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Star Trek Online Free to Play |OT| Boldly freeloading where others have subbed before

I've just been blowing my rare borg salvages on Mk XI anti-Borg phaser beam arrays. I don't know that anti-proton would necessarily be any better, although I don't think I ever notice my phasers actually disabling any enemy subsystems.

I finally got around to buying some phaser tactical consoles off the exchange. I guess they must be in really high demand because they're so much more expensive than everything else I'd bought of the same rank and quality before. I had to settle for some less than highest versions, as the extra 2% damage would have cost at least 5x as much, and I'm hoping I'll eventually just randomly pick one up.

You could try crafting them if you've been keeping your data samples (I don't know what they go for, but if you don't have any crafting would probably end up costing more than buying the consoles outright). It will still be expensive, but doing it during the crafting hour helps. Also, if you're not burning dilithium for C Points, you could buy the unreplicateables that way too.

Edit: VV that's..... exciting.....



New "Yellowstone" class Runabout in the C-Store.


I can craft the anti-proton consoles or phaser relay consoles for you if you want them but don't have the skill. Just gather the materials up and I'll craft it.
Note: Purchase of this option adds two (2) ship slots to one (1) character.
This option grants a single character two additional slots for Bridge Officers.
So these things from the C-Store claim to be character purchases rather than account-wide, but it doesn't seem to have exactly worked that way for me. I bought some of these during a sale last year, and at the time only had a Fed character. Started a Klingon character this year, and it too has the extra ship and bridge officer slots. However, a second Federation character created more recently does not.

Speaking of those different characters, I previously mentioned that my KDF character seems to have less trouble with rubberband lag than my Federation character for some reason. Now that I've got a second Federation character, he too seems to have less trouble than my original character. ??? Larger inventory limit means more data being constantly sent back/forth, maybe? Doesn't seem like that would be a latency problem, but what do I know.


I was lucky enough to score a free Antiproton Mag Regulator Mk xi uncommon during an elite run last night, love when that shit works out.

Today I am determined to win enough EDC's and hopefully other borg tech so I can win more MACO gear for myself, ground and space.

I keep getting Rare borg salvage which I have no use for in upgrading my space equipment. My Fed escort ship surprisingly has a lot of MK XII weapons already


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
So these things from the C-Store claim to be character purchases rather than account-wide, but it doesn't seem to have exactly worked that way for me. I bought some of these during a sale last year, and at the time only had a Fed character. Started a Klingon character this year, and it too has the extra ship and bridge officer slots. However, a second Federation character created more recently does not.

Speaking of those different characters, I previously mentioned that my KDF character seems to have less trouble with rubberband lag than my Federation character for some reason. Now that I've got a second Federation character, he too seems to have less trouble than my original character. ??? Larger inventory limit means more data being constantly sent back/forth, maybe? Doesn't seem like that would be a latency problem, but what do I know.

Are you sure it's not just the level-based bonus slots? From what I understand, any character you create while a gold subscriber, or in your case, a subscriber from the pay to play time, will keep the extra slots gained from ranking up, even if you go to silver status. Did you look at how many slots you had as soon as you created the character, or later one? Also remember that Klingons start at level 21, so if you did it while gold you'd already have some more slots than any Federation character at the same time. I'm interested in this because my gold time will run out in April and I want to hear from anyone who's gone from gold to silver and what has happened to their slots, as I only have anecdotal evidence to work from.
I'm actually a lifetime subs
DarthWoo said:
Are you sure it's not just the level-based bonus slots?
On second investigation I think you're right. I didn't remember ship slots was something that increased per level; I think I assumed if it was it would've shown up on the F2P Features Matrix like most other such increases.

I'm a lifetime subscriber, though, so can't comment on gold->silver changes.criber, so I can't comment on any gold->silver changes.


It's ironic, I had the BEST Cure Elite run yesterday where we finished all objectives in a very quick time, now I have like 6 or 7 Cure elites we've lost because nobody knows to not blow up those Cubes so fast. Getting overrun by Raptors and Warships..


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
A price mistake on the exchange is pretty much just too bad for the seller, right? I can't imagine that someone intentionally sold a stack of 8 master keys for just over 900k EC, but I'm sure that if I wasn't looking on the exchange at just that time, someone else would have bought them. Not like I'll likely get anything good out of whatever boxes I use them on anyway. I've opened three gold boxes so far, yielding me two 10k CXP bonuses and a junior officer cadre.


Celebration GAFleet, as promised I paid back some of the EC's to the Fleet Bank that I have been borrowing like crazy lately, we are now at over 1million EC's again thanks to ironically, me selling an antiproton mag regulator I didn't need for mad monies.

I've been doing non-stop elite missions of ground and space, to various mixed results, I can't seem to shake the "Rare Borg Salvage" blues, I get too many of them and I don't need em for anything as I already have a lot of MK XII or MKII gear as it is, so I gotta turn em in for Dilithium

I hope to complete my M.A.C.O. Space piece set by tomorrow with a couple extra EDC's

And more of the 2800 series tomorrow, see ya in the Gamma Quadrant y'all


been doing STF's myself as of late. which brings up... there really needs to be a way to kick or have players who sit and do nothing removed from the STF! Fucking d'bags sit there not moving till the end where, sure enough, they spring to life and grab the rewards.

ETA: so seeing as how there isnt a Klingon fleet happening anytime soom, can Klinks join GAFleet?


been doing STF's myself as of late. which brings up... there really needs to be a way to kick or have players who sit and do nothing removed from the STF! Fucking d'bags sit there not moving till the end where, sure enough, they spring to life and grab the rewards.

ETA: so seeing as how there isnt a Klingon fleet happening anytime soom, can Klinks join GAFleet?

You can only join GAFleet with your Fed character, the Klingon character won't be given an option to join.

Just give us your full nick and @ name in the game


My Fed toon is already in. But since rolling my Klingon, I havent looked back....

Remind me... Honor Guard or Omega is the MACO equivalent?


The way I see things... M.A.C.O. is kinda like the all around high-tech gadget stuff, and OMEGA FORCE is like for people who like to go on the offensive.

Honor Guard by definition of who the Klingons are, I think they are more akin to OMEGA FORCE, who like to attack than be on the defense.

I've managed to complete my M.A.C.O. Space set, and it looks spiffy and handles very well in battles, I couldn't get my Escort to blow up despite being bombarded with quantum torps from multiple vectors all around me, it was cool. I love the Warp field effect it makes, and when I combine it with the Odyssey's advanced quantum slipstream I can go over Warp 30, which is something I couldn't achieve with my Borg gear. And that Heavy Graviton beam is neato.

I just learnt how to breed a Gamma Quadrant tribble using Ketracel White, it makes me more dangerous to the Dominion and grants a stealth buff, cool.


I was meaning equipment wise. since everyone says to use the MACO shields with the rest borg, and klink side not having access to MACO gear, should one go with Honor Guard or Omega?


Go with Honor Guard.

Finished the new chapter twice now. *spoilers ahead* What can I say... we were in the Gamma Quadrant for a bit, so that was cool I guess. We ended up looking for a female Ferengi who was earning profit (Ishka, the trailblazer) and we were running around asteroid interiors helping her with Cargo, she betrays us to get swarmed by Idranian ships which are super damned fast and annoying. They reminded me of the Sentinels from the Matrix a bit. We finally catch up to Farek the Ferengi, and she is surrounded by Jem'Hadar... we have to decide to blow her up or face the wrath of those Jem'Hadar ships that can destroy my shuttle in a heartbeat... I blew up her Ferengi ship twice hahahah, so un-starfleet like. So I got the Vorta to help us out but only if we agree to release the Female Changeling from DS9 back to them... those caniving bastards. I managed to snag 2 out of 3 pieces of a Jem'Hadar space set, the Impulse Engines and the Deflector... the shield is still yet to come in a future ep. So far of the modifications, the only diff is that it makes your impulse trail purple. The stats on them are not terribly impressive, they say MK XI, but they are bound to Vice Admiral which is my rank. I don't see these sets taking over the M.A.C.O. or Borg gear yet, but I have to see their other traits.

I get a bonus ability for Polaron weapon damage, that I've switched back to Polaron weapons for now, which has the highest DPS damage of anything I use now
The way I see things... M.A.C.O. is kinda like the all around high-tech gadget stuff, and OMEGA FORCE is like for people who like to go on the offensive.

Honor Guard by definition of who the Klingons are, I think they are more akin to OMEGA FORCE, who like to attack than be on the defense.

I've managed to complete my M.A.C.O. Space set, and it looks spiffy and handles very well in battles, I couldn't get my Escort to blow up despite being bombarded with quantum torps from multiple vectors all around me, it was cool. I love the Warp field effect it makes, and when I combine it with the Odyssey's advanced quantum slipstream I can go over Warp 30, which is something I couldn't achieve with my Borg gear. And that Heavy Graviton beam is neato.

I just learnt how to breed a Gamma Quadrant tribble using Ketracel White, it makes me more dangerous to the Dominion and grants a stealth buff, cool.

I'm pretty sure the Odyssey doesn't go any faster than other ships in slipstream, it just lasts longer.

I use the MACO XII shields and Borg for the rest myself. The engines are basically the same and while in sector space the MACO ones will go a bit faster in slipstream, the Borg ones are faster when you're out of it, which is most of the time. The MACO deflector has better stats, but I think the Borg 2 and 3 piece set bonuses are what seal the deal, those hull and shield regen procs, along with the passives, are just too good.

Random edit: The voice acting seemed much better in this episode than the previous ones. I like this.


Anyone flying escort ships?

Is the current cookie fit 4 aft dual heavy cannons + 3 turrets? Should I just pick any damage type I want? I'm currently using Plasma but the proc is terrible. Should I pick up Tetryon or Phaser?
Anyone flying escort ships?

Is the current cookie fit 4 aft dual heavy cannons + 3 turrets? Should I just pick any damage type I want? I'm currently using Plasma but the proc is terrible. Should I pick up Tetryon or Phaser?

That or 3 DHCs + 1 Quantum Torp, but I prefer the 4 DHCs myself. I'd say yeah, damage type is mostly personal preference. People like the antiproton weapons because of the crit bonuses (on top of the crit bonus from DHCs) and accuracy bonus (and they look the coolest! =P)


Anyone flying escort ships?

Is the current cookie fit 4 aft dual heavy cannons + 3 turrets? Should I just pick any damage type I want? I'm currently using Plasma but the proc is terrible. Should I pick up Tetryon or Phaser?

From a DPS perspective, 4 DHC/3 Turret or 3 DHS + 1 Torp (Usually Quantum but Photons are good too)/3 Turrets are the current king. Plasma is pretty sweet actually because it gives a little bit of extra damage but Disruptor/Phasers are the better overall proc. I use 8 Plasma arrays on my Odyssey because the proc helps me squeeze out a little more damage.

I wish beams were a bit strong, like beam overload should allow you to shoot several of your arrays/banks instead of just one at higher levels so that way there are more DPS options than just the DHCs.


4 dhcs, 3 turrets 1 hargh'pang torp

Due to my fast turn rate I can have it all

Or fuck it, 4 Dhc and 4 turrets


Fuck shuttle phasers, most useless shit evar


All torpedoes suck, I can't stand how infrequent they shoot. For cooldown rate and damage and cool effect, Hargh'pang is where it's at... awww dat purple haze, s'cuse me while they kiss the sky

Edit: No, it's 15 secs cooldown for Hargh'peng


Harpheng is 30 or 60 second a shot seconds isn't it? Quantums are a fraction of that and do the same or more damage.


So I've finally got some time to use to have a go at this, is there a getting started guide somewhere? (looked in the OP but didn't see one).


I managed to stack 3 speed boosts on top of each other in sector space this morning

I have the M.A.C.O. engines with the asynchronous warp field, with advanced quantum slipstream, plus diplomatic immunity and managed a Warp over 35, it was quite insane lol

I've manged to acquire a Holo-Emitter for my ship to make it look like a Jem'Hadar Escort Fighter... and due to a loophole I have found a way to keep the illusion pretty much forever. Goes great with the new gear I go from latest episode :)


Won't stop picking the right nation
I've been using two dual beam banks, but I suppose that dual heavy cannons would be better in those positions. It appears to me that their limitations are largely the same, for example, you basically have to be pointing at the enemy to use both. I have to decide my final setup by the time that I requisition the Mk XII stuff.


I feel funny saying this, but I'm enjoying the hell out of the ground combat. It's just great seeing my crew out of the ship, and the fighting can get pretty strategic.


Won't stop picking the right nation
I feel funny saying this, but I'm enjoying the hell out of the ground combat. It's just great seeing my crew out of the ship, and the fighting can get pretty strategic.
I think that the basic premise of the ground combat is sound, but there are far too many glitches, and the AI is too poor, to truly love it. The developers also didn't bring enough original ideas to truly take advantage of the Star Trek experience. It feels very similar to your basic mission-based shooter.


I feel funny saying this, but I'm enjoying the hell out of the ground combat. It's just great seeing my crew out of the ship, and the fighting can get pretty strategic.

I'm not necessarily enjoying ground combat, but I am actually bored of continuous space battles I am doing way more ground STFs... I want cool looking ground armor too
Admiral Quinn, you tease. Hit the skill points cap today, and what does he say upon contacting me? "Hey, come back to ESD and talk to me... I'll give you several hundred skill and bridge officer points." Fraud.

EDIT: On the other end of the spectrum, my Strofob character may be in trouble. The plan was to level up exclusively from Starfleet Academy. This meant pretty much only the daily lore missions until reaching level 7 and getting duty officers. However, it seems a recent patch made the lore missions only doable for level 4 and up. Strofob is only halfway through level 3.
Got to 949 C Points after converting yesterday. Since there's nothing in the store I really want to save for right now I went ahead and bought a 10 pack of keys, bringing my total boxes opened to something like 15. It was mostly all crap, but I did get the DS9 uniform pack which I didn't have (although they go for only a few thousand credits on the exchange, lol) and the Graviton Pulse Generator console, which might as well go in a science slot on my MVAE. I have Gravity Well on it, but I suppose the 2nd snare/root is nice for when you get an exceptionally stupid STF team.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Were all of the boxes very rare? I have five very rare boxes in my inventory now, and I was hoping the odds were in my favor that at least one of them would contain a Cardassian cruiser.


Cryptic is really pushing the fuck outta those Cardy boxes, I am really starting to hate them

Thank goodness I hit over 1000cp yesterday, ever closer to my dream of Defiant retrofit


Won't stop picking the right nation
I've gotten kind of lucky. Out of the four very rare boxes I've seen in STFs, I've received three of them.


At what level can I start doing STFs with GAFleet? I'm currently 27 I think.

Also by "very rare" card boxes you guys mean the blue lettered "Cardassian Box - Gold" right? I've opened 3 of those now and gotten crappy team space batteries each time.

I just bought my second retail copy of STO as well. I got the CE from Amazon initially and now I also have the regular version from Gamestop. I was going to buy 400 C-points anyway, so I figured it would be more worthwhile to just buy the regular GS version for $7.99 and get my 400 C-points from the free 30 day trial that is included. My question is: what's the difference between the TOS Enterprise I get from the Gamestop version and the TOS Enterprise that you get at LC rank?


Won't stop picking the right nation
Infected ground is such a terrible mission. I can't believe they make you do everything again each time you fail to beat the boss. What makes matters worse is that the Borg keep on respawning even during the middle of the fight. I don't suppose that anyone here would be interested in trying it on normal. It's almost impossible to do with random strangers. One of them destroyed the shield generator right as I was under one of the goddamned plasma conduits, killing me instantly.
At what level can I start doing STFs with GAFleet? I'm currently 27 I think.

Also by "very rare" card boxes you guys mean the blue lettered "Cardassian Box - Gold" right? I've opened 3 of those now and gotten crappy team space batteries each time.

I just bought my second retail copy of STO as well. I got the CE from Amazon initially and now I also have the regular version from Gamestop. I was going to buy 400 C-points anyway, so I figured it would be more worthwhile to just buy the regular GS version for $7.99 and get my 400 C-points from the free 30 day trial that is included. My question is: what's the difference between the TOS Enterprise I get from the Gamestop version and the TOS Enterprise that you get at LC rank?
You can start doing STFs at level 45, I think. The very rare boxes are the gold kind; the image should be colored purple.


Infected ground is such a terrible mission. I can't believe they make you do everything again each time you fail to beat the boss. What makes matters worse is that the Borg keep on respawning even during the middle of the fight. I don't suppose that anyone here would be interested in trying it on normal. It's almost impossible to do with random strangers. One of them destroyed the shield generator right as I was under one of the goddamned plasma conduits, killing me instantly.

You can start doing STFs at level 45, I think. The very rare boxes are the gold kind; the image should be colored purple.

Oh yeah purple, not blue. Ok just confirming. Seems like other people are getting pretty good things from them except me. 3 Space batteries in a row!!! Ironically, I opened one of the normal Card Boxes (the green ones) and got the Sekhat (sp?) cub pet.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
The annoying thing about the cardie boxes for me is that while I just managed to snag 8 keys on the exchange for 900k EC total, I haven't gotten a single gold box since then.


I don't know if anybody else who's doing STF's lately but it seems the Borg in general, whether ground or in space, are way more aggressive than they used to be and gets worse with each patch. STF's are taking longer than normal, even in normal, with semi-competent teams, borgs are swarming in, moving fast, using more abilities like holding you down or neutralizing your shields, and they regen and adapt quicker than normal.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
I don't know if anybody else who's doing STF's lately but it seems the Borg in general, whether ground or in space, are way more aggressive than they used to be and gets worse with each patch. STF's are taking longer than normal, even in normal, with semi-competent teams, borgs are swarming in, moving fast, using more abilities like holding you down or neutralizing your shields, and they regen and adapt quicker than normal.

I'm not sure if it was my imagination, but it seemed like that was happening with just a plain sector block invasion last night. The Unimatrix vessel just kept spitting out more and more regeneration probes, some even before the old ones were destroyed, and we barely had a chance to even attack the ship itself while trying to deal with them all.
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