I thought she was going to be a major character but it seems like the show is just going to shift "leads" every episode. It's kinda weird. I'm sure she'll get more episodes, but it looks like they're going to start introducing the female negotiator next.
I really don't "get" how this show even exists. There's no commercial hook, there's no merchandising angle, it's a really muted show considering the heavy CG production, and I feel it could probably be made at a fraction of the cost with no difference in visuals. So... what exactly is it? I'm glad someone greenlit an interesting scifi thriller anime series but I just don't understand why they would. Lol.
I haven't watched enough to make a solid opinion of the show but I'll make the assumption right now that if the moe scientist gets any more screen time than a minute or two in an episode it is going to bring the show down heavily.
Every other character seems to belong in their role besides her. The lazy coworker/partner, the college professor/scientist, the will they/won't they government employee lady, glasses.
Then here comes this scientist and everything about her clashes so much with the rest of the show I am focused on her for every wrong reason. I am interested to see where this sci fi may lead. But I don't want her along for the ride.
If they need to keep her around, then at least have the decency to have an evil American President who has scenes where he orders the illuminati to capture the evil alien and bring it to America because it'll lead us to oil