Here's what you need to know.

When: 3pm PDT / 6pm EDT / 10pm GMT / 12am CEST / your local time
Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/starcitizen
RSI Citizencon Page
Citizencon Summary/Transcript: http://imperialnews.network/2016/10/citizencon-2016-coverage/

Join us on Sunday, October 9th as we celebrate the fourth anniversary of Star Citizens crowdfunding campaign with you, our amazing community. Hosted by Chris Roberts, watch as we showcase what weve been working on since last years event, and take a look ahead at continuing work on both Squadron 42 and the Procedural Planets system slated to come online in Star Citizen Alpha 3.0. Of course, thats not all you can expect from our CitizenCon Presentation, but youll have to tune in on October 9th to find out more!
Here's what we're pretty sure will show up:
- Homestead Demo (Earth-like planet with biomes, plantlife, etc...)
- Squadron 42 Mission Walkthrough
- Another Alpha 3.0 Demo
- A Star Marine/2.6 demo
- Character tech
- Reveal of the RSI Polaris Corvette
- Caterpillar and Herald Hangar/Flight ready
- Matchmaking/Lobby improvements
- Female Player Model
- Cargo and maybe occupations
- Orgs 2.0/Website 3.0/Forums 2.0
- Patcher 2.0
- Glitches, hardware difficulties, and cringe
- Delays
- Surprises!!!
- Official NeoGAF Star Citizen Thread
- GAF Star Citizen Org
- NeoGAF Star Citizen Discord: [QUOTE TO SEE]