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Star Trek Online Free to Play |OT| Boldly freeloading where others have subbed before


I finally feel like I have a better understanding of the nuances in the game and now I feel like I should re-roll. Hopefully someone can answer my questions below:

1) I understand we get one free respec right? But that only allows me to reallocate my Captain Space and Ground skill points right?

2) During character creation, if you build a custom alien, do you get to choose your passive skills (e.g. Efficient)? I really like Andorians, so I rolled one, but I realized that the race-specific passives for Andorians aren't really that great for space combat.

3) Related to Question 2, if I can choose my own captain passive skills, would I be able to create an alien race that basically looks like an Andorian or Aenar, but has custom Captain passives?

4) That Odyssey ship we got for free during the anniversary event, is that across accounts or per character? I'm not at level 50 yet, so it's still in its box, so I'm hoping I would be able to transfer this to a new character.

5) Any other downsides to rerolling? I don't really have any bound equipment that is really any good.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
I finally feel like I have a better understanding of the nuances in the game and now I feel like I should re-roll. Hopefully someone can answer my questions below:

1) I understand we get one free respec right? But that only allows me to reallocate my Captain Space and Ground skill points right?

2) During character creation, if you build a custom alien, do you get to choose your passive skills (e.g. Efficient)? I really like Andorians, so I rolled one, but I realized that the race-specific passives for Andorians aren't really that great for space combat.

3) Related to Question 2, if I can choose my own captain passive skills, would I be able to create an alien race that basically looks like an Andorian or Aenar, but has custom Captain passives?

4) That Odyssey ship we got for free during the anniversary event, is that across accounts or per character? I'm not at level 50 yet, so it's still in its box, so I'm hoping I would be able to transfer this to a new character.

5) Any other downsides to rerolling? I don't really have any bound equipment that is really any good.

1) I don't think you get any if you're a silver user. However, if you feel like it and you still have some levels to go before Vice Admiral, you could just buy a cheap retail copy of the game somewhere and use the key to get a month of gold user status, during which you get a free respec token upon every rank up.

2) Yes. You choose from a list of passives though, of which there are only a couple dozen, only half of which are space related.

3) Yes.

4) It is per character, and I do believe the boxes may have been bound, so you'll only have it on whichever character earned the box.

5) You might want to find a way to transfer your dilithium, EC and GPL to another character first if you have a decent amount. If you're going to go through with it, I'd again suggest getting a retail box. (If you've already used any in the past, make sure it's not one from the same retailer.)


1) I don't think you get any if you're a silver user. However, if you feel like it and you still have some levels to go before Vice Admiral, you could just buy a cheap retail copy of the game somewhere and use the key to get a month of gold user status, during which you get a free respec token upon every rank up.

2) Yes. You choose from a list of passives though, of which there are only a couple dozen, only half of which are space related.

3) Yes.

4) It is per character, and I do believe the boxes may have been bound, so you'll only have it on whichever character earned the box.

5) You might want to find a way to transfer your dilithium, EC and GPL to another character first if you have a decent amount. If you're going to go through with it, I'd again suggest getting a retail box. (If you've already used any in the past, make sure it's not one from the same retailer.)

Yeah I do actually have a retail copy of the game (actually 2 copies) so I am currently on gold status. I'm disappointed to hear that I won't be able to transfer the Odyssey though =(

Thank you so much for your responses!


I'm not sure if it was my imagination, but it seemed like that was happening with just a plain sector block invasion last night. The Unimatrix vessel just kept spitting out more and more regeneration probes, some even before the old ones were destroyed, and we barely had a chance to even attack the ship itself while trying to deal with them all.

Happened to me as well. There was so much other stuff flying around couldnt even get near the ship!

I don't know if anybody else who's doing STF's lately but it seems the Borg in general, whether ground or in space, are way more aggressive than they used to be and gets worse with each patch. STF's are taking longer than normal, even in normal, with semi-competent teams, borgs are swarming in, moving fast, using more abilities like holding you down or neutralizing your shields, and they regen and adapt quicker than normal.

Only been doing normal STF's so can only say from that, but havent run into anything like that yet. But now im gonna be looking more closely.
I just did an elite Infected with only four of us in it that went faster and smoother than most times with five people. Gear and experience disparity is amazing to behold.


I've seen a thread about this on startrekonline.com's forum, so I know I am not the only one seeing it... but I guess there are not as many complaints due to the fact some people enjoy the challenge I guess
So what have people been using successfully with the Bortas? I'm thinking DHCs might not be the best option for it......its too big and slow......I can't even see what I'm shooting at haha


I've been using 4 Disruptor DHC's, and 4 disruptor turrets and they do mondo damage with my Bortas.

Today I managed to snag my first Gold Cardy box, but haven't decided to open it yet, I put it in the personal bank for now

I also earned 40 EDC's (not all today mind you) so I had the choice of getting new M.A.C.O. or Omega Force gear
I ultimately settled on getting a M.A.C.O. ground shield as I've been working on my ground missions more and only just recently completed my M.A.C.O. space set MK X

I even got a M.A.C.O. Deflector MK XII, and I think that thing will be lonely for awhile until possibly the next bonus STF day
Yea, I have 3 disruptor DHCs, 3 disruptor turrets and one fore torpedo and one aft torpedo until i get more tokens for another turret

What are your skills/consoles?
I don't mind the slow cruiser turn rate for cannon purposes. I usually get in the 10 km range, slam on the brakes, and try to blast them away before they can get behind me. Haven't quite reached 50 yet on Klingon, so haven't put Bortas to real action.

EDIT: Ahahaha. I just had a Klingon duty officer mission end in Disaster, but it didn't result in a death. The attempt to cook a tribble ended up giving me 12 tribbles.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
So what have people been using successfully with the Bortas? I'm thinking DHCs might not be the best option for it......its too big and slow......I can't even see what I'm shooting at haha

I was about to ask this myself. I was trying the Vo'quv carrier on my KDF Orion science character, but it just wasn't working out so well, so now I'm trying to equip my Bortas. I was thinking of going all-out beam cruiser like my Fed engineer, but at the moment I'm trying out a mix of 2 beam arrays and 2 dual beam banks fore and 2 beam arrays and 2 beam arrays aft, all disruptor. My sci character has nothing invested in projectile weapons and I don't feel like using a respec token at the moment. I'm still in the middle of changing consoles and boff skills, so I haven't had the chance to actually try the thing out yet.


So, I'm a bit lost. I hit 50 and I have been running normal STF for a bit.

I just don't know what the next tier of stuff is. I'm capped at 10mil EC but I can't seem to find any outlet for it.

I have some rare salvage but I really can't figure out what I should buy now.


Both Tier X and Tier XI gear can be bought from the STF vendors for Encrypted Data Chips and data Salvage. Tier XII is only from the elite STFs. That's the best gear in the game currently so you should get that stuff. Tier 11 at least, the Tier 12 stuff can be a bit annoying depending on the pick ups you get for the Elites.


Both Tier X and Tier XI gear can be bought from the STF vendors for Encrypted Data Chips and data Salvage. Tier XII is only from the elite STFs. That's the best gear in the game currently so you should get that stuff. Tier 11 at least, the Tier 12 stuff can be a bit annoying depending on the pick ups you get for the Elites.

What about that Borg and Maco gear?


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Is there some sort of exploit against the command ship in the Borg sector invasions? I thought I saw someone mention using the plasma energy bolts against it, and sometimes I notice the thing go from around 70% to nearly dead in an instant. I was parked really close to the thing at one time and it almost sounded like it disintegrated itself.


Today I managed to snag a MK XII piece of armor and MK XI shield for my ground set... both were OMEGA FORCE. Why that? I love the bonus' they give to attack, than defense... which M.A.C.O. would grant, I think like a tactical officer still, firepower than defense.

I finally learnt a hard lesson how to kick ass against Manus of Borg (Rebecca Simmons)... she is very very susceptible to sniper rifles for some reason... I was using a Tetryon Sniper Rifle MK XI, and took that biatch down like it was nothing, in addition to spamming my DPS boosting abilities for Tac. I told the other people in my group to do the same. Worked twice in a row.

I am hoping to find a similar exploit for the boss in The Cure ground level... who I suspect gives up the best loot for ground people.

Edit: I was right, for the first time I got a omega force/maco weapon requisition from The Cure level which I never got only doing the other 2 STF missions
Is there some sort of exploit against the command ship in the Borg sector invasions? I thought I saw someone mention using the plasma energy bolts against it, and sometimes I notice the thing go from around 70% to nearly dead in an instant. I was parked really close to the thing at one time and it almost sounded like it disintegrated itself.

I've seen that as well, no idea what happened though


Is there some sort of exploit against the command ship in the Borg sector invasions? I thought I saw someone mention using the plasma energy bolts against it, and sometimes I notice the thing go from around 70% to nearly dead in an instant. I was parked really close to the thing at one time and it almost sounded like it disintegrated itself.
Not really an exploit but those giant plasma bolts do AoE damage so if you're close enough to the vessel when it hits you they take the damage as well and given how insanely OP those bolts are...well it's their own stupid fault really.


those huger than life torpedoes that you normally can shoot down, that track you and kill you in one hit

I used to think those were annoying but I swear to you, everything the Borg does lately they have that ability in any ship on any difficulty level


Completed the latest chapter in the 2800 series "Facility 4028"

So in this chapter, we are to head to a secret Starfleet Penal Colony in the Ayala system in the Kessae sector to escort the Female Changeling that was taken as a P.O.W. during the Dominion War back in DS9 era, as a concession to the existing Dominion power in the Gamma Quadrant to resolve the 2800 Dominion presence on our DS9 station. We beam down to the Penal Colony, it's a very advanced, streamlined looking site, with lots of intimidating scanners, loud intercomed computer voice, probes, soldiers, and a warden. But the catch here is that, every personnel (except for maybe 5 people, and they are not always around) is a hologram! I kinda knew where this was headed when I heard that. We go along the way, meet the Holo-Warden, then talk to a prisoner we haven't seen in awhile, the mad-scientist Singh who was manipulating genetics to create the perfect Klingon Soldier from an earlier episodic arc. After talking to that guy, we go back to the warden, get clearance to escort the Female Changeling, with Eraun (the Vorta who followed us from the Gamma Quadrant). We convince her to come with us with the help of Eraun. Kur'akun, the Jem'Hadar soldier that overtook DS9 in our time came as well to see the Founder... there is a dissention in the ranks because the Founder basically said they f'ed up... Kur'akun was outraged by this and decides to go rogue and demands his soldiers kill everybody except the Founder. We have to fight our way out of the Penal Colony which seems to have suffered damage, knocking out the primary I.S.I.S. computer core that controls most things in the site. We have to resurrect the I.S.I.S. core and apprehend prisoners who have been set loose by the damage... all the holographic soldiers and personnel have dissapeared. We are given a choice to apprehend prisoners using non-lethal or lethal consequences. It was so cool to watch the Female Changeling fight on our side using her abilities, while the cowardly Vorta cowers in a corner!

I have done this mission twice, so I did each one, and outcome is not hugely differently impacting that I've seen. We manage to get to the end, apprehend Singh, he cannot be killed in either decision tree. We activate the I.S.I.S. core and the Holo-Warden returns, ask him to take over with his holo-guards. We return to our ship, a cut-scene ensues of a space battle between a Starfleet convoy including the U.S.S. Defiant or at least a Defiant class ship... the fleet nearly or IS wiped out, our ship and the Jem'Hadar with the Female Changeling warp to DS9, and that concludes our mission for now. We get a choice of completing the Jem'Hadar ground set with their personal Shield, or a Jem'Hadar Tactical Bridge Officer, or a personal shield special requisition box. You also are given a cadre, of 3 Dominion Duty Officers, 2 Jem'Hadar, and 1 Vorta. I have already sent these 3 on Duty Officer missions which is pretty neat. I have even outfitted my Jem'Hadar Tactical Bridge Officer with the Jem'Hadar ground set for authenticity, since I have better gear anyways.

Edit: I found out my new Vorta duty officer allows me to synthesize Ketracel White via my replicator, I can assign it to my Jem'Hadar bridge officer to improve his performance in battle, I've already given him 20 vials.

Here's a link to me and my happy AWAY team with my new Jem'Hadar tac officer, and Liberated Borg Officer and others


All in all, a very big improvement of a chapter, for this episodic arc!
I didn't like this one as much as you guys. The facility itself was an interesting place, but what you actually did was too simple and straightforward.
In short: Talk to a few guys, then move forward along a path shooting a bunch of prisoners.
"Of Bajor" was a bit unwieldy with all the running back and forth, but it had a lot of variety: repairing, radio scanning, diplomacy, ground combat, space combat.

That said, glad to pick up another unique bridge officer.


It had the most sophisticated design for a level map for STO, I loved the atmosphere and the teasing of people you've met, and probably will meet again. But in terms of what you had to do, yes it was very limited, straight-forward... and it seems they've all but abandoned accolades lately, no real consequences in decision path. Missing out on another potential epic space battle, but they may be saving that for the final ep... just in time to complete the final piece of the
Space Jem'Hadar set


Yep, this episode teased a lot of stuff with regards upcoming content:


1) Tholian Prisoner: Tholians will be the focus of the next Feature Episode series.
2) Singh and Jame Fadi Mehra: Referring to the long-planned STF "Children of Khan", possibly reworked as a Feature Episode series.
3) Taris: Escaped, advancing the Iconian arc.


Won't stop picking the right nation
I just did an elite Infected with only four of us in it that went faster and smoother than most times with five people. Gear and experience disparity is amazing to behold.
I'm surprised at how difficult elite is. I have most of the Mk XI gear, yet I feel that I'm not actually doing much damage (whereas normal is almost far too easy). There doesn't appear to be that much of a difference between Mk XI and XII gear either to make up for the disparity.
Edit: I was right, for the first time I got a omega force/maco weapon requisition from The Cure level which I never got only doing the other 2 STF missions
Each STF mission will give you a different piece of requisition (for example, Khitomer Accord will give armor). I don't think that the chances of finding them on one mission are more likely than any other.


I wish the STO music was a bit more Star Trek like.

That said, playing the game while pumping my ST movie and series soundtracks puts a huge smile on my face.


I am almost convinced the difficulty has been fucked around with in stfs

We had a Cure space elite fail before we did anything to provoke the Borg, they were spamming raptors and warships in addition to Birds of prey, and we hadnt finished blowing up the probes on any of the 3 shipyards... We predictably failed when the idiots blew up the cube, when we were barely holding it down before

Khitomer Accord in normal was as hard as KA in elite, the borg do as much damage, which is a lot, drain shields 1 or 2 shot kill u

Worst yet, it is randomly occuring that devs wont and cant do shit till its replicated

Very frustrating

On the brightside, I finally cracked the 1200+ cp barrier, I will buy a copy of the game, get my gold status and get 400 free cp to get my Defiant retrofit
New stupid theme alt: Captain Napoleon Complex. Though Napoleon and most of my bridge officers shown here may appear to be human, they are all aliens for the greater height difference possible. The last is more obviously alien; with the three specialties covered I decided to go with the huge head and coral attachments for more height.


Release Notes: March 5, 2012
Temporarily disabled the Duty Officer recruitment assignments.
They will return with the Duty Officer expansion.

does this mean they will only be able to be used if you buy the expansion?


No, I think there was a bug with certain reward tables giving DOFFs when they shouldn't have. As the notes say, it's temporary.
How's the Foundry content, in general? I'm pretty much out of things to do, both Fed and Klingon characters have maxed space gear, only XI/set gear for ground, but I'm a-ok with that =P, so I was taking a look at the Foundry missions. I saw the six listed in the OP, I'll give those a short first. Anyone have any recommendations other than that, or should I just sort by the highest ranked and go from there?


I repurchased a retail copy of this game today in hopes I could use it to get a gold member upgrade, but it doesn't work that way... so I spent $15 cdn for nothing... I submitted a ticket to their account support and hope they get back to me soon to deal with this, I shouldn't be giving them free money during their F2P and they won't give something in return, especially since I am a returning subscriber.

I've also signed up to be in their Tribble Server, basically a testing ground to try out new content before it hits the main server(Holodeck)... should be interesting


since we dont have a Klingon fleet, for those of you who dont have a fleet to stash your klink toon in, lemme invite y'all to join "House of Puv'Taj"

less you all know a something i dont....

and, had this pointed out to me today...

when you bring up the info box for your weapons it reads one dps. But while in sector space if you hover on the weapon in the hotbar, it reads a different dps. then, when in an encounter and you hover over the weapon hotbar, it reads another dps....

example, my Tet DHC reads 250 dps in the info box. In sector space the hotbar shows 897 dps. finally, in a encounter, they show as 1067 dps.

it seems that....
When looking at weapons in-game, it’s important to realize that some weapon tooltips are dynamic – they display the damage and DPS of a weapon modified by your captain’s stats and current weapon power level – while others are static, and display the base damage and DPS of the weapon.

The tooltips for weapons on your hotbar and in the weapons tray on the HUD are dynamic
The tooltips displayed for weapons in your inventory, on your ship’s status screen and in stores are static

never knew that till just today


Yeah, there is the base DPS when the item is not hooked to anything
then there is the levels when attached to your ship when not in a red alert mode
then there is with the red alert (which engages the bonus power levels in the item descriptions) when you are engaging in battle.

Another rant for STF's of sorts... the only thing worse than a person who doesn't know what to do during a STF Elite run, are those who freak out in the chat at those who may have screwed up shouting caps and exclamations... I finally shot back at them (and I wasn't even the one who screwed up), they escalated, and left the match. It may have been rude and cost me a penalty ban but it was worth it, some people need to chill out.


Yeah, there is the base DPS when the item is not hooked to anything
then there is the levels when attached to your ship when not in a red alert mode
then there is with the red alert (which engages the bonus power levels in the item descriptions) when you are engaging in battle.

i was reading some guides and saw it explaned. for now this is the best i can come up with...

Your captain’s total Stat Bonus for the weapon is applied as a percentage to the Standard Issue damage of the weapon
This is added to the base damage of the weapon
For energy weapons, the total damage is then modified by +2% for every point of weapon power over 50 or -2% for every point of weapon
This is the current damage displayed on the dynamic weapon tooltips on your hotbar or in the weapons tray, and for the mathematically-inclined can be summarised as:

(Base + (SI x (Stat/100)) x (WPow/50)

Where Base is the base damage of the weapon, SI is the Standard Issue damage of the weapon type, Stat is the total Stat Bonus and WPow is the current weapon power level.
Yeah, there is the base DPS when the item is not hooked to anything
then there is the levels when attached to your ship when not in a red alert mode
then there is with the red alert (which engages the bonus power levels in the item descriptions) when you are engaging in battle.

Another rant for STF's of sorts... the only thing worse than a person who doesn't know what to do during a STF Elite run, are those who freak out in the chat at those who may have screwed up shouting caps and exclamations... I finally shot back at them (and I wasn't even the one who screwed up), they escalated, and left the match. It may have been rude and cost me a penalty ban but it was worth it, some people need to chill out.

Happened to me too, random STFs really show the ugly side of a playerbase that's otherwise very civil and helpful.


I just copied my character over to Tribble as well. Do we still get special items for playing on Tribble? I think they gave out a Borg Tribble a while back right?


Finally earned the last piece for my Omega Force ground set

I am now an Omega Force Veteran (MK XI), with the accolade and updated Title, go me!

If I can get another piece of that puzzle, I can complete the same for my M.A.C.O. ground set, or space equivalents... tomorrow is STF Infected bonus day, more loose drops... hopefully I can complete another set


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Ouch, I tried an elite space STF for the first time and it was just painful. I figured I'd try Infected Elite since there is no outright failure condition and it is boosted today. Initially things seemed to be going well. We cleared the first cube and spheres with no problem, and then started on the nanite generators. I remembered something about keeping the little nanite things alive but at low health before destroying them all in one pass, but I guess some other people didn't, which caused one person to be a twit and leave the round. After that it went rather poorly and nanite spheres and regular spheres kept pouring through the portal. The remaining four of us did gradually wear down the generators and destroy them. Unfortunately, it turns out that the tactical cube is much more painful in elite, and I think I got destroyed around two dozen times. It got to the point where we were all getting so trounced that I would immediately fly up as close to the cube as possible so that while I would still be shooting, if I was destroyed I would do a good bit of warp core explosion damage. I think most of the damage to the thing was through that.


ah yes... STF Elite glory and pain

Know it so well. Surprisingly we had quite a few successes in Elite so we managed to get things done reasonably well... game still tough as nails though.

I also completed my M.A.C.O. ground set (MK XI) so I am a veteran in both M.A.C.O. and Omega Force, w00h00!


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Tried it twice more, and although neither attempt was successful in getting the optional objective, we came pretty close. The first attempt resulted in flawless destruction of the generators in tandem and rapid destruction of the transformer before the nanite vessels could get in healing range. We must have just taken a bit too long mopping up the nanite vessels afterward and on the tactical cube, so we missed the objective by maybe one or two minutes. The second attempt went pretty quickly and might have been a success, but somebody jumped the gun during the second transformer so we still had two generators up and at half health when the nanite vessels came through. Transformer was down to about 10% when it started getting healed. All in all, I guess it all depends on the quality of your teammates during the thing, and whether or not they know the objectives.
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