 9:
Dammit, you can't just fail Natsuki like that after everything the show has done with her character. I felt so awful when that happened. It's a really upsetting moment. Hazuki failing was expected, so I can't really say that I cared too much.

I liked how the show handled the auditions for the most part, with the direction really quieting down everything and also showing how it all kind of passed in a haze for Kumiko. We had a number of good character beats in this episode, between Natsuki practicing, the opening scenes with everyone in the section together and Asuka storming off, and the conversation between Haruka and Kaori that was a pretty good moment.
Sound! Euphonium 9


I don't know if it was just poor direction or what (the art definitely seemed rushed at spots), but what should have been one of the most tense episodes just came out sort of blah.

It's a Kitanohara episode. Kitanohara is kinda the "meh" episode director and, given the rise of Kawakami, Ogawa, Yamamura, Yukimura, Fujita, and Utsumi, he's been outclassed for a while on his episodes. There's honestly a good argument that (by contrast) he's the worst director at the studio.

For reference, here's the entire list of episode directors employed at either Kyoto Animation or Animation Do:
Tatsuya Ishihara (Euphonium director)
Naoko Yamada (Euphonium series director)
Takuya Yamamura (ep 3 director) - Do
Ai Yukimura (ep 4 director)
Yoshiji Kigami (ep 5 director)
Eisaku Kawanami (ep 6 director) - Do
Yasuhiro Takemoto (ep 7 director)
Haruka Fujita (ep 8 director)
Noriyuki Kitanohara (ep 9 director)
Hiroko Utsumi (swimming somwhere) - Do
Taichi Ogawa (chief unit director on Kyoukai "Future" movie)
Taichi Ishidate (directing Kyoukai movies during production)

Yeah, there's a possible case we see /every/ director take an episode on Euphonium, which is rare there for a 1 cour show. This helps manage both the Kyoukai movie and Euphonium show produced at the same time.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
But I never asked for a Kyoukai movie. Can't they just work on more Hyouka???


Went for the $100 pledge, might drop down to the $50 later however. Lets see how it goes.

Also, new Space Dandy Season 2 UK Packaging and DVD Complete Set:
Complete DVD Set

Collectors Edition Blu-ray

Nice! I need to check on S2 of the Us release myself.


Sound Euphonium 9
You know, I don't think I will ever be able to like Midori. In contrast I have come to like Hazuki a lot and her boldness in talking and confronting issues is refreshing.

This episode was surprisingly calm for an audition episode. There were nice moments sprinkled throughout, like Asuka going nuts and that Reina and Kumiko pep talk, but nothing I would call tense. It was sad though knowing that some people couldn't get in despite practicing really hard, like that other Euphonium girl I forgot the name of.
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