I would probably continue watching Big Order if Friday wasnt so packed and Maiyoga didnt exist
Just to give more context on the latest Big order episode.
Save your money.
No its pretty bad especially since they attempt to adapt much of the manga into so few episodes. Its an experience to watch while streaming but I wouldnt buy it at all.
Big Order episode 3
Haha, this show has really started to increase the stupid levels with this episode. The beginning was also really edgy with the executions and gore. Still can't stop laughing at that last scene where a girl gets pregnant, because the MC accidentally touched her head for a second, you don't see something so dumb every day.
I'm curious; has anyone else here watched the Project Itoh film, Harmony? I went into it with no expectations (doubly so because I didn't like the previous Itoh film, The Empire of Corpses) and ended up really liking it. It's very heavy on the philosophical dialogue (to the point that it reminded me of some of Oshii's films), and some of the CG work is a bit wonky (though it's better than 4C's work on Berserk, at least) but I found it to be a very interesting movie overall. The protagonist was great, and I really liked how it ended. It was neat seeing Micheal Arias work on a new film; he codirected it with the person who did A Tree of Palme (which I've heard mixed things about). If anyone else here has seen Harmony, what did you think of it?
I'm interested in Harmony because of Takashi Nakamura and Michael Arias, but was hesitant because the trailers looked sketchy. I'm glad to hear you're positive on it. Maybe I'll even bother to go to Funimation's theatrical screening of it.
Speaking of Nakamura, you should watch his show Fantastic Children. I believe you watched his short Shashinkan recently, and while Fantastic Children isn't quite as good it shows a similar single-minded vision and commitment to saying exactly what he wants to say.
There's an Oregairu OVA coming with the new VN based on Volume 10.5. It contains a dating scene with Iroha.
I don't understand this at all. There was no "fake out crap" in Hyouka.
Oreki and Chitanda's relationship was made perfectly clear by the end. There was no need for a confession scene or anything for them to go: "all in".
Also, pretentious? Really? A show that's pretentious would be something like Earth Maiden Arjuna. Hyouka was a show primarily about character interactions to make the little romantic aspects it had feel natural. It wasn't trying to preach anything or make a point.
I never realized confessions were such serious business.
Are you trying to say that having things understated or left to the viewer's interpretation is inherently smug? If that's true, I think I may have found someone who's my polar opposite.
Are you trying to say that having things understated or left to the viewer's interpretation is inherently smug?
Don't ever watch End of Evangelion then cornbread
Strike the Blood ep. 21-END:
(yeah, I get that comic now after the 10 or 15th time she said it)
Now that ending was something else. I mean, like always, the wrong girl won in the end as they continue to push the overused narrative thatlol. Also,childhood friends are useless and will never get a shotwas weird and felt out of place. I mean, I figure they were just closing the loop on everything to confirm the future ship, but man, but it was just an odd way to do it... The ending withthe whole Himeragi x Koujo's baby coming back from the future to help them destroy the magical beastThe series wasn't as much as a harem as I thought it would be as they really only tried shipping the one girl and everyone else was just there as a potential blood host, lol. The action scenes were often short, but decent and the mini arc type stories were pretty good. I just wish that there was a central plot through a 2 cour show, but instead, we just had those mini arcs throughout.Kojou waiting outside the school for her (for the first time ever) was cute enough as an ending
And to think she fully completed the gestation period in about 5 minutes! Next episode's opening will be fun.Just to give more context on the latest Big order episode.
The girl in the picture is telling the MC that she went into labor, 3 min after the MC touched her ribbon on the head for a mere second by accident . She also has a full preggy belly, that you can see growing during those 3 min.
DUMB doesn't do this show justice.
It must be an enemy stand cutting onions.
EFFING SOLD!Big Order - 03
this has pregnable bunny ribbon ears and a ripped tanned amazonian woman with a sledge hammer eating rocks with her shark teeth, what more could one possibly want??
*Shining Gundam theme starts playing*
Kabaneri 3
Solid episode. Ayame is stacked and is also pretty competent herself.
Fucking lol @ the American guy. Glad they at least got an American VA for him.
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress #3
American guy? Are you talking about the guy with the noble like hair style and said like two words in english? He did look a bit out of place with that hairstyle alone heh.
That American guy seems a bit forced in this universe. Like they knew they wanted a character the internet would go crazy for. He'll probably be called like Freedom-kun or some shit and when his death eventually happens the internet will lose their collective minds.
Space Patrol Luluco - Season 2 Episode 2
Okay nerds, you win. Show of the Forever.
She fucking said Yeeart!
Hello anime bros, which are the main shows this season?