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SSX |OT| Modern Boardfare


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Hey soultron, do you know if this game has any kind of hotfix system, as with the last couple of CoD games for example? If people find exploits on drops and are able to screw up the leaderboards, is there any way for EA to rectify the problem without the need for a full title update? I would hate to see the online component get ruined by that like it does in so many games.


Got my copy. For some reason Eb had an extra pre-order code for Eddie so they gave me that. Disappointed there's no manual, I was hoping to have something to browse this afternoon, now to wait until I get off. I didn't bother with the demo on my HMZ but I think that's how I'm going to start the actual game.
Added myself to the 360 list, please feel free to add me as I want lot's of competition.

Getting on friday so expect to see some fast times posted up. Really looking forward to this, the demo sold me completely.

can understand the complaints some people are having, but nothing screams gamebreaking to me.

Is it correct that online multiplayer is ghosts only unless you're playing friends?

edit: nvm, saw video in OT


Hey soultron, do you know if this game has any kind of hotfix system, as with the last couple of CoD games for example? If people find exploits on drops and are able to screw up the leaderboards, is there any way for EA to rectify the problem without the need for a full title update? I would hate to see the online component get ruined by that like it does in so many games.

I know that they can and are fine-tuning a lot of Global Event variables on the fly so that they can make the competition enjoyable for everyone. This is why you'll see some public Global Events expire and be replaced with a much lower max gear level cap, for instance. Then when that expires, it could be higher.

I'll ask some of the RiderNet guys the next time I play with them. I don't know whether or not I'll be able to talk about it (or if they'll even be able to tell me about it), but I'll do my best!


Soultron, fucking Treadstoned has 58 million on the trick it event for Serenity. Ridiculous.

I like how him and Supremiest are always like, "Yeah bros, let's play Serenity on Trick It!"

Trying to pad the pot! :p

I'm a terrible Trick It player. I'll always be a Race It person at heart. Once I get my characters to level 10, I'm going to wreck people. Mark my words.

@Tokubetsu: Yeah, I found that annoying too, but that's a Microsoft "problem," basically. You'll have to grab a few blank CDs, burn your music to them, rip that to your 360, and then create and save playlists. It's a pain, but you've only gotta do it once, pretty much.


I like how him and Supremiest are always like, "Yeah bros, let's play Serenity on Trick It!"

Trying to pad the pot! :p

I'm a terrible Trick It player. I'll always be a Race It person at heart. Once I get my characters to level 10, I'm going to wreck people. Mark my words.

@Tokubetsu: Yeah, I found that annoying too, but that's a Microsoft "problem," basically. You'll have to grab a few blank CDs, burn your music to them, rip that to your 360, and then create and save playlists. It's a pain, but you've only gotta do it once, pretty much.

Does the 360 take mp3 cds? Can it rip them?

Yep looks you cant rip a mp3 cd too. So fucking retarded. Kinda wishing I had gone with the ps3 version now tbh.




Loved the demo. Looking forward to playing this.

Probably gonna wait for the inevitable price drop before diving into this one. Full priced games are just more and more difficult to justify buying at day1 for me.


Loved the demo, but i wish this game was also available for ps vita. Would be perfect fit with the whole asynchronous mp and quick events.

Probably gonna wait for the inevitable price drop before diving into this one. Full priced games are just more and more difficult to justify buying at day1 for me.

I would edit that out. The last dude who mentioned Vita in this thread was banned. (It's called "port begging" and it's a bannable offense.)


Wow, my copy actually arrived this morning. I'm impressed (I've never bought a game on launch day online). Now I have to go out and buy xbl


Neo Member
I need more activity on my Ridernet feed, so i'm going to start adding some 360GAF Members. My GT: Brown Wookie

Just for reference my best time on JT 2 in the demo was 1:59.99. So feel free to add me if you want some close competition or just want to brutally crush me!


Loved the demo. Looking forward to playing this.

Probably gonna wait for the inevitable price drop before diving into this one. Full priced games are just more and more difficult to justify buying at day1 for me.

What do you mean? Even full priced games are cheaper than they've ever been and games now have way more replay value than back in the day.


Waiting on it now. Read a few things I REALLY don't like in my SSX games.

For example, using oxygen requires occasionally tapping a button to make your character breathe. The longer you go without breathing, the more the screen whites out until eventually your character passes out and you lose the event. Especially cold mountains in Antarctica force you to equip solar panels that need to be recharged by staying away from shaded areas. Spend too long out of the sun and you freeze to death.

No matter which add-on you’re stuck with, all of the “survive it” challenges share a common trait: They aren’t very fun. The SSX series has always empowered players to pull off superhuman tricks while spinning around in the air at light speed. Suddenly finding yourself in realism-based, trial-and-error situations where you’re constantly dying and restarting doesn’t capture the classic SSX feel at all. The limited rewind ability fails to ease the frustration much.

Explore mode is overflowing with content – over 150 drops in all – but it’s disappointing how many of these I didn’t want to touch because of the survival element. Even if you ignore any specifically designated “survive it” runs, many of the courses are designed with survival in mind, which means they’re peppered with bottomless pits and other health hazards. Make a single bad jump or don’t time the use of your wingsuit right, and you’re stuck reloading and starting from the beginning (or rewinding and incurring serious penalties). I want to feel like an insane snowboarding legend when I play SSX, not like I’m trying to memorize a difficult platforming level.

Now it ends on a fairly positive note, but I'm waiting for the first price drop for this one. 30 hopefully, no more than 40. Unless someone has a link to buy it in Canada for 40 or around that with shipping(I doubt it this early on)?

The game has a great mode in Explore it seems, but that's not worth 60 to me.

This will be mine eventually. Looking forward to it. Bit disappointed in some of the changes, though. I guess you can't expect them to just make the same game again.
This argument isn't exclusive to EA or SSX. Shit like this has been happening all generation and it's not going to change as long as it's adding 0's to the bottom line. It sucks, sure, but this is the brave new world of the retail market.

Yeah, it's just nice to have a means of screwing them back by buying their games used or renting them. Wanna **** me? I'll **** you too.

For you achievement/trophy whores, when you get to the ice-axe deadly descent, dont equip one. Just ride slowly down the mountain and you'll get an easy 25 points (silver trophy I assume).

There's far too many tracks out of the 153 that involve the stupid shit. I need to keep a mental checklist of the tracks for trick-it and race that don't involve all the things I hate.


Does the 360 take mp3 cds? Can it rip them?

Yep looks you cant rip a mp3 cd too. So fucking retarded. Kinda wishing I had gone with the ps3 version now tbh.

If you've still got the mp3s handy and a flash drive, that might work. Had no idea you couldnt do that with an mp3 cd though.

OK...I was game until I read this review:


Is this shit for real? Bottomless pits and "dying" like a platformer, *having* to buy armour and equipment in order to access runs, runs where you have to stay in the sunshine so you don't freeze to death. Seriously?

Sounds like a fun challenge to me...of course I just put the game in my system so I have no idea if that part is actually as fun as it sounds.


If you've still got the mp3s handy and a flash drive, that might work. Had no idea you couldnt do that with an mp3 cd though.

Sounds like a fun challenge to me...of course I just put the game in my system so I have no idea if that part is actually as fun as it sounds.

First thing I tried was the usb drive. It's playlist oriented and you have to save the playlist to 360's hdd. I had this epic, 70 track playlist that now needs to be cut down to 12 or so songs (80 minutes). Thanks Microsoft.


Picking the game up in a few minutes! :D
Hate all of you lucky SOBs that were able to get the game earlier in the day.


Yeah, it's just nice to have a means of screwing them back by buying their games used or renting them. Wanna **** me? I'll **** you too.

In this day and age, buying a game used or renting is basically saying, "I do not want more of this series." That's not any of your fault but that is the the unfortunate reality today.

I understand you're outraged, but it's two pieces of content that you're going to get down the line anyway. (I'm going to assume this.) And it's two pieces of content that only ruins your game experience if you choose to dwell on it and stress about it.

Maybe signing timed exclusivity deals with Sony and offering pre-order exclusives for retail partners are what made certain features in this game possible or better because of the funds afforded to them. I'd call them a necessary evil, for that reason.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
So anyone that was wondering (maybe just me) but the cover is not reversible on the ps3 version.

I guess only Sony exclusive titles really do that anyway.

In other news I got my game and the countdown to leaving work begins.
First thing I tried was the usb drive. It's playlist oriented and you have to save the playlist to 360's hdd. I had this epic, 70 track playlist that now needs to be cut down to 12 or so songs (80 minutes). Thanks Microsoft.
Can't you rip multiple audio cds to the HDD, and then combine them into one big playlist for SSX? That's what I was planning on doing tonight.


Can't you rip multiple audio cds to the HDD, and then combine them into one big playlist for SSX? That's what I was planning on doing tonight.

Yea, but I already had the pefect mix going. It's just more pain in the ass work to burn 2-3 cds just for this one game. Especially since I won't be using them for anything else.


Death Prophet
If anyone for any reason doesn't have a flashdrive or external hard drive (I didn't in my dorm), you can use your iPod in disk mode, make a folder with the music you want it in it, and then transfer it to your PS3.

I'm sure there are better ways but that's how I did it.
Yea, but I already had the pefect mix going. It's just more pain in the ass work to burn 2-3 cds just for this one game. Especially since I won't be using them for anything else.
Yeah, I hear ya - it's a complete pain the ass to do it this way. I'm just glad there's a workaround. I'll probably deal with it later this week since I want to play tonight rather than spend an hour burning and ripping CDs. :/


With the way they've been pushing multiplayer as a huge component of the game, getting a bronze medal is pretty much inconsequential. There's still a ridiculous amount of challenge to the game. Try going for gold when you download that demo.
I've got no doubt that the game is designed in such a way as to create difficulty, but it's just so far removed from anything resembling the act of snowboarding.

Jamie OD

Does the 360 take mp3 cds? Can it rip them?

Yep looks you cant rip a mp3 cd too. So fucking retarded. Kinda wishing I had gone with the ps3 version now tbh.

I thought I found a way with ripping my songs from iTunes onto a CD. Turns out half of the ripped songs won't transfer to the hard drive. Very frustrating.


Are all pre-release OTs this circle-jerky? I usually never follow any of them but SSX (1/Tricky/3) is one of my top 3 or so favorite series' of all time so I wanted to see how this new 'reboot' attempts to compare to those games, but I've yet to see this soultron guy accept any other issues that anybody else as legit and just says 'well your wrong because I love this game I got for free.' fuck man it's comical at this point, if I ever bought this used I sure hope the rest of community isn't all like that guy.
I thought I found a way with ripping my songs from iTunes onto a CD. Turns out half of the ripped songs won't transfer to the hard drive. Very frustrating.

I don't think I've ever run into this with my Xbox. I burned the MP3s to a CD using Windows Media Player's Audio burning mode, and they always rip to the Xbox with no problems


Are all pre-release OTs this circle-jerky? I usually never follow any of them but SSX (1/Tricky/3) is one of my top 3 or so favorite series' of all time so I wanted to see how this new 'reboot' attempts to compare to those games, but I've yet to see this soultron guy accept any other issues that anybody else as legit and just says 'well your wrong because I love this game I got for free.' fuck man it's comical at this point, if I ever bought this used I sure hope the rest of community isn't all like that guy.


... Seriously.. I believe soultron has just showed he loves the series and provided his honest, personal opinion... I don't think he's trying to change anyone's mind....
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