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Spring Anime 2015 |OT2| Euriphonium

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I would say money is money, but I don't even know if Funimation makes money.

The Funimation guys were on ANNCast not too long ago, so I wonder if they just happen to be at the top and don't suffer from these socalled politics.

(I also have no idea what Echo Light is supposed to be).

Dragon Ball Z, and its countless iterations continue to drive Funi to make money. They tend to get most of the shows that were profitable (Viz has Bleach, Naruto, and Sailor Moon and little else), so they end up being the ones to benefit from disc sales. However, disc sales are dropping for average titles (despite the bias Sevakis shows in his articles), which is why they're pushing their simuldubs to the detriment of their other licenses in order to capture streaming numbers.

The Funimation staff on ANNCast are the high executives in charge of marketing. They will spin anything to sound positive on their company because it's what they've spent their career doing. They are above the rest, so they don't have to play politics anymore. Anything said on those podcasts is not worth the salt you have to take it with.

(It sounds like I'm negative, but these are the facts you have to take the R1 industry with.)
No idea, but that
captain hook
arm, lol. Waiting for the final few episodes of Grisaia, SNAFU, Yamada-kun Danmachi and Plastic Memories is gonna be tough..

The SNAFU2 ending is gonna break my heart. It's gonna be another bunch of years checking the charts to see something that may or may not fill the same shoes. Spoiler : it never happened with season 1. Never. Until season 2 came.


See I just can't say that when there's still another cour to go. I can never call a show that has two cours AOTS simply because it may take a turn for the worst out of nowhere. I will be holding on to my vote until I see the last episode next season!

I certainly see where you are coming from. But AOTS is different than AOTY. This season, its been better than anything else I'm watching. You are completely right that it could drop off in the second cour - or even in the last two episodes. But at least looking at the Winter season, your 1 of Arslan tops everything else.

If it does drop off in quality though, that will just make it all the more painful since our 1 shows so much promise.

There are two manga series I think, both adapted from the novel series.

I believe the show follows the more recent one, by the creator of FMA. Sort of a shame if we end up waiting a long time for the manga to get ahead despite the novels existing.
So it seems like the Re-cap episode for Kekkai Sensen is gonna be like a radio show with people calling in.


This could definitely be good if done right. Man do I want Aligura's VA to be in it, her voice is just amazing.

Oh wow. If its another four then its definitely going past the manga then.


It's gonna start following the Novels, though the good thing is the FMA author Arakawa has provide some new character designs that haven't been in the manga.
Oh wow. If its another four then its definitely going past the manga then.


They've already shown characters that are ahead of the manga material. I guess they are just adapting the novels from here on out. And the show is running into the Summer season too.
As a Tales fan, so excited about the ufotable anime announcement. I'm also just pumped to see ufotable do something big that's not Fate related. Interested to see what it ends up being as all references to it are calling it a "Tales" project and not just a Zestiria adaptation.
That intrigues me too... but i'm quite sure those call back to the other projects are just a cheap way to get fans hyped for that anime. i Wouldn't dismiss a Zestria PS4 release near the timeframe that anime will air.
In short , they are probably going in DEEP for the fanbase money.

You need to gif "a shark doesn't play with it's pray", *whack*
I aim to please ( in sachi voice ):

You're right about alltge little details from S1, I picked out a few of them, but I missed the Tuna Man reference until you just reminded me. Poor Michiru, "hey guys, Michiru's can't swim" *all just stare at one another*
That's actually very funny since
she is actually the better swimmer of the entire cast.
As for the references , that van is actually the property of the school , that thanatos bought when it closed and "upgraded" it's amane car that she is accustomed to drive and she drive just a slightly less crazy than during the pursuit, the reason michiru wasn't feelign well is that , amane normal driving is "Initial D" - like ( If you don't get this reference , cornBread, add Initial D to your viewing list THIS INSTANT )
Yeah as a whole I've enjoyed the Tales anime adaptations, I even own the Tales of the Abyss series including the limited editions of volume 1 & 2 (QQ LE 3 & 4 never happened) it's actually the only sub only anime I own. Ufotable budget/production with Tales action could be excellent.
I actually enjoyed Tales of abyss anime adaptation.. i really felt like they did a good job with that one.. They actually adapted 1 to 1 the main quest of the game and they didn't leave much out of this set of content.( And they didn't change anything ) i really liked it.
The only real problem is that without some of the skits and sidequests some things wouldn't make total sense to the anime-only viewer but IMO that was a total sucess form my POV. the fact that they didn't change the OP was also a great choice.

Madoka Rebellion

Homura did some things right and some things wrong.
I can accept this summary.

The over the top stuff is the best part, lol
poor tuna man test shot, lol. Dat pink sniper rifle is da bomb. I can't believe
robot sis is still alive and has a true human form. legit shocked at how that turned out. She knew all the harem members and is now their #1 contender, lol.
How are they going to finish this mission? It's gonna be gud..
It's gonna be good. i can tell you that.

So now I am confused whether that is her
real body
, or if she's
a robot.

Confused ? You shouldn't ..the anime so far made it clear by leaving just too many hints.
There is like no point of keeping her human appearance if she is a robot..and why would you remove the brain from the head , if it's the basis of your system ..we aren't in psycho-pass. Last , why keep just the bionic hand if the rest of the body is mecanical too ? i could go on and on.


It was made to mimic both the artstyle for the anime OPs (which are fucking badass btw) and the cell shaded lighting in game. Here's the two for you to draw a comparison, right away you will see how similar they look to what you just watched, specially the latest one:

God Eater Burst OP:

God Eater 2 Rage Burst OP:

It's got a really distinctive look. With all the weapon options, I'm certain the fights are going to be really unique and interesting. I think the character animation will take some getting used to in slower, dilaogue based scenes, but the action is going to be awesome.

That intrigues me too... but i'm quite sure those call back to the other projects are just a cheap way to get fans hyped for that anime. i Wouldn't dismiss a Zestria PS4 release near the timeframe that anime will air.
In short , they are probably going in DEEP for the fanbase money.

I hope it's not some weird crossover animation or just vignettes from each Tales game. I think a unique story in one Tales universe, an adaptation or completely new universe are probably the best option.

As for Zestiria PS4, it's certainly coming. I think the question is whether or not the PC/PS4 version is exclusive to the West, which seems fairly likely at this point.


So it seems like the Re-cap episode for Kekkai Sensen is gonna be like a radio show with people calling in.


This could definitely be good if done right. Man do I want Aligura's VA to be in it, her voice is just amazing.

It's gonna start following the Novels, though the good thing is the FMA author Arakawa has provide some new character designs that haven't been in the manga.
Ah. Nice. Very nice. Well, potentially very nice.
Confused ? You shouldn't ..the anime so far made it clear by leaving just too many hints.
There is like no point of keeping her human appearance if she is a robot..and why would you remove the brain from the head , if it's the basis of your system ..we aren't in psycho-pass. Last , why keep just the bionic hand if the rest of the body is mecanical too ? i could go on and on.

True, I guess it just seems too convenient and weird. But this is fiction after all, in a show where so much batshit crazy stuff happens I shouldn't even be questioning it lmfao!

It's got a really distinctive look. With all the weapon options, I'm certain the fights are going to be really unique and interesting. I think the character animation will take some getting used to in slower, dilaogue based scenes, but the action is going to be awesome.

I hope it's not some weird crossover animation or just vignettes from each Tales game. I think a unique story in one Tales universe, an adaptation or completely new universe are probably the best option.

As for Zestiria PS4, it's certainly coming. I think the question is whether or not the PC/PS4 version is exclusive to the West, which seems fairly likely at this point.

I can't wait for it. I really want to see what Ufotable does with the material, the fact that they created their own MC and all is interesting already as is.

As for Zestiria, I was thinking that with this anime, what I might do is just skip on the game altogether and watch the show instead. The Fall is packed with games as is, and I woudn't mind watching the story play out on a weekly basis, specially if it's well done and just like Abyss, a 1:1 representation.
I actually enjoyed Tales of abyss anime adaptation.. i really felt like they did a good job with that one.. They actually adapted 1 to 1 the main quest of the game and they didn't leave much out of this set of content.( And they didn't change anything ) i really liked it.
The only real problem is that without some of the skits and sidequests some things wouldn't make total sense to the anime-only viewer but IMO that was a total sucess form my POV. the fact that they didn't change the OP was also a great choice.

I'd be as bold as to say Karma is the best OP/theme song for any Tales game/anime


Romeo no Aoi Sora (Romeo's Blue Skies) is a 1995 Nippon Animation production that was directed by Kouzou Kusuba (Alps Stories: My Annette). This 33 episode TV series is a beautiful slice of life drama that is packed with historical facts, beautiful animation, great characters and an amazing soundtrack that together makes for a beautiful production that is a delight to watch and to be a part of. A member of the World Masterpiece Theater, home to series such as Anne of Green Gables and Heidi, Girl of the Alps (both of which were directed by Isao Takahata), Romeo is one of the last in this long lineage of amazing series that dates all the way back to the 1970’s, with veterans such as the masterful Takahata and Miyazaki being at the helm of a few, but even so Romeo fits in with the rest of them with ease as a remarkable animation in its own right that tackles themes often not seen in the medium with both delicacy and care. It’s a show that from beginning until the end had me hooked as it pulled me deeper into its world that is brimming with life, sorrow and happiness. Friendships are forged, and friendships are interrupted by the raging seas known as life, as people both come and go, at the mercy of fate and the cruel cards that they’ve been dealt, but no matter what happens, tomorrow will always be there, waiting for them to grow up and become adults and better people.

As with all of the other World Masterpiece Theater series, Romeo is based off of a novel, this one being Die schwarzen Brüder (The Black Brothers) which is a reference to the soot covered bodies that they wear, and is considered to be one of the most popular children’s books in Germany. Published in 1941, it tells the story of poor families that were forced to sell their children, usually young boys who were then sent off to sweep chimneys in the middle of the 19th century. It’s a journey that most kids never return from, with many hardships being faced along the way. It’s a fascinating, sad story that pulls you in and never lets you go, forever making you wonder what happened to the hundreds of kids that went out to sweep chimneys.

In school as a kid, it was common to learn about chimney sweeps and the things people had to go through back then, and although it always seemed to be dangerous, I have to admit that after watching this series, my respect for what they had to go through is undeniable and I’ve no doubt come to realize fully how incredibly dangerous this was and how lucky I am to be living in the world that we live in now, and without a doubt their acts paved the way for future generations in securing the safety of children. The series itself doesn’t delve too deep into the sweeping itself but instead uses it as a catalyst that brings together a bunch of children that forge an unbreakable friendship. The series however has inspired me to read up on these events more, to become more aware of our history and I feel that in this instance, the series has done its job.

From the very first instance that I laid my eyes on this series, I instantly fell in love with it, and sure enough 33 episodes later and Romeo not only struck a chord in my heart, but has become a series that I will forever treasure. Entertainment is good, and this series entertained no doubt, but the delight that I received from knowing of the lessons kids and the younger audience would learn from this series is invaluable and is without a doubt the greatest joy to come out of my almost two decades of anime viewing. From the beautiful animation to the lovely character designs, all backed by a wonderful soundtrack and voice cast, Romeo is both visually and audibly mesmerizing.

Yoshiharu Sato is the man who is responsible for the character designs here, and he did a great job in making them both charming and lovable, which works in juxtaposition to the often bleak story that inhabits this series, because what at first glance seems to be a happy, child friendly story goes into places that others daren’t go. From child slavery to general violence towards young children and poverty stricken families, it’s a show that’s had me crying both tears of sadness and of happiness many times throughout its duration. Each kid looks distinct and memorable, even the characters that don’t really do much, you remember them all though this journey, and that matters a lot in a show like this. The memories are priceless.

I don’t want to spoil this beautiful series, so without going into too much detail, the main character of this series is an 11 year old boy named Romeo who belongs to a close-knit family which has been affected by the drought. Day in, day out they work hard in order to earn what little money they can in order to survive. As the episodes go by you learn of a mysterious man who goes by the name the ‘God of Death’, a man who buys children off of poor families and sells them on for profit where they live the life of a chimney sweeper. Romeos father doesn’t give in to the man’s demands, but the God of Death doesn’t play by rules and sets fire to the only bit of field Remo’s father owns causing them more despair. With his father’s illness worsening, Romeo sells himself in order to help his father and sets off with the violent man to Milan where he hopes to one day return to his family, and his home. It’s fair to say that he meets many fiends along the way, and his life is never the same again, as he ventures off to become an adult.

Romeo’s Blue Skies never pulls any of its punches as it had me both crying and smiling in a way that most shows never do. It’s earnest and true to itself and tells its beautiful story with tact. The juxtaposition of the beautiful art style, cheery characters, bright colors and grim story creates a series that is an instant favorite of mine.

The soundtrack is great in Romeo, and as far as I am aware was done by Sadayosh Fujino. It does a brilliant job of juggling the funny, comic moments with the more serious. The theme song, composed by Taku Iwasaki is equally beautiful. On the subject of audio, the voice acting is top notch here and the innocence of the children is perfectly captured. The kid’s actually sound like kids, with fleeting dreams, and optimism for a tomorrow that may never come. What surprised me with the voice acting, and is a fact that I didn’t know until after I had finished was the fact that the two main characters are actually voiced by females, I actually never would have guessed!

Apparently this show supposed to be around 50 episodes but was cut down to 33 due to poor viewings, and I think herein lies the very unfortunate issue. You see, Romeo is too bleak and dramatic for the younger audience, and yet may come across as too childish for the more mature audience. This, to me is unfortunate. I hope that people are able to put precautions like that aside when looking at a show like this, or any of World Masterpiece series for that matter. These are beautiful series that deserve to be seen. Neither childish nor grownup they tread this beautiful path that lies in-between the two, which made me not only feel the fleeting emotions that I once felt as a child, but also managed to add the emotional punch that in the end hit the perfect balance. I felt invested in the story, I cared for the characters; I wanted them to be happy. Maybe I’m gushing here, maybe I’m melodramatic, but is that a crime? To speak passionately about something that I care so much about? Is a show that is aimed at a younger audience exempt from such feelings? I laughed while watching this show, and I cried hard. It was a beautiful journey that I’m glad that I got to experience, and a show that has without a doubt opened my eyes up to the genre and the World Masterpiece Theatre series and this is a path that I without a doubt want to delve deeper into. I love anime, and I love all sorts of series, from the very serious to the very silly, and I’m always in the mood for either. Romeo was a breath of fresh air for me, a show with a different pace and different tone. It’s melodramatic and over the top at times, and you know what? That’s fine.

The show contains many clichés, many convinces, but the characters are great and it just pulls you in and never let’s go. The end is amazing, but no doubt you can see that it’s rushed and certain character develop suddenly at the end that at the time felt natural, given everything concluding but looking back seem a bit convenient, and some characters that I love with all my heart never get a conclusion or are never seen again, and that truly breaks my heart. Having said that, I think the ending was still satisfying and had a huge emotional impact on me and I won’t be forgetting it anytime soon.

In the end, I love this series but did try to be fair, acknowledging its flaws and weak points. It is something that I will recommend to everybody, but I do fear that people may look at it and turn up their nose, feeling too big for it. Hopefully that’s not the case. It has parts that could have been strengthened, but that’s fine, because as a complete package from start to finish I had an amazing time with it. It’s a story about being optimistic, fighting as hard as you can, for both yourself and for your friends. A story that expresses the importance of both friendship and education, and how no matter what obstacles lay in front of you, fight on, hand in hand with your friends as you pave a better future. Life will always throw you a curve, and at times you'll resent everybody around you, but you have to keep your chin up and move forward, to not let your struggles be in vain, and to most importantly never let go of your dreams. Life is cruel, but it doesn't have to be as long as you have your friends by your side.

Story 8
Animation 8
Sound 9
Character 10
Enjoyment 10
Overall: 9.5/10


I aim to please (in sachi voice ):

That's actually very funny since
she is actually the better swimmer of the entire cast.
As for the references , that van is actually the property of the school , that thanatos bought when it closed and "upgraded" it's amane car that she is accustomed to drive and she drive just a slightly less crazy than during the pursuit, the reason michiru wasn't feelign well is that , amane normal driving is "Initial D" - like ( If you don't get this reference , cornBread, add Initial D to your viewing list THIS INSTANT )

It's gonna be good. i can tell you that.

Confused ? You shouldn't ..the anime so far made it clear by leaving just too many hints.
There is like no point of keeping her human appearance if she is a robot..and why would you remove the brain from the head , if it's the basis of your system ..we aren't in psycho-pass. Last , why keep just the bionic hand if the rest of the body is mecanical too ? i could go on and on.

Nice gif, the guys expression is priceless!

Poor Michiru and she is the only one that has gotten any
lovin' from Yuuji, lol
Initial D? My MAL search is in conclusive on that one.

Yeah, she completely hid it from
Yuuji in the last episode when they were introduced by appearing as a holigram. II wonder what his reaction is going to be. When you think about it that "what is your favorite food" answer: "Yuuji" line is even more awesome.
Yeah, the robo
arm clearly tells you that she is alive and human, man, the harem intro with her and especially Amano should be awesome
so pumped for next week..


True, I guess it just seems too convenient and weird. But this is fiction after all, in a show where so much batshit crazy stuff happens I shouldn't even be questioning it lmfao!
Well , indeed , grisaia world is filled with many things questionnable that are just told and you need to accept as it is.. The rest is carefully exposed in the game during the common route( of the first game ) .. Like how the heck is made sachi maid dress, the how and why of some behaviors of the characters.
But as for this character , if think the anime made it clear enough that she is just "that" high spec.
As for Zestiria, I was thinking that with this anime, what I might do is just skip on the game altogether and watch the show instead. The Fall is packed with games as is, and I woudn't mind watching the story play out on a weekly basis, specially if it's well done and just like Abyss, a 1:1 representation.
We don't know yet if it'll be a 1:1 adaptation . Do we even know the lenght ?

I'd be as bold as to say Karma is the best OP/theme song for any Tales game/anime

Not that bold of a claim , it should be in the Top 5 of any tales of fan.
Romeo no Aoi Sora (Romeo's Blue Skies) is a 1995 Nippon Animation production that was directed by Kouzou Kusuba (Alps Stories: My Annette)...

Great read, nice review, the only thing that ever stops me from going back to shows like these, as awful as it may sound since I was born in that era and it's what I grew up with, the visuals look dated. And by that I don't mean the art direction since that was great, it's the character design that bothers me the most. Also 4:3. Man I really am a scrub lol, I shouldn't even call myself a 90's guy anymore ahahaha


Steins;Gate OVA

Definitely a callback to the earlier comedic moments of the series. A lot of Okabe being weird as well as his terrible English.

That scene at the end was cute.
And it was kinda cool to see Suzuha's mom. Of course she is a spitting image of her.
Nice gif, the guys expression is priceless!

Poor Michiru and she is the only one that has gotten any
lovin' from Yuuji, lol
Initial D? My MAL search is in conclusive on that one.
Not going to answer that spoiler lol.
Initial D must be experienced as an anime... for the soundtrack at least since it's the best racing anime ever made.
^^ i'm willing to argue about this point.
Yeah, she completely hid it from
Yuuji in the last episode when they were introduced by appearing as a holigram. II wonder what his reaction is going to be. When you think about it that "what is your favorite food" answer: "Yuuji" line is even more awesome.
Yeah, the robo
arm clearly tells you that she is alive and human, man, the harem intro with her and especially Amano should be awesome
so pumped for next week..

It kinda make sense if you think about it.
Yuuji had more than enough things to think about ..and what was he going to do if he knew , go against his orders ? not without a plan.


Great read, nice review, the only thing that ever stops me from going back to shows like these, as awful as it may sound since I was born in that era and it's what I grew up with, the visuals look dated. And by that I don't mean the art direction since that was great, it's the character design that bothers me the most. Also 4:3. Man I really am a scrub lol, I shouldn't even call myself a 90's guy anymore ahahaha

Haha don't worry about it, glad that you liked it. For some reason, I just have a huge affinity for these types of character designs. The man in question who designed them has done a bit of work on some Ghibli films like Totoro and Kiki and it shows, there's a familiarity with these. The designs are very peppy and overly...simplistic I guess is the word, but they retain this childlike quality that I really like. Just typing in his name, Yoshiharu Sato gives me characters that just look really nice to me :) Also, yeah 4:3 haha I have no issue that that too, in fact I might even prefer that too now that I think about it lol. I guess the most logical this is the fact that most of my favorite series were released in that format and thus my memories are attached to that. Again, thanks for your comment :)


SNAFU Too 10

Hmm, the Hayamas are a family friend of the Yukinoshitas, Yukino is pained to see her mother, and her mother is wearing a traditional kimono for a meeting with Hayato's family. I'm guessing arranged marriage?

I read the LNs but I never arrived at that conclusion. I'm awed.


This episode had everything. I was satisfied with how they resolved the Christmas party arc. Yukino is smiling more and closing the gap between her and Hachiman. Iroha making moves and proving she's the best girl. The only thing that's missing is an intimate Yui moment and we may have gotten a 3-way progress between the girls.

- Still didn't get Hayama's line where he said her feelings aren't meant for him when Iroha confessed last episode. I wonder what Iroha said during her confession?
- Iroha's train scene was just as I imagined. :)
- Komachi is the best younger sister I've seen in animes I've recently watched.
- This anime really emphasizes on holding the cuffs or sleeves of another person.
- That save me look by Yukino before the end of the episode. You have to help her stand up for herself someday Hachiman.
- That stare by Hachiman to Hayama. I can't convey the emotion he wants to express. Is it disgust?

All this Steins;Gate posts are just tempting me more to watch the anime. I have to hold out till I play the VN first though. NA release when?
Neon Genesis Evangelion - 15

Things are definitely getting more interesting now.

We get a well done scene regarding Misato's character.

Asuka asks Shinji to kiss her because she was bored.

And it also turns out that Gendo Ikari's got the first Angel crucified deep within NERV.

Well, that would explain why the Angels keep trying to get in there. Maybe they're trying to rescue their buddy?
I read the LNs but I never arrived at that conclusion. I'm awed.


This episode had everything. I was satisfied with how they resolved the Christmas party arc. Yukino is smiling more and closing the gap between her and Hachiman. Iroha making moves and proving she's the best girl. The only thing that's missing is an intimate Yui moment and we may have gotten a 3-way progress between the girls.

- Still didn't get Hayama's line where he said her feelings aren't meant for him when Iroha confessed last episode. I wonder what Iroha said during her confession?
- Iroha's train scene was just as I imagined. :)
- Komachi is the best younger sister I've seen in animes I've recently watched.
- This anime really emphasizes on holding the cuffs or sleeves of another person.
- That save me look by Yukino before the end of the episode. You have to help her stand up for herself someday Hachiman.
- That stare by Hachiman to Hayama. I can't convey the emotion he wants to express. Is it disgust?

All this Steins;Gate posts are just tempting me more to watch the anime. I have to hold out till I play the VN first though. NA release when?

There's one on the US Amazon but I believe that's a imported version from UK I think.

Here's the link.
Mirai Nikki - 01

Huh, thrilling premise I guess. That stare by the girl at the end... not sure if want.
OP was pretty good, I like the color theme. Based on the first minute this is probably going to go wild. The post credit scene with the Third was unexpectedly fun.


Also while I'm here, I realized that forgot to put Boogiepop Phantom within my top 15 OST's list. I was already satisfied with my list, with things like Robot Carnival and Texhnolyze and Only Yesterday...but damn it I would have stuck it in somewhere...It's. So. Fucking. Good...
Is anything happening with that thread? :p :)


Neon Genesis Evangelion - 15

Things are definitely getting more interesting now.

We get a well done scene regarding Misato's character.

Asuka asks Shinji to kiss her because she was bored.

And it also turns out that Gendo Ikari's got the first Angel crucified deep within NERV.

Well, that would explain why the Angels keep trying to get in there. Maybe they're trying to rescue their buddy?

Those Women Longed for the Touch of Other's Lips, and Thus Invited Their Kisses, my favorite episode in the whole series :)
Grisaia No Rakuen 8

He is sister in alive?

I think you missed some words in your sentence.

Arslan Senki - 10
All i can say is " too bad we never took a look at his daughter" lol.

Also the stakes are getting higher with each new episode , i gues sit's safe to assume that arslan is
not the legitimate heir of the throne , but who knows what happenned


Subete no aware
HUm the fanbase of some etotama guys are going deep for that code geass reference.:
Jeez, I assume that's not official. lol

As with all of the other World Masterpiece Theater series, Romeo is based off of a novel, this one being Die schwarzen Brüder (The Black Brothers) which is a reference to the soot covered bodies that they wear, and is considered to be one of the most popular children’s books in Germany. Published in 1941, it tells the story of poor families that were forced to sell their children, usually young boys who were then sent off to sweep chimneys in the middle of the 19th century. It’s a journey that most kids never return from, with many hardships being faced along the way. It’s a fascinating, sad story that pulls you in and never lets you go, forever making you wonder what happened to the hundreds of kids that went out to sweep chimneys.
You know, I never thought of checking out the adaptations of non-English books/books I've never heard about. It's too bad that these are fairly inaccessible, I'd probably check out at least a couple of episodes.
Samurai Flamenco Episode 1

Is this show supposed to be like Kick Ass because it reminds me of it for some reason. Anyways we have a individual who strives to be a genuine hero however even though he has the mindset he really does lack the strength to back it up. Though it seems Goto the police officer is there to provide support in some way. It was a good episode and a nice bonus that Sugita is voicing the officer (Gintoki as a police officer😆).

For anyone who has finished this series, how crazy does it get?
Samurai Flamenco Episode 1

For anyone who has finished this series, how crazy does it get?

You have no idea.

Neon Genesis Evangelion - 16


So the Eye of Vogler in this episode sucked Shinji into the darkness, causing him to have a nice friendly conversation with his subconscious.

Oh sorry, did I say conversation? I meant to say confrontation.

He didn't exactly have it good in there. But at least he got out of it okay! Physically, at least.


I read the LNs but I never arrived at that conclusion. I'm awed.

This episode had everything. I was satisfied with how they resolved the Christmas party arc. Yukino is smiling more and closing the gap between her and Hachiman. Iroha making moves and proving she's the best girl. The only thing that's missing is an intimate Yui moment and we may have gotten a 3-way progress between the girls.

- Still didn't get Hayama's line where he said her feelings aren't meant for him when Iroha confessed last episode. I wonder what Iroha said during her confession?
- Iroha's train scene was just as I imagined. :)
- Komachi is the best younger sister I've seen in animes I've recently watched.
- This anime really emphasizes on holding the cuffs or sleeves of another person.
- That save me look by Yukino before the end of the episode. You have to help her stand up for herself someday Hachiman.
- That stare by Hachiman to Hayama. I can't convey the emotion he wants to express. Is it disgust?

All this Steins;Gate posts are just tempting me more to watch the anime. I have to hold out till I play the VN first though. NA release when?

This show does an amazing job crafting a moment for these character's. Especially in this episode, you can pick out all those moments above and still add two more that make a huge impact like Yuki's comments as Hachiman is leaving the train and the look Hiki gives Iroha and say "president" as she walks away during the play; that look, was it admiration or is he really getting interested in her?. He better "take responsibility" for this.

Not going to answer that spoiler lol.

It kinda make sense if you think about it.
Yuuji had more than enough things to think about ..and what was he going to do if he knew , go against his orders ? not without a plan.

Well for intimacy, that had the
Asaka, sister and JB stuff explained, the Michiru kiss, but they never had anything really happen with his "girlfriend" Amano, unless I'm completely misremembering that episode
did I forget something or are you referring to the impending party upon his return to the
new school sensei just bought them with robo-sos' direction.

Grisaia No Rakuen 8

His sister is alive?

Can you imagine next week's conversation with Yuuji and her? Insane..
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