I support whale hunting as the reason we might eventually get a Squadron 42 (maybe Star Citizen too though I'm not big on multiplayer myself) way more than whale hunting as the reason we do get mobile gacha #9334956 (that shuts down in a year after raking in as much money with individuals spending 10s of thousands or more like there's no tomorrow) which only receives some light criticism or even just plain mention once in a blue moon or when China of all nations tries to regulate that market a bit
Obviously it's not some unknown project that escaped the attention of game "journalists" who made their career on exposes that fell in their lap. There's just nothing to reveal, they're as transparent as can be and all critics pretending they uncover shocking secrets go off numbers readily available on their reports. They're obviously actually employing all the studios they've opened etc., at this point you probably have people that once worked there for years but have since moved on and still no prize dirt has come out beyond Roberts being rich and doing rich people things as he was and did.
Disclaimer: I bought a ~70 LTI ship with eventual access to Squadron 42 but recently sold my account as it's taking too damn long/might never get done. Still impressed with the latest
tech videos and hyped with the
Squadron 42 footage. I regret Kickstarting Wasteland 2 at the boxed tier more