NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
No safe place for triggered SAO fans.probably got tired of all of our negativity.
But negativity and irony feeds my soul.
No safe place for triggered SAO fans.probably got tired of all of our negativity.
But negativity and irony feeds my soul.
Another really solid episode that mostly focused on Kennosuke adjusting to modern society. The curry scene was great due to the 'horror' rock music that played. A good use of overly dramatic direction. The little sister's commentary throughout the first half was pretty funny. A lot of this reminds me of Full Metal Panic, due to the culturally impaired soldier not uh adjusting well to regular society. It's a bit more amplified here but both are hitting that same type of comedy and do it well. There was a good amount of thought put into the smaller things with Kennosuke like the underwear or lack of shoes. In general, the animators have put a lot of thought into body language. It's nothing groundbreaking but it does help give the show a level of energy that might otherwise be missing.
In addition, the show is starting to delve into Yukina's father issues. I'm not sure how much time the show is going to spend on this but it does help make her a bit more multifaceted. Besides the father almost certainly re-entering the plot as a plot point down the road, this subplot also serves to connect Yukina and Kennosuke together.
If they kill Lovepon next episode I'm dropping this shit.
When they start showing their pasts, you know they're probably about to die. So, Lovepon and Nyan girl are biting the dust next week if that's the case.
Kiznaiver 3
huh I figured I'd ready a glib comment about Okada for this but the show's handling the concept far better than I would have expected.
Maybe they'll disappear when those two are resuscitated at the scene of the bus crash where everyone's currently dying. #whatatwist
The direction has seemed to temper out Okada's 'tendencies' so it doesn't come off as insane as it probably should be. I also think the comedy is serving to balance most of the drama.
I really expected something as dumb as Mayoiga but far more frenetic and edgy. The comedy is so welcome.
I dont understand the lovepon love shes so dumb and annoying.
Kiznaiver 3
huh I figured I'd ready a glib comment about Okada for this but the show's handling the concept far better than I would have expected.
For anyone who managed to stomach both; which is the stupider show Big Order or Lost Village? Because from everyone's impression it sounds like Big Order raised the bar of stupidity to an unreachable level.
For anyone who managed to stomach both; which is the stupider show Big Order or Lost Village? Because from everyone's impression it sounds like Big Order raised the bar of stupidity to an unreachable level.
it really is lost, but somehow everyone is more of a bumbling moron and it makes less sense. Its hard to tell which of these twists will be the smoke monster just thrown out to distract people
I cannot get over how no one cares that Lovepon is actively trying to torture and kill people and everyone is more worried about if SOMEONE IS A FUCKING GHOST. Its so bafflingly bad I have to assume it was written that way.
Kabeneri of the Iron Fortress: 3
A more low key episode, but I think it's the best one yet. I think for the first time I am getting a hang on this Mumei character, I don't consider her just a ridiculous fighting machine and I think this episode did a good job in finally bringing decent characterization to her. The most well done part of the episode was the tragedy at the end. I was surprised at how restrained it was considering the people making this show, but I am glad! There was a great deal of impact, and that subtle look of sadness in her eyes after the kill said everything.
I would like to know more about that American engineer who's fixing the train's water tank.
And those goggles, ROFL...
This is the guy voicing Suzuki. He's a rather well known talent in Japan. Lol.
Dude's literally called max power? Amazing
Dude's literally called max power? Amazing
Lovepon's love is too pure for this world.
I'm glad I'm not the only one. Who else is on team Lovepon