If they had used kickstarter they probably would've collected 1mil+ by now.
ooo I promised myself not to back stuff on kickstarter this month ...... but technically backing this is not kickstarting it .. I mean it's not even on kickstarter .... First responder![]()
Or you could just wait until November and contribute, that would satisfy your requirements as well.
Yeah, I'm a little torn over this one. I desperately want the game described in the pitch video but a few things are off:
My big concern is the source of the remaining funds. The earliest news was that Chris Roberts would be financing the game on his own with the crowd sourcing to back it up. Has that ever been accurate? I don't want to get involved if this is only to gague interest for a real publisher since they should be funding the entire game instead of leeching money from those willing to pay more than MSRP.
Did anyone really believe that this project would rake in $5M as the stretch goals imply? In 30 days? And the vague goal descriptions have me worried about what the game will be if only the bare minimum is reached.
I actually found an unofficial FAQ on the Star Citizen forums where they assembled all of the forum posts and facebook comments of the Star Citizen team in one place.
I can't find the quote now and I don't have time to read through thoroughly.
One post detailed that everything they promised would be released with the game, but the time it gets released depends on how much they raise initially. So if they get 4 million dollars from crowd funding, they will have a full featured game at launch. If they are only able to raise 2 million, than some of the features will have to come out after the game is released.
And WTF @ no Kickstarter. This custom site is as stable as a house of cards. I'd bet anything that this project would have made more on Kickstarter even with that 5% cut. The other strange thing is how the custom site accepts Paypal which means that funds are being collected before the 30 days are even up.
Kick starter doesn't work if you are outside the us. His company might be based somewhere else.
You don't get 100% of the proceeds from kick starter, they take a cut.
His business model is kind of strange. He wants this money to show investors that there is demand. Then they pour in more money. Not sure how that works with kick starter, especially since they updated the TOS.
Could be other reasons as well.
If you're into Trek, you should find a copy of Bridge Commander instead. lolSo yeah, with the recent release of Netflix in Sweden I just my first contact with Star Trek: First Contact (hurr!). Now I wanna get out into space too! Gonna have to reinstall Freespace 2 or Freelancer or anything where I fly stuff in space while waiting (for two years) for this.
My big concern is the source of the remaining funds. The earliest news was that Chris Roberts would be financing the game on his own with the crowd sourcing to back it up. Has that ever been accurate? I don't want to get involved if this is only to gague interest for a real publisher since they should be funding the entire game instead of leeching money from those willing to pay more than MSRP.
Heh, that Takedown FPS shooter thing is going after the same model. As did Ryan Payton with his iOS game. These things are like pre-pre-orders to show investors that there is interest in the game.This is why I haven't contributed. He seems to be saying "Look at all these features! ...Which we hope to do if we get big investors on board after crowdfunding."
This is why I haven't contributed. He seems to be saying "Look at all these features! ...Which we hope to do if we get big investors on board after crowdfunding."
So can someone explain what "Citizens cards" are and what the difference is between the 30, 35, and 40 dollar tiers?
My graphics card wept.
- CryEngine 3
- User-generated content is a key feature
RSA Facebook page said:The opinion of you all as a community is paramount to us and we are listening.
Please click to like this post if you would like to see 'Star Citizen' on Kickstarter.
Now we are talking....fucking yes!
I wonder why he went with CryEngine 3 instead of Unreal, lighting maybe?
About an hour ago, the Roberts Space Industries Facebook page asked its followers to weigh in on putting "Star Citizen" on Kickstarter.
Chris Roberts' mind may be changing on the issue.
It has 308 likes as of right now.
Man this whole thing has become a mess. If he had used the original media hype for a Kickstarter straight away, he'd be closing in on 2 million now, if not more.
Now he's got 800k locked into his own system and is still considering a Kickstarter. Then what happens to the existing backers? Besides the PR boost from using Kickstarter *at this point* will be marginal.
Most of all though it gives the impression he doesn't even know what he's doing. If he can't even build a site to handle the traffic that wants to give him money, who would believe he can pull off the perhaps most ambitious game of all time without it all ending in catastrophic disappointment?
Better streaming tech, all lighting is real-time, better handling of occlussions, better lod handling, tessellation with good performance, better multicore support.
Of course i'm talking about UE 3.95 here.
Hell yeah finaly he realized that creating fundriser alone is hard stuff. Not only his site was down for first most critical days but also it's hard to see new updates on their site.
He should lunch kickstarter and tie it with their own site. And give it a goal like 2 000 000 with 800 being already pledged. And he should errase counter on his site because it is stupid.
Man this whole thing has become a mess. If he had used the original media hype for a Kickstarter straight away, he'd be closing in on 2 million now, if not more.
Now he's got 800k locked into his own system and is still considering a Kickstarter. Then what happens to the existing backers? Besides the PR boost from using Kickstarter *at this point* will be marginal.
Most of all though it gives the impression he doesn't even know what he's doing. If he can't even build a site to handle the traffic that wants to give him money, who would believe he can pull off the perhaps most ambitious game of all time without it all ending in catastrophic disappointment?
He knows what he is doing. He wanted to get full 2mln not 70% of that sum.
Problem is that his site was down on most critical days.
As of kickstarter He may announce 1 mln goal to correspond with 2 mln goal on his site. And cash would be together. Meaning he can achieve 1mln on his site and 1 mln in kickstarter then goal would be achieved.
Dont troll.- It is bad for your health
How was that trolling? CE 3 is much superior to UE 3 for open world, dynamic games.
I dunno if Kickstarter will be happy with approving a project like that. Seems kinda half-assed, confusing, and questionable.
In fact, I've been horribly confused by this project for a while. Initially I thought it was a brand new game which was already in development from a publisher. Then it turns out that it's.... a crowd sourced game like all the other Kickstarter games... except it's not on Kickstarter, and instead uses a Wordpress crowd source widget. Now I'm reading that the site totally crashed when it launched (lol!), and checking up on the site itself, the reward seem confusing (why are there multiple reward tiers which all basically offer the exact same thing?), there are huge stretch goals when the initial goal isn't even remotely close to being reached, and the entire user interface just seems like a mess on the page.
I'm... not sure about this...
With that said, the initial site crash hurt them bad, really bad. They should get on Kickstarter and think of a way to restart this whole thing. Star Citizen has to happen!
Does anyone know who the actual developers for the game are? Chris Roberts and....? Is this a new studio of his? Any veterans on the team? Have they made anything so far?
Roberts, who has been out of the public eye for the best part of a decade, founded developer Cloud Imperium Games Corporation in April 2011. He has alongside a small team worked on the creation of art assets, story elements and an extensive prototype of Star Citizen, a persistent online universe due out at some point in 2014.
Founded in 2011, little is known about Cloud Imperium Games Corporation, save that it is dedicated to high end gaming and anything involving spaceships.
Cloud Imperium Games Corporation, this is their first project.
linkedin only returns two results, lol. hard to say who else is there. one of them is Roberts the other is not related. there isn't anything on the studio else where.
I dunno if Kickstarter will be happy with approving a project like that. Seems kinda half-assed, confusing, and questionable.
In fact, I've been horribly confused by this project for a while. Initially I thought it was a brand new game which was already in development from a publisher. Then it turns out that it's.... a crowd sourced game like all the other Kickstarter games... except it's not on Kickstarter, and instead uses a Wordpress crowd source widget. Now I'm reading that the site totally crashed when it launched (lol!), and checking up on the site itself, the reward seem confusing (why are there multiple reward tiers which all basically offer the exact same thing?), there are huge stretch goals when the initial goal isn't even remotely close to being reached, and the entire user interface just seems like a mess on the page.
I'm... not sure about this...
Idk how you are confuses. Most is explained in the video, the rest is explained in the tiers itself.
The reason there are 3 tiers with the same benefits is because the $30 and $35 tiers are for early adopters and are limited in number. Project Eternity has the same set up. I explained it earlier on this page as well.
What's the difference between 30 and 35 then?
The $30, $35, and $40 tiers are all the same.
The only difference is that the $30 and $35 tiers have limits, meant for early adopters. So if you pledge early, you can get in for $5 or $10 cheaper.
The $30 tier seems to have about 1400 spots left and the $35 tier seems to have about 4400 spots left.
So basically, it looks like about 1000 people are idiots...Or they just like paying more for the same product. To be fair, its not well explained and it might not have been explained at all on the backup site.
If you just read them it will tell you, or go higher up on this page I already wrote a detailed explanation.
There are a limited amount of spots for the $30 tier, once that fills up there are a limited amount of spots for the $35 tier. After that, the regular price is $40.
All three tiers are the exact same product, the cheaper ones are an incentive for early adopters.
What's the difference between 30 and 35 then?