Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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So I caught up on Kabaneri for some reason. I feel like most of the problems can be summed up with one word. Biba.

Biba is a terrible, awful, meaningless villain. The show completely fell apart the second he sauntered into the plot.


Bungou Stray Dogs 11

Humanizing the Port Mafia members was a nice touch. I was going to say it felt wasted coming 11 episodes in of a 12 episode show but we're apparently getting a second cour. I had no idea at any rate.

Second half was a different story where Kenji Miyazawa's simple country charm won over all the city folk that really worked out well with the accompanying Igarashisms.


definitive multi-dimensional quality scale of Okada anime


This chart doesn't extend far enough downward to encompass Black Rock Shooter


Doll Corpse of Dark Fortress 10

If there was ever a time where I wanted something to drag out as long as possible, is for somebody to beat up Biba's right hand man, kick him while he's down, and continue to beat him until he's no more for being an unnecessary placed-in character. He's one of those where he deserves all the payback and then some.


On that fateful day 10 years ago, they appeared, and we couldn't survive the onslaught of them feeding the humans. Better than Armin's way of narrating events, lol.


How sad, goes from killing things in a badass manner to just turning into a lifeless doll that only listens to her Anisama's commands.


Gotta give props, Wit Studio knows how to make a bleak, red sunset. The water and clouds look like a Bob Ross painting though.

And as I mentioned earlier, I should not have seen what happens next because anyone can see it a mile away. If anyone saw
the preview on the noitaminA Youtube of course he washed up on shore somewhere. All that's left is for Kurusu to somehow randomly find him while chasing the train down to the final destination where the Shogunate are all holed up. It's like I said, PREDICTABO.


The biggest joke in that chart is that AKB0048 is in the middle but Gundam IBO is somehow "bad". Yeah right. Pffft.

What should I expect out of Okada Gundam in terms of maximum Okada? I'm liking it on Toonami so far, and nothing jumps out at me yet with dialogue or twist or something spectacular.


What should I expect out of Okada Gundam in terms of maximum Okada? I'm liking it on Toonami so far, and nothing jumps out at me yet with dialogue or twist or something spectacular.

There's just a bad stretch in the middle part of the series after the mid-point where the political drama is so poorly written that I was rolling my eyes for a few weeks. But up until then it's pretty much a straight shooter series, and after that it continues in the vein of "hardened bad boys cast out into a dangerous world makes a name for themselves in a tough mercenary way" which is pretty cool. Nothing overly bad about the series at all. Some of the fights are really good. I'm certainly looking forward to S2 in October.
The Lost Village 12

The whole episode was on fast-forward and the whole thing was bad -- which might be fitting for such a terrible show.Wow. This show's first ep was best and got worst after each episode. Good god, it's so bad I kept on watching. Thankfully it's over.
Hmmmm that Okada graph.... Black Rock Shooter is coming so highly recommended it may need to be bumped up my list. Then again I still need to finish Wixoss S2 and that is a giant ball of nonsense at the half way point I left it at. Just to confirm the legendary rant about S1 is totally on point and the turn was obviously nonsense even in context, no exaggeration was necessary, it was exactly that jarring to generate unnecessary melodrama.

Gundam IBO needs to be much closer to the upper right though, not seen any other Gundam but I never felt lost or like I was missing a trick.


Maturity, bitches.
AKB0048 being in the middle invalidates that graph completely. It's beyond legitimately good.

Big Order

Can you return this to the kitchen please.

Lost Village

Someone lost the characters notes half way through this didn't they?
definitive multi-dimensional quality scale of Okada anime


So I have issues with this. Kiznaiver? Way ahead of everything here. Should be at the outmost upper right.
IBO on the upper left? Why is that show bad again?
Where is Toradora?
Where is Blast of Tempest?
Anohana on the left?

Amongst others that were conveniently left out, yeah sorry people, I'm not buying this.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Lost Village end
Crazy till the end, but the final was rushed like hell.
I must say i quite enjoyed this show. the 3/4 of it is definitely so bad its good, but the last part is a mess when the story started to unravel nanaki village. The ending with hippopotamus was great though.

Now go direct Prison School 2 Mizushima!

DiU 12
Beautiful guitar solo.
One thing that bug me is how Josuke and Koichi somehow manage to not seeing Akira suddenly missing. It happen in that manga too, but oh well, i'll just chalk it up as Josuke is too tired while Koichi busy communicating with Jotaro or horror movie syndrome.

That cameo at the end though... A+


DiU 12
Beautiful guitar solo.
One thing that bug me is how Josuke and Koichi somehow manage to not seeing Akira suddenly missing. It happen in that manga too, but oh well, i'll just chalk it up as Josuke is too tired while Koichi busy communicating with Jotaro or horror movie syndrome.

That cameo at the end though... A+

It's a huge problem with an adaptation this accurate to the source. Stuff that seems totally fine in panels makes zero sense in animation.

Like how long it takes Jotaro to move like 30 metres.


Huge Nickleback Fan
It's a huge problem with an adaptation this accurate to the source. Stuff that seems totally fine in panels makes zero sense in animation.

Like how long it takes Jotaro to move like 30 metres.

True. I'm liking the added scene by David pro, but i wish they also handle the manga to anime a bit better.
I would watch Gundam Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Just a cast of young kids angsting about how they're trying not to shit themselves in their Gundams. Midway through the series the main character upgrades by installing a toilet and powering his Gundam with his shit.
I suffer from IBS and have yet to shit myself. IBS gives you chronic abdominal pain/cramps due to crazy bowel contractions.

One could argue IBO is all about pain lol.
I love how he goes and drinks water right after what was probably an epic dump. "Kids, always remember to hydrate yourselves". Pretty funny, wonder if all Gundams have this... uh feature.

No, this is only in G-Reco (AFAIK). When Yoshiyuki Tomino is in full-on goofy mode, you're bound to see hilarious stuff like that in his shows.


I just my phone to a Galaxy Note 5 and anime looks amazing on this thing..

Oh and that Okada chart is so wrong on Anohana and Nagi; both should be in the top right..
So wait. If a show makes you feel something for its characters, and you enjoyed it, doesn't that mean it was good? To you at least?

Well, sort of. I gave it a solid 7/10, but the show has its fair share of problems. Most notably being the pacing.

The show doesn't really get going with its main premise until around eight episodes in and sort of beats around the bush with its character antics that range from moderately decent to cringe-worthy (that scene with the guy in the forest dressing up as the girl, most notably, yeesh).

That being said, once the plot did get going, I was able to appreciate the show more for what it was and what it tried to do. But the show really needed to be a lot shorter for it to really be more effective. The way it was presented made me see what was coming from a mile away and softened the huge emotional blow that the show wanted me to get. Because of that, it's hard to exactly call it good and recommend it.
So wait. If a show makes you feel something for its characters, and you enjoyed it, doesn't that mean it was good? To you at least?
Maybe to you if you are still at the point you can't see drastic emotional manipulation at hand.

Like if a scene features a dying mother and her child discussing their life together, regrets of things they never did, and ask for an apology from each other as sad music plays and both are crying? That's a manipulating scene but within acceptable levels for many because it isn't going out of its way compared to the standard.

If the same scene has both of them scream crying at each other how they'll never let go and that the son won't forget the mother as fucking snot runs down his face, the music intensifies, and then the puppy dog lays her head on the dying mothers lap as she whines and a little kid gets ran over by a truck outside as a police man and a minority hug and cry then that's manipulation to Anime extremes.

Man I just wrote the next Key Anime scene.


I have deliberately avoided Anohana for the longest time. I like a good emotional drama but not really the one I can see coming from a mile (as per my experience with Plastic Memories and Your Lie in April).
I have deliberately avoided Anohana for the longest time. I like a good emotional drama but not really the one I can see coming from a mile (as per my experience with Plastic Memories and Your Lie in April).
Plastic memories I just dropped because every fucking episode I had watched up until the point I dropped it had constant jokes of "lol main character you want to fuck the little girl robot don't you you pedo, lol the regular human girl is misunderstanding and will get violent"
I have deliberately avoided Anohana for the longest time. I like a good emotional drama but not really the one I can see coming from a mile (as per my experience with Plastic Memories and Your Lie in April).

Yeah, there's better uses of your time. Even Kanon 2006 would be better.

Masayoshi Tanaka, who designed the characters of Ano Hana, is a really good character designer though, and other works of his such as Ano Natsu de Matteiru and Joshiraku should be watched. I've also heard good things about the Ano Hana team's recent film Anthem of the Heart, though I haven't gotten around to watching it myself yet.


Yah know, if an anime can manage to give me "feels," then it has to be doing something right. Even if it is as contrived as Anohana, it still works through good writing. We all know there are a ton of "try-hard" series out there that just doesn't feel right or work, but Anohana made it work.


Yea, I've dropped Plastic Memories at episode 5 but watched Your Lie in April through out.

I have not avoided Key shows though, I pretty much liked everything I watched/played (Clannad, After Story, Air, Planetarian VN). I didn't find Little Busters interesting though, from the little I've watched on animax, just uninteresting.
Gakusen Toshi Asterisk 24 END

Strange how this show that normally falls under LN magical schools + harem trash adaptation ended up being one of the better shows I watched this season. I mean yea the harem is there but the girls don't spend every single episode trying to get on Ayato's dick or being walked in on in some state of undress. Yes it happens but not a ton of time is spent on it. I was actually into every fight there was and the ways the fights were resolved also the political intrigue several of the characters as a part of. I certainly hope it continues because that is a huge stopping point where it ended.
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