No, KLK fans are just easily pandered to as evidenced by them being KLK fans.
Youch. That hurts, man. Why've you got to be this way? What did stupid plots ever do to you?
Anohana ep. 9-END
Great news for us UK plebs. Anime Limited working to distribute Funimation titles over here. Highlights already are Yona of the Dawn, Barakamon and Show by Rock.
There's no "pandering" here. Luluco just shows that regardless of what you think of something Trigger made, that thing will factually be improved by being condensed into a 5 minute joke. With Imaishi, less is more.
Concrete Revolutio 19
I feel like I missed whatever point this episode was trying to make beyond catgirl falling in love with someone who was evil but had one moment of justice so that means that person was probably ok andthe prime minister is your typical "I oppress mutants because I am one" type.
Big Order 05
The first 5 minutes were the mosturuzi thing I've seen in a very long while.
So much negativity. Geez.
I feel like that was the point to demonstrate how terrifying the society she lived in was. Everyone there had themselves brain jacked to make them love their work. It can also be assumed that their brains were also wired to think that thinking about going against that way of life is considered blasphemous.
Bath scenesexplain
standard animegaf tbh
About time you watched this ;p
Oh, and kimi to natsu no owari shourai no yume:
I'll have to go back through it later if/when I write about it but it seemed thematically in line with the idea of how complicated the idea of justice really is, particularly given the callback to episode 2 Fuurouta breaking down over the idea.
Mumei is getting worse and worse, just like the show. It's like there's a constant need for a dumb character, and now that trust issues are over, she plays that role. Giant Kabane thing was hype though.
Welp, guess I'll decide next episode. Thought I was going to enjoy this more, ah well.If you don't like the humor or characters then that's probably a wise decision. I don't think the "main" plot is regarded with much reverence
Jojo 07
I actually liked the mechanics of the fight this week but I really don't get that ending, why did Hazamada's stand switch off just because he himself was pinned to the ground ?
Jojo 07
I actually liked the mechanics of the fight this week but I really don't get that ending, why did Hazamada's stand switch off just because he himself was pinned to the ground ?
DIO flying
Stands are linked to a users spirit irrc. Ergo if the user is knocked out, incapacitated or hurt too bad, the stand stops working. Though a lot of stands function on their own separate rules so don't take that as gospel. In conclusion=the rules are whatever Araki needed to advance the story at the time.
I think it's still like a normal stand even though it possesses a physical object, so if the user is restrained or interrupted the stand gets deactivated.
It was supposed to make sense this time !Since when has making sense ever been necessary for Jojo?
What even constitutes "restrained" ? Koichi's stand had the fraud guy in lock and punched him a good few times just an episode ago. I swear I could dig up a few more examples of this were I to subject myself to SC again.
He's British, it makes sense.
Concrete Revolutio 19
I feel like I missed whatever point this anime was trying to make
Anohana ep. 9-END
Amazing ending to this series. Just wow, I'm still trying to clear my eyes and nose. There were so many little moments building up to the final episode that really drove the narrative and how it was going to end.
So far this season:
Anne Happy - CAUGHT UP - So we have (slight character/story spoilers):I love wacky slice of life goodness so damn much. I'm in for the season.Ultimate Bad Luck, Ultimate 'How Are You Still Alive?', Ultimate Tragic Love, Ultimate Bifauxnen, and Ultimate Poor Direction. It's great. It's reversed DanganRonpa.
My main gripe here is that the characters are flatter than the construction guy sign.. they all do their signature thing over and over and over, and that's all there is.
Bungou Stray Dogs - DROPPED - Great animation, but I'm not enough of a Japanese literature nerd to stay invested. Watched three episodes. Not for me.
Yeah, it was a pretty meh show for me. Might pick it up later if people end up liking where things go, but I didn't fin the first couple episodes entertaining at all.
Kiznaiver - WILL WATCH - It's bookmarked, I just haven't got there yet. I'm watching this for pretty much the same reason everyone else is. I loved Kill la Kill, but I refuse to go in and compare it to KLK. They're different beasts.
This show and Re:Zero were two grateful surprises I got this season. I actually likened this a lot more to Danganronpa than Anne-Happy with how crazy things got right off the bat, and I'm glad the show's actually developing its cast quite well.
Mayoiga - WILL WATCH - I love me agood mysteryanime. It looks promising. Again, bookmarked, just haven't watched yet.
Fixed. Mayoiga's as much of a mystery anime as Another was, which is to say, not at all. It's more about horror, but it hasn't become so-bad-it's-good yet, unlike Another.
Re: Zero - WILL WATCH - Pressed by my significant other to give this one a shot. Will do since I rope him into my slice of life stuff.
Don't give up after Ep1A, since things get better immediately afterwards. The lead can get a bit annoying, but it isn't nearly as much of a generic RPG isekai show unlike what I had originally expected.
Sakamoto Desu ka? - INTERESTED IN - My friend insists I'll laugh my ass off at this show. Not sure I trust her, but may watch one episode.
Sakamoto lampshades perfect MCs to the point it's all it does, which was a real letdown for me. I'd rather have stuff like Nozaki-kun, where the show constantly pokes fun at anime stereotypes, but the larger cast means it can mix and match more than "Sakamoto being cool while everybody else wishes they were him". Maybe it could've worked for me as a 7-minute show, but a whole 21 minutes of "Sakamoto's soooo cool" is too much for me.
Anohana ep. 9-END
Amazing ending to this series. Just wow, I'm still trying to clear my eyes and nose. There were so many little moments building up to the final episode that really drove the narrative and how it was going to end. From Menma's father trying to console her mother and explain thatIt was done in a very tender way, which was not the case earlier in the show by him Obviously, this was brought on by the kids actions as theyit's OK not to forget about her, to cherish her, but to move on at the same time., but it was positive character growth for him, as well as her little brother when they got him involved. There were a bunch of other things like the lamps flickering, to the moth dropping to the ground, to the wholetried to grant Menma's wishIn a beautiful way, they really encapsulated both the mental and physical aspect of that ending. This was just too good.hide and seek narrative at the end
I was really caught off-guard that Menma was really grantingI didn't even think of it previously, but it really fits who she really was when alive. Jinta had called her out on it a few episodes earlier and in this case, she did what she needed to do. This was a sharp contrast to what everyone else in the group was doing which led to that emotional moment with all of them together near the end. It was easy to get caught up a little there as well as it was well scripted and animated, with great ambiance behind everything. Then that ending withJinta's mom's wish, not her ownJust beautiful man..... This was excellent..the cards Menma wrote and the hide and seek game ending, tears man, 'dem tears...
Thanks for everything today.
Tomorrow Ill go to heaven.
Please be my friends until the very end
I love you. Its the I want to marry you type of I love you.
Damn you.... dammit..