The Okada ride never ends.
Is the mayoiga poster theory finally debunked?
Not exactly, but someone said that the posters were in (reverse) reveal order. The one with all the characters was the latest. So, I doubt it means anything.
Also, the theory about Speedstar/Hayato being a ghost can probably rest in peace too, as his name was on the chalkboard of the teams.
Didn't that make no sense from the beginning? Wasn't Lion talking about him/looking at him last episode?
Her description says something about having a strong ability to sense supernatural, so even if he was a ghost, she would be able see him.
Everyone on the bus already died, this is the afterlife. Confirmed.
Is the mayoiga poster theory finally debunked?
Everyone on the bus already died, this is the afterlife. Confirmed.
Lovepon needs a hug.
I hope she turns completly crazy at some point
This show is getting better by the minute, it could even be the sleeper hit of this season.
where's the polar bear?
where's the polar bear?
Didn't they prescreen the first three episode of Kanaberi? So there should be atleast one good looking episode left.
Didn't those same prescreening also have people saying that episode 3 takes a quality hit?
Not exactly, but someone said that the posters were in (reverse) reveal order. The one with all the characters was the latest. So, I doubt it means anything.
Also, the theory about Speedstar/Hayato being a ghost can probably rest in peace too, as his name was on the chalkboard of the teams.
I wonder if Sonozaki is the girl from the flashback, seeing how she has that black pattern on her neck and it just so happens that the same place on the neck of flashback-girl was covered by that light in the flashback.
So good.Kiznaiver Episode 2:
I must admit I am enjoying the fact that normal anime tropes are causing this group actual pain as was that tortured love confession.
Kuromukuro 1
Either I'm seeing things or this has more detail in its animation than almost any other P.A. Works show so far. Additionally, there seems to be a willingness to choreograph movement that's more difficult to animate. Simple scenes like the two girls walking down stairs at the beginning are fun to watch because of it, as well as the mother picking up her phone from the table after forgetting it a second time. One would imagine that a percentage of scenes being done in 3D, due to mechs or whatever else, would free up time for better 2D animation but since that rarely seems to translate into a tangible quality improvement I don't know what to ascribe it to here (there also aren't many scenes not featuring some 2D, at least in this episode). Hopefully somebody sacrificed the correct number of goats and the quality maintains.
It's pretty fun, I like this show. Nothing is clear (at all), but I love the group's interactions.
Is it me or was there plenty of quality this episode ? Trigger falling apart at second episode already smh.
Haifuri 02
This show is amazing. They are playing this shit completely straight.
Mayoiga 3
I'm still having a very good time with this show.
I'm not going to act like everybody should be liking it, but to the people who say, "This is dumb and not funny," or "It's boring because not enough people are dying yet," what were you expecting? You can't just immediately go full speed ahead with this stuff. It takes buildup so everyone can get all paranoid and their relationships start fraying before shit really hits the fan. The end of the episode sets up a bunch more reasons for people to be suspicious of each other, which has me all excited.
And everyone in this show is gloriously stupid. In this episode alone we had characters:
- Act completely oblivious to massive red flags about how suspicious this situation is
- Attack someone for implying they cared about other people
- Make incredibly intense sexual innuendo about cooking
- Tie someone up and throw them into a convenient dungeon
- Lose their shit about bears
- Lose their shit about people not respecting their dumb chuuni name enough
- Lose their shit about how unwilling everyone is to murder everyone else
I mean, the main character gets attacked by someone attempting to kill him, and his main thought during this situation is, "Oh shit, I saw her bra, why does this make me feel funny?" It's exactly what I want.
Lol still no idea what a kiznaiver actually does or is though
So There's an anime on netflix called Ajin. Any impressions? Any good?
Edgy.the confession of childhood friend is kind of boring tbh. Would've been better if her secret was something likeor some other shit.she hates his fucking guts but is only near him because their families are such good friends
I didn't follow Akito until the third episode came out but I think the most frustrating thing about it for me was the dangling of a Lelouch/Suzaku plot thread and some C.C. in there as well that was...nothing? Just the jangling of some keys in front of the audience to keep interest?
It's CG. You need to decide whether you can bear with it.
It's also not a finished story, it has a decent stopping point but that's it.
Other than I thought it was okay, nothing amazing but pretty refreshing in some regards. (Mc is pretty cold blooded compared to your usual fare in this kind of shows.