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Star Citizen Pre-Alpha: Hangar Module


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.


Concept art:



Both ships are available for a limited time (until Monday, I think). They also announced a modding contest to design a ship for the game.



Well, that is a first, it is looking like YouTube kicked our stream because we sang happy Birthday. It is copyrighted music.

Our very own Viewmaster is in the process of getting the full thing up on our YouTube channel and redacting the audiences spontaneous singing to our Star Citizen Community person Chelsea - who shares a birthday with us of October 10th.

We should get a post as more details arrive, but I wanted to get our initial analysis out there, as once again, you guys and us crash the interwebs.


PS. You really want to see the whole stream as some cool stuff happened after that - so we will work hard to get it up ASAP.


Happy Birthday tune is serious business. $5,000 - 30,000 per use on TV shows. Thats why alot of shows either do 'Jolly good fellow' or some other rendition.


Yeah, I always suspected that's why no one sings Happy Birthday at Applebees or wherever but I'm still shocked that the song isn't in the public domain by now. I blame Disney.


For the people who don't have the time / want to watch ~90mins of footage from Citizen Con 2013, here's some of the (mostly) new stuff that was shown yesterday. Screencaps, so the quality is what it is, but it should give you an idea.

Character concept art




Anvil Aerospace "Gladiator" two-seat bomber



Aegis Dynamics "Retaliator" heavy bomber



Alien (?) ships concept art

Shortly after the Citizen Con event was finished and the audience got to see the Wing Commander film, my partner and I were graciously granted an interview with Chris Roberts. To be fair, the video isn't so much focused on the newly shown off content or any of the lore but rather on clarification of the previously met stretch goals and how the different game modules will be deployed over the next year.

For your consideration:



This should be pretty awesome. Another thing to look forward to.

New office walkthrough! You could say they went directly from discount to deluxe. *yeaaaaaahhhhh*

Shortly after the Citizen Con event was finished and the audience got to see the Wing Commander film, my partner and I were graciously granted an interview with Chris Roberts. To be fair, the video isn't so much focused on the newly shown off content or any of the lore but rather on clarification of the previously met stretch goals and how the different game modules will be deployed over the next year.

For your consideration:

All stuff we've already heard of, but still nice of you to share. Thanks!


Can someone who is more experienced with these type of games educate me on the use of bombers in a space game?

I could see them flying above capital ships and dropping heavy damage onto them, but they need protection to be viable.


Seek victory, not fairness
Can someone who is more experienced with these type of games educate me on the use of bombers in a space game?

I could see them flying above capital ships and dropping heavy damage onto them, but they need protection to be viable.

In the previous Wing Commander games, it's a slow ship with lots of turrets and armour. They carry heavy hitting long-range torpedoes with a long lock-on time (30 seconds). It's more like a heavy armour-piercing weapon than a massive AOE nuke.

The torpedoes themselves can be intercepted and shot down as they make their way to the target, but they do a ton of damage when they connect.


In the previous Wing Commander games, it's a slow ship with lots of turrets and armour. They carry heavy hitting long-range torpedoes with a long lock-on time (30 seconds). It's more like a heavy armour-piercing weapon than a massive AOE nuke.

The torpedoes themselves can be intercepted and shot down as they make their way to the target, but they do a ton of damage when they connect.

So slow moving, tons of firepower.

I think I would stick with the 300i or Hornet. Though that style of gameplay is more appealing to me.


So slow moving, tons of firepower.

I think I would stick with the 300i or Hornet. Though that style of gameplay is more appealing to me.

I probably wouldn't have a bomber as my main ship, however keep in mind that all (non-military) ships are meant to be versatile. I'm pretty sure you could modify the Gladiator to be a pretty decent all-rounder, with some nice perks when it comes to carrying heavy weapons.

I don't know about you guys, but I've always had a blast flying bombers in space-sims. Dat TIE bomber in Tie Fighter. Should be fantastic having your friends be your wingmen / escort in Squadron 42 / Star Citizen bomber missions. Nnnngh.
I probably wouldn't have a bomber as my main ship, however keep in mind that all (non-military) ships are meant to be versatile. I'm pretty sure you could modify the Gladiator to be a pretty decent all-rounder, with some nice perks when it comes to carrying heavy weapons.

I don't know about you guys, but I've always had a blast flying bombers in space-sims. Dat TIE bomber in Tie Fighter. Should be fantastic having your friends be your wingmen / escort in Squadron 42 / Star Citizen bomber missions. Nnnngh.

I have to ask... do you think these guys would be so evil enough to bring back Skipper Missiles?


The Retaliator is a lot more what I wish the Constellation was, more compartments and closed off sections, hallways etc. The Constellation is a little too open for my taste. I really hope they give some interior alternatives too.


Neo Member
Honestly I feel like this game is going to be so good, everything I have seen so far looks amazing.
I came to the party pretty late,so apologies if this is an obvious question, are they planning on having lots of micro transactions in the game once it goes fully live?
If so I hope this does not kill the experience,I understand the model they have currently to fund the development, But on full release I would rather just pay a monthly subscription if this were the case. Either way credit is due for the scope and buzz this is getting. Can't wait for the Oculus support, that is going to be phenomenal


Honestly I feel like this game is going to be so good, everything I have seen so far looks amazing.
I came to the party pretty late,so apologies if this is an obvious question, are they planning on having lots of micro transactions in the game once it goes fully live?
If so I hope this does not kill the experience,I understand the model they have currently to fund the development, But on full release I would rather just pay a monthly subscription if this were the case. Either way credit is due for the scope and buzz this is getting. Can't wait for the Oculus support, that is going to be phenomenal

Welcome to the cult club!

You can buy in-game credits with real money, but in limited amounts. Those credits are the same as the ones you earn by playing the game, so there's no segregation between money you "bought" and money you "earned". So, it's not "full of microtransactions" in that the game will be constantly pestering you to buy stuff, but more like if you're a grown-up with a job and a family, you can play the ship you want without the time investment.
CIG has said that the game is skill-based, not stat-based, so a skilled player who hasn't bought any credits should still beat an unskilled player who has. However, we are all waiting for actual game stats and evidence that would support this.

The problem with monthly fees is that it encourages a game progression of pavlovian grinding for advancement, instead of something that's fun by itself. I think a simple buy-to-play, with optional purchase of credits is a good compromise to support a long (ten years?) game support while making the game fun for new players.


That is not a Freelancer or Hornet Variation sale. I am disgOOOOOOOOH. BOMBERS!

I want that small Bomber so bad. I mean... come on. Look at the widdle bommer! Isn't it the cutest!

Then again, for just 75 bucks more you get a Stella, and yet 25 more will get you a full-fledged Bomber that will laugh at the puny gnat and its comparatively terrible lack of pew and probably jumpdrive. Not seeing the value here - it shouldn't matter, but somehow it does. So weird.

Will delay until the last moment in an attempt to keep up the pretense that I have sensible spending habits when it comes to entertainment.


Neo Member
Welcome to the cult club!

You can buy in-game credits with real money, but in limited amounts. Those credits are the same as the ones you earn by playing the game, so there's no segregation between money you "bought" and money you "earned". So, it's not "full of microtransactions" in that the game will be constantly pestering you to buy stuff, but more like if you're a grown-up with a job and a family, you can play the ship you want without the time investment.
CIG has said that the game is skill-based, not stat-based, so a skilled player who hasn't bought any credits should still beat an unskilled player who has. However, we are all waiting for actual game stats and evidence that would support this.

The problem with monthly fees is that it encourages a game progression of pavlovian grinding for advancement, instead of something that's fun by itself. I think a simple buy-to-play, with optional purchase of credits is a good compromise to support a long (ten years?) game support while making the game fun for new players.

Thanks for the info, much appreciated,,,
I see your point on the pay model, as a grown up with a job and a family I worry that I will end up spending far too much money and time on this game :) haha, Agreed, the proof will be in the final product and some time in game to see how they balance this. I think this could be huge if RSI manages to get things right and there is strong initial support, to compensate for not having a publishers might with advertising and marketing


Sounds like my dream game with some flaws.

1. I wish the animations were more convincing.
2. The space combat seems tame. I know it is more of a space sim by a legendary guy known for that but I still wish it was a bit faster and more maneuvrable. Then again this my complaint with pretty much every air/space combat game/mode I have ever seen, whether they be sim or arcade.
3. The graphics are simply NOT as impressive as everyone claims.

Besides those issues, it sounds kind of fantastic so far. Especially coming about 50 years before I thought such a game was even possible to attempt with a budget under $20 million.


Sounds like my dream game with some flaws.

1. I wish the animations were more convincing.
2. The space combat seems tame. I know it is more of a space sim by a legendary guy known for that but I still wish it was a bit faster and more maneuvrable. Then again this my complaint with pretty much air/space combat game I have ever seen, whether they be sim or arcade. The only game that bucks that trend is that new space combat mode for TOR, interestingly enough.

1. What animations? I can only imagine that you're talking about the prototype since we've only seen a handful of placeholder animations in the actual game.

2. Again, you must be talking about the prototype proof-of-concept stuff. Actual in-engine combat is ~two months away and even that will be very preliminary.


1. What animations? I can only imagine that you're talking about the prototype since we've only seen a handful of placeholder animations in the actual game.

2. Again, you must be talking about the prototype proof-of-concept stuff. Actual in-engine combat is ~two months away and even that will be very preliminary.

I did not know that. I have to admit after hearing about the games concept seeing the initial videos left me a little dissappointed. This is good news. I'll wait to see more, thanks!


I did not know that. I have to admit after hearing about the games concept seeing the initial videos left me a little dissappointed. This is good news. I'll wait to see more, thanks!

Yeah, be patient. If you don't see everything you want yet, wait to buy in (or use it as the impetus to fund the project further). We're far before the point where a game would even be formally unveiled in a traditional cycle, many things are placeholder or don't even exist yet or will be given more passes in the future.


Junior Member
Its pre pre pre alpha... Nothing has really been polished yet.

Party is still going here in Austin! Pictures tomorrow of the event.

Party was nuts.
so it looks like the update has been delayed and the Hornet variation sale pushed to next week.. both promised to be released yesterday.


poop meter feature creep
I don't really give a shit about ships. Seeing everyone fawn over "blueprints" and model types is the exact same experience as seeing people talk about real life cars. I don't care; I'll drive a (space) car all around, but it doesn't matter much what it's called or what it looks like (mostly). But I am interested in space, and being in space, and flying through space, and in a virtual setting. Should I sink $65 into this right now, or wait until sometime later when actual gameplay is shown? When does the backer period end?

I'm not trying to be rude, I just want to be frank about my lack of interest specifically in ships. I first heard about this game a few months ago in relation to the Rift, and wrote it off as some random space game. Then my friend, who hates VR, mentioned that he was hype on the idea of commanding his own spaceship in it, and I gave it another look. The idea actually intrigues me, of standing in your ship and looking around, and flying through space shooting stuff and smuggling and boarding other ships. Yesterday when I watched that con video (where they kept talking about how awesome the experience was), I saw how enthused everyone was about ships, and realized they were treating them as car fanatics treat cars. Everything else sounds really interesting, I'm just not into calling ships "sexy" or looking at blueprints. Is this game for me if I like space at all?

Unrelated question, can you stowaway on ships? If you could, would there be any reason to, any destinations you needed to get to without owning a ship? Can you completely disable a ship and then just leave it, as a sort of taunt? Can you stealthily fly underneath a massive ship without it noticing you? What's the viewpoint when flying massive ships? Will everything be 6 degrees of freedom? Is space to scale? Are you actually in space at all times, or is it a representative map like in Mass Effect in large areas? Can I fly to the moon and back? Can you go outside your ship on a tether, and be severed from it and fly off into space and die? Are planets going to just be variations of each other like in Mass Effect? If you lose everything, how do you get anything after that?
I don't expect most of these to be answered, just wondering.


so it looks like the update has been delayed and the Hornet variation sale pushed to next week.. both promised to be released yesterday.

Are the forums in an uproar yet? Omg, delayed by a few days, nooooo!!! *smh*

I don't really give a shit about ships. Seeing everyone fawn over "blueprints" and model types is the exact same experience as seeing people talk about real life cars. I don't care; I'll drive a (space) car all around, but it doesn't matter much what it's called or what it looks like (mostly). But I am interested in space, and being in space, and flying through space, and in a virtual setting. Should I sink $65 into this right now, or wait until sometime later when actual gameplay is shown? When does the backer period end?

Sounds like you should wait for the game to be released, or at the very least until the dogfighting / planet side alpha. Not everyone has to go crazy over space ships, but since buying and upgrading your ship(s) is an important part of any (mmo-ish) space game ... Wait and see.

Unrelated question, can you stowaway on ships?

Possibly. People have asked about it, they're looking into it, unknown for now. You'll be able to board ships and take them by force, so there's a good chance.

If you could, would there be any reason to, any destinations you needed to get to without owning a ship?

You should be able to move from planet to planet (at least those in UEE space) using other means. Public transport, paying someone to take you, etc.

Can you completely disable a ship and then just leave it, as a sort of taunt?

Indeed you can. That's what you'll need to do first in order to capture a ship.

Can you stealthily fly underneath a massive ship without it noticing you?

I guess? You'd probably need some pretty hardcore hardware to be able to mask your radar / heat signature though.

What's the viewpoint when flying massive ships?

First-person by default, but you'll be able to switch to third-person. It won't be much use in combat though, since you won't be able to see where you're aiming / shooting.

Will everything be 6 degrees of freedom?


Is space to scale?

No. How could it be? :p

Are you actually in space at all times, or is it a representative map like in Mass Effect in large areas?

There's space and you flying through it, and then there's the planet side ... side of things. You'll be able to fly down to planets, visit shops, bars, whatever.

Can I fly to the moon and back?

Well, our solar system is in the game, so yeah, you probably can.

Can you go outside your ship on a tether, and be severed from it and fly off into space and die?

Don't know about a tether, but yes, you'll be able to exit your ship in space, do light repairs to it, etc. EVA is in and should come into play with the salvaging mechanic as well.

Are planets going to just be variations of each other like in Mass Effect?

Not sure what you mean. There'll be different planets with different landing spots on them. A location on a vulcanic planet should look different from a location on a aquatic planet, as should the planets themselves when seen from space, but beyond that ... Again, not sure what you mean.

If you lose everything, how do you get anything after that?

There's insurance in the game, so you're unlikely to 'lose everything'. The basic insurance covers your bare ship, but you'll be able to ensure equipment and cargo as well. If you don't have insurance ... well, you'll be able to fly missions for other people, real ones or NPCs, make some money and buy a new basic ship.
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