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STAR CITIZEN, Chris Roberts' (Wing Commander) New Game [$25 million funded]


Watch the pitch video above. Really.

Whoa, ok, it does seem to be real. That is incredible.

However, I wonder how diverse the gameplay and content will be with that type of quality? Since it's space, it has an advantage I suppose, but this sort of next-gen game needs to feature seamless space to planet exploration, but it's not possible to create an entire planet with the same quality as the rest of such a game. Atleast not customised content, but he didn't mention anything about procedural generation in the pitch atleast.

I'm not sure if people consider this, but games have already hit a content-cap, basically. Some people might think that a game could feature seamless space to planet exploration, with hundreds of custom-made cities like in GTA 4 and so on.

The biggest game in the history of gaming, or the game with the most amount of content is probably Skyrim (When it comes to 3D content, atleast.)

Games like Fuel, for example, has a 5000+ square miles world, but it was randomly generated by a computer. Same with Daggerfall, or basically any game with a world map that is over 20-25 sq miles (Some MMO's might go up to 50-80 sq miles I guess.). I think procedural generation has a lot of potential, though, but developers need to start working more with it in order to take advantage of its possibilities.

In any case, the game sounds and looks incredible.


Yeah i don't get it. Why did they do 30 days and not 60. I would gladly pay 2x 60$. Second one on next paycheck but 30 days is just to little time for anything above 2-3mln.

I'm sure they will extend it. When this gets more news it could easily get past 3 million. Chris Roberts is a big name.
"PC exclusive game. He can use whatever controller he wants."

Furthermore it's a space sim, which are unquestionably better with a controller or stick than kb/m.


Whoa, ok, it does seem to be real. That is incredible.

However, I wonder how diverse the gameplay and content will be with that type of quality? Since it's space, it has an advantage I suppose, but this sort of next-gen game needs to feature seamless space to planet exploration, but it's not possible to create an entire planet with the same quality as the rest of such a game. Atleast not customised content, but he didn't mention anything about procedural generation in the pitch atleast.

I'm not sure if people consider this, but games have already hit a content-cap, basically. Some people might think that a game could feature seamless space to planet exploration, with hundreds of custom-made cities like in GTA 4 and so on.

The biggest game in the history of gaming, or the game with the most amount of content is probably Skyrim (When it comes to 3D content, atleast.)

Games like Fuel, for example, has a 5000+ square miles world, but it was randomly generated by a computer. Same with Daggerfall, or basically any game with a world map that is over 20-25 sq miles (Some MMO's might go up to 50-80 sq miles I guess.). I think procedural generation has a lot of potential, though, but developers need to start working more with it in order to take advantage of its possibilities.

In any case, the game sounds and looks incredible.

The good thing about putting games in space is that there's not a whole lot of terrain you have to make. Cuts down on the cost of development significantly.

AA budget in a space game therefore should equal balls out amazing.


Different prices for the EU? Yeah, fuck that.
I don't care that it's barely 1€ more for the base game (though the higher pledges are way worse), they're the first company doing that.


This sounds like the action based EVE I always wanted.

I don't know if I like the sound of someone being able to use real money to buy their way to a super powerful ship. I don't mind micro-transactions in something like Tribes where there isn't persistence between matches, but in a persistent universe it is was less appealing.


This sounds like the action based EVE I always wanted.

I don't know if I like the sound of someone being able to use real money to buy their way to a super powerful ship. I don't mind micro-transactions in something like Tribes where there isn't persistence between matches, but in a persistent universe it is was less appealing.

You got it wrong. Game will be sold as Guild Wars 2. Normal price and then you can play multi or single and then multi.

What you pay for is ship for backers not powerfull and better than standard ones. Game also won't be P2W it will be F2P. Meaning customization and custom created content by people but only if it fits world and it's not overpowered.

whole point of game will be physic based flight. Each part will have a mass so making your ship bigger and stronger will make it slower.


Different prices for the EU? Yeah, fuck that.
I don't care that it's barely 1€ more for the base game (though the higher pledges are way worse), they're the first company doing that.

You can pay in Us if you want.

Can I have a medium-sized ship with a single launchable fighter aboard? Yes.
Can I get out of my ship and shoot people in first- or third-person combat? Yes.
Can I hijack an enemy ship? Yes.
Can other players hijack my ship? Yes.
Will there be location-specific damage on spaceships? Yes.
Will there be customizable weapons on hardpoints? Yes.
Can I play with a mouse? Yes.
A gamepad? Yes.
A joystick? Yes.
Will it support Oculus Rift? Yes.
Will it take user-created content (ships, etc) and sell it, splitting revenue with creators? Yes.

Yes yes yes yes yesy es yesy esyeysysys FUUUUUU


Updated the OP with a lot of info in this thread, plus changed the confusion back into clarity, etc. The event is over right? Should have [Updated Details in OP] please, mods.


You got it wrong. Game will be sold as Guild Wars 2. Normal price and then you can play multi or single and then multi.

What you pay for is ship for backers not powerfull and better than standard ones. Game also won't be P2W it will be F2P. Meaning customization and custom created content by people but only if it fits world and it's not overpowered.

whole point of game will be physic based flight. Each part will have a mass so making your ship bigger and stronger will make it slower.

Right. But this makes it sound like you can buy the in-game credits that you use to purchase everything:

Not a subscription but not free-to-play; rather a hybrid of these two business models. Much like ArenaNet’s Guild Wars 2, you will purchase the PC game and pay no recurring subscription charges. Your purchase of the game will allow you to play in the universe for free, forever! The game will offer a variety of virtual items for purchase with in-game credits allowing you to spend money on items that offer more ways to express yourself, provide convenience, and customize your experience. But the cardinal rule regarding “in-game purchases” is: Players who spend money purchasing in-game credits will have no advantage over players who spend time!

Everything is bought with in-game credits. These purchases won’t offer any advantage over someone who puts in the “game-time” to earn the same amount of credits. You might ask, why have “in-game” purchases at all? This allows us the resources to support the game on an ongoing basis as well as continually add content.

So you can either spend time doing missions and trading and whatnot to earn money to build a cool ship. Or you can just give them X dollars for the equivalent amount of credits. So you can "pay to win" or at least "pay to save a bunch of time that it would take to be able to win".


Right. But this makes it sound like you can buy the in-game credits that you use to purchase everything:

So you can either spend time doing missions and trading and whatnot to earn money to build a cool ship. Or you can just give them X dollars for the equivalent amount of credits. So you can "pay to win" or at least "pay to save a bunch of time that it would take to be able to win".

I would imagine the skill of the game will come into play as well, so even if you bought stuff with real-world money you might not be able to use it as well as someone who has spent the time to use it.
Seems ok.

Anyone else notice how many WC names are in there i.e. Vega Sector, Kurasawa System, and a Bengal Class carrier. Damn Roberts is unimaginative.


Never really played the Wing Commander games myself, but I'm eagerly interested in the prospect this game has to offer in terms of how "open" it feels. There's so much to explore and especially with Rift support, you could be sitting in your chair with your controls in hand and pretend you really are out there in space. This will be fucking insane.
God Damn it to hell, this just aint on I would love the "Come Fly with me" package but at $250 it really is pushing things financially for me :-( . I will probably go with one of the $125 packages.

I don't know why it is that these days I am spending more money on games that "might" come out instead of buying games that are coming out. Anyway great to see Chris back and it's great to see him putting his faith in the PC platform.

Seems ok.

Anyone else notice how many WC names are in there i.e. Vega Sector, Kurasawa System, and a Bengal Class carrier. Damn Roberts is unimaginative.

I wouldn't call it unimaginative, more a case of having familiar areas for old timers. I know I would love to visit those areas again and see assets from my time in Wing Commander.


I do feel like they'd get more money overall if they did Kickstarter, even after Kickstarter's cut. It is just a system that people know and are used to giving money to. And there is additional publicity from people checking out other Kickstarters and whatnot.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Seems ok.

Anyone else notice how many WC names are in there i.e. Vega Sector, Kurasawa System, and a Bengal Class carrier. Damn Roberts is unimaginative.


edit: damn, this is huge. It can't be done. I can't believe it.
Please let this support AMD Eyefinity / Nvidia Surround. I can imagine having your HUD in the middle screen and the other two for other options and left/right of the ship.

But damn, 2014....


I'm going to start spreading this around car forums I visit. Get the word out. Anyone put this on reddit yet?


just upvote this . it's already high in r/gaming

Please let this support AMD Eyefinity / Nvidia Surround. I can imagine having your HUD in the middle screen and the other two for other options and left/right of the ship.

But damn, 2014....

Oculus ! Eyefinity is thing of the past.
I wonder why they did not use Kickstarter.

I need to decide on my pledge. IS there a deadline, etc?

According to Chris this is the reason they didn't use Kickstarter :-

Chris Roberts said:
We love Kickstarter. We’ve backed projects on their site and believe everyone in the development community owes a debt to Kickstarter for putting crowd funding on the map, and making it legitimate. But for us the ultimate goal of crowd funding is about connecting the “crowd” directly with the creators with as little friction as possible. By building a crowd funding component directly into our site we can insure everyone who wants to back the game can – we provide multiple payment options to make sure that wherever in the world you are there is an option that can work for you. It means you just have one destination to support the project, read updates, and most importantly participate with other members of the community! All on a site that’s designed around the game universe being created, providing the least friction possible. Kickstarter, as great as it is, can’t deliver this experience, which is why we’ve decided to go it alone.

Sounds a bit too "PR" to me I would probably go with them not wanting to give Kickstarter 30% of whatever is raised. Although right now the way the website keeps crashing this might have been a mistake on his part.

There is a 30 day deadline to get your pledges done.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I'm watching this and I can't believe what I see. It's like a dream game. I used to imagine what would Wing Commander look like in 20 years AND NOW I SEE IT WITH MY EYES AND IT'S EXACTLY LIKE I IMAGINED.


I guess I should have used the backup site. I used the main site and it logged into Amazon for payment. But I am not sure if the payment was ever finalized. I never received an email.
Exciting and all, but I can't be the only person who's first reaction is "I hope roberts hasn't bitten off more than he can chew."

Many if not all of the games that are this massive in scope and detail eventually get that scope and detail heavily reduced by the time they're released.

To make Star Citizen a reality, Roberts needs $2 to $4 million dollars in gamer backing. That's not to make the game, that's to prove to much bigger investors there's enough interest that they should drop in the rest of the money needed to build the online universe.

Red flag.


Exciting and all, but I can't be the only person who's first reaction is "I hope roberts hasn't bitten off more than he can chew."

Many if not all of the games that are this massive in scope and detail eventually get that scope and detail heavily reduced by the time they're released.

Red flag.

We know it already. It's not publisher though, it's private investor. Something like CARS investors.
He already refused to do Wing Commander 5 to EA because he didn't want to create COD churned sequels.


Exciting and all, but I can't be the only person who's first reaction is "I hope roberts hasn't bitten off more than he can chew."

Many if not all of the games that are this massive in scope and detail eventually get that scope and detail heavily reduced by the time they're released.

Red flag.

And what's the reason they get reduced in detail in the end? Publisher pressure either due to looming deadline or due to concerns that they'll be too complex for the average gamer.

Neither of which are an issue here (OK, he promises to deliver by 2014, but at least has the opportunity to expand upon the game afterwards if not all features make it into the initial release)


Do you think anyone will back 10k? I can see notch doing it actually. This seems like a game made for him

Well Notch is like best dude in gaming world right now throwing 10k left and right. As i remember Psychonauts were re-released in HD on PC thanks to him.
And what's the reason they get reduced in detail in the end? Publisher pressure either due to looming deadline or due to concerns that they'll be too complex for the average gamer.

Neither of which are an issue here

You're living in a dream world if you think the thousands of gamers and the mysterious larger backers of Roberts for this project aren't going to apply pressure if he can't deliver. Particularly since the deliver date, as nebulous as it may be, is set pretty far in the future relative to most crowdfunded ventures.
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