NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
No thats just being a weaboo.I found Ramune at a local supermarket that shouldn't have had it. I bought some because of that show. Now I'm thirsty for one. I'm consumer trash.
No thats just being a weaboo.I found Ramune at a local supermarket that shouldn't have had it. I bought some because of that show. Now I'm thirsty for one. I'm consumer trash.
SMH at this. Mike, you know what to do.
This.hyouka school fes arc reminded me: kyoani, plz do a cooking show
This was the perfect time to post your .GIF of the Game Boy Camera version! :-DPeople who don't like Hyouka 11.5 probably watched a low quality rip of it or something. If the resolution of your video source was greater than 160x144 than you were duped into watching a pirated version.
The superior version.This was the perfect time to post your .GIF of the Game Boy Camera version! :-D
It's your standard "girl is lonely but uses food to mono no aware herself out of her loneliness and make friends" story. This one uses food specifically.How was Koufuku Graffiti in terms of narrative and characters?
Almost as good as the Nico Nico stream.This was the perfect time to post your .GIF of the Game Boy Camera version! :-D
Does Mikumo's bitch mode ever turn off?I guess the other girls in the group just got used to her never being satisfied. She the type of girl to say something like: "Oh yeah her singing was good, if you like shitty singing."
also, I don't think I'd heard it at the time, but the song they play to entice Yui into the club is a cover of Tsubasa no Kudasai. Makes sense!
A very apt name I dare say.
Getter Robo Armageddon 11
With the story approaching climax it's much easier to achieve but still, this was easily the best episode since the whole timeskip thing happened.
And I guess the Saotome situation was explained ? I think ?
K-On! 2-5 -Rewatch-
- K-on! is a lot more loony toons than I remember. Maybe I only really recall s2 these days? There's so many moments where they cut straight into chibi/sd form for a quick sight gag or a reaction shot.
The first season of K-ON has pretty loose and rough animation, with plenty of obvious 4-koma gags. It's only in the bonus episode, 13, that the show develops a more thoughtful and subdued direction style that carries over to dominate the second season.
So a Daiso store opened up near me and had lot of japanese candies. Even spotted ramune. Looks like my knowledge from Dagashi Kashi finally paid off.
Narag are you ok!?Cerberus 4
Narag are you ok!?
Kyousougiga 9
The series is buckling under the weight of its own mythology. There was a scene in here that was a worse exposition dump than the infamous walking in circles scene in the first episode of Fate/Zero. The whole apocalypse nonsense has taken the story in a direction I'm not fond of. This feels like that brand of anime ending where everything goes off the deep end.
How was Koufuku Graffiti in terms of narrative and characters?
Only gets worse. The story collapses completely into utter nonsense. Character motivations don't make sense. The exposition and melodrama are unbearable.
Watch Sketchbook for the superior Okada SoL, which also doesn't operate with one big gimmick.
He senses a disturbance in the force.Narag are you ok!?
What's the GAF consensus on Rainbow? A friend recommended it, but it's totally not the kind of anime I'd normally watch.
What's the GAF consensus on Rainbow? A friend recommended it, but it's totally not the kind of anime I'd normally watch.
What's the GAF consensus on Rainbow? A friend recommended it, but it's totally not the kind of anime I'd normally watch.
I think Sketchbook and Koufuku Graffiti are on different ends of the SoL spectrum and would recommend them both.Watch Sketchbook for the superior Okada SoL, which also doesn't operate with one big gimmick.
When I was looking into it for a "Lets Watch" I was told it starts out strong, but really $hits the bad later on..
Really bad.
I remember the first half being pretty strong, but the second half is middling to bad.