The company provides the following examples of customer harassment and socially unacceptable behavior:
Act of violence, violent behavior
Abusive language, intimidation, coercion, duress, excessive pursuit or reprimand
Defamation/slander, denial of a person’s dignity, personal attacks (including email, contact in contact form, comment or post on the internet), advance notice of wrongdoing, advance notice of obstruction of business
Persistent inquiries, repeated visits
Trespassing by visiting or staying in an office or related facility without permission
Unlawful restraint, including via telephone calls and online inquiries
Discriminatory speech and conduct regarding race, ethnicity, religion, family origin, occupation, etc.
Infringement of privacy by taking pictures or making video recordings without consent
Sexual harassment, stalking, repeated stalking behavior
Undue demand:
Unreasonable demands for changes or exchange of product, or unreasonable requests for monetary compensation
Unreasonable demands for responses or apologies (including face-to-face responses or requests for an apology from an employee in a specific job position)
Excessive requests for the provision of products and services exceeding socially accepted norms
Unreasonable and excessive demands for punishment of our employees
Act of violence, violent behavior
Abusive language, intimidation, coercion, duress, excessive pursuit or reprimand
Defamation/slander, denial of a person’s dignity, personal attacks (including email, contact in contact form, comment or post on the internet), advance notice of wrongdoing, advance notice of obstruction of business
Persistent inquiries, repeated visits
Trespassing by visiting or staying in an office or related facility without permission
Unlawful restraint, including via telephone calls and online inquiries
Discriminatory speech and conduct regarding race, ethnicity, religion, family origin, occupation, etc.
Infringement of privacy by taking pictures or making video recordings without consent
Sexual harassment, stalking, repeated stalking behavior
Undue demand:
Unreasonable demands for changes or exchange of product, or unreasonable requests for monetary compensation
Unreasonable demands for responses or apologies (including face-to-face responses or requests for an apology from an employee in a specific job position)
Excessive requests for the provision of products and services exceeding socially accepted norms
Unreasonable and excessive demands for punishment of our employees