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Star Trek Enterprise Series Finale "These are the Voyages" 5/13

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LakeEarth said:
The intro they use now is like 2 minutes long.

Yes but:

a) its not the tamer 'the show is over change the channel' music
b) it isn't countless flybys of the enterprise


I liked how they mentioned the Utopia colony on Mars. The Enterprise-D was built at the Utopia Planitia Shipyards :)


I hated the series finale, spoilers within dont look unless you seen the finale.

It felt more like an next generation episode then a enterprise one, let alone the series finale. In typical Berman, Braga fashion the contrived death of tucker was appalling, how the heck did the bad guys even get on enterprise. It reminded me of the stupid way data died. We didn't even hear Archers speech in the end. WTF!!!

I guess it was appropriate to have Braga, and Berman deliver the final death knell to Enterprise, and for the time being Star Trek.

I just read pheonix's earlier posts and he had the same complaints. :lol


Fuzzy said:

Eh, I don't know, I've never really liked most of Dennis McCarthy's score to Star Trek: Generations, including the main theme used in that alternate intro. The only track I really, really like from that film is the one from when Picard is in the Nexxus, it's a great airy, moody, and "wispy" piece with a chorus to boot (I swoon for choruses in movie scores).


I would bang a hot farmer!
teiresias said:
Eh, I don't know, I've never really liked most of Dennis McCarthy's score to Star Trek: Generations, including the main theme used in that alternate intro. The only track I really, really like from that film is the one from when Picard is in the Nexxus, it's a great airy, moody, and "wispy" piece with a chorus to boot (I swoon for choruses in movie scores).
But you have to admit that it's much better than the soft-rock crap that they had or that other intro on the first page.


Phoenix said:
They go through all this crap about about the speech and we don't even get to gear it?

I'm pretty sure the implication is that, in fact, "Space, the final frontier..." IS Archer's speech. The fact that it cuts in just as he gets out there, and that Troi says she had to learn it in school... Yeah. Not really much of a speech to give to a room that big.
To be honest, I didn't find it that bad, considering what some have already said. However, the Enterprise D has never looked so damn good, I practically gasped at the first shot of it, the level of detail....

As much as I've grown to love the E, seeing the D here made me realize how much I've missed it.


Wheeljack539 said:
To be honest, I didn't find it that bad, considering what some have already said. However, the Enterprise D has never looked so damn good, I practically gasped at the first shot of it, the level of detail....

As much as I've grown to love the E, seeing the D here made me realize how much I've missed it.

Not just the exterior. The hallways, the holodeck, ten forward, the conference room. It was awesome to see all of it again and it was in HD.
ManaByte said:
Not just the exterior. The hallways, the holodeck, ten forward, the conference room. It was awesome to see all of it again and it was in HD.

Speaking of Ten Forward, anyone notice Picard in that scene? He had his back turned but I could recognize that head anywear on the D.


Wheeljack539 said:
Speaking of Ten Forward, anyone notice Picard in that scene? He had his back turned but I could recognize that head anywear on the D.

Picard and Data were both there. It was footage used from the original Pegasus episode and spliced in.


Getting to see the D was nice but they could've used a cleaner version of the TNG's sets rather than trying to approximate it. It was a little irksome because the hallways and all that Jazz were a little off due partially to different lighting and set differences (like the Turbo-lift was different on the inside).

As for the ending, kind of weak but the principle idea and execution for the episode was nice. I have to agree with whoever said it felt more like a TNG episode than the end of Enterprise though because in a lot of ways, the plot was more about Riker's character during the Pegasus event than the decomissioning of the original Enterprise. I do like the fact you got to see each of the characters have a small dialogue bit that reflected on Trip and Archer's relationship and Riker's thoughts as well. That aside though, the episode was still weak.

And what's this about Data I read in a spoiler up there? =P.


Frakes looks HELLLA old now, I think it's way too late for Riker to be the head of a new show if you ask me =P.


BigJonsson said:
Does this mean they want a show with Riker as the main character?

If Nemesis did well, they were going to do another TNG movie that would've lead directly into a Riker series where it's him as the captain of the Titan. It would be basically Riker, Troi, and a new cast with a massive Romulan War as the background story. But Nemesis sucked and that won't happen.

Escape Goat

Shouta said:
Getting to see the D was nice but they could've used a cleaner version of the TNG's sets rather than trying to approximate it. It was a little irksome because the hallways and all that Jazz were a little off due partially to different lighting and set differences (like the Turbo-lift was different on the inside).

As for the ending, kind of weak but the principle idea and execution for the episode was nice. I have to agree with whoever said it felt more like a TNG episode than the end of Enterprise though because in a lot of ways, the plot was more about Riker's character during the Pegasus event than the decomissioning of the original Enterprise. I do like the fact you got to see each of the characters have a small dialogue bit that reflected on Trip and Archer's relationship and Riker's thoughts as well. That aside though, the episode was still weak.

And what's this about Data I read in a spoiler up there? =P.

I know for Generations they had to make new sets because the old ones were wood and were rotting/destroyed from being in storage for so long. And I doubt they'd go to recreating it completely because of budget constraints.


Teh Hamburglar said:
I know for Generations they had to make new sets because the old ones were wood and were rotting/destroyed from being in storage for so long. And I doubt they'd go to recreating it completely because of budget constraints.

Ummm, no. Generations literally started filming like a week (maybe less) after they finished the last episode of the series - they merely "upgraded" the existing sets, most obviously the bridge by adding the stations to the side.

If you mean First Contact, then obviously they built new sets because it was a new ship. However, last I heard the "horseshoe arch" from the TNG bridge set was still in storage, may not still be though, but that was a great set piece.


Teh Hamburglar said:
I know for Generations they had to make new sets because the old ones were wood and were rotting/destroyed from being in storage for so long. And I doubt they'd go to recreating it completely because of budget constraints.

Uh...what the fuck are you talking about?

Generations used the same sets as the show with the bridge being the only one to get extensive redresses for it.

They finished filming All Good Things... and went directly into filming Generations on the same sets. After Generations, the sets were dismantled. Only the sets that wouldn't be needed for Generations were destroyed before the movie. They weren't in storage for a long time because there was less than a month between the end of TNG and the start of filming Generations.

All Good Things... was filmed in March 1994 and they started filming Generations in April or May.

Escape Goat

I know they had to build new pieces of some of the bridge set is all. And about First Contact, I think they used Voyagers ready room for Picards as well


Teh Hamburglar said:
I know they had to build new pieces of some of the bridge set is all. And about First Contact, I think they used Voyagers ready room for Picards as well

I don't believe they rebuilt any of the underlying structure, but as I said they added those stations on the side and resurfaced some of it so it would hold up better on a big movie screen.

First Contact uses quite a few redressed sets from Voyager actually. Sick Bay is a redressed Voyager set too.


Haha, I own the technical manual and would take it to sixth grade classes with me and read it at lunch. *Sigh* No wonder I was harrassed.


I'm not reading this thread, because it'll probably make me sad. I just thought the conclusion was really well done. The double-episode thing worked great. Archer's speech in the "current" time to keep the alliance delegation on track was excellent and great closure to the series.. while the actual finale sealed the deal, and also provided closure for all of Star Trek with this being the first time in eighteen years that we're without. Very well done. Fantastic.

teiresias said:
Haha, I own the technical manual and would take it to sixth grade classes with me and read it at lunch. *Sigh* No wonder I was harrassed.

Me too!

Escape Goat

I remember "playing" the technical manual simulator on the PC. You could tool around the ship and inspect crew quarters and engineering and such. On the bidge you could launch a torpedo and a probe and activate a transporter in the transporter room. Back then it was cool but I look back on it now and think... :/


What was interesting was that they stated the crew was on the NX-01 for 10 years...that's three seasons longer than any other Trek series.


I like what AICN said about it:

What’s good?
The fact that the TNG regulars play decidedly supportive roles. The loving recreation of the Enterprise-D, with its strangely multihued new-age consoles and oddly-shaped arches. The Patrick Stewart body-double glimpsed so fleetingly in the opening seconds of act one. Jeffrey Combs generally, but especially the way he spits out “former associates.” The little Andorian girl. The “flashback.” No Ferengi! The always-compelling Blalock, betraying onscreen no hint of her contempt for the teleplay. “Did you find him attractive?” The Phlox moment that recalls too vividly the promise of the “Enterprise” pilot. T’Pol’s final scene.

What’s not so good?
Data’s eye-rolling dialogue. Stiffly stifferton Frakes, who demonstrates for the thousandth time why Patrick Stewart, Michael Dorn and Brent Spiner so effortlessly and consistently overshadowed him. The too-familiar “big” rescue scene that ends act two. The regular’s death that carries curiously little resonance. “You sound like my ninth-grade teacher.”


I always thought Frakes did his role of Riker quite well in TNG although I do admit he was stiff as hell in this.

Kumiko Nikaido

teiresias said:
When does it air again? I'd like to see the Enterprise-D sets that I missed by tuning in late.

The finale airs again on Sunday at 8 p.m.

The finale was o.k.....yeah, it was refreshing to see the Next-Gen sets plus the Enterprise-D all over again. Riker's and Troi's scenes were good, but everything else involving the Enterprise crew was kinda meh. The unique take on how Riker played "Chef" was interesting, but that aspect felt detached since we never got to "know" that character through the 6 year gap time frame (which the final episode takes place).

And that "montage" of ships at the end was lame since it was too short. Overall, the finale should've been all about the Enterprise crew (and ended with Archer's much-balleyhooed speech), and not about the Next-Gen crew as at ribute.
Oh for christs sakes!

Fuck someone needs to punch Rick Berman in the brain, did anyone else notice how he in what I am sure he thought was a brilliantly subtle way worked in the phrases "All good things" AND "Next generation", jesus christ it would have probably just been as easy to go up to each case member and Many Coto and spit in there faces. FUCKIN IDIOT.

The premis behind the episode wasnt bad, and I have nothing aganst Frakes and Sirtis, but god, the show and it's cast were good enough to stand on there own, the fast forwarding 6 years was a suprise at first, but not really bad, but like many have said, building up to Archers speach and NOT EVEN DELIVERING, GOD DAMN, think just how much better the ending could have been if it had Archer deliver a at least 3 minute long well written (meaning by someone NOT Berman & Braga) and have it end with everyone giving a standing ovation, and focusing on archer and ending there. Oh and I almost forgot, FUCK them for killing off Trip, he was one of my faves, the least they could have done was make it better how and why he died. I am not evin going to bother complaining about those enemies getting on the ship that easy, Idiot Berman

All said I didnt hate the episode, but I was trying to keep my expectations down going in, so I think that helped, and hey, no one has mentioned, but the episode before it was awsome!!

~Black Deatha
Shouta said:
And what's this about Data I read in a spoiler up there? =P.

What are you referring to specifically -

Enterprise Spoilers
Him appearing in Ten-Forward as well as in voice


Nemesis Spoilers
Him dying in a poorly written way during an absolutely embarassing movie?
I liked how they generally focused on and had a heroic
ending and appreciation for Trip
, but really, it would have been better to keep the best thing about the show around just in case. But I guess that was meant to emphasize the finality of this cancellation...

Other things were fun such as the old sets being seen again, and the needless but teasing revelation by Hoshi hints at what might have been given another season.

Lots of stuff not to like, though. T'pol being so open with Riker/chef character just didn't make sense for the character, including consideration of the future versions we've seen of her. This silly end-series imbalance for her character must be what ticked her off. And the compressed Trip/T'pol relationship is a mess compared to how things evolved with say Paris/B'elanna in Voyager.

Plus the reactions to the spoiler above were horribly compromised by the quick timeframe. Any real episode would have had more reaction (especially from the blue-skin that just disappears from the story).

And, of course, the upstaging of the cast by both severely compressed storyline and Riker/Troi looking over their shoulders was an embarassment. Bah.
Oh, and not to be racist, but on Terra Prime I thought it was funny that a black man was one of the main people on the show that were against aliens and a human vulcam hybrid. Trip should've said something like "Oh yeah, well just 200 years ago, white people had the same exact attitude towards black people!".


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
ok, my thoughts.

first, the finale was meh. I stopped watching Enterprise sometime in the second season.. it was just really, well, not good... I had heard that things had turned around this season but never got around to watching it unfortunately. but I made a point of making sure I watched the last three episodes (as TV Tome episode list hinted that they were a three parter). I am glad I watched all three.

The terra prime two parter was simply amazing. If that is what this last season has been like in general, I entirely regret missing it. I couldn't believe that this was the same show I stopped watching a little over two years ago. The acting improved, the direction improved, and the writing was like a completely different show. Boooo to UPN and Paramount for not getting behind this "new" show if these last two episodes are indicative of the quality of this last season. Easily some of the best episodes of star trek ever in those last two. When
Elizabeth died
I actually got choked up.

Then there is "These are the voyages..." I agree with everyone that seeing the D in HD was pretty damn awesome. But the episode was just average.. actually I would say even a little below average.
Trips death
was just weak and meaningless, and the potentially best part of the episode was cut out (assuming berman or braga didn't want to have to actually right a meaningful speach.)

I did enjoy the very ending though. I thought that was a very VERY classy way to take Star Trek off the air after 18 years. The one thing berman and braga did right in this episode.

2 or 2.5 out of 5.....

Terra Prime (and the episode before) are easily 4 or 4.5 out of 5.. just awesome.
borghe said:
ok, my thoughts.

The terra prime two parter was simply amazing. If that is what this last season has been like in general, I entirely regret missing it. I couldn't believe that this was the same show I stopped watching a little over two years ago. The acting improved, the direction improved, and the writing was like a completely different show.

Terra Prime (and the episode before) are easily 4 or 4.5 out of 5.. just awesome.

Yeah man, Season 4 has totoaly been like this all the way through, I strongly recomend you either dl the eppisodes or at least rent or buy season4 on DVD when it comes out later this year.

~Black Deatha


Kills Photobucket
Star Trek has never really been able to do death in a good way.

Spock's death was just awesome

Dax's death in DS9 was sad. Wish she had gone out fihgitng, but the scene really fit and well, getting killed by Dukat isn't all bad.

Then we have the bad deaths.

Tasha Yar's death was just to sudden. Oooh, evil killer oil slick

Kirk, come on. Falling off a bridge is not they way for Kirk to die. It was just lame to send Kirk out that way

Data's death would have been fine had they not had the backup ready to go

Kes in Voyager just dind't seem to fit either. Though I liked the ep where they brought her back.

Trip's death was just weak and pretty pointless. Aliens somehow catch up and kill him. Should have had him throw himself in front of Archer int eh planet or something.


DrForester said:
Trip's death was just weak and pretty pointless. Aliens somehow catch up and kill him. Should have had him throw himself in front of Archer int eh planet or something.

Let's count the plotholes:

1. "I thought they didn't have warp engines to catch up to us!" (therefore, no explanation at all)
2. "Intruder alert"... urrg... err... how again?
3. 2-3 minutes without a single person walking by that corridor? Security? Hello!??

Any more I'm missing?
See, I don't quite understand why everyone cares so much HOW someone dies, instead of what they were like. I mean just because someone did something really great doesn't mean that they are necessarily going out with a bang. I mean think about the people who died in those plane crashes; not due to being fired on from the enemy, but because of mechanical error or whatnot. Does the fact that they may have killed a bunch of terrorists or liberated people from some terrorists mean that their deaths don't matter unless they get shot or blow up a building with them in it?

Even despite all the great things that people may do doesn't mean they're going to have a very fancy death. Just my 2 cents.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I agree with Synbios but this ep had such a huge whole that Trip and the Capt. even acknowledged....

I'm sad that Trip's death was so meaningless.
I'm sad that Trip and T'pol never got back together.
I'm sad that the final ep had Riker and Troi in it... I mean WTF.

I'm not sad that Archer's speech wasn't in ep... even if this had been a "real time" ep I think it would have been could to end the ep as he was walking out to the podium.

I did like the ending with the mixing of the 3 Enterprise ships and Capt intro's....

Even as bad as this one was.... it was better than Andromeda's final ep... we kept hearing the Magog worldship survived last season's explosion... yet we never saw the damn thing.. <sigh>


Synbios459 said:
See, I don't quite understand why everyone cares so much HOW someone dies, instead of what they were like. I mean just because someone did something really great doesn't mean that they are necessarily going out with a bang. I mean think about the people who died in those plane crashes; not due to being fired on from the enemy, but because of mechanical error or whatnot. Does the fact that they may have killed a bunch of terrorists or liberated people from some terrorists mean that their deaths don't matter unless they get shot or blow up a building with them in it?

Even despite all the great things that people may do doesn't mean they're going to have a very fancy death. Just my 2 cents.



I would bang a hot farmer!
DarienA said:
I'm not sad that Archer's speech wasn't in ep... even if this had been a "real time" ep I think it would have been could to end the ep as he was walking out to the podium.
I'm not sad about it either since if they did show him giving his speech I doubt it would've been as good as the one he gave at the end of Terra Prime because Berman and Braga would've been the ones to write it.

Sinn Fein

Fuzzy said:
I'm not sad about it either since if they did show him giving his speech I doubt it would've been as good as the one he gave at the end of Terra Prime because Berman and Braga would've been the ones to write it.

Well said.

And to whoever said that the "These are the voyages..." monologue is supposed to be what Archer said to that massive hall of people, can't be right. I have a very clear memory of that being revealed as a speech that Cochran gave at some point.
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