but the site struggled at 5:55 AM when the first episode of Boruto came out, so its not like people are not watching anime when it first comes out...
The 4th game's story is worthy enough to be an anime. The Price of Freedom is eternal vigilence.
Sailor Moon Crystal S3 #4
Mimete gone in one episode.
Nerf World Shaking please.
Nice Engrish, CR.
LOVE the new cut ins.
Would you let Moguro-san fill the hole in your heart?
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 101
Finally, a protest I can get behind.
We unwanted the food-crisis!
I must have missed this due to being busy with moving, but Pony Canyon USA is releasing Kuromukuro on BD in two sets. They're even making an English dub for it.
I'm honestly surprised. They had gone so quiet lately, I thought they had just silently shut their doors.
Isn't it already dubbed on Netflix?
I'm surprised how cool Netflix is with people releasing their anime Netflix Originals on BD and using their dubs. Can't think of any "Netflix Original" that gets the same treatment. Same is happening with Seven Deadly Sins (the battle action series, not the porn one).
Damn.. what a bunch of bastards those countries are...
Oh geez...
At least the show realized how stupid these guys were.
Netflix insta-dub, well, not Funi's simuldub but still already there by the time the BD's roll around. Pretty neat.
Gundam Build Fighters Try Episode 7
Why would you do a serious "I'm dying, so I want to you to Gunpla for me..." story? Just why? The first season brought this idea up as a joke. Why is this season so serious in comparison to the first? Where is the fun Gunpla action?
I don't think being able to see through your stand is even used much outside of Hierophant Green, Echoes and Star Platinum tbhStardust Crusaders 8
"It's dangerous for Polnareff to be alone," so instead of going to his hotel room to check on him we'll just wait here for him to show up. Talk about idiocy. Also, it doesn't really make sense that Silver Chariot can't see places that Polnareff himself can't see, since elsewhere the series implies that Stand users can see through their Stand's eyes, such as last episode when Kakyoin used Hierophant Green to search the nooks and crannies of the giant ship. Or heck, the enemy Stand user in this episode.
But I find these kind of oddities endearing in Jojo, and Yasufumi Soejima's storyboarding and direction is quite strong in creating the proper horror feel in this episode. His eccentricities are used to good impact, such as his interest in CG leading to a number of creative point-of-view shots and a dynamically moving camera as well as a general reliance on unsettling and distorted angles and layouts. Quite strong music direction as well; the music is paced really well with the ebb and flow of action to create the proper atmosphere. Soejima has always been one of the greatest assets to the Jojo TV project, down to his conception of Diamond is Unbreakable's incredible third OP.
There was something very wrong about that last country... Something very very wrong. Kino saw her younger self in Sakura and I was hoping she said she wanted to become a traveler too, but that ending...... WTF.... So much wrong with thr citizen's decisions; their rationalization made as little sense as the last country that murders a third group of people, just so they don't kill each other anymore....
Kino's Journey- END
Overall, Kino's Journey was fun to follow and learn the lore and customs of each country she visited. I wish there were more adventures to go on with Kino...
There are two short (30 minute) films as well, and obviously there's the new series coming at some point this or next year, so there's plenty more to see!
I don't think being able to see through your stand is even used much outside of Hierophant Green, Echoes and Star Platinum tbh
There's others we know can't do it like Highway Star and Aerosmith (I think?) that use other means to operate in long distance
So I don't find it that odd Polnareff can't do it tbh
Shin Godzilla from Funi in August.
There are two short (30 minute) films as well, and obviously there's the new series coming at some point this or next year, so there's plenty more to see!
There was an announcement a while back that there would be more Kino's Journey coming after many many years.
Seriously? When?????? Any links?
Next year would be the 15 yr anniversary..
Yeah, at the end of the day the only truly universal rules is that stand users are drawn to each otherIt's just an example of how the "rules" governing Stands are so variable with minimal binding logic. That's why I accept each encounter as it comes rather than trying to think ahead of Araki.
funimation august releases
with fruits basket on blu ray in both regular and special editions.
shin godzilla.
tokyo ravens
fairy tail collection 9
one piece season 9 voyage 2
rainbow days
endride part 2.
Episode 5 had something of an introductory presence and collateral damage, but not an actual mecha battle yet - maybe in the near future, since episode 6 had quite a bit of fighting in it.
Episode 4/5 had the mecha in action
Serial Experiments Lain 2-6
Lain is blessed with a very special family. A creepy dad that loves hardware and an even creepier mother that only seems to eat and kiss.Also, I still can't understand Lain, the character. I don't understand if she's good or evil, if she knows what she's doing or not, if she realizes her room looks like a jungle.Lain's sister was the only one that acted like a normal person and she was erased from existence or something, like a punishment for being normal.
The show definitely outweirds almost anything I've watched, but it remains very interesting. I just can't believe that it will eventually have an explanation for everything it has shown, but its thematic and the fact that a higher power exists, kind of allows that, so maybe it's not impossible.
Worth catching up hero academy?
Worth catching up hero academy?
funimation august releases
with fruits basket on blu ray in both regular and special editions.
shin godzilla.
tokyo ravens
fairy tail collection 9
one piece season 9 voyage 2
rainbow days
endride part 2.