Sounds like a great comedy.
It's pretty absurd, but Dezaki makes it entertaining.
Sounds like a great comedy.
One Outs - 'til the beginning of ep3
Well that was stupid. Might be a good show to have a laugh at but that's not for me.
Also, that opening went full DTL on me.
I can't speak of Black Jack, but I can talk of Young Black Jack, well at least my friend Steve can. He told me it lost the plot, took a step in the wrong direction and just like that there was no saving it.
Danball Senki 01-06
What the hell man I thought this was about just kids playing with robots!! Now we have an assassination plot using the robots to do it with!?
This Danball Senki show is taking over AnimeGAF.
It seemed fitting because in one scene, the main girl is trying to draw a cat, but the cat gets up and walks through mud and then walks over her sketchbook, leaving muddy paw prints. :3
This Danball Senki show is taking over AnimeGAF.
Upon making this gif I realise she just disappears in the top left hand corner.
She should disappear because she is the most annoying of the trio.![]()
Upon making this gif I realise she just disappears in the top left hand corner.
Hey, I'm not saying people should go and watch all of Mobile Suit Gundam. The movie trilogy, however, is fairly digestible!
I don't actually feel like you need any prior Gundam experience going into GBF but it does enrich the experience.
I do know who Ramba Ral is! I'm actually reading through the Gundam the Origin manga right now, which is probably superior to even the movie version of the original series. Fabulous art.
Don't be cheeky.She should disappear because she is the most annoying of the trio.
Having "technical difficulties", apparently:Girls und Panzer Der Film getting screenings in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Where is the Panzer love for the old world?
So I'm five minutes into this episode and I just had to stop to post this.
Is every character aside from Houtarou supposed to be a huge cunt? Because they are.
They've spent this whole arc encouraging him to own his talent for mystery solving, and then abandon him when it comes to actually solving it. When he gets it wrong, they call him out on it as though he fucked up from his arrogance, when all he did was exactly what everyone told him to.
The other guy is a jealous prick, which would be fine if he wasn't the one convincing Houtarou he was special.
Main girl has literally never had a conversation with him that hasn't been her demanding he solve mysteries for her, and then has the gall to be all disappointed when he gets it wrong, despite his insitence that he isn't that good at it.
Side girl has just been a downright bitch to him the whole time, which is kind of her character but when put next to the other two it kind of comes across as just cruel rather than funny. Houtarou has literally never done a thing to her and yet she takes any opportunity she can to tear him down.
I feel like this show is trying to show how awesome friendship is, but at this point in the series I just feel bad for Houtarou as he's forced to follow the whims of his 'friends' and then have them all turn on him the minute he doesn't live up to their expectations.
I'm sure the show will move past this and get all happy again soon, but boy does it piss me off how Houtarou is being treated, and the fact that the show is almost implying that I should be disappointed in him too isn't helping.
I think you're reading a layer of antagonism into the other characters' interactions with Oreki that isn't actually there. In addition, you're missing the point if you think the show is intending to present Oreki as a failure of a detective who the audience should be disappointed in. After all, the deck was stacked against him to begin with since the mystery presented to him was given under false pretenses. The point of the film arc for Oreki's character is to present that he has some gaps in his thinking when it comes to understanding other people, gaps that Chitanda can fill in for him from the more human-oriented perspective she comes from, and Irisu's manipulation of him makes him realize that. The final scene of episode 11 transitioning into the second half of the show is Oreki moving into a warmer view of human relations that makes him more complete as a person.
Hm... Marnie in cinemas here now. Should I go watch it?![]()
If the whole point is to show that he needs help to solve mysteries then why is everyone disappointed when he isn't able to do it by themselves. They all tack "oh but I'm not criticising you for being wrong" on to their confrontations, but it comes across as hollow when they spend the whole scene tearing into him as he gets more and more distressed. I have to stress again that Chitanda has never had a conversation with him that has not had her demanding he solve mysteries for her, not even their first meeting wasn't all about him playing detective for her. Their relationship is entirely one sided thus far, but Oreki doesn't owe her anything. After she, willingly or not, helps trick him into writing the script, it's incredibly arrogant of her to turn around and say "well you did exactly what everyone asked you to do, but I'm disappointed that you didn't solve the actual mystery I wanted you to solve but didn't tell you about". I feel like I'm supposed to see Chitanda as a foil to Oreki that helps him grow as a person, and in most ways that's what she is, but nothing actually suggests that she cares about him at all.
I know people probably won't agree with me, but I absolutely hate people who just expect others to do things for them. If this arc had been the same, but actually had Oreki become arrogant and proud of his detective skills rather than being guilted into it, I'd have no problems. It's the fact that everyone guilted him into a mindset that led to his downfall, and then admonished him for it that ruins it for me. He forced the mystery to fit his answer because no one would let him get away with not having an answer. They built him up, so the fact that they tear him down just seems out of character for everyone involved.
Hm... Marnie in cinemas here now. Should I go watch it?![]()
I don't think "guilted" is the right word to use here. Ultimately Oreki got involved because he became engaged in the mystery; he enjoys figuring out solutions for mysteries and so wanted to solve this one. Irisu is just using him as means to an end, but Chitanda, Satoshi, and Mayaka are not. Due to the framework of this series mysteries of one sort or another are the main subject of conversation, but I think it's mistaken to interpret Chitanda as just desiring a one-sided relationship with Oreki. She asks what she asks from Oreki because she considers him more intelligent and capable than herself. She genuinely admires him and cares about him, and they only grow closer over the course of the series.
You also have to remember that we're seeing an emotionally charged version of events from Oreki's perspective as he realizes his mistakes. I don't think his friends were intending to make him as distressed as he ultimately became, and I think the heightened presentation of the show, as with the smoker in an earlier episode, gives the events a more teenage melodrama flair than would be present in "reality".
Since I literally added my edit as you posted this I may as well throw it here too since you may not have seen it, but if it turns out his sister was on board with crushing him emotionally and then the show tries to convince us she cares for and looks out for him in just not going to be able to buy that. I think the problem here is Oreki's whole situation kind of mirrors my own experiences of having people build you up against your will for their own ends only to turn on you when you fail. And yes, that came with a shit ton of 'teenage melodrama' so you're definitely on to something there.
I figured something like that was the case. I can understand how, if you feel a parallel between Oreki's situation and your own, you would feel upset with the show, but I would caution against reading too much of your personal experiences into a fictional work. You'll probably be the sort of person who really appreciates Hyouka 11.5, so be sure to watch that.
Kanberi of the Iron Fortress Episode 5:
Well, at least we are past the trust issues for the most part.
Kabeneri - 05
e: Or well, I think most compared Ikoma to Eren. Either way Mumei is becoming an increasingly obnoxious moron.
I hope we are, but Mumei's behavior sure isn't helpful in that regard.