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Star Citizen Pre-Alpha: Hangar Module

Im still thinking about backing it, but the actual game is so long away, like 2015 or something? dem choices.

There is a lot of content coming in the mean time though. The game is heavily involved with allowing backers into the dev process. Both in game builds (modules) and in feedback!


Dat Ghost and Tracker doe. Two of my favorite aspects from EVE was stealth and ECM warfare. Might smelt my 300i for this...
Which one of the two to get, tho?

I'm mulling over melting my bommer for a Ghost, to be honest. Bommers are fun as hell, but a stealth ship! Stealth! As in, not combat! Something even I could do!

On the other hand, just getting a super would mean pointing in the vague direction of the enemy and holding down the trigger until nothing remains. That, I can do too.

Arrrrrrgh. This is such a bitter-sweet event.

*cradles Gladiator* Shhhhh, don't worry, you're still safe, Daddy just has to think a bit.
Nice trailer. I wasn't a fan of the projectile sound effects though. Hope they get changed multiple times over to sound like they have a bigger impact.


Multiplayer dog fights in December, single player this spring.

Persistent Universe Beta late 2014.

I really like how they're staggering the release into sections like this. Keeps the hype building. Persistent Universe Beta will be around for Occulus Rift release.. Oh boy.
Nice trailer. I wasn't a fan of the projectile sound effects though. Hope they get changed multiple times over to sound like they have a bigger impact.

It will probably heavily vary whether or not you are using projectives or energy weapons.

Prjectile weapons always sound nicer :D than pew pew


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
Read the OP. Some nice info in there. People are putting so much money because they can afford it, I guess. Most people are more than happy with the basic package (40$), which gets you the full game, alpha+beta access and a starting ship.

what do you mean a "starting ship"? Is this like Free to Play where I have to buy other ships? The OP has very little info about buying these other ships


It will probably heavily vary whether or not you are using projectives or energy weapons.

Prjectile weapons always sound nicer :D than pew pew

Heh... I would love if SC would adopt the "nou sound in space" sound design by just having your cockpit noises and everything else should be hearable as sound waves. But videogame, so not happening.


Heh... I would love if SC would adopt the "nou sound in space" sound design by just having your cockpit noises and everything else should be hearable as sound waves. But videogame, so not happening.

This would be actually pretty cool, just the bleeps from your cockpit


Yep, I believe so. If anything, I think we can expect the final thing to look even better if you've got the rig to handle it :)

Incredible. I just finished upgrading my rig to be essentially state of the art, so i'm basically waiting for some actual games to really push it. I can max out ARMA 3, but sadly I'm not finding much enjoyment in that game. Maybe when the campaign rolls around i'll have something to actually do.

My specs:
Win. 7
MSI MPOWER z87 motherboard
Core i7-4770k
Asus GTX 770
4x4GB G.Skill 2133 sticks
Samsung 800 series 128GB SSD
2x3TB Hitachi disks in RAID1 w/ single 3TB backup.


Welp... just added

Ghost Pack
Tracker Pack
Super Hornet Pack x 3

My money...
Related screenshots.


That Super Hornet is the first ship that makes me want to melt my M50. Will probably melt my Freelancer for a Super Hornet and then melt the Super Hornet when the Battle Lancer is released. Need to help with the next stretch goal!


what do you mean a "starting ship"? Is this like Free to Play where I have to buy other ships? The OP has very little info about buying these other ships

Tried answering you earlier:

The packages are pledges for support of the game's development. All of these ships are available for in-game money.

You'll be able to buy, capture, salvage other ships for your use and keep them in you hangar.

One unique aspect to pledges will be lifetime insurance. For normally purchased ships you'll have to keep insuring them with in-game currency.
Yeah, there aren't starter ships in terms of 'this is the crappy one that you start with' - it's more that there are different ships for different purposes that people might want to start out with.


what do you mean a "starting ship"? Is this like Free to Play where I have to buy other ships? The OP has very little info about buying these other ships
Right now you can pledge and ships are the reward. This option will at some point go away. When the game launches you exclusively purchase things via ingame money

I tried to make it clear that this was not the case. Where is the point that's causing confusion so that I might fix it?


Junior Member
what do you mean a "starting ship"? Is this like Free to Play where I have to buy other ships? The OP has very little info about buying these other ships

Game is buy to play. Other ships you buy in game, but you have a starter ship when you start. You can have different starter ships with your game package depending on how much you want to put in for game development.


The normal modus operandi looks like this (correct me if I'm wrong, been a long day and I'm listening to the Apple event while I type this):

0) You buy the game when it is released in 2015 - or you buy a pack including alpha/beta right now. Same thing - probably a slightly better starting ship on the "preorder" pack. Plus, you get to fiddle with the game until release. And it's cheaper.

1) You play through the singleplayer campaign. Finishing the campaign will give you a bunch of moolah and a starting ship (guessing: Aurora model, maybe ES? Probably a bit better...). You may opt out at any time prior, but will be in debt to the military if you do so, and you will also be missing Citizenship, which I assume is something desirable.

2) You now have or maybe even choose a starting area in the game, a ship, and some money. You set out to kill, trade, manufacture and/or explore your way to riches and bigger ships and more riches and even biggerer ships. You can buy them, you can sell them, you can disable others and steal their ships, you can uncover some ancient hidden away stash. Ships on the free market need to be manufactured though, so availability may be spotty.

2a) You also should insure your hull, modules and cargo if you can afford it so going boom isn't as painful. The fees and insurance premiums vary by what is insured and where you are flying (and what you are doing). Basic hull-only insurance will be dirt cheap so you shouldn't end up stranded on a planet with no ship and no money, but if it happens you can offer your services and slave away until you have enough money again.

2b) Ships accrue fees every time they dock, for refills and repairs - and when you buy/rent a hangar space for them. If you have no time to be playing silly vidya, there is always the option of dumping real life money into the game, converted into ingame currency (within reason, restricted on a per-month and maximum cap basis so it can't be exploited easily).

2c) Kickstarters get to support the game and as a show of gratitude get one or more ships for their hangar. They also get lifetime insurance for these hull, and the hull only (i.e. no big in-game monetary value).

2d) You can stay inside a highsec area and put your PVP slider all the way to NPC, and you will never have to interact with another human being. You will still encounter the odd NPC pirate, obviously. The PVP slider becomes meaningless when you stumble into unsecured territories, where NPC and Player pirates will be after your crunchy ship and its creamy insides.

3) You choose someone from your in-game social circle to be your heir. In the case of death, they will receive all your money and stuff (minus a small fee) and you will gain control of them. Hence, death is permanent. One such character per slot is the limit, with more slots available for purchase when the game launches (or by buying packs that include alpha/beta access right now).

3a) Getting your ship shot out from under you is not necessarily the end of it. You may be captured and sold into slavery (counts as death) or taken hostage, you may survive wounded (leading to scars&prosthetics), you may cheat death and get picked up in one piece, or you may get splattered across the stars. Depends on your actions and those from the enemy (as well as equipment).

3b) You can make specialized NPCs using character slots, but that's a story for another time and place. Still, suffice it to say that buying multiple packages with character slots will not be as bad a deal as you might think. You get to fiddle with that NPC and it will stay at your side (or its descendants, if it so happens).

Can't wait.


2d) You can stay inside a highsec area and put your PVP slider all the way to NPC, and you will never have to interact with another human being. You will still encounter the odd NPC pirate, obviously. The PVP slider becomes meaningless when you stumble into unsecured territories, where NPC and Player pirates will be after your crunchy ship and its creamy insides.

That i did not know. I was discussing with a friend how we hoped it would be eve like (meaning fringe areas would act like 0.0) so i am quite happy to hear that since i am planning to be a pirate and all.


You would still hear sounds vibrating through your hull.
That would be ten times as cool as generic chaingun sounds. Muffled roars and thudding sounds vibrating through your ship with a good acoustic modeling thrown in to reflect hull setup and size would be mindblowing. Plus, loading mechanisms that whirr and whine louder than the gun they're feeding, because the gun sits inside an armored compartment. Stuff like that.

Would love to hear capacitors crack and lights flicker with lasers, too. Something different than the usual pewpew. Although, to be honest, there's something to be said for that too.
Yah I'm a lil crazy lol...

Current fleet status:

Idris M
Gladiator x3
Retaliator x4
Super Hornet x3
Vanduul Scythe
Caterpillar x2
Aurora LN x 3

Good god, I don't remember the exact price for everything but that's like... $4500 or something right there. And I think I've spent too much with my measly $700 spent @_@

The Hornet commercial is awesome; I like the Aurora more as an actual COMMERCIAL, but this one really does fit a pure fighter like the Hornet is meant to be. The sounds are my favorite part, everything just sounds like it has so much power behind it, particularly the engines, and the computer calling out "weapons armed" almost gave me chills.

Unfortunately I think I'm going to have to pass now, I just can't spend this much on a new ship right now; not without melting something else at least. Right now I'm sitting on an Aurora LN, Avenger, 350R, and Constellation. I want to keep the Aurora LN and Constellation for sure to have both sides of the standard ship spectrum, but maybe I should consider melting the Avenger and/or 350R...

EDIT: I also just realized that, how often will a RACER actually be blown up anyway? Unless it's a race that lets you use weapons, I probably won't be losing a 350R that much in game, so LTI isn't a big deal with it. A Hornet however, that's going to be wading out into combat all the time... Man this game sure has its ways.
That would be ten times as cool as generic chaingun sounds. Muffled roars and thudding sounds vibrating through your ship with a good acoustic modeling thrown in to reflect hull setup and size would be mindblowing. Plus, loading mechanisms that whirr and whine louder than the gun they're feeding, because the gun sits inside an armored compartment. Stuff like that.

Would love to hear capacitors crack and lights flicker with lasers, too. Something different than the usual pewpew. Although, to be honest, there's something to be said for that too.

They've said that there will indeed be sounds in space. HOWEVER, they may not be real sounds, they may be your ship simulating the sounds so you have a better grasps of the situation. If your sensors are damaged, you might lose all sound (except your own), which puts you at a disadvantage.

Echo Six

Neo Member
Hmmm, so it appears that I need the Super Hornet airframe for the 2 seats and larger powerplant, the Ghost's low emission thrusters and Void armor, and the Tracker's rotodome and I'll have the ultimate SWACS machine (unless the Gladiator turns out to have something better)
That would be ten times as cool as generic chaingun sounds. Muffled roars and thudding sounds vibrating through your ship with a good acoustic modeling thrown in to reflect hull setup and size would be mindblowing. Plus, loading mechanisms that whirr and whine louder than the gun they're feeding, because the gun sits inside an armored compartment. Stuff like that.

Would love to hear capacitors crack and lights flicker with lasers, too. Something different than the usual pewpew. Although, to be honest, there's something to be said for that too.

write them an email. They listen.
They've said that there will indeed be sounds in space. HOWEVER, they may not be real sounds, they may be your ship simulating the sounds so you have a better grasps of the situation. If your sensors are damaged, you might lose all sound (except your own), which puts you at a disadvantage.

That would be amazing.


Is there a GAF Guild planned?

Me and my Super Hornet would like to fly with it, if it exists!

The Never Nudes in Space!

I'll reserve the neogaf name if no one else wants to start a group, but GAF guilds don't normally last long, not many hardcore players prevalent here.


I've always been so-so on the 300 series design, and while I want to get into racing in the game I'm not even sure if I want to use a 350R or M50 for it, I'll just have to wait until I can test them both out. I will sort of miss the Avenger, but I can always buy it again next month before the LTI cutoff. Took the opportunity to upgrade the LN to its package too, glad its still available.

Echo Six

Neo Member
That would be ten times as cool as generic chaingun sounds. Muffled roars and thudding sounds vibrating through your ship with a good acoustic modeling thrown in to reflect hull setup and size would be mindblowing. Plus, loading mechanisms that whirr and whine louder than the gun they're feeding, because the gun sits inside an armored compartment. Stuff like that.

Would love to hear capacitors crack and lights flicker with lasers, too. Something different than the usual pewpew. Although, to be honest, there's something to be said for that too.

This guy knows what's up. Make it really feel like a spaceship instead of an airplane.

Also after rewatching the Hornet trailer it occurred to me that it would be cool if overclocking/modding energy weapons changed the color of the bolts. E.g. you have a cannon that fires red lasers, you add advanced capacitors/laser pumping mods etc to increase bolt strength, thus the color of the laser moves up in the light spectrum to say blue or violet. Could act as a neat 'tell' when fighting in PvE or PvP. Of course real laser weapons would be in the nonvisible spectrum.


Really want that Super Hornet, but my wallet would die, and I keep telling myself to be happy with the Constellation and Aurora I already have. BUT I WANTS THE HORNET :(


Neo Member
Do i sound crazy if i said i paid 180 bucks for an all digital game with no physical items 1.5 years before its released?


2b) Ships accrue fees every time they dock, for refills and repairs - and when you buy/rent a hangar space for them. If you have no time to be playing silly vidya, there is always the option of dumping real life money into the game, converted into ingame currency (within reason, restricted on a per-month and maximum cap basis so it can't be exploited easily).

That part is what has me scared from buying the Rear Admiral package that I've been looking at. If I'm understanding that correctly: I play the game for a while and take a break or something comes up and I go a few months without playing, yet I'm penalized for not playing and have to pay to access my ship/stuff (I guess it's like a monthly sub in that sense)?

Hopefully I'm just misinterpreting that and blew that out of proportion in my head but can anyone clarify? I was worried about missing the LTI before but that sounds like a non-issue after reading up on it and I hope this is too since I just pre-ordered the X Rebirth CE and would like to add this to the list.
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