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Star Trek Online Free to Play |OT| Boldly freeloading where others have subbed before


I'll use it too cause it's shiny =X, I was just hoping it would be more of a direct upgrade to the Sovereign, oh well!

Most of the ships at the top tiers are balanced by trade offs so that all ships are viable, and you don't have everyone flying the same ships.
Man I was all excited about the Odyssey to be my VA ship and replace my RA Sovereign, but then I finally looked at the stats. It has a *bit* more HP, but is worse in every other way than the Sovereign (for a tactical character). Just swap out one science console for one tactical console Cryptic! Then we can be friends again =(
From what I heared from the chat it has two universal console slots so you can spec it as tactical or science


Two options technically.

Science Officer with Science Vessel build, planned end goal when you reach Rear or Vice Admiral:

Commander Science BOFF: Transfer Shield Strength I, II, III, and Scramble Sensors III
Lt.Commander Science BOFF: Science Team I, II, III
Lt. Engineer BOFF: Engineering Team I and Extend Shields I
Lt. Tactical BOFF: Torpedo High Yield I and Attack Pattern Beta I

Depending on if you get the Reconnaissance or Deep Space Rear Admiral tier ship:

Ensign Tactical BOFF: Tactical Team I
Ensign Engineering BOFF: Emergency Power to Shields I

Engineering Officer with Cruiser build, get Odyssey Star Cruiser (Enterprise-F) at Vice Admiral:

Commander Engineering BOFF: Engineering Team I and Extend Shields I and Transfer Shield Strength III, and Extend Shields III
Lt. Commander Engineer BOFF: Emergency Power to Shields I and Engineering Team II and Extend Shields II
Lt. Tactical BOFF: Torpedo High Yield I and Attack Pattern Beta I
Lt. Science BOFF: Science Team I and Transfer Shield Strength II
Ensign Science BOFF: Hazard Emitters I

These are very tanky builds that can heal allies well too. Science gives you more buff/debuff options, while Engineering makes you more tanky.

Oh wow, thanks for the post!

I've been trying really hard to wrap my head around healing in this game and I just don't get it.... so I need someone to explain it to me. I'm around level 10 and went into PvP with a friend yesterday just to heal because I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to offense. What I discovered was that I'm 100% useless because all of the heals that I do have have such long cooldowns. Looking at your list, I have to ask, are you supposed to have multiple levels of the same heal? Does the cooldown for one not affect the cooldown of another? Am I just to low level for any of this to make sense?

I guess I just don't understand the basic concept of healing a spaceship or something. Hell, it took me until level 10 to figure out that you train your bridge officers in order to get your abilities. I'm so bad at this game :(


Since almost everyone of my mmo circle plays this game on a regular basis, it has replaces Age of Conan as my go-to/weekend MMO. I suspect this to stay until TSW arrives at least. It's fun.
Most of the ships at the top tiers are balanced by trade offs so that all ships are viable, and you don't have everyone flying the same ships.

Yeah, I know *why*, I just don't like it >(

I've been using cruisers the whole time and have just been spoiled by the extra tactical on the assault cruiser at Rear Admiral, especially now that I have it in full Mk XI weapons and three corresponding consoles.

From what I heared from the chat it has two universal console slots so you can spec it as tactical or science

The universal slots are for the bridge officers.


I kind of wish there was more equipment types in this game. You could easily include the following:
Warp Core (power bonus, power transfer rate, sector space speed)
Computer Core (science skills)
Sensor Array (science skills, sensor range)
Targeting Computer (weapon accuracy)

Of course there are storage and maintenance concerns, but with more items you have more demand for dilithium and thus more demand for C-Points. Plus items are fun!


Oh wow, thanks for the post!

I've been trying really hard to wrap my head around healing in this game and I just don't get it.... so I need someone to explain it to me. I'm around level 10 and went into PvP with a friend yesterday just to heal because I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to offense. What I discovered was that I'm 100% useless because all of the heals that I do have have such long cooldowns. Looking at your list, I have to ask, are you supposed to have multiple levels of the same heal? Does the cooldown for one not affect the cooldown of another? Am I just to low level for any of this to make sense?

I guess I just don't understand the basic concept of healing a spaceship or something. Hell, it took me until level 10 to figure out that you train your bridge officers in order to get your abilities. I'm so bad at this game :(

Okay, cooldowns...

First thing, your skillpoints (separate pool) spent on bridge officers themselves lowers cooldown on skills. Your own skillpoints make those skills more efficient.

You can't have double of same skill, like hazard emitter 2, because it uses same cooldown and not much use that, so you go for hazard emitter 1 and 2 instead etc.

When you're healing, you got these basic options for healing others efficiently:
Hazards emitters is a heal over time with huge heal and damage resist
Engineering team is medium effect medium cooldown hull heal
Aux to structural is small short cooldown hull heal
Extend Shields is a huge shield heal only usable on others within 5km, heals over time.
Transfer Shield Strength is basic shield heal usable by others, good one.
Science team is shield version of engineering team.

Reverse shield polarity is a huge fast shield heal, but it's only usable on yourself.

More on cooldowns: powers which use same system share a 'global cooldown'. This means that hazard emitters and polarize hull which are on same Hazard System trigger a cooldown, but it's basically shorter than the skill cooldown itself meaning you can chain those two skills but there's a small break between. This is more of a problem on science ships since science has the most complicated cooldown sets but you can't also use Engineering Team and Science Team straight after each other.

If you want to heal, also pickup defensive skills Emergency Power to Shields 1 and 2 so you can keep yourself up while healing others.


I tried asking this a while back, but didn't get a response. Every time I start up STO, be it fullscreen, windowed fullscreen, or even just windowed at something lower resolution than my actual screen, my screen automatically sets to this blue-ish color calibration. If I minimize or alt-tab to another program it goes back to my regular color calibration. I'm running an Nvidia card.

I can't be the only one this is happening to, can I?

We have a Fleet. Add @E'Sel as a friend (me) and when I see you online I'll invite you to the Fleet!

What times are you usually on so I can get an invite? I'm here on US Pacific time.


I mentioned this in Fleet chat a little bit ago, but I'm going to drop it here too.

Just hit 40 on my lunch break. I'm going to stick with Escorts, but I don't know if I want the Fleet Escort or the Advanced Escort. The Fleet Escort is butt ugly but I'll probably go with it. I think I would rather have the extra Engineering console versus the Science console.

That being said, I don't know everything. In end game stuff, do you 50 Tac officers in Escorts prefer the extra Eng or Sci console?


You know I went Tactical in a Cruiser. Crazy of me but I wanted my big bulky ship,thing I'm finding hard is chosing the right skills so I can tank better. Any suggestions? (You'd think I'd know this playing for a while but meh)


I wanted to try it in a Cruiser but in my heart of hearts I thought I should stick with Escorts and just focus on Damage. The good news for me is that I get a free Cruiser in the next couple days so I can try it out without gambling a precious New Ship token. :p


I wanted to try it in a Cruiser but in my heart of hearts I thought I should stick with Escorts and just focus on Damage. The good news for me is that I get a free Cruiser in the next couple days so I can try it out without gambling a precious New Ship token. :p

The only jarring change will be the turning when you try a Cruiser oh and speed.


Thanks for the game last night, sir fragula & darkflight! It was fun taking on the Romulans as a team like that!

Any chance you might've done the Khitomer Accord STF? I know there's a liberated borg officer reward for that mission but I didn't think you could get one just for showing up in Gamma Orionis - I certainly didn't get one anyway!

I've done the Khitomer Accord STF and beat it various times, never recall being given a Borg liberated officer...

but you need to do all the Episodic Missions up to the first Borg mission, then you are asked to join the Omega Group, hail the U.S.S. Victory starship near the front of the fleet, talk to Four of Ten (a liberated Borg officer) and she gives you another Liberated Officer crewman


Sure, what was your account name again?


On an unrelated note, I noticed that I suddenly got 400 C-points on my account. Anyone know why? I definitely didn't buy it because I haven't even added a payment method yet. I have bought the CE and registered it and also have registered the Alienware code.



On an unrelated note, I noticed that I suddenly got 400 C-points on my account. Anyone know why? I definitely didn't buy it because I haven't even added a payment method yet. I have bought the CE and registered it and also have registered the Alienware code.

Ah - got you already! Silly me. I think you might be able to right click on my name in your Friend's List and ask for an invite. Else I'm on now for a half hour. Some of the other guys have invite powers too.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
I have to say, this game really gets boring and repetative once you hit 20+. It's either too hard or too easy, the ground missions are designed laughably bad, the ground battle system is nonexistant and even the space battles get pretty boring after hundreds of them. I might even jump out before reaching 30.

Oh well, it's f2p, so I can jump on when I want to, but still, it's pretty disappointing they didn't change anything about all of that since beta.


Almost Vice Admiral, having a lot of fun for the most part. The ground combat can range from horrible to okay in the later missions. Some of variety makes up for what lacking, but when you end up having a routine ground mission, it just stinks and makes me want to log out.

Space is still awesome.





Ah - got you already! Silly me. I think you might be able to right click on my name in your Friend's List and ask for an invite. Else I'm on now for a half hour. Some of the other guys have invite powers too.

Ah my bad I probably should have known, I did get 2 friend invites already. I'm at work right now. Will you be on at any time from 5 hours from now to 12 hours from now?

Or else, can anyone else invite me any time between 6PM to 1AM PST?

It's up on Steam or so I'm told.

Awesome! I've been waiting for this. I like having as few non-Steam games in my list as possible. There probably will be a huge influx of players today.


I am still dissapointed with teh way they treated the DS9 episodic arcs so far, there are some decent shoutouts but really coulda done way way better with it.
How the fuck are the Jem'Hadar staying alive without the need for Ketracel White being supplied by the Vorta or the Founders? Laas, the other changeling we met via Odo, is the new Founder and new "Link" in the Alpha Quadrant, we blew him up good. Smiley Miles O' Brien was killed by his son in the Mirror Universe :( The Pah-wraith Cult are now a group of loyal and misguided cardassians and the fucking Terran Empire in the True Way alliance praising Dukat. You get to go to the Celestial Temple once but don't get to see Sisko as a Prophet :( The journey into the Wormhole before going to the Gamma Quadrant wasn't as wonderful as I imagined it to be.


I am still dissapointed with teh way they treated the DS9 episodic arcs so far, there are some decent shoutouts but really coulda done way way better with it.
How the fuck are the Jem'Hadar staying alive without the need for Ketracel White being supplied by the Vorta or the Founders? Laas, the other changeling we met via Odo, is the new Founder and new "Link" in the Alpha Quadrant, we blew him up good. Smiley Miles O' Brien was killed by his son in the Mirror Universe :( The Pah-wraith Cult are now a group of loyal and misguided cardassians and the fucking Terran Empire in the True Way alliance praising Dukat. You get to go to the Celestial Temple once but don't get to see Sisko as a Prophet :( The journey into the Wormhole before going to the Gamma Quadrant wasn't as wonderful as I imagined it to be.

There are lots of 'allowances' make to include a lot of characters, races and storylines. I don't mind those leaps of logic so much.

DS9 seems to get the short stick in the game but it looks like that's about to change with the upcoming episodes. It's nice to see the Jem'Hadar, Runabouts, the station/wormhole etc, but beyond that.. they don't really use much. Meanwhile, Voyager stuff is everywhere. The Borg is the Voyager version, meaning they're impact is greatly reduced since a few ships can take them out. Undine (Species 8472) is heavily in the game and outside of a nice unique ground unit model, they're forgettable. I see some later episodes that might be interesting though. Even the Hirogen have shown up. Are Kazon in the game too?

This is why I'm really looking forward to the Dominion episodes. I hope we see more swarm combat that the Dominion Attack ships used in the series.

Wait, Are the Breen ships in the game?


There are lots of 'allowances' make to include a lot of characters, races and storylines. I don't mind those leaps of logic so much.

DS9 seems to get the short stick in the game but it looks like that's about to change with the upcoming episodes. It's nice to see the Jem'Hadar, Runabouts, the station/wormhole etc, but beyond that.. they don't really use much. Meanwhile, Voyager stuff is everywhere. The Borg is the Voyager version, meaning they're impact is greatly reduced since a few ships can take them out. Undine (Species 8472) is heavily in the game and outside of a nice unique ground unit model, they're forgettable. I see some later episodes that might be interesting though. Even the Hirogen have shown up. Are Kazon in the game too?

This is why I'm really looking forward to the Dominion episodes. I hope we see more swarm combat that the Dominion Attack ships used in the series.

Wait, Are the Breen ships in the game?

Yes the Breen are in this too.

No I don't believe the Kazon were involved in any way so far, because they were always the lamest of the Voyager long-running villains.

Man I wish the Vidiians (the guys with the horribly diseased bodies/face and the Phage) were in this though, they were cool.

Yeah, Voyager's travels make more sense to apply for a MMO than DS9. That is, if they allowed the Gamma Quadrant to get involved, I mean we freakin got the Wormhole already.


There was talk ages back about a putting some Delta Quadrant sectors in the game via a wormhole or Caretaker array. Would be nice to see in the long run. I'd love F2P to be the spur for some mini-expansions into new sectors.


Is there a "placement" system for war zones? I just did the borg minefield one and it always says first place.

:not a stealth brag


It's up on Steam or so I'm told.

There was talk ages back about a putting some Delta Quadrant sectors in the game via a wormhole or Caretaker array. Would be nice to see in the long run. I'd love F2P to be the spur for some mini-expansions into new sectors.

Would be awesome if it actually would take years (or maybe months) to get back from the Delta Quadrant, but when you did you would get that crazy armoring (not just the skinned Voyager ship that you can buy) and the transphasic torpedoes that destroy Borg cubes in one shot that future Janeway hands out.


The Voyager you refer to is a Vice Admiral retrofit ship that does the armor from the Voyager Finale, but the one hit transphasic torpedo does not exist, because in this timeline, the Borg have adapted by now and is no more powerful than a regular torpedo

Sad =(

Those torpedoes were so awesome.


Support Healer Build said:
Two options for healers.

Science Vessel build, planned end goal when you reach Rear or Vice Admiral:

Commander Science BOFF: Hazard Emitters I and Transfer Shield Strength II, III, and Scramble Sensors III
Lt.Commander Science BOFF: Science Team I, II, and Hazard Emitters III
Lt. Engineer BOFF: Engineering Team I and Extend Shields I
Lt. Tactical BOFF: Torpedo High Yield I and Attack Pattern Beta I

Depending on if you get the Reconnaissance or Deep Space Rear Admiral tier ship:

Ensign Tactical BOFF: Tactical Team I
Ensign Engineering BOFF: Emergency Power to Auxiliary I

Cruiser build, get Odyssey Star Cruiser (Enterprise-F) at Vice Admiral:

Commander Engineering BOFF: Engineering Team I and Extend Shields I and Engineering Team III, and Extend Shields III
Lt. Commander Engineer BOFF: Emergency Power to Auxiliary I and Emergency Power to Shields II and Auxiliary to Structural III
Lt. Tactical BOFF: Torpedo High Yield I and Attack Pattern Beta I
Lt. Science BOFF: Science Team I and Transfer Shield Strength II
Ensign Science BOFF: Hazard Emitters I

These are very tanky builds that can heal allies well too. Science gives you more buff/debuff options, while Engineering makes you more tanky.

Oh wow, thanks for the post!

I've been trying really hard to wrap my head around healing in this game and I just don't get it.... so I need someone to explain it to me. I'm around level 10 and went into PvP with a friend yesterday just to heal because I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to offense. What I discovered was that I'm 100% useless because all of the heals that I do have have such long cooldowns. Looking at your list, I have to ask, are you supposed to have multiple levels of the same heal? Does the cooldown for one not affect the cooldown of another? Am I just to low level for any of this to make sense?

I guess I just don't understand the basic concept of healing a spaceship or something. Hell, it took me until level 10 to figure out that you train your bridge officers in order to get your abilities. I'm so bad at this game :(

You can have multiple levels of heals. Cooldowns are reduced by putting bridge officer skill points into your BOFF skills. Some cooldowns affect each other if they're the same type.

I just fixed the builds I posted, I made a few mistakes earlier.


I have to say, this game really gets boring and repetative once you hit 20+. It's either too hard or too easy, the ground missions are designed laughably bad, the ground battle system is nonexistant and even the space battles get pretty boring after hundreds of them. I might even jump out before reaching 30.

Oh well, it's f2p, so I can jump on when I want to, but still, it's pretty disappointing they didn't change anything about all of that since beta.

Midgame content kinda drags but the user content and the end game content is good.


Is there a "placement" system for war zones? I just did the borg minefield one and it always says first place.

:not a stealth brag

Ya, it's based on damage dealt, damage tanked, amount you heal allies. Higher placement gives you better rewards.


Ground missions are teh suck, we all know
but if you don't mind em and want some cool rare gear go to the Defera system, enter the Invasion zone, the planet is being taken over by the Borg and you have to do various missions ranging in difficulty. Eventually if you play enough missions, and unlock the hard ones, there is a chance to win Borg Prosthetic add-ons to your ground character. This especially will come in handy for those of us who have Liberated Borg officers in our Bridge Crew, to complete the look instead of having them holding traditional non-borg technology.


Ground missions are not bad once you get used to using all your abilities effectively. Fights end pretty quickly now compared to at launch, since they reduced the HP of ground enemies.


Hmmm I'm encountering a weird problem with the mission where you take the ambassador to P'Jem. When the Klingon's hail me I think I'm supposed to fight two Klingon patrols, but the only two patrols I see are listed as allies and I cannot attack them.


Hmmm I'm encountering a weird problem with the mission where you take the ambassador to P'Jem. When the Klingon's hail me I think I'm supposed to fight two Klingon patrols, but the only two patrols I see are listed as allies and I cannot attack them.

Log in and out. That should reset that segment of the mission.

The Shift

Coming from EVE this game seems a bit off. The space flight is sorta gimped in some ways and the ground combat is very pedestrian so far. I will give it some more time. Looks good and runs well enough though.


Coming from EVE this game seems a bit off. The space flight is sorta gimped in some ways and the ground combat is very pedestrian so far. I will give it some more time. Looks good and runs well enough though.

How is flight gimped? Turn rate and speed is based on ship type and engine if that's what you mean.

The Shift

How is flight gimped? Turn rate and speed is based on ship type and engine if that's what you mean.

I am probably too familiar with the way EVE space flight and targeting works and found myself operating in those terms. STO almost begs for a flight stick or controller. But early days for me, will persevere.


That makes me wonder, how are you guys flying your ships anyways? WASD?

I almost never use WASD. If you hold Left Mouse Button and Right Mouse Button, your ship will rotate whichever way is faster to change the orientation of the ship to face the direction you have your camera pointed. Move your mouse to change the direction and guide your turning.

I do this because it frees my left hand to use the Numpad and Arrow Keys for combat, since the Numpad is closer to the Arrow Keys it makes switching between using abilities and rerouting power to different shield facings easier.
So uhhh what do I do to get some more unique missions aside from the episodes? I've been playing the episodes and then a borg attack or other pve fleet thing until I level up and can get to the next episode mission........

The explore X and do 3 missions can be pretty shitty
That makes me wonder, how are you guys flying your ships anyways? WASD?

I almost never use WASD. If you hold Left Mouse Button and Right Mouse Button, your ship will rotate whichever way is faster to change the orientation of the ship to face the direction you have your camera pointed. Move your mouse to change the direction and guide your turning.

I do this because it frees my left hand to use the Numpad and Arrow Keys for combat, since the Numpad is closer to the Arrow Keys it makes switching between using abilities and rerouting power to different shield facings easier.

Don't even use my mouse during ship combat.


I like this, but at least so far, the space combat is kind of slow. All my fights seem to be me and the opponent doing circles around each other for 5 minutes until he blows up.

And then ground combat is usually over before I know what is even going on.

I've also had a lot of problems with the connection to the game. It looks for the controller server for anywhere to 5 minutes to forever (I turn it off and restart) and then often when I aim in the game, I just lose it - I don't get kicked out of the game, but I just get rubber banding, like my guy will walk the same 5 feet over and over and over, or in ship combat, my ship starts rocking back and forth.

It's also weird, when that happens, I can still fire photo torpedoes and take damage, but I can't move or fire phasers.

Also, since I use a mouse left handed, the default ship control was almost impossible for me. Had to remap it to the arrow keys. Left handed people are not that uncommon, why can't games cater to them? Grrr.


Made some great progress tonight teaming with Shouta, we're almost finished all the episode missions. We left off on the 2nd ep of Undine chapter, so really 2 more eps after that and we'd be finished em all.

We finally got to complete 2 sets of Technologies, one from the Breen, and finally got the last component to the Borg tech set.

Good times.
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