thats y g-reco owns thoYeah Age wasn't very good but at least you can follow the plot and the characters actually speak and act comprehensibly most of the time unlike Reconguista in g which is looks pretty but is complete nonsense.
thats y g-reco owns thoYeah Age wasn't very good but at least you can follow the plot and the characters actually speak and act comprehensibly most of the time unlike Reconguista in g which is looks pretty but is complete nonsense.
That way they could air Thermae Romae in the same seasonal timeslot!
Thermae Romae was a pretty fun little show.
Those Who Hunt Elves 3
There was a school bus that had a bomb to be disarmed but this is magical elf land and I don't even fucking know.
thats y g-reco owns tho
urg G-reco is the only Gundam so far that I had the urge to drop several episodes in. I should have followed my instincts on that since I forced myself to plow thought week after week and it was an utter waste of time.
What's that in reference to?"Boobs, Butts, and Twintails?"
Hahahhahaha Anime Expo's descent into lewdness just keeps increasing. I can't believe it and this is my 4th year going. So cringy it's hilarious.
who's they and why are they hunting elves?
They're looking for lost spell fragments tattooed on elves to get them back to Japan!!
Also reminds me I should watch Hyouge Mono sometime.
They sound like villains.
G-reco is better then Char's Counterattack, still the worst Gundam thing I've seen
I'm still debating if G-Reco or GBF Try were better in my head
G-Reco was something that I personally enjoyed, but I can't really fault someone for not enjoying it. You really have to have a specific frame of mind to really appreciate that certain blend of Tomino.
But the first half of the show was genuinely really good. It's only towards the end where you really needed to just accept the batshit insanity of Tomino.
I tried to fix the OP, but I can't copy paste the formatting from OT1
I tried to fix the OP, but I can't copy paste the formatting from OT1
"Boobs, Butts, and Twintails?"
Hahahhahaha Anime Expo's descent into lewdness just keeps increasing. I can't believe it and this is my 4th year going. So cringy it's hilarious.
What's that in reference to?
Yea I'm not going this year. This is the worst guest list they've had in over a decade if not their worst one ever. I'm just gonna have to eat the $400 I sunk into this shit.
I tried to fix the OP, but I can't copy paste the formatting from OT1
TUSR, I'm secretly convinced you've hacked /a/ and track everything I upload
We shall see, I am skeptical of the hype.
So, is there any redeeming factor in watching To LOVE-Ru?
or should I just finish the last 3 seasons of The Familiar of Zero first?
I'm keeping all this in mind the next time Mike tries to watchbet me To Love Ru.
Also best character
Still watching Gasaraki as I manage to get to Episode 11 right now. I can start to see why people don't like the show as the pacing is very slow. Still pushing forward as I don't mind the slow pace show. Love the mecha scene as they try to make it look realistic which look fine.
Also, wondering if it's worth it to buy Ghost Stories DVD. Saw a sample clips on it and kinda want to take a bite of it.
Thanks guys for saying that Netflix has the Madoka movies available. Should I just watch Rebellion if I've already seen the series?
So, is there any redeeming factor in watching To LOVE-Ru?
(Only clean picks I could find.)
or should I just finish the last 3 seasons of The Familiar of Zero first?
Wow, Madoka Movie 1 is the show, to the letter.
Seems a little shameless, but oh well. Glad I won't miss much. I'll just skim to the key moments to see how they changed.
Thats why we tell people to just watch movie 3. Unless you really want to see the series with prettier dressing, then skip to movie 3 to see the new goods.
Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda. x meiji chocolate CM
Should I just take TLR of my MAL? Maybe I should just experience Elfin Lied instead..
Great, I was scrolling through my MAL at work looking for something to watch tomorrow, lol. The first season of The Familiar of Zero was pretty fun and it has a great VA, too bad she is a tsundere biotch so far, well, most of the time.
A better idea would be to not watch both of those and watch Gundam Build Fighters instead. It's available for free on Gundaminfo's Youtube channel!
Pfft. You'll love it! Just as much as you loved Elfen Lied.
Ben-to is on Funimation and it's not garbage like TLR.
Index/Railgun or Accel World.
Oh yeah, Cornbread would enjoy both Ben-to and Hataraku Maou-sama.
I don't post much these days ( witcher 3 is the cause ) , but statement like this are the reason to bring me back.
Despite what some might tell you , gundam age is the WORST of the gundam's a big ball of shit. Many gundam series have problems , but gundam AGE is the only anime gundam that didn't even try. There is NOTHING , i mean NOTHING worth mentionning in gundam AGE. The plot is dull , because of the characters , the time skip within the generation skips ..the characters are horrible morons of the higest degree and the only perso worth a damn dies in the middle of the show leaving the trainwreck crash beautifully making the maximum damage.
That is gundam AGE.
The music is forgettable, the gundam design are pathetic. ( to think that turn A gundam got shat one for his design during the day , when they aren't bad..and gundam Age exist. ) The vilain is terrible , a joke.. there is no pay-off to the build-up and you can see the death flag appearing several episodes before the characters EVEN appear in the show.. that takes work.
Half the cast doesn't even need to be there.. and the remaining half are making terrible decision on-screen or off-screen. Worse they actually focused on dull characters ON PURPOSE !! what a sin..
GUNDAM AGE is Bad , it's an arrow that missed the target , and got reflect back in your balls , and you're bleeding , it hurts ..and everyone is laughing at you.. ( times 50).
Index/Railgun or Accel World. of those is decent. The other is Accel World.
Homura did nothing wrong.Madoka Rebellion
Re-watched Madoka Rebellion since it is now on Netflix and welp I still feel the same way since the first time I saw it.
Homura is the fucking worst.
Where yo nose at.
Huh, so basically the movie and the TV show is exactly the same except for one or two things probably.
You're killing me Smalls! I guess I'm just going to have to pull something from my queue and watch it since thete is so much crap on my list, lol. What about DearS?
Or I'll just watch the rest of Little Busters Refrain since it's addictive as hell. We finally have our first couple of the show and it's perfect, however, they were the bestso we all know how that works out in anime, but they are cute and can learn together.childhood friends
My condolences.
Homura did nothing wrong.
G Reco must get pretty damn bad if the first half is the good part.G-Reco was something that I personally enjoyed, but I can't really fault someone for not enjoying it. You really have to have a specific frame of mind to really appreciate that certain blend of Tomino.
But the first half of the show was genuinely really good. It's only towards the end where you really needed to just accept the batshit insanity of Tomino.
What other show features a girl running around trying to pull at a GENIUS'S hair in the middle of a serious bridge conversation? Or the main character pooping in his Gundam? Or someone wanting a spacesuit for her pet fish? Yeah, that's what I thought.
well playedDoes anyone really want a movie starring Mayaka?
Literally any of the other girls would be better; Mami, Kyouko, Green-hair chan, Yuno, Miyako, Sae...
Considering she's the second most interesting character in the series, after Mami, I'd be totally down for that.The only thing that Homura did right wassequelbaiting another movie with Sayaka as a main character
Those Who Hunt Elves 1
I forgot how cheap looking this show is. Still kinda funny though :lol
Those Who Hunt Elves 3
There was a school bus that had a bomb to be disarmed but this is magical elf land and I don't even fucking know.
They're looking for lost spell fragments tattooed on elves to get them back to Japan!!
Why did they have to ruin the illust. with those two? (you know who)KyoAni & Animation Do event