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Star Citizen Pre-Alpha: Hangar Module

Will they ever release some actual cool looking ships?

What now?

Pretty sure the 300i is incredibly sexy


Can't agree more.

The problem arising is however: should they just stop taking money, or should they put all the extra money into their own pockets? It's hard to find a solution to keep the crowdfund going, and I think SC is facing this problem seeing as we'll probably can double this budget once we're nearing 2015. I'm not even sure what they can do with that other than just wasting it on stuff we don't really need. All the important stuff is already planned and budgeted, as you said.
Finger crossed. I'm hoping they'll save that money to put towards their plan to evolve the PU EVE Online free expansions style. One part ship model updates, one part story and one part new features.

I've been playing Darkstar One....

The most important thing for me in a PU is that the mission types need to change over time. Otherwise mods are going to quickly become far more interesting than the base game.


The problem arising is however: should they just stop taking money, or should they put all the extra money into their own pockets? It's hard to find a solution to keep the crowdfund going, and I think SC is facing this problem seeing as we'll probably can double this budget once we're nearing 2015. I'm not even sure what they can do with that other than just wasting it on stuff we don't really need. All the important stuff is already planned and budgeted, as you said.

Is this really a problem though? Star Citizen is essentially a MMO, it's not a 'finite' game (well, the Squadron 42 part is). There are countless ways in which the game could be improved with additional funding, even without adding new gameplay features. There are going to be a 100+ systems in the universe. They could simply decide to, say, double the amount of derelicts / abandoned space stations / alien ruins / whatever for you to explore. Space is big. :p


Is this really a problem though? Star Citizen is essentially a MMO, it's not a 'finite' game (well, the Squadron 42 part is). There are countless ways in which the game could be improved with additional funding, even without adding new gameplay features. There are going to be a 100+ systems in the universe. They could simply decide to, say, double the amount of derelicts / abandoned space stations / alien ruins / whatever for you to explore. Space is big. :p

Of course they could do such a thing but the question is if that money would be well spent. If space is big enough as it is planned out now, doubling everything seems like a waste of time and effort imho, for example.


Of course they could do such a thing but the question is if that money would be well spent. If space is big enough as it is planned out now, doubling everything seems like a waste of time and effort imho, for example.

Well, isn't that what they plan on doing after release anyway? Introduce new POIs in the systems, adding new ships, new missions, etc. Hopefully there'll be more than enough content when the game launches, but if they want to spend the extra money to hire more artists, designers and programmers ... I don't see how that can be a bad thing for the game. If nothing else, it'll help speed up the development process, hardly a waste of time and effort. :)


Since the crowd fuding campaign was first unveiled, the idea was to release new content every few days. Smaller drops than new expansions, obviously. One week may bring a new ship model (or a newer version of an existing ship), new weapons, a new planet/system, a new quest line, etc.

The single player mode will get expansions in the form of mission packs, like the first two Wing Commander games.

I'm not sure if the persistent universe will also see paid expansions.


For example, building up enough content for each world to be suitable for free atmospheric entry is something they know they don't have enough time for in the initial launch, but they want to spend the time and money over a period to create that great experience down the line instead of slapping in poor fully procedurally generated surfaces now. They've also talked about system discovery, discovering new systems with planets that could support a community being settled in a system like EverQuest next's city construction events. New ships will cost them $50k-$300k+ each if people continue to want more of those

The game that launches in 2015 will barely resemble what the game plays like in 2020 if they continue to be funded, and if people want to give them their money now it'll go towards that - I have seen no indication of them mismanaging their funds up to this point, and they've made their future goals clear while still understanding and delivering to backers what needs to be done now.

The single player mode will get expansions in the form of mission packs, like the first two Wing Commander games.
I'm not sure if the persistent universe will also see paid expansions.

CR has been pretty clear about not wanting to split up the PU in any way, to keep it cohesive

I think the $22M goal is pretty cool. I thought they would've already had the facial scan stuff when the motion capture portion was funded. They can make a truly cinematic Sci-Fi opus with this tech. Of course, they would probably need to get "good" actors to make the cinematic portions of the game worthwhile.


Seek victory, not fairness
What is there to elaborate? They all look ghastly. They look like toys from 1990.

Take some of EVE's ships for an example, some beautiful fearsome monsters in there ... These are just rubbish at crazy prices.

I've seen about 10 Eve battle videos and haven't seen any ship models yet. It's all just been that zoomed-out strategic view with them reduced to icons.

I looked around and here's a 3MB file with a bunch of ship models, but they're not the capital ones apparently. Do you have any examples of what you think StarCitizen should be aiming for?


Personally, I think the StarCitizen ones are fine.


Today's the day!

October 10th marks the first anniversary of the Star Citizen campaign. Join us at 6:30 PM CST (-5 GMT) for a special presentation, live from Austin, Texas!

Well, tomorrow for me actually.


Currently at the pregame festivities in Austin, pictures to come!
We took a vote. You have to do the Citizen Con 1 Year Anniversary thread :]
So what is the speculation about what might happen tomorrow?
I'm guessing a lot of ships will be back for pledging until Monday.
More people will pledge for LTI M50s because it's clearly the best ship.
I will be staring at the Retaliator pledge.

Just one more year to go!
And another six months.
And probably a few more months.


Junior Member
We took a vote. You have to do the Citizen Con 1 Year Anniversary thread :]

I'm guessing a lot of ships will be back for pledging until Monday.
More people will pledge for LTI M50s because it's clearly the best ship.
I will be staring at the Retaliator pledge.

Just one more year to go!
And another six months.
And probably a few more months.

I would except I'm not a member yet... I lurk to much
What is there to elaborate? They all look ghastly. They look like toys from 1990.

Take some of EVE's ships for an example, some beautiful fearsome monsters in there ... These are just rubbish at crazy prices.
They might not look as outlandish as some of Eve's ships but they look more real and all have actual interiors.


I've seen about 10 Eve battle videos and haven't seen any ship models yet. It's all just been that zoomed-out strategic view with them reduced to icons.

I looked around and here's a 3MB file with a bunch of ship models, but they're not the capital ones apparently. Do you have any examples of what you think StarCitizen should be aiming for?


Personally, I think the StarCitizen ones are fine.

Won't go into extreme depths as it will just be an agreement / disagreement on design, which can be very personal. However I feel every single ship I've seen in Star Citizen has odd proportions, look very flimsy or just a big barge with metal stuck to it.

Like the 300i, which I know a lot of people consider 'cool'

I mean, cockpit area and swooping shape is beautiful but the entire design is screwed up at the middle, the transition into the engine / wing area is horrendous - Looks like two designers did each part and glued them together.

That's just how I feel with all the ships, none of them make me go "Aww shit yeah!" and especially not when you have to buy these things individually at that price.

My EVE mention wasn't meant to upboat EVE as such, just mentioning another 'large' relevant space related game. However it does sport a lot of badass looking hulks, ships that look like they can withstand punishment and have a million turrets hidden underneath the armour. Every Star Citizen ship suffers from a design crisis and some of them looks super flimsy.

It's just an opinion discussion and if people like the ships, more power to them! However I haven't seen a SC ship yet where I've said "Oh, I want that".


That's just how I feel with all the ships, none of them make me go "Aww shit yeah!" and especially not when you have to buy these things individually at that price.

My EVE mention wasn't meant to upboat EVE as such, just mentioning another 'large' relevant space related game. However it does sport a lot of badass looking hulks, ships that look like they can withstand punishment and have a million turrets hidden underneath the armour.
I partially agree. While I think the Star Citizen ships are fine I was also missing that "Aww shit yeah!"-moment. Eve has much better ship art.
On the other hand the small SC ships are much smaller than for example frigates in Eve. And they have to actually make sense. The Eve ships are pretty much just models with a muddy texture (considering how big many ships are) over them... well, recently they got decent turrets and missiles at least.
And concerning the "crazy prices". Are you aware that you are supposed to get those ships later in the game? The expensive packages are essentially the equivalent to the obligatory batshit-crazy-expensive kickstarter tiers most crowdfunding campaigns have.


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Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Youtube supposed to be providing the bandwidth for this stream? Like, all CIG would have to do is get 720p upstream and the rest would be handled by Youtube? The performance here is terrible.


I wonder why they're switching to youtube now when they've been using Twitch without issue. This will be unbearable if it continues
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Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Youtube supposed to be providing the bandwidth for this stream? Like, all CIG would have to do is get 720p upstream and the rest would be handled by Youtube? The performance here is terrible.

Hopefully someone at YT is monitoring this and going "What the hell is this?" and furiously pushing the bandwidth release valve.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.



... every 10 seconds or so.


bla bla bla bla hahaha bla bla *cuts out*
*cuts out*

Hmmm. What a strange stream.


I could have had one! I heard about this game a few days before the reveal but I was convinced that it would be a trashy free to play trainwreck so I didn't sign up.



So.... this appears to still be strangely on topic.

I'm probably lagging behind by several minutes, but the trailershow has stopped and now The Roberts is on stage and is talking.

Man, Youtube SUCKS.


Yes, they have. It's still pretty horrible from the tech side of things, but some features they have revealed are quite interesting. Organisation website management sounds pretty fancy.

Auggghhhh, that does it. I stayed up till 3 in the morning on a weekday for mah spess shipz, I really can't deal with this choppy and horrible stream any longer. I needs my sleepies. Someone tell me what's up tomorrow.
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