LakeEarth said:The intro they use now is like 2 minutes long.
Yes but:
a) its not the tamer 'the show is over change the channel' music
b) it isn't countless flybys of the enterprise
LakeEarth said:The intro they use now is like 2 minutes long.
Fuzzy said:
But you have to admit that it's much better than the soft-rock crap that they had or that other intro on the first page.teiresias said:Eh, I don't know, I've never really liked most of Dennis McCarthy's score to Star Trek: Generations, including the main theme used in that alternate intro. The only track I really, really like from that film is the one from when Picard is in the Nexxus, it's a great airy, moody, and "wispy" piece with a chorus to boot (I swoon for choruses in movie scores).
Phoenix said:They go through all this crap about about the speech and we don't even get to gear it?
Wheeljack539 said:To be honest, I didn't find it that bad, considering what some have already said. However, the Enterprise D has never looked so damn good, I practically gasped at the first shot of it, the level of detail....
As much as I've grown to love the E, seeing the D here made me realize how much I've missed it.
ManaByte said:Not just the exterior. The hallways, the holodeck, ten forward, the conference room. It was awesome to see all of it again and it was in HD.
Wheeljack539 said:Speaking of Ten Forward, anyone notice Picard in that scene? He had his back turned but I could recognize that head anywear on the D.
BigJonsson said:Does this mean they want a show with Riker as the main character?
Shouta said:Getting to see the D was nice but they could've used a cleaner version of the TNG's sets rather than trying to approximate it. It was a little irksome because the hallways and all that Jazz were a little off due partially to different lighting and set differences (like the Turbo-lift was different on the inside).
As for the ending, kind of weak but the principle idea and execution for the episode was nice. I have to agree with whoever said it felt more like a TNG episode than the end of Enterprise though because in a lot of ways, the plot was more about Riker's character during the Pegasus event than the decomissioning of the original Enterprise. I do like the fact you got to see each of the characters have a small dialogue bit that reflected on Trip and Archer's relationship and Riker's thoughts as well. That aside though, the episode was still weak.
And what's this about Data I read in a spoiler up there? =P.
Teh Hamburglar said:I know for Generations they had to make new sets because the old ones were wood and were rotting/destroyed from being in storage for so long. And I doubt they'd go to recreating it completely because of budget constraints.
Teh Hamburglar said:I know for Generations they had to make new sets because the old ones were wood and were rotting/destroyed from being in storage for so long. And I doubt they'd go to recreating it completely because of budget constraints.
Teh Hamburglar said:I know they had to build new pieces of some of the bridge set is all. And about First Contact, I think they used Voyagers ready room for Picards as well
teiresias said:Haha, I own the technical manual and would take it to sixth grade classes with me and read it at lunch. *Sigh* No wonder I was harrassed.
ManaByte said:What was interesting was that they stated the crew was on the NX-01 for 10 years...that's three seasons longer than any other Trek series.
Whats good?
The fact that the TNG regulars play decidedly supportive roles. The loving recreation of the Enterprise-D, with its strangely multihued new-age consoles and oddly-shaped arches. The Patrick Stewart body-double glimpsed so fleetingly in the opening seconds of act one. Jeffrey Combs generally, but especially the way he spits out former associates. The little Andorian girl. The flashback. No Ferengi! The always-compelling Blalock, betraying onscreen no hint of her contempt for the teleplay. Did you find him attractive? The Phlox moment that recalls too vividly the promise of the Enterprise pilot. TPols final scene.
Whats not so good?
Datas eye-rolling dialogue. Stiffly stifferton Frakes, who demonstrates for the thousandth time why Patrick Stewart, Michael Dorn and Brent Spiner so effortlessly and consistently overshadowed him. The too-familiar big rescue scene that ends act two. The regulars death that carries curiously little resonance. You sound like my ninth-grade teacher.
teiresias said:When does it air again? I'd like to see the Enterprise-D sets that I missed by tuning in late.
Shouta said:And what's this about Data I read in a spoiler up there? =P.
borghe said:ok, my thoughts.
The terra prime two parter was simply amazing. If that is what this last season has been like in general, I entirely regret missing it. I couldn't believe that this was the same show I stopped watching a little over two years ago. The acting improved, the direction improved, and the writing was like a completely different show.
Terra Prime (and the episode before) are easily 4 or 4.5 out of 5.. just awesome.
DrForester said:Trip's death was just weak and pretty pointless. Aliens somehow catch up and kill him. Should have had him throw himself in front of Archer int eh planet or something.
Synbios459 said:See, I don't quite understand why everyone cares so much HOW someone dies, instead of what they were like. I mean just because someone did something really great doesn't mean that they are necessarily going out with a bang. I mean think about the people who died in those plane crashes; not due to being fired on from the enemy, but because of mechanical error or whatnot. Does the fact that they may have killed a bunch of terrorists or liberated people from some terrorists mean that their deaths don't matter unless they get shot or blow up a building with them in it?
Even despite all the great things that people may do doesn't mean they're going to have a very fancy death. Just my 2 cents.
I'm not sad about it either since if they did show him giving his speech I doubt it would've been as good as the one he gave at the end of Terra Prime because Berman and Braga would've been the ones to write it.DarienA said:I'm not sad that Archer's speech wasn't in ep... even if this had been a "real time" ep I think it would have been could to end the ep as he was walking out to the podium.
Fuzzy said:I'm not sad about it either since if they did show him giving his speech I doubt it would've been as good as the one he gave at the end of Terra Prime because Berman and Braga would've been the ones to write it.