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Spring Anime 2017 |OT| Don't be a SukaSuka for Gacha

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Haha I guess I probably look a little like that here, but that's probably because I only really post about shows I am relatively passionate about or ones that made me go wow on the first episode. I am watching Tanya, All out! And Gad Guard right now and while none of them are bad at all, they just lack that fire that makes me want to talk about them. So imagine bad show, I would need to be outraged to start posting. :p

That's understandable. I only really post impressions on things if I really like them, hate them, or when I'm really bored, so I can see why. I wonder when you'll encounter something even you think is awful, though?

I actually kinda wish I didn't have a critical eye. It must be kinda amazing to be GoldCrusader where so very little is outright awful. Means you can kinda enjoy near anything and I'd rather enjoy stuff than feel put off or bored by it.

I think it's a good thing; if I enjoyed every anime out there then I'd have no time to watch them all. Being a bit more critical about the shows you watch saves you time.
The last PV for Uchouten Kazoku, with music from the OP



Don't hosanna.


You'll just hurt yourself.

I didn't realize just how far firehawk has descended into self-parody.

Yeah that cut was just straight up ????????

You can do good first person stuff (like in Tiger Mask W 24) but that was just dumb

There's nothing wrong with first person shots conceptually. This Re:Creators scene would be unexceptional except for the bizarre decision to drop glasses in front of the camera and then not account for how glasses would actually look through their wearer's eyes - you don't see the bridge but instead the full outside borders of the glasses, and of course glasses shouldn't be making your vision worse. Thus there's an awkward conflict between the language of the first person view, where normally we are supposed to be looking through the character's eyes, and the camera being actually positioned just above the character's nose.

Oh you guys. lol

Edit: I'm half paying attention because I'm watching the Get Down, but my only point was that they can't ALL be the next Zootopia/Moana in terms of being giant cultural phenomenon that people quote, if only for a few months.

If all you're trying to say is that the films I mentioned won't all be as commercially successful and popular as Your Name, which is a given, you shouldn't have said they're the equivalent of crassly comedic CG features such as Sausage Party. You can't just namedrop Western film/TV all the time and leave it at that.
I actually kinda wish I didn't have a critical eye. It must be kinda amazing to be GoldCrusader where so very little is outright awful. Means you can kinda enjoy near anything and I'd rather enjoy stuff than feel put off or bored by it.

I think being able to critically examine things allows you to enjoy things on a deeper level than you are able to when you accept anything you see as good. There's nothing quite like the appreciation of fine craftsmanship.
Yowamushi Pedal New Generation Episode 11 – Conclusion

I cant believe it took this many seasons for epic Sugimoto action but then the conclusion :( I really wanted sixth man Sugimoto, hotshot did too!


Namely, the comedy of errors climax when both characters realize that they've been travelling both through time and space. The movie sets up the fact that they may not have detailed memories of each other's lives, and perhaps you could handwave away the fact that they didn't try to contact each other during their swaps, but the fact that neither of them noticed the year? It just stretched incredulity a bit too far for me.

An easier solution would have just been to separate the characters through a greater period of time, but of course you wouldn't get the crowd pleasing ending. I dunno, once that revelation was made, I just couldn't accept the absurdity of the characters not recognizing the time change.

The memories of their switch are as intact as any dream they generally have, details like time are hazy by the time they wake up. At least that is what was implied.

Your Name had a good start but the later half did little for me but that's subjective.

Ok, Only Yesterday is the last Ghibli on my watchlist. This opening is making me crave Pineapples.

Only Yesterday is so good. I only saw it once on TCM over a decade ago. I really should watch it again.

Yep, watch Only Yesterday if you haven't and if you have, go for a rewatch!

Here's some interesting trivia on the film.

There's nothing wrong with first person shots conceptually. This Re:Creators scene would be unexceptional except for the bizarre decision to drop glasses in front of the camera and then not account for how glasses would actually look through their wearer's eyes - you don't see the bridge but instead the full outside borders of the glasses, and of course glasses shouldn't be making your vision worse. Thus there's an awkward conflict between the language of the first person view, where normally we are supposed to be looking through the character's eyes, and the camera being actually positioned just above the character's nose.

I've seen that scene on Twitter, it gave the impression that there's a camera on the top of his nose than being in his perspective.
That's understandable. I only really post impressions on things if I really like them, hate them, or when I'm really bored, so I can see why. I wonder when you'll encounter something even you think is awful, though?

Something awful? I watched one. It was called Hitori no Shita: The Outcast. The worst anime I saw so far.
I think being able to critically examine things allows you to enjoy things on a deeper level than you are able to when you accept anything you see as good. There's nothing quite like the appreciation of fine craftsmanship.

That's a fair point, but I also think that ignorance is bliss and if everything were innately enjoyable on a certain level you'd never know what you were missing anyway.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 1 (Subtitled) Episode 83 – Destiny Board Brings Death

This is the best duel in Battle City Finals (slifer was for battle city prelims), Ryo Bakura has the best laughs and poses but also the best inner rivalry with Marik. I still wish for Bakura success he deserves it for cornering Yugi like this with Occult Deck.

Yugi VA makes me laugh a lot all the random times he draws and chuckles when he looks at his card when hes about to break an opponents combo, lol.


Something awful? I watched one. It was called Hitori no Shita: The Outcast. The worst anime I saw so far.

Haven't heard of it, but looking it up it doesn't strike me as being an interesting looking show. You'll inevitably run into more like it as you watch more, though. I'm not sure which anime I've watched that I consider the worst. I'd have to spend some time thinking about that...

On the topic of Umaru, good! Season 1 was a lot of fun.
Haven't heard of it, but looking it up it doesn't strike me as being an interesting looking show. You'll inevitably run into more like it as you watch more, though. I'm not sure which anime I've watched that I consider the worst. I'd have to spend some time thinking about that...

On the topic of Umaru, good! Season 1 was a lot of fun.

Hitori no Shita is pretty bad. Wife and I reviewed it last year. It's one of those generally awful Manhua adaptations that hits a lot of cliches while presenting the story with ho-hum animation.

My worst anime is either Ai City or Divine Gate.
Hitori no Shita is pretty bad. Wife and I reviewed it last year. It's one of those generally awful Manhua adaptations that hits a lot of cliches while presenting the story with ho-hum animation.

My worst anime is either Ai City or Divine Gate.

Divine Gate? Really, it got several points in the anime of the year thread here. Surprised you would consider it one of the worst. It was one of the best mobile game adaptations and stylish. Also the OP was really amazing.
Divine Gate? Really, it got several points in the anime of the year thread here. Surprised you would consider it one of the worst. It was one of the best mobile game adaptations and stylish. Also the OP was really amazing.

Yeah we've disagreed on this before. One man's trash is another man's treasure and all that. I won't tear into it though. I feel like that'd be rude since you like it so much. I'll just say I got zero enjoyment from it.

I'll sell my soul for a second season of nozaki

Please don't put ideas into my wife's head =(
Pretty sure she'd jump at the chance if offered.
Haven't heard of it, but looking it up it doesn't strike me as being an interesting looking show. You'll inevitably run into more like it as you watch more, though. I'm not sure which anime I've watched that I consider the worst. I'd have to spend some time thinking about that...

Space Thunder Kids. It's a bit of an oddity, since it's an American edit of multiple Korean ripoffs of Japanese TV animation, but it's hard for me to imagine how you could create a worse work than Space Thunder Kids. That's as low as it gets.


Aikatsu Stars 51

New season, and wow there's a lot to unpack here. New opening is great, though Laura looks a bit out of place with her admin uniform compared to everyone else's S4 uniform. Doesn't seem to be any major first years, which is disappointing, though maybe the second half will introduce someone. Hime and Tsubasa look like they're dating. I'm very glad the show is focusing on Yume still. More interesting to see the struggles of someone who is top of the school. There are two blonde pigtails in S4. Yume or Yuzu need to mix things up. Yuzu is the student council president. That's... problematic for the school. Thankfully Lily can handle her with her sniping skills with a net gun. With Lily as Yuzu's handler, will she have time to function as Song Class's admin? Well they've got Laura and Yuri, so they'll be fine. Hopefully Yuzu is integrated into the main group more, because she is the main group now.

Of course the real star is Perfect Elza and her Venus Ark. A group of idols across the entire world brought together by Elza to dominate Aikatsu. They travel on their fancy idol school boat, because rich people I guess. They're messing with the main cast a lot already. Attempting to poach Hime, who is the top idol in Japan I guess. Then we've got Kirara (who looks just like Haruka) getting Ako's brand first. Ako is S4, so Kirara has to be big news if she gets dibs. Infiltration of the enemy school could have gone better. Going in S4 uniform makes it obvious who they are and is kind of humiliating when they're thrown out. The scent of Yozora is there? She's not the type to join this expedition right after moving, so could it be... Elza herself has great presence, both on and off stage. She knows how to make moves on other idols, but Yume resists her charm powers. For now. Great performance and coord as well. We've even got Hime admitting Elza is probably better. Nerfing Hime manages to work thanks to a stellar introduction. Elza is already shaping up to be a much better antagonist than Seira ever was. An antagonist shouldn't be the underdog after all. Next episode, Koharu confirms she's alive. And I think she's joined the enemy. Uh oh if that's the case.


My Hero Academia 15

Dat Todoroki sakuga

I would point out that this particular sequence although really cool, kind of undermines the size of those things. Then again, Todoroki got past them with little effort.

It's great that Midoriya is standing up to Todoroki's challenge, I was afriad he'd cower. All of the events of the first season did not go to waste.
Oh yeah, in case anyone from the US or Canada was interested, Wife and I are running another contest on our website. If you're interested in winning a manga volume, anime DVD/Bluray, Gundam Model or Light Novel there's about a week left. It's a stupid little Gleam contest so it's pretty low bar for effort.


I won't mention it again though, I'm sure people hate self-promotion almost as much as I feel awkward doing it.


Space Thunder Kids. It's a bit of an oddity, since it's an American edit of multiple Korean ripoffs of Japanese TV animation, but it's hard for me to imagine how you could create a worse work than Space Thunder Kids. That's as low as it gets.

I have actually seen this, I just wasn't sure if it really qualified as "anime". It's definitely one of the most unpleasant things I've seen, though. I didn't even have any alcohol at the time to help me through it. That part near the end where there were five solid minutes of nothing but tanks completely destroyed me.

What was most awful about it was how long it felt. My friends and I literally thought an hour of time had passed when the movie had only been playing for 25 minutes or so. Sometimes I wonder if it never actually finished, and I'm still there, dreaming up this life just to get away from it.
Is Kado so good that I should forgive the horrible CG.
I could only last 3 minutes.

I didn't have a problem, but if you're that adverse to it then the question is how appealing does a methodical take on Japan's first contact with aliens sound? A lot of comparisons to it being Arrival or say, Shin Godzilla, in how it handles the building drama and politics.


Subete no aware
The memories of their switch are as intact as any dream they generally have, details like time are hazy by the time they wake up. At least that is what was implied.

Your Name had a good start but the later half did little for me but that's subjective.
I just think
the year would be an important detail to remember, considering they had the wherewithal to include each others contact information. lol

If all you're trying to say is that the films I mentioned won't all be as commercially successful and popular as Your Name, which is a given, you shouldn't have said they're the equivalent of crassly comedic CG features such as Sausage Party. You can't just namedrop Western film/TV all the time and leave it at that.
I was thinking about the films being critically or culturally important, since both Sausage Party and Boss Babies are box office "hits", despite no one caring about them.


Re:Creators-1 Encore

Hiroe knows how to make waifus after my own heart.
This is really really really schlocky. Not exactly a great start as I don't think the show does a good enough job of establishing the main character before throwing him into the deep-end. I would have preferred an entire episode setting up the background of the main character and giving the audience some reason to care about him. This show is so painfully aware of tropes though that I wonder if that's the point, in that the main character is supposed to be some bland LN self-insert on purpose as commentary on them.
The main character seems to be narrating the events of the show which just makes the rabbit hole even deeper. It's a story inside a story about stories outside of stories. This episode was a lot of setup so I'm willing to excuse it a bit but it's still not good in the sense that I don't know what's the general aim of the show in that is it just going to become one big battle royale? I can't help but think of Fate/Zero and Aldnoah Zero's premieres where the framework of the show is laid out and here it feels a lot messier. There also isn't any huge moment like at the end of the first ep of Aldnoah Zero so I'm left underwhelmed. It does seem though that the show hasn't kicked it into high gear yet and all the players still haven't arrived. I would have preferred something like Fate/Zero's first episode where it sets up all the sides for a rather large cast.
On the animation side, the backgrounds are pretty lacking but it's hard to do urban sprawl well. The background art inside the 'anime' looked nice though. I was kinda disappointed in the character animation and effects animation as Aldnoah Zero had some good moments. With Aoki working on this along with Troyca being more established, I figured they could put more muscle into it. It definitely looks like a Troyca production though in the sense that this is coming from the same staff as A/Z as a number of profile shots looked straight out of A/Z. Troyca's stuff has a processed look to it that I thought fit A/Z well with the focus on technology while here it doesn't mesh.

This is some LN ass dialogue.
The premise of the show is so meta that I don't even know if they're making stuff intentionally bad as a joke.

Calling it now, the girl that killed herself is the sister of the MC and MC created sword violinist when he was younger. MC is definitely sword violinst's creator. Can't wait till she goes dere. Based Hiroe.
Gundam IBO - 6

I'll give this show credit where it's due. This episode probably had more elements of genuine humanity to it than the entirety of Gundam 00's Second Season. Hell, even the first season barely had any of that.

Fumitan is literally just Marina Ismail's aide though.
Twin Angels Break 1

So design wise, these are still more lewd than any Precure, so audience is rather obvious.
The fact that it's a pachislot adaptation is also a hint.

There's a subset of side characters who don't appear to be "magical girls" but they have distinct designs from the rest of the schmucks.

The plot twist for this show was just hastily trotted out there and pretty much tells you want it wants to do, because clearly their pet hedgehog is evil.

Amusingly, the fights were very Toku-esqued instead. You have a bunch of deliberately slow sequence of everyone beating each other, and Sumire got pretty tired while fighting. Makes me wonder if it doesn't really augment their power levels as well. Screams parody.
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