Well yeah, that tends to be true for ambitious games in general. Better than the alternative.
That's what I mean, hopefully they don't buckle over their own weight.
Well yeah, that tends to be true for ambitious games in general. Better than the alternative.
However, my query pertains more toward how they have been to constrain the budget to $2 million as baseline for developing a game with such ambition and visuals. In the era where mainstream games out on console on average costs tens of millions of dollars to make, this looks like a exception to the rule especially because it seems much more expansive than a XBL/PSN title.
It's like you really didn't read the update at all!
That's the right attitude but games of this ambition rarely make it to fruition in my experience. I can see them running out of money fast.
It's like you didn't get the joke at all!
I'll make it easy for you - people hear subscription and think pay to play or other similar schemes. Then they start to fear the worst regarding DLC, DRM, etc.
It's Chris Roberts. The guy is already really far along. With this much money already pledged its a lock SOMETHING gets made. Could it be buggy and ambitious sure but better this than another stale entry in the fps crowd or tps crowd. This genre is literally a blue ocean. I think if the game is done even decently right it will sell hugely in the PC space.
and they need to hurry and show the looks of the other ships like they did that pirate and constellation. I'm sure people would bump up (like me) if they got to really see the higher tier ships.
I know you read my post but perhaps I wasn't clear:
The external investors are going to be providing the bulk of the development money. So the finished game was never going to cost $2M or $4.4M or whatever.
If you're asking how RSI can get something that looks so good for less than a modern megabudget game, the big thing is that space games make it easier than usual. There's almost no terrain! Then there's the no marketing thing, and I'm sure the studio is smaller and less wasteful than the 500-person monsters that create games like Assassin's Creed.
Dammit. Why'd you have to say it's literally a blue ocean.
Now I'm imagining space ships doing double duty as submarines!
It wasn't exactly obvious you were joking, and I'm not sure why you would think it was.
Agh why did I say that :-/ to be fair I'm on hour 12 of a 14 hour shift at work.
Also, have they released the stats for the Cutlass ship?
I kinda want it, even though I'm pledging @ 250.
Damn man. The range of ships in this game is making me excited. They're not just stat changes... but they actually have legitimate changes in the way the game is played and experienced.
Agh why did I say that :-/ to be fair I'm on hour 12 of a 14 hour shift at work.
I thought the overreaction and hasty conclusions were pretty blatant and purposely irrational?
Also, have they released the stats for the Cutlass ship?
I kinda want it, even though I'm pledging @ 250.
Damn man. The range of ships in this game is making me excited. They're not just stat changes... but they actually have legitimate changes in the way the game is played and experienced.
Zap... can Nick and me play with you and tag along in your Constellation?
I'll scrub your decks((
My dream would be space flight mixed with a Robotech/macross style action experience.Seriously... the idea that you can go from space into the ocean, is such a cool idea that just hasn't really been explored in sci-fi.
But we know it's kind of impossibly outside the scope of what this game is about.
While we're crapping on about impossible scenarios, my dream game would combine Star Citizen with Minecraft somehow. A literal version of the MMO universe Oasis described in Ready Player One.
You could even combine the mining aspects of Minecraft with the trade aspects of Star Citizen; so each planet/MC world comes with it's own mineral composition, so if you can't get enough of X on this world, you need to fly it in from another world.
I'm sorry.
Also, have they released the stats for the Cutlass ship?
I kinda want it, even though I'm pledging @ 250.
Drake Cutlass
Builder: Drake Interplanetary
Crew (max): 2
Mass (empty): 35,000 Kg
Focus: “System Defense” (Piracy)
Drake Interplanetary claims that the Cutlass is a low-cost, easy-to-maintain solution for local in-system militia units. The larger-than-average cargo hold, RIO seat and dedicated tractor mount are, the company literature insists, for facilitating search and rescue operations. While it’s true that Cutlasses are used throughout known space for such missions, their prime task and immediate association is with high space piracy. Cutlasses, often operating in groups, menace distant transit lanes to prey on hapless merchants. A single Cutlass can ravage a mid-sized transport and a pack operating as a clan can easily take down larger prey. STOL adaptations allow these interceptors to operate off of modified transports or pocket destroyers; the most common warships that make up pirate caravans.
Designer note: the idea is that Drake Interplanetary builds ships which are ostensibly for legal purposes (local militias, etc.) but are ‘obviously’ for pirates: so it has the appearance of a military fighter, but mated to an awkwardly larger hull for collecting loot; it should have visible forward-facing tractor beams and a seat for a second crewman even though there’s no turret (as you’ll need a second man to board an enemy ship.) It also has a cheaper build quality: if Anvil is building Jeeps and Origin is building BMWs, this is a Honda.
Upgrade Capacity: 5
Cargo Capacity: 10 tonnes
Modifiers: 2
Max. Class: Fusion
Thrusters: 1 x TR4, 16 x TR2
2 x Class 1: Equipped 2 x MaxOx NN-13 Neutron Gun
1 x Class 2: Equipped 2 x A&R Mark IVc Tractor Beam
2 x Class 3: Equipped 4x Python Tracer (HS) missiles
2 x Class 4: None Equipped
We welcome the support as every extra dollar allows us to flesh out the world with more ships, locations and features. If just 10% of the community helps out in this manner, we would be able to afford 6 additional team members. This would mean more artists to build ships and systems, game designers to flesh out missions and an additional person or two to service the community more effectively.
No, that's standard internet these days.
My dream would be space flight mixed with a Robotech/macross style action experience.
Design pic coming tomorrow, hopefully. Wait, see and then decide, Zap.
My dream would be space flight mixed with a Robotech/macross style action experience.
Instead of space ships as submarines, I thought you meant blue ocean strategy. I guess either one fits.
No, that's standard internet these days.
Nice. But isn't the pic already been shown off? If it isn't, what's the hammer head looking ship with hooks and skulls and crossbones that's been shown?
I thought the overreaction and hasty conclusions were pretty blatant and purposely irrational?
Anyway, I think everything looks great. It's so weird thinking this game is 2 years away.
Guess that's what we all get for being jaded internet assholes.
Yeah bros. I'll need someone to pilot while I take the mini fighter out for spins![]()
You go for a spin Zap, we'll look after the ship.
He launched? Warp warp warp!
If he installs the 2nd optional turret, we have twice the chances of shooting him down when he's flying out there too!
$4.5 million! I think $5 million is really doable considering there's likely to be a big push in the last 24 hours, which don't even start for another 12 hours.
I hope the Squadron 42 campaign is varied. 50 missions of escorting convoys/destroy enemy fighters/rendezvous with squad could make it a looong boring trudge. If they can get alll the announced mechanics at the same time as they are making the campaign, I salivate at the possibilities. Zero-G FPS combat on a ship hull to blast into it and plant a bomb? Or how about assaulting a pirate base and taking it over on foot. Or repealing an infantry assault on the carrier. Or hijacking a new prototype of a Vanduul ship by launching yourself out of your ship and gliding through space?
Those are all free ones, RSI.
$4,522,501 at the time of this posting.
The question now is can this thing make just under a million in about 34 hours?
Is this game going to have DRM?
Can't see anything on the project page about it one way or t'other.