Euromanga Sensei ep.10
Not sure why they are even bothering trying to push this harem on him.
That's how unwanted harem animes work.
I liked this episode. It was better than most others from this terrible show.
Euromanga Sensei ep.10
Not sure why they are even bothering trying to push this harem on him.
That's how unwanted harem animes work.
I liked this episode. It was better than most others from this terrible show.
The episode itself wasn't bad, but we already know the outcome and so doesn't everyone else. I mean, Elf was elevated last week as well, but it just feels like filler, lol.
Tiger Mask W 19
this is all the carny shit in wrestling minus the carny part and fight to the death added instead
Uh, with Netflix being the primary distribution method and one of the primary backers, I'm pretty sure LWA TV is aimed at a kids' audience first and foremost. This wasn't crowdfunded.
for some reason i thought you were ahead of me/caught up with tiger mask W.
Still, they could not stray that far from the original concept. LWA main charm and reason for funding was the animation deriving from classic Gainax, kinda like the shojo equivalent of TTGL.
Since its finally summer, gonna restart Non Non Biyori. Hope we get a S3 soon.
There should be new NNB every summer.
People care about(terrible)dubs?
[Little Witch Academia TV] - 23
It's why I subscribe to funimation. Sometimes I just want to watch the animation completely without having to out brainpower into reading.They are no longer the 90s type of terrible and improved since then, so yes, a lot of people care about dubs.
Watching it weekly destroys your soul.I'm catching up on LWA (up to episode 14).
I've been enjoying it despite the negativity surrounding it around these parts.
Watching it weekly destroys your soul.
Dragon Ball Super Episode 94
Really solid episode, with some killer art. Poor Krillin, he married into a weird family.
I love goooolllld.
Dragon Ball Super Episode 94
Really solid episode, with some killer art. Poor Krillin, he married into a weird family.
I love goooolllld.
I'm not sure what you mean here. Yoshinari's fluid, curvy animation style as seen in LWA is distinct to Imaishi's disjunct, jagged animation style. I can't fathom how LWA's animation is a shoujo equivalent of TTGL.
I can't speak for the rest of the show since I'm only on 18, but 18 is a must watch.Is Little Witch Academia worth watching? Currently on episode 17
I can't speak for the rest of the show since I'm only on 18, but 18 is a must watch.
A funny question to ask at this many episodes in though : )
Honnōji Academy somehow is a better school than Luna Nova. This teaching staff...
so funimation is claiming the updated the audio quality on their site
Honnōji Academy somehow is a better school than Luna Nova. This teaching staff...
they in fact reduced bitrate in video with the audio change if you look at the chartCan they update the video quality too so it doesn't feel like I'm watching shows that take place in dark caves with no lights in them?
The show continues after this with the second series and there is also a movie covering an alternative perspective of the first series.Aim for the Ace 26 END
It's too bad the show ended here. I got a little bored with the doubles arc - the drama that had dominated the earlier portion of the show subsided and the focus on more standard sports action and strategy was not especially compelling. But the training camp that closed this series ratcheted my interest back up, as Coach Munakata once again ramps up the pressure on Hiromi as he pushes her into the mold he has designed for her in order for her to be able to compete on an international level. This last episode was the most thrilling of them all, as the idiosyncrasies of Dezaki's style were on full display as Hiromi and Ryuuzaki poured out their sweat and blood (literally) onto the tennis court. Their emotion was matched with camera pans and tilts, starkly symbolic layouts, and dramatic faces and poses. The episode demonstrates just how exciting Dezaki can make melodrama. When watching him operating at full strength (within the TV space) like this, there's no question in my mind as to why Osamu Dezaki is regarded as one of the all-time great anime directors.
The show continues after this with the second series and there is also a movie covering an alternative perspective of the first series.
Believing is magic, ha...