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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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No you don't. I think you remember people trolling you, and as an innocent cat you took it the wrong way. No one uses the word "gravitas" and "Civil War" in the same sentence when talking about the comic. It's a fucking Mark Millar book!

Hey man, noted critic Jeff Canata said the comic book story was 'great'.


Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress 5

Meh. Too many scenes that basically repeated the same stuff about Mumei's character. Kinda zero for likable characters atm, Ayama the best by default simply because she doesn't seem like a complete idiot. I dunno there was just a lot of niggles that really annoyed about this episode.

Man that colossal, now that is shameless.


Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress - 5



Dammit, you caught that before I fixed all those errors, lol. Working and typing doesn't always work.

I haven't found it too sad as of yet, but thete are three episodes left, so I'm interested in how they close it out.

Actually, tone-wise I think the show is a lot closer to Little Busters, especially during regrain.

More people need to watch Little Busters.

Secret base didn't make you tear up?

There is also a movie when you are done with the show. It takes place a year after the show ends.
Seiyu's Life! Finished

So I watched Seiyu's Life, and it's really solid. Basically the plot revolves around three rookie voice actresses, and their efforts to climb the voice acting ladder. Simply put, none of the main characters lead a glamorous life, and two of them have to work part time. Hell in the beginning there's some real anxiety bubbling just under the surface as they all struggle for work. That being said, the greatest strength about the series is how well it balances humor with actual info about the industry and some of the people in it. It never falls into the boring pit of melodrama, but it also knows when to put back on the humor.

While not a visual feat by any means, I appreciate how the show isn't afraid to animate the female leads in a variety of odd ways.
One criticism I have is when it drifts a bit too much from the VA industry to give backstory for one of the main characters late in the show. It's not bad, but it doesn't work as well in comparison to what came before, and feels a bit out of place. Speaking in terms of spoilers for a moment I like how the story
ended on a bittersweet note revealing that many people just don't make in this industry. Some people are just cut loose hard a year of hard work. Hell our main heroine doesn't even move up a level, but rather just gets another year to improve. And she's thrill about it.


Love anime, obviously, love monsters and violent psycho anime too. What're my options. Anything new or upcoming?
Love anime, obviously, love monsters and violent psycho anime too. What're my options. Anything new or upcoming?

This season? Your best bet in terms of monsters is Kabaneri, aka Attack on Train. People seem to be enjoying it.

If you want shonen material, Ushio to Tora seems to be pretty solid.
If you don't mind some...uh...uncomfortable designs Terra Formars has giant cockroaches.
Assuming you don't mind CG work, Ajin is apparently pretty solid, and is getting a second season soon.

Honestly, the best violent monster material produced recently is Kagewani.
The new season is disappointing people, but the first is something that can enjoyed on its own. It has fantastic monster designs, despite being a budget show.


I know she's not the main antagonist, obviously, but even as a one-off enemy she's not satisfying.

Prepare to say that a lot. The fight animation is really the only good part of GBF and the fights lose a lot of their awesome choreography later on when a big 'win button' is introduced. There are only 2-3 antagonist characters that really standout and most don't get enough time. It's kinda a mess of a show despite the hype it gets.

When it looks good, though, it looks damn good.


Bungo Stray Dogs #6

Enjoyable episode. The reaction faces and the characters in general make this show, especially since there really is no 'grander plot' so far (or rather, what is there is pretty paper thin)

Kabaneri #5

This continues to be an enjoyable popcorn watch, lol.

Kuromukuro #6

Man, that fight was awesome. Love how their surroundings were used and the choreography and weight to everything in general. Just good stuff.
But man,
Kaya is a fucking idiot. I utterly despise characters like that. Willingly going deeper and deeper into an ongoing battlefield to livestream just so he gets more views... Ugh. I hope he died at the end (probably not...), because that dumb fuck really deserves it.

Big Order episode 4

UGH, this show just gets worse and worse as it goes on.
I honestly think it'd just be meh if it wasn't for the horribly out of tone and far too loud jazz music all the damn time. In the first 3 episodes I just found it out of place, but this episode really made me hate it a LOT.

Also jesus christ how big are those girls nipples? I mean, come on, sure she's cold in that non-outfit but no one that young has nipples that stuck out that much.
The whole stopping the nuke thing was dumb.

This show is just bad.
This show + the music it uses makes it insufferable.

But the music is the best part of the show! And I think it's absolutely fitting. It's goofy, it's cheesy, it's over the top -- it's entirely in line with the show itself.


Hundred episode 4-6

I think I stopped enjoying this show for its shittiness. I wasn't in the mood for bad anime right now I guess.

Oh well, next episode will be a beach episode, that's bound to get really dumb.

But the music is the best part of the show! And I think it's absolutely fitting. It's goofy, it's cheesy, it's over the top -- it's entirely in line with the show itself.

Okay, maybe I should be more clear. The actual music is good, but how its used is atrocious. Its always used when a character is trying to be stoic or trying to be empowering or when exposition is given. This sort of music in this sort of setting does not fit these scenes at all.

Its the equivalent (hyperbole notwithstanding) of someone using some really good polka at the end of the graduate. Just doesn't work, does it?


This season? Your best bet in terms of monsters is Kabaneri, aka Attack on Train. People seem to be enjoying it.

If you want shonen material, Ushio to Tora seems to be pretty solid.
If you don't mind some...uh...uncomfortable designs Terra Formars has giant cockroaches.
Assuming you don't mind CG work, Ajin is apparently pretty solid, and is getting a second season soon.

Honestly, the best violent monster material produced recently is Kagewani.
The new season is disappointing people, but the first is something that can enjoyed on its own. It has fantastic monster designs, despite being a budget show.
Ah thanks, I'll have to investigate some of those :)

Ushio is the only one on your list that I've been watching, I don't mind it really, has an interesting backstory and lore. The art isn't bad, even though it's not entirely resonating with me and the jokes/humor doesn't come off outta place. It's an all round win!! These days it can be hard to please me... Lol


Brave Witches coming fall 2016.


Kabaneri 05

Surely, this is what they call forced drama ?

Kino's Journey 04

Didn't expect to see an origin story and certainly not this early in the game. The idea of having children undergo obligatory brainwashing to tie them to their occupations for life is both a pretty, disturbing and interesting concept. Though again I felt that, the inhabitants of the country were portrayed in a pretty caricatural manner. They went from relatively normal set of people, though with ingrained and unsettling customs, to knife brandishing, blood-thirsty mob in the space of 10 seconds.
Kino's Journey 04

Didn't expect to see an origin story and certainly not this early in the game. The idea of having children undergo obligatory brainwashing to tie them to their occupations for life is both a pretty, disturbing and interesting concept. Though again I felt that, the inhabitants of the country were portrayed in a pretty caricatural manner. They went from relatively normal set of people, though with ingrained and unsettling customs, to knife brandishing, blood-thirsty mob in the space of 10 seconds.

I feel like that was the point to demonstrate how terrifying the society she lived in was. Everyone there had themselves brain jacked to make them love their work. It can also be assumed that their brains were also wired to think that thinking about going against that way of life is considered blasphemous.


Okay, maybe I should be more clear. The actual music is good, but how its used is atrocious. Its always used when a character is trying to be stoic or trying to be empowering or when exposition is given. This sort of music in this sort of setting does not fit these scenes at all.

Its the equivalent (hyperbole notwithstanding) of someone using some really good polka at the end of the graduate. Just doesn't work, does it?

I get where you're coming from and I agree that the music does not exactly fit some of the scenes -- but that's exactly why it's fitting.
...I'm not sure how I'd best explain how I feel about it.. It actively undermines the 'seriousness' of the show and turns scenes that could be played up for drama into something goofy/over-the-top/ridiculous instead. But this is a plus in my book in case of this show. I don't think I would bother watching it if it was played completely straight and serious.


Kabaneri ep.5

Mumei is a beast, but this time I'm not sure what she can do. That is one Titan of a Kabane they will need to beat next week.


Kabaneri - Ep.5
Mumei is really getting on my nerves and the anime most likely isn't kind enough to me to kill her anytime soon.

Also the new monster is apperently called Katamari and now I will always think about Katamari Damacy while watching this anime.


Space Patrol Luluco #7

Annnnnnd I lost it.XD Oh god this episode, especially when
Don't Lose Your Way started playing. Too bad we didn't get any cameos, beside Guts sorta.

Just T

Bungou Stray Dogs: 6

Besides the usual terrible comedy, didn’t find the episode interesting. Eh, know it already has a second season coming but at this rate don’t know if I’ll stick with it. Don’t really care for these characters and outright can’t stand a couple.

Netoge: 6

Lol he was worried for nothing.

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress: 5

Yeah Mumei pretty much fucked up this time.
Future Boy Conan 5

It's neat how even having exchanged the lush natural environs of Conan and Jimsy's islands for the cold mechanical landscape of Industria, the art still manages to be eye-catching through the clever application of geometric shapes.

There's a strong anti-technology bent to the portrayal of Industria. A society that makes bread out of plastic and feeds it assembly line style to an underclass of zombie-like drone workers is patently unhealthy.



That was the most self indulgent thing I've ever seen and I love it. Also this pretty much confirms Lalaco's coat is made of
life fibres
, so I wonder if this whole thing will come back.
Space Patrol Luluco S03E01

Wait what was being spoken over the OP? This show is the best, the perfect antidote to a rough day at work I lost it at
the not-Nova character complaining about how hot the flames are while Nova and Luluco wax philosophical


God, I just finished volume 4 of the Ninja Slayer manga. I really wish we would get an anime version with art closer to that manga. It's so damn good. God. Buddha Fuck!
Concrete Revolution Episode 19

Jiro continues to seem like the only one that understands Fuurouta,
glad Fuurouta returns next episode

I must have missed when Judas had Jaguar's watch
which fortunately managed to be brought up in this episode, though the girl didnt want to return to her time :( I thought she would

Intriguing plot overall.
Ushio and Tora 33

Episode is called "The Beast Spear Destroyed" so I'mma let you take one guess what happens.

What the fuck do they even do? Hakumen makes Deathwing look like chump change


Ojamajo Doremi 19

Hadzuki is a pure and innocent soul. With a devious side, but still. The kidnappers' motivation for kidnapping her was totally unsympathetic though. I thought they were going to have crippling debt, not be chasing some unattainable dream.
Oh man, I just finished Anohana....

I need a few minutes and a cigarette before I respond...


OK onto the ever growing list of Shows That I Must Watch this goes, after so many meh shows I'm all for anything that drives a strong reaction let alone a strong positive(?) reaction
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