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Star Citizen Pre-Alpha: Hangar Module




One observed effect is that people are more willingly to pledge the higher the amount is. This is possibly because the reduced risk it brings, e.g. it's more likely a good game will come out of it, and pledging more makes it even better.


First 100 Idris-Ps have been sold, only 300 left.

I on the other hand am going have to stew over melting Cutlass/Caterpillar or Freelancer/Starfarer for the Xi'an/Banu ships. If only I can convince myself that my character is a xenophobe, unfortunately it's turning out to be a xenophobe who likes Banu booty on the side.


Friend of mine tried to buy the Idris. He added it to his cart but they sold out before he could complete the transaction. Is the only way to get these using store credit already available?
I haven't bought any packages yet, i'm going to wait to see if there is anything with the other starter ship.

Am i expecting too much by wanting to do things like turn the Origin 890 JUMP Yacht into some sort of disguised, heavily armed pirate ship?


Friend of mine tried to buy the Idris. He added it to his cart but they sold out before he could complete the transaction. Is the only way to get these using store credit already available?

I'm not sure about that. I suspect that the ships are being grabbed via scripting, likely on brand new accounts which will allow the buyers to sell the accounts on the gray market (since you can't gift an Idris).


Seek victory, not fairness
Man, they need to beef up the Starfarer. It's really a sitting duck compared to the Merchantman. Big fluffy marshmallow waiting for pirates to come by. Meanwhile, the Merchantman loses to the Constellation at that price point I think, and the constellation doesn't appeal to me.

Waiting it out with my Starfarer, I guess. If they add the military variant I'll pick that up.

The Xi'An Scout has crazy potential for any racing that involves tight cornering I think.


What's that ship in the background of the countdown clock on the main RSI page?

edit: oh, it's the banu ship. Looks sick. Great to see starkly different design to the human military/sportscar aesthetic.


Almost 32 Million holy shit... It sucks to have to wait 2 years for the full game though.
It's like the Song of Ice and Fire books, I try to forget about them until they are actually out else the wait seems so so long.


Is the Xi'an Scout new? Any other new ships announced. It sucks that they are selling these shops without a picture to look at. I'm big on shop aesthetics. I don't want to put money towards something without knowing what it looks like first.


My wallet hates this game. I melted down some of my ships and paid the excess for the Banu Merchantman. What an amazing looking ship.


I might melt down my Freelancer (want to see the Freelancer variants) for a Carrack. I'm all about exploration in this game.


16000 people spamming the chat with questions... just general ones so far. Couple things about AI and how they'll work.
Shots fired at X:Rebirth, hah.

Sounds like they're leaning towards taking more time to get the dogfighting module onto the proper systems that'll be used in the proper game rather than rushing out a 'placeholder' version, which is definitely the best decision.


The instance mechanics have always been in the back of my mind as something that could ruin the game. Looks like they are taking that aspect very seriously.

Q: Instance limits with capital ships?
A: Still figuring out mechanics. Actively working on right now. Definitely planning to be large enough for capital ship battles. Instancing system will reserve slots for different groups of players. You'll never be able to show up and completely take over an instance. Always slots for others/random people. Similar system for capital ships.
Example: if instance could have 100 different ships, not going to just have 100 people that are all friends.
May be able to do some detailed throttling on what info gets sent to clients depending on what you see.
Will be tuning/adding over time with dogfighting module. Hornet or one or two single seater ships to start. Then later Constellation and multi-crew ships.
Goal: two groups with corvettes, launch fighters, have a big battle.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I hope they're actually recording the stream this time so those of us missing it can rewatch it later lol.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
It's on Twitch so it will definitely be up in the archive shortly after the broadcast ends.

So... anyone manage to get an Idris? :D

Twitched changed their recording settings to not automatically archive anymore and they thus forgot to record the last stream :lol


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Q: Will you be able to upgrade ships beyond weapons in the dogfighting module.
A: Yes, part of the goal. Going to start with core base then keep adding things over time - e.g. avionics packages, weapons packages, batteries, overclocked cooling upgrades, etc. Managing heat will be a minigame in itself. Dogfighting module will help test and balance this.


They said probably no dogfighting module before Christmas though, only something smaller for the hangar. Maybe the aforementioned customization&minigames?


Alright, I got an LTI Avenger before the deadline >_< and now I'm a Rear Admiral...
Yup, that's how it starts :] I just ended up getting additional accounts for for friends.

But that Banu Scout sounds exactly like the kind of ship I enjoy the most. I trimmed my own hangar to just a Freelancer and M50. May have melted down an additional or two ship for gift packages.

2015 is a long way off!
Impressed and thankful that the Idris batch sold out so quickly.

Chris Roberts: More funds today than any other space sim has had in the history of space sims.

Come on genre renaissance!
I haven't bought any packages yet, i'm going to wait to see if there is anything with the other starter ship.

Am i expecting too much by wanting to do things like turn the Origin 890 JUMP Yacht into some sort of disguised, heavily armed pirate ship?
Smart move would be to buy the current starter package and when the other arrives you can trade if it's any good. LTI isn't that important, but getting it now is a nice freebie.
I think before Christmas we will just get a flying test range and in January the dogfighting modul.

CR said in an earlier interview and mentioned it again during the live stream that most likely the initial dogfighting module we'll get before Christmas will be against AI. Multiplayer support will come early next year.

The AI programmer also mentioned working on wave-support, so it will likely just be waves and waves of AI.

Also made it sound like there will be two, maybe three ships at first. Hornet was one that was specifically mentioned. Seems like my Connie will have to wait to fly until next year!

Resisting the urge to melt my 300i for a Constellation.

As a Connie owner, do it! ;) It's supposedly Chris Roberts' favorite ship, and has been described as being the Millenium Falcon of Star Citizen!

Well, if you feel comfortable spending the money of course.
Well, I broke down and bought another ship before the LTI offer ends.

I know own the following ships:

Origin 325a Fighter (I melted my Digital Bounty Hunter package and upgraded to an Arbiter LTI package.)

Cutlass (the Cutlass + Bonus LTI package)

RSI Constellation (the RSI Constellation LTI package)

I like a maneuverable ship with some old school ti-fighter speed/dogfighting abilities, I like a pirate ship to board other ships (adds a seat for a second player as well), and I like a multi purpose ship that can be configured however I want (tons of upgrade slots) and can be used with multiple people (4 players overall).

I think, with those three ships, I should be good to go. I don't have to worry about buying in-game insurance now either.

It broke my wallet, and I really hope this game is worth the money and that I'm not just buying into the hype. But the scope of the game, the lack of games in the genre, and the community and support around it have made me buy in. I think I'm done buying ships, but when they announce the Constellation variants, I'll at least consider upgrading to one of the variants.


The only thing that has kept me from buying a Connie is the 890 Jump.

LTI is open to all for this final sale right? I've lost track.


Screw the Idris at 1250...

That Banu Merchantman though... Damn! I felt my wallet jiggle when I saw the 250 dollar price tag.

I would mind being a merchant.... A merchant of DEATH!!!
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