Sailor Moon S1 End
Thoroughly excellent. So effortlessly entertaining and visually very nice too.
All the filler was class, laughed so hard at times, like the tuxedo cat episode. Its been a while since i read the manga and i can only really remember it in broad strokes but probably the biggest improvement over the manga was giving the other girls some stuff to do besides prop up Usagi.
Magic Knight Rayearth S1 End
I was actually slightly disappointed by this. Like i kept waiting for the show to reveal some hidden depths or a twist that would change things that never came. It was just so straightforward, almost to a fault.
-Boring ass world. Like it's fantasy tropes essentially but fuck they spend 80% of their time in either a forest or a small village. The rest is mostly equally generic mountains or lakes. Just very little imagination.
-The plot is like watching an rpg play out, which the characters themselves point out at one stage. Go here, beat the enemy, get the power-up, rinse and repeat. It gets stale very quickly. There are some moments of character development sprinkled throughout which are nice but they beat that into the ground by often re-iterating the exact same points over and over.
-Visually the show is very good looking. Lol it is fun to guess at times how wildly will the character art bounce up and down between episodes but for the most part its great. And CLAMP character designs are mostly always ace.
-The only things i knew about the show going in is that it was a CLAMP show, i knew mokona from Tsubasa and it had mechs. But fuck i was kind of let down by the mechs. They just show up in the last 2 episodes and they fight exactly the same as the girls do without them.
-There were some plot points that went nowhere like Ferio (although i know there's a sequel so it probably gets picked up there). And the main villain, jesus you can spot the twist for his motivations a mile off and the rest of his henchmen are just kind of whatever.
Don''t want to bury the show too hard but i think watching it alongside sailor moon made me spot its flaws much more sharply.