Yuki Yuna is a Hero - Ep. 5-12
That's was really great...except for the ending.
I don't mind this kind of ending, but it didn't really work. It really should have been explained and/or foreshadowed better.
In any case, it isn't that such a big deal and it's pretty much my only real problem with this anime.
Well, except maybe that real world looks kind of bland, but the other world made up for that in spades.
With the negative stuff out of the way, let's focus on the good stuff, because the anime does many things right.
For instance, the entire is great. They all get a decent amount of screetime and development.
My favorite would be Yuki Yuna herself, but I have soft spot for this kind of character.
Togo was great as well and certainly the most complex character of the anime.
The plot was good ,too, with some awesome twists in the later episodes.
I also really liked the monster. There designs are creepy and creative.
They are also CG, but that really works in thier favor, since it makes them look more otherworldly.
On top of that they make for some really cool fight scenes. It helps that their abilities are very distinct.
Speaking of fight scenes, episode 11 had a fight that was simultaneously exteremly badass and very depressing.
amazing OST made that scene even more perfect.
The anime ain't no Madoka Magica, but it's miles ahead of Day Break Illusion and Rising Project.
I would defentily recommand it.
Hopefully the sequel/prequel- thing will be just as good with a better ending and it could be my AOTY, but let's not get ahead of ourself.