Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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Kiznaiver Episode 11:

So there is a question that Kiznaiver has steadfastly refused to answer up until now and that is why? Why is this all happening and exactly why have people invested and it looks like the answer has been made manifest.
Peace shall be achieved through the strip mining of free will as all emotion is drained with Nori acting as a central hub. I am unsure if this was the final intent of the program or if this is what Nori decided along the lines of the philosophical underpinnings she has been spouting.


Kiznaiver 11

"You know nothing, Katsuhira-kun."
I really like how much Katsuhira has changed though this show. Or more like he's trying to change his situation. And we've reached the show's climax. I wonder what Sonozaki's planning.
Chidori has already lost, but it was nice that she realized her mistake with Tenga. She's on the way to redemption. And maybe she has a chance with Katsuhira now.
Tanaka 11

This seemed like an excuse to get Tanaka to put on long hair and look more feminine. Why do Japanese ghosts wear bath robes and a little white headband thing? That isn't scary.


Initial D 4th Stage: End

Well, WTF at how that race ended. I'm glad it wasn't that easy for Takumi, but come on, that was anti climactic. Still a nice ending, and better than I expected, even if the Bunta/Takumi showdown never even happened. (Or even a Takumi/Keisuke rematch.)

Is anything after 4th Stage worth watching?


Initial D 4th Stage: End

Well, WTF at how that race ended. I'm glad it wasn't that easy for Takumi, but come on, that was anti climactic. Still a nice ending, and better than I expected, even if the Bunta/Takumi showdown never even happened. (Or even a Takumi/Keisuke rematch.)

Is anything after 4th Stage worth watching?

I heard there was a 5th Stage, but I'm not sure if anyone watched it.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Tanaka 11

This seemed like an excuse to get Tanaka to put on long hair and look more feminine. Why do Japanese ghosts wear bath robes and a little white headband thing? That isn't scary.

Part of Japanese funeral ritual. That's how they dressed deceased body for the wake ceremony before buried or cremated .


Kiznaiver 11

There was still loads to like about this episode but while the execution remains as stellar as ever, by the end of the episode, I fear some of the script choices might have taken this series into a territory I'm not very fond of. I never was one for the constant and unrelenting yammering about "friendship" so that and the ground breaking revelations of "
we were friends alread
y" did try my patience. Coupled with "
The pain you feel is actually your own pain
" and Sonozaki
going off the deep, comical villain territory, end
I'm worried about where this will end. One or two episodes to go ? ('I'd assume one )
Kiznaiver 11

This episode was excellent.
The Kizna system worked. They feel for each other without the need of it to spread pain amongst their bodies. Katsuhira's sincerity and concern for his friends came across to them, hence why they felt pain in their chest. We saw all of the characters basically one step away from surpassing their barriers. That is, until the ending, where Sonozaki is taking an extremist route in order to seemingly save the apathetic kids. She feels desperate to let that be known and to get those results. Katsuhira may have been the one triggering her doubts on the whole affair.

One episode left. Can't wait for the finale.
That's a nail in the coffin. Looks like my order of actions is Extra Stage 2(I hope Iketani finally mans up) and 5th Stage.

It's a shame too, the animation looks great, or downright amazing for me. It's hampered by the lack of Eurobeat. This series always had it, it feels off when it's missing. Like there is no soul.

Just T

Kiznaiver: 11

Didn't like this episode as much as some of the others but it's good to see Katsuhira come this far and for Chidori to realize that she's awful. However, things got a bit too cheesy in there imo.

John Blade

Less than 200 posts of life left in this thread. It's party time for me, let's see if we have a new home later, lol.


It's coming soon.....

Will try to get through the entire Grantz season 2 this weekend or most of it. Kinda interested of where this season will take it. Also, trying to get through some episodes of Mansion Ikkoku as just put it aside for a bit to Grantz.
Oh damn we getting close to the end of this thread.XD

When does the summer season start? The week after next?

The first summer show that will air is The Morose Mononokean, on June 28. Most shows will premiere between July 1 and July 11, with Battery being the one significant late show on July 14.


Kiznaiver #11

Yay the experiment worked, just as Sonozaki is trying to do something really stupid likely.XD

I wasn't really sure of Katsuhira, but he has gotten some nice character development in the last couple episodes particularly.

Noooo only one more episode left.;.; Hopefully the finale doesn't flop lol.
Tanaka-kun 11

At the start Tanaka's face when he said he had to play as a ghost, was that of someone who had seen one himself, it was hilarious. This show always lands with the transitions. Ohta's scare at the end had me rolling on the floor.

Week after with things starting at the July 4th weekend.

I don't think there's a point to having an OT2 now.

Me neither tbh. May as well just start up the next thread early if we can't continue this one.


In Nanaki village, your Husbando dreams come true #12

Would Mayonga have been better if Marche was the protagonist?

Wow, this was... bad. Not even "bad" in a fun, trainwreck way. Just bad. Boring resolutions, boring revelations. Even the ending looked like the writers didn't care much.

Awww, that was cute though.


Gakusen Toshi Asterisk 24 END

Strange how this show that normally falls under LN magical schools + harem trash adaptation ended up being one of the better shows I watched this season. I mean yea the harem is there but the girls don't spend every single episode trying to get on Ayato's dick or being walked in on in some state of undress. Yes it happens but not a ton of time is spent on it. I was actually into every fight there was and the ways the fights were resolved also the political intrigue several of the characters as a part of. I certainly hope it continues because that is a huge stopping point where it ended.
Yep felt the same way. If you can see pass the smaller harem elements the show is quite enjoyable. Especially since it was toned down alot from S1. Even I can admit S1 had quite more harem stuff and fanservice and I can understand why most dropped the show.


Subete no aware
how come haifuri isnt anything like i remember it
Was it ever anything?

Haifuri is so silly and not in a good way or in a remarkable Okadaesque way but just silly.
It's just inconsistent because it's trying to push the moeisms first. I'm not sure how I feel about it, because the flip side would be GuP, which basically has nothing outside of the tank battles. Well, if you don't count the OVAs anyway.
It's just inconsistent because it's trying to push the moeisms first. I'm not sure how I feel about it, because the flip side would be GuP, which basically has nothing outside of the tank battles. Well, if you don't count the OVAs anyway.

GuP has a straight character developement for Miho.

Haifuri is just all forms of nothing. Even the interesting sea battles in the early episodes are gone.


Yah know, if an anime can manage to give me "feels," then it has to be doing something right. Even if it is as contrived as Anohana, it still works through good writing. We all know there are a ton of "try-hard" series out there that just doesn't feel right or work, but Anohana made it work.

Well, here's the thing. Whether or not you are aware, when you're watching a work, it (like every other work) is crafted to bring up all sorts of emotions, difference is in how they do it. There are many ways to approach but ultimately it's a choice. You can start off with a scene where the MC's mother or daughter dies, have them weep and end there - I won't say no one will cry/feel sad but that surely doesn't excuse the writing as good because it made *someone* cry/sad. Basically anyone can write that bit of emotional drivel. I can. You can. Okada can.

Secondly, how susceptible one is to emotional influence differs from person to person. Entertainment often ends up being subject to emotional drain, average guy doesn't want to analyze the work very much (hey did they just add that scene to emotionally mainpulate us? was there any concrete point in the whole show? did <something> have more meaning that it appeared? was there a reason they didn't they do <something>? how can so many things happen?) - as long as it has loosely 'believable' reasons, it's fine. I don't really blame anyone for that, there are many reasons for people to be the way they are but I do encourage going a bit further than seeing a work as passive entertainment, if not always, sometimes. Make the most of the time you spend on something. That being said, there are situations where being overly analytical does deter from the experience.

Good writing comes in when you build on emotion while maintaining logical/analytical consistency - I say consistency because the logic of the world is subject to artistic/thematic choice. No show is perfectly consistent though, it comes to how close they can be and again, artistic choice (which in most cases is explicit). Some might follow a realistic approach with realistic consequences to situations while some might try to exaggerate something. Not going to say good writing will always mean better reception, there are other factors that come into play: themes, direction, presentation etc which again are subject to personal taste. I personally find that strongest emotions emerge from more subtle and understated drama - Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu is a shining example of that, it's pronounced knowing that it is surrounding art. I still find myself getting very emotional watching the first and last episode.

(okay, I wanted to make this brief but it got longer than I expected, let me know if I said something wrong).


Maturity, bitches.
Haifuri went all in with the mutiny storyline at the beginning that it couldn't really build up to anything bigger after that. Once the danger of being attacked every week the show lost a lot of its bite. However I still feel it's one of the better shows of the season.

I mean of the three shows I've watched today I know which one left me feeling positive.
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