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Spring Anime 2017 |OT| Don't be a SukaSuka for Gacha

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Oh yea, Eromanga sensei's character animation is amazing. I've been looking at gifs, there's apparently a dedicated animator for all of lead girl's cuts.
- What's your specialty?
- Young girls.

That aside, I'm also amazed at the attention to detail and the show's character animation. I haven't even watched the show (yet?) and my impression is that it's clearly an above the average production. Also, the dancing scene in the OP is extremely cute.


The Tatami Galaxy -08

So the 3 episode arc ends about as expected for our mc. Whatever he chooses to do,he always gets done by Ozu one way or te other. This episode especially with te way he trolls him with the letters.

There is also something to bi said about his sexual frustration and how he goes the route of "i'll take whatever i can get". Only to, by the end, get to the same conclusion as always.

On to the next reset.
The Silver Guardian Episode 5 – Suigin Inherits a Legacy!

All these shows (well except Bloodivores) seems to have really poor leads, I wonder why. Though at least Suigin gets 10 billion local currency, hope he uses it.

The plot is probably too big for the number of episodes planned which will be unfortunate for us ever seeing if Dark Tiger sama gets brought to justice.


I'll be frank, it's sort of surreal watching MHA and AoT on the same day. The reason being is that while MHA is a good to decent adaptation of the source material, AoT S2 is an excellent adaptation. It really highlights the importance of episodic pacing, framing, and just general artistic quality. The increased shading in the climax helps sell the importance of the scene and the emotions involved.

good lord
This cour for AoT is a huge fucking leap over S1 in terms of direction. It's actually a good show now. lol


Re:Creators 5

If you make an anime about fictional characters coming into the real world with all their powers and abilities intact and by your fifth episode you're having them all sit around a meeting room still discussing the rules of the world with a bunch of government officials with everyone taking everything deathly serious all the goddamned time I have to start wondering what the fuck is wrong with you.

Again, these characters are able to fly and shoot laser beams out their assholes and pilot giant mechas and marathon 60+ hour JRPGs in a single night. Why the fuck are you having them ask for government assistance to apply for residency through the proper channels when they could be out there fucking shit up?


Also, why hasn't anyone asked the main protagonist guy what's his reason for hanging around at all? Dude brings nothing, does nothing, says nothing, is nothing. Yamcha is more relevant in Dragon Ball than this guy is in his own show.
What I really adored about that scene was the excitement in Berthold's voice.
When you see how this otherwise so reserved guy gets downright ecstatic you really get a good sense of just how much their situation and all events weighted down on him. Being constantly stressed out of his mind, he pretty much cannot hold back anymore at the idea of catharsis and ending this facade.

The voice acting and its direction for this episode was on point.


What I really adored about that scene was the excitement in Berthold's voice.
When you see how this otherwise so reserved guy gets downright ecstatic you really get a good sense of just how much their situation and all events weighted down on him. Being constantly stressed out of his mind, he pretty much cannot hold back anymore at the idea of catharsis and ending this facade.

The voice acting and its direction for this episode was on point.

That's an interesting way to interpret the scene. The "Are we doing it?! Now?! Right here?!" line, while it certainly hints relief of stress, seemed like the utmost shock. Like he'd expect Reiner would calm down, he did for a bit actually, but the opposite happened and they suddenly have to take action.
That's an interesting way to interpret the scene. The "Are we doing it?! Now?! Right here?!" line, while it certainly hints relief of stress, seemed like the utmost shock. Like he'd expect Reiner would calm down, he did for a bit actually, but the opposite happened and they suddenly have to take action.

I think he was certainly shocked by Reiner's rash decision making but there was also a lot of excitement in him as well. It's not like he was just taken aback and stuttering. Saying those lines he seemed ecstatic to me.


Kado: The Right Answer 04-05

Wow, this show is going above and beyond my expectations in terms of the writing and themes. If that wasn't enough, we have this wonderful little hand animation segment by the end of episode 5, I paused multiple times to read the subtitles because I was too focused on the animation.

The latest episode in particular gave me something very interesting to think about. I don't entirely agree with the Prime Minister's response to the idea of never giving Wam to humanity in the first place but in my episode 3 post, I went about saying "what a dangerous man" which was directed at zaShunina. I was wrong frankly, it wasn't him that was dangerous, nor was the Wam which held infinite energy, it was humanity which was made clear this episode. The Prime Minister's response however is something I'd say debatable at the very least.

There was also an interesting turn of events by the end of it, I sort did see that coming but not the way it took place which was pretty nice.

zaShunina's talk on the idea of communicating ideas and the limitation of linguistics touches on some more interesting areas which the show doesn't delve in to much, instead, it briefly considers deeper meanings behind words. That was also an aspect that I really appreciate. There's another side to things that is brought out by zaShunina's perspective.

Overall, I'm having a great time with the show so far. I can gladly recommend it.
Oh Alice and Zouroku was a recap episode for today/preview for the next part of the show. Well I think I'm done anyway. Been disappointed with how much of a backseat Zouroku's generally had and from the preview it at least sounds like he could have an even more diminished role. Shame.
2eccentric2family ep 5
This episode will be my 10/10 episode for sealing one ship down, and then that ending.


The Eccentric Family S2 5

Damn. Even Benten haters must feel bad about her now. I thought this was supposed to be the season of Benten's glorious return. :(

Why should I feel bad?
she has come to bother the Nidaime TWICE without him provoking her, and he finally handed her ass back to her to show her where she belongs. the trash

The Eccentric Family S2 5

Damn. Even Benten haters must feel bad about her now. I thought this was supposed to be the season of Benten's glorious return. :(

Without knowing more of their backstory, Benten just comes across as a bully who targeted the wrong person for once. It's hard to feel sorry for her here.


Oh Alice and Zouroku was a recap episode for today/preview for the next part of the show. Well I think I'm done anyway. Been disappointed with how much of a backseat Zouroku's generally had and from the preview it at least sounds like he could have an even more diminished role. Shame.

Oh great, that's just what I wanted to hear...

I was expecting the show to be about Sana leaving her traumatic past and crazy superhuman abilities behind as Zoroku introduced her to more mundane aspects of life that she hadn't ever experienced before, but I guess the show really wants to be about stand battles or something?
Oh great, that's just what I wanted to hear...

I was expecting the show to be about Sana leaving her traumatic past and crazy superhuman abilities behind as Zoroku introduced her to more mundane aspects of life that she hadn't ever experienced before, but I guess the show really wants to be about stand battles or something?

The show wants to be... all and nothing really. Feels like there's no proper unified creative vision. It's so strange that it's why I kinda want to keep watching, though I'll probably end up dropping it more likely. Even with how odd the show is the last episode was incredible boring.


The show wants to be... all and nothing really. Feels like there's no proper unified creative vision. It's so strange that it's why I kinda want to keep watching, though I'll probably end up dropping it more likely. Even with how odd the show is the last episode was incredible boring.

Yeah, that's the main reason why I even bothered writing as much about it as I did, since I honestly can't undertstand what the show's aims are. Is it a comfy SoL? A tale of intrigue? An exploration of what makes one human? Battles with special abilities that run mostly on Rule of Cool?

Like, what the heck was the goal of introducing the other kids with special abilities if they only did something in the very first episode (and the drawing kid helping in Sana's abduction later on), and spent the rest of the time doing nothing but eating while we'd get awful exposition from their guardian speaking with other people in his organization? Why would they make so much of a fuss about the organization that was researching Sana only to have the police crush offscreen and in the span of five minutes, all while the whole operation didn't appear to be linked to Sana's abduction at all? Why oh why did one of the ability holders have to be a middle-aged woman that had merely fallen asleep while watching anime?


Yeah, that's the main reason why I even bothered writing as much about it as I did, since I honestly can't undertstand what the show's aims are. Is it a comfy SoL? A tale of intrigue? An exploration of what makes one human? Battles with special abilities that run mostly on Rule of Cool?

Like, what the heck was the goal of introducing the other kids with special abilities if they only did something in the very first episode (and the drawing kid helping in Sana's abduction later on), and spent the rest of the time doing nothing but eating while we'd get awful exposition from their guardian speaking with other people in his organization? Why would they make so much of a fuss about the organization that was researching Sana only to have the police crush offscreen and in the span of five minutes, all while the whole operation didn't appear to be linked to Sana's abduction at all? Why oh why did one of the ability holders have to be a middle-aged woman that had merely fallen asleep while watching anime?
Honestly I was expecting Sana living with Zouroku, with the 'evil organization' then sending the kids to capture her, some action and then they'd get 'converted' and started living with them as well... stuff like that.
Something pretty tropey but also comfy...

...But don't you talk bad about Ichijou, she's awesome.
Eccentric Family S2 5

Gyokuran and Yaichiro were cute as hell this episode, and it was nice seeing the entire family together for once. Then Benten had to go and ruin everything.

Damn. Even Benten haters must feel bad about her now. I thought this was supposed to be the season of Benten's glorious return. :(
It's difficult to feel bad for her when it was her own fault for stealing someone's sofa.


...But don't you talk bad about Ichijou, she's awesome.

Tachibana sucked in that she was just bitchy evil, but at least her ability's origin story about longing for her late husband's embrace to the point she was able to manifest his arms somehow was okay and set her up in a way that could've led to interesting developments (but didn't because the show is crap). Meanwhile, the other girl got Gilgamesh as her servant or something, and could turn into an in-universe anime character... I'd get it if this was JoJo, but the other (two) ability holders' origin stories were much more sympathetic and less "herp derp anime" than this.


The Eccentric Family S2 5

Damn. Even Benten haters must feel bad about her now. I thought this was supposed to be the season of Benten's glorious return. :(

Benten getting continuously BTFO is a glorious return.

Eccentric Family S2 05

Show still looks gorgeous. Not sure if it isn't due just to my viewing mode, weekly as opposed to marathoning, but I'm liking this season a lot more than its predecessor.

EF: A Tale of Melodies 02-03

There's loads of fun shaftisms in here but I have to say that some of the color choices, especially for the purple-yellow something CG sky are downright hideous.

I guess it's back to Memories for me as Chihiro made an appearance and started talking about stuff from there seemingly.
I like to pretend that they made this character in eccentric family because they realized not every audience member is like a dog chasing a bone after Benten and some couldn't stand her shit.

So here comes this swag motherfucker who ain't taking any of it.


I think he's saying he already read it 4 years ago but was unspoiled at that point in time.

Granblue Fantasy 06

Is this going to be like One Piece with them going from one island to another, solving its problems and getting bits of Poneglyphs Skymap in return ? Cause I already forgot what the main plot was about. Now it's been a while since first episodes but still, I think they didn't even deign to mention their situation to their new crewmate.

Didn't expect twintails to be such a kiddo.

After a while, when all main islands are introduced the main story becomes much more plot focused (which makes the sidequests with the player returning to previous locations and events stories with self contained plots in random islands feel kind of odd, since there's clearly no time to fit those in), but I don't think the anime will get to that point if it's only one season.


I guess it's back to Memories for me as Chihiro made an appearance and started talking about stuff from there seemingly.

Good idea. You should really watch Memories first. The ships, the characters, tgeir dispositions and motivations would make a lot more sense, lol.


With Berserk being as it is, while waiting for second half of LWA to finish to watch it in one sitting, I decided to make a relapse and watch some oldies I missed:

Princess Nine

This series was highly recommended. Quite enjoyable and solid characters. Did not mind it did not focus much on baseball. Preferred it this way actually. Izumi was too 70s to fit, but in the end she turned 90s.

Zettai Shonen
Some of the best episodes of Princess Nine involved a girl and aliens. ZS expands on this, especially the second part, since same director was in charge. Visually this is a unique series, set both in rural and urban setting. First part was better but second was more tense and complex. Very underrated but very good for sci-fi/mystery anime. It is very dialog heavy, though not a7s serious as more popular series. It shares more with Dennou Coil actually.

Metal Fighter Miku
Series' topic was very off putting but it ended up as an enjoyable one. Script could have been an actual wrestling event. Last two episodes are much better than the rest.Hoped for more episodes of this quality. OP is one of the most richly animated I've seen.

Gall Force
Standard 80s sci-fi anime with not much new. Rhea and Earth movies were much better to my liking in execution.Deserve a BD release. But you dont see naked women with details nowadays. Gall Force has plenty.

Galaxy Fraulein Yuna
Must have been the Madoka of the 90s,except it is funnier and cuter. Second OVA gets too serious in the end but overall it is a solid and entertaining title

Detatoko Princess
Comedic fantasy similar to Dragon Half, though less funny. Still better than first half of 2008 Slayers

I hadnt watched Robotek, just the original Macross.
Found it better and more unique than the original Macross and Orguss. Character design was by Y. Amano, so it was no coincidence characters were so well remembered. I liked that they did not focus so much on battles but in character interactions instead. Yellow is a much better singer than Mei Mei, both as man and woman. Mint is another proof that underage girls can be drawn and animated great. Though today no one in his right mind would show her boobs or completely naked. 80s were more liberal in kids shows.
Anyway, a classic with one of the best OP.


Why should I feel bad?
she has come to bother the Nidaime TWICE without him provoking her, and he finally handed her ass back to her to show her where she belongs. the trash

Without knowing more of their backstory, Benten just comes across as a bully who targeted the wrong person for once. It's hard to feel sorry for her here.
It's difficult to feel bad for her when it was her own fault for stealing someone's sofa.
Benten getting continuously BTFO is a glorious return.

I've lost my faith in humanity in this post-Koe no Katachi world.

Yeah, I get that Benten is an irredeemable, smug bully and she finally gets what she deserves, but the last scene was heartbreaking. I can't believe you feel no sympathy for her after her fall, both literally and metaphorically. Her expression destroyed me.
So...Sunrise announced they're gonna announce more Gundam Build Fighters news soon?

Friends, I would like to announce that I will announce my excitement when they make their future announcement.


MHA S2 ep.6
*eye roll*

I really like the show, but this dude obviously has some bullshit quirk Deku has to overcome. I can't remember what it was but I want to see him fight and struggle, not ass-pull quirks used against him.
So...Sunrise announced they're gonna announce more Gundam Build Fighters news soon?

Friends, I would like to announce that I will announce my excitement when they make their future announcement.

It's gonna fucking suck since the director of GBF S1 is too busy with MHA.

So unless by some miracle that Imagawa ends up working on it I'm gonna expect the same amount of bullshit from TRY that will also end up shitting on the original to boot.
I've lost my faith in humanity in this post-Koe no Katachi world.

Yeah, I get that Benten is an irredeemable, smug bully and she finally gets what she deserves, but the last scene was heartbreaking. I can't believe you feel no sympathy for her after her fall, both literally and metaphorically. Her expression destroyed me.

You can't grasp why people don't feel bad for a character who has been kind of a shitty person in general? You REALLY can't wrap your head around it that some people have been hoping something like this would happen?

If anything I'm glad, shows she can have an expression in her face besides smug anime girl. If this develops her character, so be it.
Monster Hunter Stories Ride On Episode 30 – Parting Ways

Cheval got all intense and borderline evil, I can understand the need to have some type of counteroffensive against blighted monsters but it felt like he was taking things way too far. Im glad others stood by Lute as well as Genie and co.

Someday theyll hold hands again.
Tamako Love Story

This was cathartic to watch. Tamako Market was a frustrating series to watch for many reasons, and the Tamako-Mochizou relationship was especially aggravating. Tamako was painfully vapid, Mochizou was perpetually indecisive, and together they circled the drain while Midori periodically poked in to scoff at Mochizou's lameness. It was one of the main things that made the series feel hollow, and the opening half-hour of this film reminded me of all of it. Midway through the scene between Tamako and Mochizou at the river I began to worry that the film would continue to kick the can on Mochizou's confession until later - and then he finally did it. Finally! Seeing Tamako shocked out of her complacent routine and having to deal with the emotional fallout and reexamine herself and her environment - that was incredibly satisfying. It was like going through Kimagure Orange Road with its love triangle in perpetual stasis and then getting to the movie where the triangle collapses and the characters have to deal with hard-hitting consequences. The storytelling here operated on a level of depth and maturity that was almost entirely lacking in the original series. It actually managed to sell me on why Tamako and Mochizou would fall in love with each other, through intelligent use of flashbacks and the masterstroke of Tamako's grandfather's sudden health emergency, in which Mochizou saw Tamako's fear and instinctively came alongside to support her. The way Tamako's memories of her mom and her parents' romance story as touched upon in episode 9 of the TV series were integrated into the narrative was also highly effective.

It helped that the movie was well made. Very well made. Ridiculously well made. So well made that it puts most other anime to shame and establishes Yamada as the most ambitious director at KyoAni, which is saying something. Right from the start it establishes a grand cinematic framework through a camera pullback through three-dimensional space away from Mochizou to his and Tamako's dad arguing, and it just continues from there throughout the entire film. Mochizou's filmmaking ambitions provided a clever narrative justification for the heavy experimentation with different types of camera techniques and filters used throughout. In a bizarre way the film reminded me of Dezaki's Golgo 13: The Professional which I recently saw - while Tamako Love Story hardly goes to same wild, unhinged extents that Dezaki's direction in that film went (to say nothing of its content) it displays a similar boldness in continually reinventing its visual technique and striving for new means of expressiveness. It's an exhilarating experience to watch a film like this where you can see the director and her team exploring the limits of what is possible in cinema. This is something that goes far beyond animation polish or pleasant art design or attractive layouts - though those are all there - but is something where you feel like every shot has been carefully thought out, considered, and planned for maximum emotional effect. Yamada's printed interviews make clear just how deeply she thinks about the work she creates, and in a scene such as Tamako's fleeing from Mochizou's confession, in which the familiar world of her shopping market melts into a vague patchwork of colors and sounds as her world turns on its head, the strength of her vision is made clear.

There are some small things that annoyed me about the film - the film struggles a bit at the beginning to emerge from the shaky foundation of the TV series, the big bouncing breast jokes that were made during the bath scene were a bizarrely out of place bit of cliche otaku humor, and I'd have preferred to not be reminded of Dela and Choi at all (especially cutting away briefly to them towards the climax of the film - why?). But those can't detract from my immense appreciation and enjoyment of the whole, especially the immensely satisfying ending in which the string telephone finally connects the two hearts. I am even more eager now to witness Yamada's next film project, A Silent Voice, which as the Japanese BDs are coming out within a couple weeks I should hopefully be able to do so in the not-too-distant future.
So...Sunrise announced they're gonna announce more Gundam Build Fighters news soon?

Friends, I would like to announce that I will announce my excitement when they make their future announcement.

They announced an "Extra Battle Project" which sounds like another OVA

There's a PV, but it's just footage from the previous seasons with a titlecard at the end

They did show off two new BF kits which will probably appear in it
Nill's Samurai-themed Impulse Gundam and Chinagguy
The Eccentric Family S2 E5

1/4 comfy
1/4 romantic
1/4 entertaining
1/4 thrilling and dramatic.

As good as expected.

About Benten
YOU FOOLS this will only serve to deep into her character and maybe have her dere side appear with Yasaburo, improving her even more. ALL HAIL BENTEN

The visuals of this series are lovely. The character design is simplistic, the backgrounds usually fall back too much in touched up photography in exteriors, but with the correct use of color, lightning and cinematographic point, it looks so nice:



Tamako Love Story is basically Tamako Market taking itself (or its characters) seriously but as a romance drama. Thankfully, my time with Tamako Market wasn't nearly frustrating since I had more or less an idea about how it would handle itself before I began watching. Love Story is a different beast surprisingly.
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