attracted to each other ≠ romantic attraction
chair-kun :^)
Please tell me you live in Japan.
My work is done here.No thats awoo~
No YOUR momiji pls.
Why would anyone post there?You should post your reaction in MangaGaf.
That's a rather sore spot of mine...attracted to each other ≠ romantic attraction
The original is 引力, which is really literally "attraction".its probably a translation thing
The original is 引力, which is really literally "attraction".
Euphonium 9
Sigh.. We're supposed to believe thatKumiko has always liked him based only on that? That she was unhappy when Hazuki spoke to Shuichi? When the fuck was that. Everyone's interaction with him was minimal...
Regardless, that scene between Reina and Kumiko was cute. Oh Reina. Only you would know what your wife was thinking just by looking at her.
It is nice to see the effect that Reina had on Kumiko, after they spent the night together.
A fuller sound? Gotten a little more mature?
Please enjoy some misleading pictures (don't forget your goggles):
And Asuka is a bigger ice queen than I expected. Or perhaps I should call her a robot...
I achieved what I needed after Hot House. I have nothing else to contribute to that thread.
Eupho 9 spoilersThe least they could do is make Shuichi more interesting or Kumiko and his interaction more interesting.
My reaction to Asuka going nuts: O_O I should have known she was unhinged like that. She is a bit too cheerful.
The least they could do is make Shuichi more interesting or Kumiko and his interaction more interesting.
My reaction to Asuka going nuts: O_O I should have known she was unhinged like that. She is a bit too cheerful.
Eupho 9 spoilers
Yup. I may be biased but I just don't, which he has been for the majority of the show.feel any chemistry between them. There's nothing there that would make me want to root for them. At all. All he has is his status as childhood friend. She has been a jerk to him all season and he has been ...he hasn't been anything. He could have easily passed as a mob character
Thank god they followed up on the "she's a bad leader" thing
The least they could do is make Shuichi more interesting or Kumiko and his interaction more interesting.
My reaction to Asuka going nuts: O_O I should have known she was unhinged like that. She is a bit too cheerful.
If they end up actually going this way I am dropping Eupho from my recommendation lists no matter if the rest of it is 1m times better than Hyouka by the end.Eupho 9 spoilers
Yup. I may be biased but I just don't, which he has been for the majority of the show.feel any chemistry between them. There's nothing there that would make me want to root for them. At all. All he has is his status as childhood friend. She has been a jerk to him all season and he has been ...he hasn't been anything. He could have easily passed as a mob character
Euriphonium 09
I should pay more attention to the little character interactions. They're actually really good! When Shuichi boarded the train he was eating something. When Hazuki departed she immediately bought the same thing. Whether to get to understand him better in some little way or just because she was hungry, this subtle little story was great.
hazuki and asuka dropped all the points this week. I'll take more natsuki from now on
I will admit that this was what baited me to the show. KyoAni. Masters of yuri baiting. How many times have they gotten me...
She probably was just hungry.Euriphonium 09
I should pay more attention to the little character interactions. They're actually really good! When Shuichi boarded the train he was eating something. When Hazuki departed she immediately bought the same thing. Whether to get to understand him better in some little way or just because she was hungry, this subtle little story was great.
hazuki and asuka dropped all the points this week. I'll take more natsuki from now on
For me Hazuki got some points.She actually dealt with the problems in a mature manner, is not acting like it's the end of the world, and talked things out with Midori. The opposite of Kumiko actually, whose avoidance can be a bit frustrating sometimes. Also who is Natsuki again?
Eupho senpai. She drank water in the most attractive way possible in ep 9.
Oh! Yeah I like her character very much then. She has improved a lot.It wasn't enough for the audition though.
Love Live S2 E3
A-RISE performance >>>
Wait, what? That's not what was said the other day dammit, my head hurts... Does Yamada at least get a shot to hook up with Shirishi for real?
Love Live S2 E3
A-RISE performance >>>
Ty for spoilersA-RISE was robbed.
Helps that I like her character design too. I'm expecting them to show us. They have to or Kumiko'sthe aftermath of the auditions between her and Kumikowould have been for naught.flashbacks
I will admit that this was what baited me to the show. KyoAni. Masters of yuri baiting. How many times have they gotten me...
So would you say they're master baiters?
what. the. fuck.
Is that a very heavy instrument?
what. the. fuck.
not enough split screenLook at the hallway.
That's some Turn A levels of direction.
Lol. Very much so.So would you say they're master baiters?
what. the. fuck.
She probably was just hungry.
[Tomorrow's Joe]: 1-79 and [Tomorrow's Joe II]: 1-47
What a show. Without a doubt, one of the greatest anime of all time.
I'd like to say more but it's going to take me a while to put my thoughts together on a series that's longer than Legend of the Galactic Heroes. There's so much material and so many possible areas to discuss that it feels something akin to climbing a mountain. I really don't know where to begin.
But, begin I must. In the meantime, I suggest that everyone watches this fantastic series.
A word of warning, however. There are two Tomorrow's Joe shows and the second season is not a direct continuation of the first. Instead, it is partly a remake of the original. Therefore the optimal viewing experience is to watch Tomorrow's Joe up till episode 51 and then once you're done there swap over to Tomorrow's Joe II. Tomorrow's Joe II covers the same material that the original show does during episodes 52-79, but it does the same material far better.
It's like Tamako Market but if we never ever got the perspective of mochi.
Also, from the english website
Love Live S2 E3
A-RISE performance >>>