Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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Concrete Revolutio - Episode 24 (End)

I loved the finale, and with this I can say that I love the show. I was always fearful about how Aikawa would stick the landing, but it basically fulfilled every promise they had made.

Some details suffered due to the entire conflict being closed in 2 episodes (like how Koma Kage randomly is thrown with the Yokai group without much explanation, considering how it was shown that she was human before), but it didn't hurt my enjoyment. I guess it helps the theme they were pushing really resonated with me, but, still, it had been a long time since I watched such a satisfying finale.


Lost Village 12: I can't believe someone made a suspense/horror show with over 30 characters and
no one died
. A very strange "bad on purpose" show.

Jojo Part 4 12: I'm pretty sure this was the best episode of Jojo since the episode from part 2 where Caesar died.

Luluco 12: Imaishi is the god of anime. Please don't put him with Nakashima again for his next show. Monkey's paw guard: or Mari Okada or Sho Aikawa.
no one died
that alone should count as something cool just because it played everyone for a fool over the course of 12 weeks. Everyone kept wishing someone would get cut off on every episode. That says a lot about the viewers themselves. Wonder if that was the whole point of the show. I dropped it after the first week, so I have no idea aha.


no one died
that alone should count as something cool just because it played everyone for a fool over the course of 12 weeks. Everyone kept wishing someone would get cut off on every episode. That says a lot about the viewers themselves. Wonder if that was the whole point of the show. I dropped it after the first week, so I have no idea aha.

It's kinda amazing when you think about it, but I'm not sure if it's in a good way or not.

The guy we saw floating face down in a river somehow lived.
One thing is for sure, and I gotta give her credit. Okada has A TON of range with her writing. Although she sorta seems to deal mostly with character's emotions and their relationships, this season alone the works she has been involved in are literally completely different from one another. And last season and on the previous one she gave us IBO. As much shit as AnimeGAF gives her, I gotta say she's earned my respect and I will most certainly keep an eye on her from now on (even if I didn't watch Mayoiga).


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
"hoho, i tricked you into watching a bad show where nothing happens."

animegaf: wow. so brave. so unique.
One thing is for sure, and I gotta give her credit. Okada has A TON of range with her writing. Although she sorta seems to deal mostly with character's emotions and their relationships, this season alone the works she has been involved in are literally completely different from one another. And last season and on the previous one she gave us IBO. As much shit as AnimeGAF gives her, I gotta say she's earned my respect and I will most certainly keep an eye on her from now on (even if I didn't watch Mayoiga).

I'd like to see you come back to this post after you've watched both WIXOSS and Black Rock Shooter.


Big Order Episode 10

Show is genius, at the end of the finale I finally realize what I would wish for.
I wish I was dead.

Yeah, I also wish I could get an OODA, ILLEGAL DIGGER! to forget I ever watched it as well.

Seriously, the show was so randomly stupid it hurt. Random edgyness, the anime adding several risque scenes that actually weren't in the manga from what I've heard (sounds like Iyo never went as far with Eiji there, and neither did Sena), and those retarded order fusions that were just as stupid and useless. Having characters shout out HOSHIMIYA EIJI's name every other line was also great for pointing out just how MC-centric the show was, and how haphazard and plot hole-ridden the writing was.

The best part is that God was actually omnipotent, as in being able to grant a power that'd allow someone to dominate even itself.

Lost Village END

Well that kind of fizzled out.
I kind of like that some are staying behind in the village.

Eh some interesting ideas, good crazy and character moments, but otherwise this show felt quite dull and bad often. I stuck with it to the end through, so the moments that were actually good or just entertaining bad came by in a good amount I suppose.

Probably a 5-6/10 for me.

I think the fact that most of us came in expecting another Another didn't help us appreciate what Mayoiga was trying to do, but then again the show has a cast that's way too large for its own good, and thus ended up with only a quarter of them having a large enough role while the rest was filler that got little to no backstory, air time or even character development. The late addition of several characters that acted as little more than exposition devices and single-handedly revealed what was going on was an even more egregious problem, since it undermined the rest of the cast if all we needed was God to show up and spend an entire episode explaining how Nanaki Village worked and then have somebody's imaginary friend explain the rest.

The fact that the first person who "died" had more characer development that 75% of the cast was simply hilarious, since out of the nanaki we saw the rest were never resolved in any meaningful way at all, and the ones we didn't see were even worse in that we never got to hear their backstories at all (poor Piitan, Dozaemon, Soy Latte and miss detective).

The only thing the larger numbers helped with was to sow dissent among the cast, but even then those parts were still weak as hell.

Aoi Hana #1
Not feeling this as much as Hourou Musuko, but I guess it could work. The overly frail glases girl going as far as to allow herself to be molested because of how meek she is got certainly unnerving, since I loathe the thought of someone acting like that. It's actually really funny since I probably reject meekness as a way to reject my own tendency to bottle my thoughts and feelings up, which is something I've been working on over time for quite a while now.

...Anyway, this appears to be weaker in tone than Hourou Musuko, but I guess I'll keep watching it since it's still infinitely better than stuff such as Big Order and Mayoiga.

Hourou Musuko #3
Now this is a good show. I'm not all that happy about the love triangle thing that's going on, but the show's extremely solid even in spite of that, most likely because it doesn't seem like all that was tacked on just for the sake of drama.
The Lost Village Episode 12

Fantastic conclusion
Speedstar on Mitsumune! And they finally hashed away their differences with Mitsumune impressing Speedstar alot, I loved it

Im glad it was written this way. 9/10

Gensou Drive was amazing.


Aoi Hana #1
Not feeling this as much as Hourou Musuko, but I guess it could work. The overly frail glases girl going as far as to allow herself to be molested because of how meek she is got certainly unnerving, since I loathe the thought of someone acting like that. It's actually really funny since I probably reject meekness as a way to reject my own tendency to bottle my thoughts and feelings up, which is something I've been working on over time for quite a while now.

Keep watching. That first episode is the only one with anything like that really and you will learn a lot more about her very soon.

I Loved that show..


Lost Village 12
"Oh, there's only 5 minutes left of the show? Ok let's wrap this up. No more conflict or emotional issues, let's just separate them into two random groups with no real reasoning and have half leave without issue."

It really was the perfectly inept ending this show deserved. It's a shame there's so many dull moments because those scenes where the entire cast is in one room are priceless. The direction is just so nonsensical, which does add to the charm of some moments but the random success of this madness just isn't high enough. I don't think I'd recommend this but if you enjoy media that causes a "What? Why? That makes no sense!" reaction from you, there might be enough enjoyment here.

You mean Gunbuster


One thing is for sure, and I gotta give her credit. Okada has A TON of range with her writing. Although she sorta seems to deal mostly with character's emotions and their relationships, this season alone the works she has been involved in are literally completely different from one another. And last season and on the previous one she gave us IBO. As much shit as AnimeGAF gives her, I gotta say she's earned my respect and I will most certainly keep an eye on her from now on (even if I didn't watch Mayoiga).

If I'm honest she's probably the main anime writer I know and follow. Otherwise I'm following the novel/manga writers.
Diamond is Unbreakable 11

Even in a lesser episode outsourced to Korea, there's still a boatload of good character art, more than the entirety of season 1 and much of Stardust Crusaders as well. That's the Nishii touch for you.

While Red Hot Chili Pepper isn't a particularly interesting Stand, this was still reasonably enjoyable. My favorite thing was how the episode framed the beginning of the conversation in the field such that Okuyasu's bike often loomed large in the foreground, thus signalling that Chili Pepper was listening from there even before he revealed himself.


You'll remember it and someday you will understand that it was a great troll worthy of committing to memory.

I dunno, I've watched a ton of shitty horror films. They sorta just all blend together after a while. Outside of the giant boob implant monster nothing in this was too memorable when comparing it to some of the truly horrible films out there.

Still, it was a fun homage to bad horror movies.


Bungou Stray Dogs 10

There was a neat visual towards the end where Atsushi's shredded clothes looked like an extension of the tiger stripes on his arms and legs.

edit: lol @ who showed up at the end of the ep too.
Diamond is Unbreakable 12

While Red Hot Chili Pepper in itself isn't too interesting, his user certainly is. Pretty neat stuff, really well directed and paced.

Okuyasu needs to get genre savvy so he knows that the guy with the crazy hair is the important one.
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