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Star exhibits strange light patterns which could be a sign of alien activity

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Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Female aliens? Please, open your mind, im sure actual aliens would totally defy all conceptions of sex and gender our brains can comprehend.
I would love it if they turned out to be slightly different humans.

We already think the possibility of life developing the way it did is extraordinary, but imagine if we found it again somewhere else? It would throw up so many more questions.

I realize it's 99.9% more likely to find something weird, but, hey... what was the percentage for the chances of life developing, again? ;)
“Aliens should always be the very last hypothesis you consider, but this looked like something you would expect an alien civilization to build."

Okay seriously how can we have any idea what an alien civilization could build?


when we first saw pulsars, we thought they were signs of alien life as well. Though, hell, i hope they look further into it. I hope we find some hot Twi'leks.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Haven't read the report yet, but maybe it's a debris disk? The star's name is KIC 8462852, if anyone is interested.

If I read it right, the debris clump would have to be larger than the Sun itself. It also said a comet fleet was more likely.


I heard its your mom's dildo making its way here on Fedex Interstellar.

Well we didn't have radios 1400 years ago now, did we? In fact it means we should be relatively safe for at least another 1300 years.

Exactly. Our radio waves haven't even reached them yet. They could be zipping all over the galaxy and miss us because they'd have to get within 100 light years of us to even know we exist.


Black Canada Mafia
Considering the universe is infinite, I think we can at least theorize based on our limited knowledge of civilization and it's needs.

What would the needs be of a giant plant like intelligence that encompasses its host planet with billions of miniature node-clones? Let's get creative with our aliens! What I said isn't even that creative.


Junior Member
I hope the speed of light is a hard limit. Y'all don't like black people near ATMs but you want aliens to come down? We importing beings to discriminate against? Don't y'all have enough?


What does another species creating a dyson ring have to do with us still existing?

A species at "Dyson Ring +1000 years" tech having not formed a far-ranging interstellar empire would raise some questions. Maybe they wouldn't have destroyed us in their galactic conquest, but for there to be no obvious signs of expansion when technology generally advances at an exponential rate (along with population in a society with essentially no energy limits) would definitely have to make you doubt that the speed of light could ever be exceeded.
A species at "Dyson Ring +1000 years" tech having not formed a far-ranging interstellar empire would raise some questions. Maybe they wouldn't have destroyed us in their galactic conquest, but for there to be no obvious signs of expansion when technology generally advances at an exponential rate (along with population in a society with essentially no energy limits) would definitely have to make you doubt that the speed of light could ever be exceeded.

FTL travel isn't an issue if you have the capability to build a fucking dyson ring.

If you can build a dyson ring you can build giant space habitats that can travel the stars without the inherent dangers of a planet and the randomness of dealing with one.


A species at "Dyson Ring +1000 years" tech having not formed a far-ranging interstellar empire would raise some questions. Maybe they wouldn't have destroyed us in their galactic conquest, but for there to be no obvious signs of expansion when technology generally advances at an exponential rate (along with population in a society with essentially no energy limits) would definitely have to make you doubt that the speed of light could ever be exceeded.
We already know that the speed of light can't be exceeded. FTL is a fantasy. Everything we currently know about the laws of physics says that it is fundamentally impossible.

Not that it has anything to do with whether or not an alien super-civilization would have destroyed us or not. A civilization that has access to a Dyson ring would have more than enough energy to send ships out at high-relativistic speeds and colonize other star systems. It is theoretically possible that they could have reached as far as us already, FTL or not.

However, even if they did have FTL, it doesn't mean that they would have come to the Solar System. I mean, why would they? What about the Solar System, out of the innumerable star systems out there in the nearby part of our galaxy, would have caught their attention? Human beings haven't done much yet to draw any attention to ourselves. We haven't built any super structures, and we have only been sending out radio waves for the last century. There is nothing particularly noteworthy about our planet, or even our entire Solar System in the grand scheme of things. How would these potential aliens even know that we were here? Why would they bother coming to visit some random star system out of the millions that fill our galaxy?

The Adder

I was thinking a couple of days ago, imagine for a second that you wake up tomorrow and every channel is showing the same images again and again and humans have concrete evidence of the existance of _______. Like footage of ________ coming down from the sky and walking among us.

What would be more shocking to you if you had two choices to fill in the blanks
God or aliens?


God, at least as most cultures perceive such a deity, has a vested interest in humanity. Aliens, however, don't really have a reason to give shit about us.

No Love

They're 1480 light years away. That means they're 1480 years ahead of what we're seeing. They could be far beyond our level by now, or already were.


It's probably some sort of natural phenomena. As much as I'd love for it to be aliens, you'd think we'd have seen either more Dyson Swarms/Spheres/Bubbles by now if this was one, since it'd be at least 1400 years ago (chances are it'd be much older), plenty of time to expand in any direction, even at slower-than light speeds.

They probably wouldn't be dead at this point, either. It'd probably be pretty hard for a species to go kaput completely at that level, considering the level of work and know-how needed to make a Dyson Whatever. Things like extra-planetary outposts and self-sustaining starships would be pretty trivial to make when you're at that level of technological prowess.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
If a civilization has the ability to create a Dyson ring 1400 years ago and we are not yet dead. Then the speed of light is a hard limit.

Why would beings who are able to build amazing astronomical megastructures, that we are able to spot from over 1400 light years away, even bother? They would regards us as we would ants. A tinge of curiosity, minimum annoyance maybe, but ultimately irrelevant if we're going on with our day to day incomprehensible meaningless existence.

However if we started building Dyson Spheres, yet still carried on with our warlike aggressive tendencies, then yes, they will most likely take notice.


we need to up the military budget for our new space defense force to prepare for their arrival.

If that's what it took for us to actually start investing in space research in a big way then send in the Space Marines.

Come on, just think of all those juicy resource rich asteroids we can invade liberate. I hear there's a whole moon full of hydrocarbons too.
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