PBR is the shit. Not appropriate for all games, but where it is, sooooooooo good.
This game is getting too big for it's own good.
I predict a huge disappointment.
Hope I'm wrong.
That's mostly my position. I pledged 35$ but I wont go any further mostly because it could be a catastrophic adventure.
I bought around 20 games for 60$ in my life that ended to be garbage.That's mostly my position. I pledged 35$ but I wont go any further mostly because it could be a catastrophic adventure.
Missed the last 90mins of the stream, doesn't work from ... work. What did I miss?
Missed the last 90mins of the stream, doesn't work from ... work. What did I miss?
Next Great Starship
Final on June 8th in LA - fan winners can probably come. Probably <1000 capacity. CR is judging along with design team/industry/celebrities
111 teams have entered so far. 26 US, 18 UK, 14 German, 4 Australia, 4 Canada, 2 Spain, 2 Switzerland, 2 Austria, 2 Norway, 1 New Zealand, 1 Argentina, 1 China, 2 Russia, 1 Itality, 1 Greece, 14 unspecified, etc. [sorry if I missed something here, it was really fast]
There are teams from Disney, Paradigm, Ubisoft, Walmart, defense department, the army, IT departments, self-taught, design companies, etc.
What is the price range of these ships ? I've heard people spending thousands ?
I need juicy gifs of all the game related stuff they showed!
Fuuuuck. This should be amazing.
Reading up on all the HUD stuff, jesus christ if they can do all the stuff they want.... This is gonna be the most awesomely cooperative MMO ever. I can picture myself with my headset on the bridge of a bigger ship yelling "WE NEED TO CUT OFF LIFE SUPPORT TO THE CABINS OR WE'LL ALL DIE" and sacrifice some of you guys for the greater good. Sorry.
The game is $30. Donating more can get you different ships to start out with but it's not the sole object of paying nor will it be a method of acquiring ships when the game launches.
...time to avoid boarding the GAFship at all costs. I'll just fly cover in my hornet.
If it does turn out to be shit it has to be one of the biggest wastes of money in gaming history.That's mostly my position. I pledged 35$ but I wont go any further mostly because it could be a catastrophic adventure.
Guys explain to me like I'm five what LTI means and why its important to why its ending today if I read correctly.
I heard you can unlock every single ship that people are paying for now is that still true?
If it does turn out to be shit it has to be one of the biggest wastes of money in gaming history.
This should be interesting. Either we get an awesome new game or be part of gaming history for a terrible happening.
Guys explain to me like I'm five what LTI means and why its important to why its ending today if I read correctly.
I heard you can unlock every single ship that people are paying for now is that still true?
I don't even have a big ship"only" a freelancer and 325A. Someone needs to let me land in their capital ship
Fluff to substance ratio seems to be looking really bad here. Hoping that's either toned down to be more utilitarian or customization is super robust, beyond just moving things around
https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/13398-Letter-From-The-Chairman-32-MillionAt the $32 million level, youve unlocked the Aegis Surveyor, a ship dedicated to salvage that also offers some emergent gameplay opportunities:
Aegis Surveyor The Surveyor, from noted military contractor Aegis, is an industrial-quality salvage ship. Equipped with a reinforced cargo bay, a long-range jump drive and launch pods for unmanned drones, the Surveyor is an ideal ship for taking advantage of deep space wrecks. Tractor beams, floodlights, scanner options and docking ports round out the tool chest on this capable, utilitarian spacecraft.
The winner of the $34 million ship role poll, in a photo finish, is smuggling! There are two typical paths for smuggling ships: fast, armored ships adapted to run blockades and escape the authorities when necessary and totally innocuous ships that keep their cargo hidden from prying scanners. Several of our existing ships, including the Banu Merchantman, are well-equipped for the former job and so weve going for the latter.
MISC Hull C (Discreet) Scaling from small box trucks to massive supertankers, the MISC range of cargo hulls (A-D) are the standard goods transporter in human space. Extremely configurable, MISC Hulls can be adapted for most any type of transport job: from standard bulk shipping on the patrolled spacelanes to armored cargo hauling on the frontier. While these pre-configured hulls are primarily used for legitimate purposes, the MISC Hull Cs have recently become the favorite for criminals who modify the ship with advanced sensor shadow technology, quick-decompress holds and a variety of hidden compartments without modifying the ships body so it will appear to onlookers as standard everyday transports.
Thank you for your incredible support; I hope you enjoyed the chance to interact with the team in todays livestream. And dont forget to vote: next up is the last phase of the fan ship role selection poll. By the process of elimination, you can expect to be choosing a new ship from Drake Interplanetary, maker of the Cutlass and Caterpillar. Choose wisely!
Nothing stopping this train.
Fluff to substance ratio seems to be looking really bad here. Hoping that's either toned down to be more utilitarian or customization is super robust, beyond just moving things around
Looks like it has dynamic states
Looks like it has dynamic states
[URL="www.twitch.tv/roberts_space_ind_ch_1/b/483089794?t=187m30s"]e: video is at ~3:07[/URL][/QUOTE]
This is tremendous, it made me stiff.
Holy mother of Methuselah that was awesome! So is flying just one part of the whole Star Citizen experience, because if that's the case I'm NOT going to experience everything else the game has to offer.