This is actually more offensive than straight up boob armor:
It's skintight plate.
When you have to fuse your bones and skin to your armor like Guts but at least you look cool
This is actually more offensive than straight up boob armor:
It's skintight plate.
Definately really liked it.
Yeah, shows like this, Clannad, Spice and Wolf, Honey & Clover and Emma are few and far between...
No. I just moved it from my PTW list to my watching list and will check it out soon.
Just booked a APA hotel in Osaka for the first January week which is like on the other side of the official NMB48 shop there.
Now I want to go there as well.
More Ds are better!Ain't got time for ticket lottery BS for real life idols ;p
Not all of them draw porn!
More Ds are better!
Laughing Salesman NEW 05
Okay heres the thing about this show that kinda bothers me. Moguro seeks these people out. They never come to him, he just kinda shows up and then forces them into a deal thats impossible, and punishes them when they break it. The second half of this episode is a happy housewife who feels slightly unfulfilled, so Moguro shows up an ruins everything. What a dick. These people don't deserve it.
That's the point? I'm not sure why people think the show wants us to think Moguro is in the right and his clients/victims are in the wrong when the show does everything in its power to present the opposite view.
Yeah I know, but the show is just a bit too dour and depressing even for me.
Gotta say that was a pretty damn good musical overlay to the episode with some nice action towards the end. These two make a nice duo.
Re:Creators - Episode 3
Why am I watching this?
Re:Creators - Episode 3
Why am I watching this?
I just assume 99% of people who watch anime are masochists; so in turn they enjoy wasting their precious time on something that brings them misery and self-loathing for years to come.
cuz you liked aldnoah zero so much. same as me and sonicmj
Dammit, why do you have to make me sound like that kinda white tiger...
Oh, dammit you two, knock it off already!!
It'll be a shame when grimoire of zero eventually ends with a "go read the Ln" ending.
Huh, the upcoming Shaft film Fireworks, Should We See It from the Side or the Bottom? is an adaptation of the Shunji Iwai TV drama, I wasn't interested in this film prior but I'm a little interested in it now even if the man himself has no hand in this adaptation. Speaking of which, still need to watch Hana and Alice.
Real talk though, Re:Creators is a show with a very promising concept, pretty nice if generic designs, and has a director who is capable of so much more. Yet it seems to just feel content being the bare minimum of what it needs to be, lacking ambition or creative spark. How can you have a show about a dozen or so fictional characters coming into the real world from different works, and yet spend three whole episodes following just one pair - the most boring of the lot? For an original IP that desperately needs to hook an audience in the face of so much competition in an oversaturated industry, this seems like a bad decision.
The most interesting thing about Fireworks is that it is directed by Nobuyuki Takeuchi, a very talented animator whose most famous work is episode 9 of Penguindrum. The trailers haven't been particularly impressive, but I'm still interested in seeing how his work turns out.
That's confirmed?it's gonna get a second season
That's confirmed?
It'll be a shame when grimoire of zero eventually ends with a "go read the Ln" ending.
it's gonna get a second season
I don't think popular LN Anime necessarily means sequel does it? I'm sure there have been plenty of popular shows based off manga/ln that never got a sequel.
I don't think popular LN Anime necessarily means sequel does it? I'm sure there have been plenty of popular shows based off manga/ln that never got a sequel.
I just assume 99% of people who watch anime are masochists; so in turn they enjoy wasting their precious time on something that brings them misery and self-loathing for years to come.
This feels different. Not saying I am right or wrong nor that I have any information (cuz I really don't) it's just the reactions I have been seeing elsewhere and this is seeming to lend itself to being a more longform show.
The thing is, of course, decisions on whether to make anime sequels or not often have to do with business considerations that aren't made public knowledge (see duckroll's mention of Horizon).
This show is dead outside of Japan...really doubt it is doing that well there either.nah just the way it is trending in terms of popularity and the pace of the show itself and the source material too.
And if Zero is as popular of a character as I think she is (which seems to be quite popular) then I feel like it is a shoe in for at least another 12 episodes
Your line of thinking is skewed. It isn't rare for anime to be made so that the audience goes and buys the source material. All the anime is for, is advertising pretty much. Basically, NEVER expect an LN adaptation to have a second season of all things. You will end up very disappointed in the long run lol.Oh trust me I know.
But there are too many things going right for the show (unless it shits the bed) to not get a second season.
Horizon fans on suicide watch.
isn't log horizon basically caught up to the light novels (maybe one book off) and ever since the author was arrested for tax evasion he hasn't put out any new books (that I know of) despite the fact that he was confined to house arrest?