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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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Hyouka 14-17

Very neat wrap-up to the culture festival arc. However, I thought the arc was a bit lacking compared to the stories on Hyouka and the movie arc.

I may have said that it was a bit lacking, but it's probably the best arc so far.

I don't understand how you think!

Original and Right of Left were 2004/2005, Heaven and Earth was 2010, Exodus was 2015. I really hope that if it is a sequel, it'll be earlier than 2020.

Since the Fafner director is doing Yamato 2202, any possible sequel to Exodus is likely a long ways off.


Kare Kano 12-13

On Tsubasa's dad-its refreshing to hear a VA with such a prominent lisp.
Since it was mentioned earlier, this is a great series for parent characters. Tsubasa's dad tangent just talking bullshit about his favourite tv shows and movies was hysterical and so "Sakuragi Hanamichi" dads reactions as well. This show knows what family card games are like, fun for a few minutes until back-stabbing and in-fighting breaks out. Lol at Maho's constant "Why am I even here?".

Aside from some of the best comedy so far, i thought there were also two of best visually put together episodes, especially the use of the coloring books for Tsubasa, and they told a great family story. Im not sure how i feel about TsubasaxKazuma and even the show was ambiguous as to what their relationship will ultimately be. Though they do compliment one another well and the moments they had were very sweet.


Apparently Attack on Titan S2 won't make a 2016 release date. If what I read is true.

Im surprised.

It seems that the manga might be wrapping up next year, so if they're holding off in order to animated the rest of the manga in one go, I approve.
Danball Senki W 24

The show is really laying it thick on just who the Detectors are, and it will be interesting to see the fallout from that reveal, but that's not important. We have a Killer Droid capable of using its tails as a drill, DOCKING is back


And it can shoot fists.

It shoots fists


Kiznaiver - Episode 5

This could be the best episode of anime I watched this week. Not sure if that says something about the show, or if it says something about the lower quality of episodes this week... Seriously though, this was really well executed, and while I still have no idea where the show is going or what this show really wants to be, it handles the characters well, and I find myself liking the characters more as I understand them more. So... I guess the Kizuna System is working???? Maybe? Idk.
I'm glad to hear that you're learning to share your pain with others :)
Yikes, I'm so slow at posting that Angry Grimace has posted my gif in AnimeGAF before me!

This is surely another sign of my increasing decrepitude.
Kuromukuro 5


Poor guy is so low status he isn't even in the friend zone; he's in the zero zone.

My favorite detail in this episode was how Kennosuke needs to use an electronic dictionary to look up all the English loan words that have crept into Japanese.

What have you read TUSR.

If it's because we will be getting more Kabaneri, I'm more than okay with that.

This is the source. No reason provided.


Huh? Says who? With how tortuously slow the manga moves I could see it going for 5 more years easily.

In an interview in the first volume of the manga, Isayama said he had the series roughly planned out for 20 volumes(which is a bit bullshit now because i think it just reached 20).
Id say popularity/corporate meddling made him extend as long as possible but i personally couldn't see it lasting too much longer.

Fuck sure it has like 10 spin-offs already so there'll be no lack AoT any time soon.
In an interview in the first volume of the manga, Isayama said he had the series roughly planned out for 20 volumes(which is a bit bullshit now because i think it just reached 20).
Id say popularity/corporate meddling made him extend as long as possible but i personally couldn't see it lasting too much longer.

Fuck sure it has like 10 spin-offs already so there'll be no lack AoT any time soon.

They haven't even reached the basement or gone to any of the places outside the walls yet...


Haifuri 5



Welp, at least the designs and characters are still god tier. This has become my one pet peeve trope of people reacting poorly to a misunderstanding that's easily fixed if there was communication. Only things I'm left interested in is Moka's fate and torpedo-chan x shima.
Re:Zero 06

Yup that was expected I guess. I had a feeling it had to be that person, specially after the reaction Subaru got when talking about the Oni fairy tale.
Concrete Revolutio 18

Both the individual story about Human-man and the various callbacks to stories of earlier episodes were well done. This is reminding me of the end of FMA 2003 in how tightly the show attempts to integrate previously disparate plot threads. Trust in Aikawa to bring this home is steadily rising.
Danball Senki W 27

And you know, nothing is happening, so lets enter a cosplay tournament in which Jessica and JIn in particular said fuck this lets go on a date.

Cosplay is serious fucking business, to the point that Otacross even triggered Yuuya in the process for him to realize what he really loves... dressing up as his own LBX.

Alice was a QT3.14

It's funny how there are these moments where they just do whatever since nothing is happening though.


High School Fleet 05
This show is definitely going places, just not the places I expected although I definitely wonder how this show will explain the fucking mind control rats. Though tbf it's not as if it's that based in reality to begin with.


Tanaka-kun 5

Finally caught up with this show and I like it a lot. Always a lot of laughs.

Shiraishi is pretty cute too.



This is probably a sign of how the AnimeGAF community has changed, but several years ago the impression I had of Welcome to the NHK formed by people here was negative. It was generally considered to be a poor treatment of its material compared with the manga and especially the original novel.

The anime is pretty good, but the LN is even better. The novel takes some of the mental problems Sato has even further than the anime does, and even deals with substance abuse and escapism (escapism a bit further than the anime) too. And it has a nice, quasi stream-of-consciousness style to it, which is a writing style I greatly enjoy.
Kuromukuro 01

Decided to give this one a shot. I like the characters they introduced, and the whole mechs using katanas thing is cool. Not a bad start at all!
Taichou American-kun: Civiru War

Very entertaining movie. As expected
stole every scene they were in.

8.5/10 would watch again.

I'm supposed to go watch this on Tuesday for half price. Can't say I'm stoked, the Cap not being one of my favourite heroes and all. I'm also really tired of all this superhero stuff. Deadpool was a breath of fresh air in a "genre" that is starting to burn me out.


Enride ep.6
Hey, thar episode wasn't half bad since the MC's weren't fighting and bitching amongst themselves the entire time. Also got to see another childhood friend all upset because of an MC leaving her behind... boo hoo hoo..
See the thing is I watch movies with friends. I drag friends into movies sometimes, so I gotta go when they wanna watch something too. It's a mutual social contract.

Well if you really don't wanna go that's different from "fine i'll go watch this thing I feel little interest for".
so, how does one go about acquiring said thing?

I'll send it to ya

and when I ask "you got that thing I sentcha" you better answer.


Huh? Says who? With how tortuously slow the manga moves I could see it going for 5 more years easily.

A while ago, the mangaka said he was planning to end the series around the 20th volume and considering where we are in the manga, I could see it wrapping up within 12-15 chapters.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
See the thing is I watch movies with friends. I drag friends into movies sometimes, so I gotta go when they wanna watch something too. It's a mutual social contract.

Nothing ever good comes out of having friends.


anyone here watch the korean animated film Leafie/Daisy A Hen into the Wild? It's on Netflix. Wondering if it's worth checking out.
Samurai Champloo 10

Another stand-out episode. When this series really digs into the motivations of those who live by fighting and killing, as in this episode and 7, it can tell some excellent stories. The direction was impeccable as well, with some really great match cuts and editing, as well as taking the scratch transition seen in a couple prior episodes to the next level. The black-and-white flashback had a great style to it too. So good.
Well if you really don't wanna go that's different from "fine i'll go watch this thing I feel little interest for".

I get to go out with friends instead of staying home and doing nothing, also even if I'm not interested I'm sure the movie won't be bad. There will be action and I'm okay with that.
is in it too apparently so that's kinda cool. It's only $9, there are much worse ways of wasting money aha.

Kuromukuro 02

Woah if you are not watching this because of the CG mechs you are doing yourself a disservice. This is some of the best action I saw this season. The soundtrack on this too is quite amazing. Glad I kept a close eye on Hosanna's impressions on this show, it paid off. I like it a lot.

Nothing ever good comes out of having friends.

Mine are good people aha.


My Hero Academia ep.6
"Deku!" Did anyone else have Rob Schneider in Billy Madison on their mind when he was saying "You can do it?"

Not bad overall, but the pacing still feels fixed to pick up on one dramatic moment and focus the whole episode on that. Just a weird presentation style that I can't remember any other shows using before.


Aikatsu Stars 5

Yuzu is easily the most standout member of S4 right now. She's doing something other than just act cool and give advice. Well she does do that, but in a quirky way. And isn't too hot on responsibilities. Hopefully the rest can distinguish themselves better later, though I don't have hopes for Yozora. Next episode things are really going to heat up. Return of dramas, and the interesting character in the op appears.
Kuromukuro 03

Kennosuke seems to have come to terms with the fact that this is not his time. I do wonder though, and this is something that has me confused, he drives a top of line robot with holographic displays inside and all, he also has a morphing flying vehicle, yet he's not accustomed to some of the technology from present times, such as a phone. A bit strange, but whatever.
Kuromukuro 03

Kennosuke seems to have come to terms with the fact that this is not his time. I do wonder though, and this is something that has me confused, he drives a top of line robot with holographic displays inside and all, he also has a morphing flying vehicle, yet he's not accustomed to some of the technology from present times, such as a phone. A bit strange, but whatever.

If you look at the flashbacks to Kennosuke's original time, robots were a regular presence in the setting whereas the rest of technology was as you'd expect for medieval Japan. I'm not sure if the show intends to explain the origin of these robots at some point or leave them as a given of this alternate history.
If you look at the flashbacks to Kennosuke's original time, robots were a regular presence in the setting whereas the rest of technology was as you'd expect for medieval Japan. I'm not sure if the show intends to explain the origin of these robots at some point or leave them as a given of this alternate history.

Yeah the very first episode showed two mechs wielding katanas fighting each other, surrounded by bodies of what looked like samurais. Maybe this technology just
fell from the sky, just like the Demons
. It would be interesting if they explored that, and they would have the time to do it since this is a 26ep show anyway. At the same time, this be a part of their history and they know of the existence of mechs back in those days. I'm leaning towards them probably not knowing, seeing how they treated Kennosuke's mech and all, as some sort of mysterious relic.


Last episode was a little slow, but for the most part I am consistently liking this show more every episode.
I still believe that Roswal is behind all of this because Subaru is getting a little too close to Emilia (gotta keep the heir to a kingdom single, ya know).
Last episode was a little slow, but for the most part I am consistently liking this show more every episode.
I still believe that Roswal is behind all of this because Subaru is getting a little too close to Emilia (gotta keep the heir to a kingdom single, ya know).

But that would make no sense now, since in this last attempt he
left the manner, and the event happened even quicker!
There has to be more to this. We must go deeper next week.
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