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Star Wars Battlefront |OT| Here's Where The Fun Begins

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I sure hope this gets fixed soon!

How is this possible? Or did he just unlock some special card?

def sim

How is this possible? Or did he just unlock some special card?

Apparently it's a bug involving vehicles and crashing them? At least that's what I've heard around these parts.

I'm not going to lie, I got a pretty good laugh outta that as that's definitely happened to me a couple of times.


Before they fix it, I hope it happens to me because it seems like so much fun. I'd be using emotes after every kill as they all try to shoot me down.


Am I the only one annoyed by the fact you can have a stormtrooper without helmet?

Looks exceptionally weird to say the least.

It bothers me every time I see it, but I get the sense it's something that we will see a lot more of going forward, even from the mainline movies.

Dr Prob

Playing through this game I just can't shake the feeling that there aren't enough grenades flying around.

What sort of things would bring this up to the depth of BF4? I haven't played BF4 or any CODS past BLOPS2 so I can't make any comparisons, but is it the things like earning skins and mods for weapons, custom game modes (set player limit, score limit, weapon sets etc)?

For some reason whenever depth is brought up here a certain contingent automatically assume that has to mean unlocks, gun attachments etc. for some reason when it could actually mean any number of things. Some of which I think would be welcome, some not so much as they just wouldn't fit within the scope of the type of accessibility DICE has gone for here. Ultimately it's all irrelevant though as this is the game we have.
I feel like jundland wastes is quite unfair in the 3rd stage, as the rebels get two airspeeders and the imperials nothing.

However, saying that, I went on a PTFO run using Boba, I knew I had to clear the last stage of as many rebels as I could, just hoped my team could concentrate on the speeders.



Reading through a number of the comments there's two trains of thought I keep seeing over and over.

1. People pissed off there's not so much depth and annoyed that their serious game playing is compromised by poor spawning and that lack of depth.

2. On the other hand some people are just playing it for fun and having a blast no matter whether they win or not.

I know I was in the latter camp during the Beta. Basically it seems to be if you take your FPS's seriously this game might rub you up the wrong way. If you want crazy chaotic fun in the Star Wars universe (especially if you're a SW fan) then you'll probably love it.


Junior Member
Sullust Dropzone spawns are absolutely fucked.

It spawns you on the other side of the map to where the pod lands, so you run in that direction only to be shot in the back because it's decided to spawn the other team directly behind you.

Happened three times on that last match.

Edit: and now we have a terabyte gif loading on the page! Yay!
No idea what happened after an amazing day one where I was always top of the scoreboard and always had like a 3.0kdr minimum.

Nobody fucking dies, tank shots like mad and I get instagibbed by nothing but T-21's and EE-3's.

Barely struggle to get a 1.0kdr now with the amount of cheap deaths and bullshit online warrior stuff going on. Kinda burning me out.
so fu*** angry right now.... DICE FIX SPAWNPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOINTS. Or let us choose between like 2-3. This automatic spawn bull** is a joke.

Just played on Hoth. They circled our spawnpoint and were blasting away + AT ST.... first guy had like 41 kills...

sooo frustrating i cant put it in words.... i stopped respawning after that .


Junior Member
Modes that need some tweaking IMO:

Droid Run, you either win/lose really quickly due to people not loading in fast enough on one team and the weird spawnpoints, or end up in a meaningless DM for 9 minutes and whoever grabs the second droid in the last minute wins the game, either version is unsatisfying and one feels like a stomp while the other feels like a drag.

Walker Assault, balance, obviously.

Hero Hunt, it's fun to jump in for a game or two, but damage dealt would be much better qualifier to become the next hero, right now with the current 'whoever gets the kill shot gets to be the next hero' it feels pretty random and unfair.

And in general I think they need to take a look at spawnpoints. Was playing Drop Zone last night and the other team was pretty well coordinated, but what ended up happening is we lost the game 5-0 and our team NEVER spawned closer than 100m away from the pod. In other games, even with almost all of the opposing team guarding the pod, I'm frequently spawning quite close to it.

That said, I'm having such a blast with this game and aside from more content which is coming, all I think it needs is minor tweaks to spawn points and some of the mods. All in all, I'm really happy with my purchase and still having a blast.

And I'm not even that huge of a Star Wars fan (i.e. never owned any SW merchandise, seen the movies a couple times, played Jedi Knight and Jedi Academy and liked them but that's it). This game together with Force Awakens hype is making me a SW fan tho - between sessions I've already rewatched the original trilogy and thinking of getting into Clone Wars.


Am I the only one annoyed by the fact you can have a stormtrooper without helmet?

Looks exceptionally weird to say the least.

Slowing down increases weapon power

Not only does it bug me but I find it lazy as well. As other people mentioned they could of done other customizations for the empire.


I'm having a hard time finding a game mode that seems fun. Heroes vs Villains is the best so far. Coming off Halo this games combat just seems so blah.


I'm having a hard time finding a game mode that seems fun. Heroes vs Villains is the best so far. Coming off Halo this games combat just seems so blah.

I have the exact same issues. Combat and controls just feel floaty and off. Try cargo and supremacy if you haven't already. Those are the two modes I like the best so far coming from halo and blops.


Ewoks running back into their treehouse when you approach.

Yep, I was talking more about wildlife though. Saw some dragonfly kind of creatures on Endor too.

Also, has dice ever gave reasoning behind not allowing to pick specific star cards and traits before each match? I know you can create preset hands, but if you want to change to something different for a particular map or match, you have to back out, save it, then reload. Even that really doesn't work if you want to change to something you don't have a preset for, or try a new trait or combo for one particular map. Kind of annoying.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Actually when you play as the Hero it's incredibly fun to play against a whole team.

If you however die a lot and can't kill the hero, it's quite frustrating.

But then again, if you think about it. How could they have made it better? I see people saying that the next Hero should be the one who has done the most damage, but the problem there is that after a while some people would just stop shooting, because they can only die and have no chance to become the Hero.

While it might not be perfect, doing it as damage based would atleast be a big improvement, but I do think there's merit to a general hero cycle. The other team could actually try to work together more instead of being every man for themselves, and the hero itself would be on the offensive moreso than being on the run a lot. They could also play with HP values and make the heros bigger tanks if the changes make working as an actual team too good, like bunching up with turrets and stuff and having the hero come to you.

It does have moments that shine, but it's just too sloppy currently. Even rewarding most damage feels somewhat luck based to me, as there's a huge difference in the kind of drops you get. Someone who gets multiple smart rockets or an orbital vs. a player that keeps getting the blaster turret, stuff like that. The first person to become a hero also gets a pretty huge headstart due to randomly being picked at the match start, when you see them get the killing blow on the next person to become one it feels almost fruitless to continue as their score will be nearly impossible to match unless you string together the next few kills. So scoring as a whole can feel brutal as well, if it was a general scoreboard with good incentives for hero damage and kills as the hero it could also work out better over their flat reliance on kills as the hero and nothing else.

Currently the mode just feels like a slot machine. You are so very fragile to the hero(which is fine), that it's dangerous to approach and do solid damage without being killed and spawned who knows where relative to the other players still chasing. Having 3-4 people blasting darth vader, seeing his health deplete and then him turning around and force choking you and not the guy next to you as everyone else hopes they get the final shot is just frustrating more than anything else. You can be on the hero's ass pumping out damage, die when they're at ~30 or so then be flung across the map with a far away spawn with no way to do anything even with a jetpack. Then the hero spawn itself can be bad(I've been lit up as palpatine being plopped in endor right behind a group of people in the wide open, making the entire life me running away trying to get a decent spot since he has low range). Not to mention the mode ends up being a competition, not a team fight--yet in this competition I have no interaction with my competitors. I can't impair the top player from getting the killing blow in any way, nor can I help when I have people on the team that essentially suicide barge into a tunnel right into luke or vader and end up feeding them more kills. Bad teammates are unavoidable in any mode, but it's overly punishing here due to the scoring.

It's a mode with so much potential but I never want to touch it again in its current form.
What the living fuck are you supposed to vs these overpowered A-wings? Same guy can sit in his a-wing for days on that dumb as fuck Tatooine map. A-wings beat out everything, A-wings make it so that junping in an imperial fighter is a death trap. Second uplinks they will have like 3/4 fighters in the air doing nothing but strafe runs and instakilling any fighter that wants to get in.

What a fucking joke. They couldn't fix the a-wings ridiculous hitbox from the beta or give some kind of protection to fighters spawning in!


This spawn System XD

So i choose the T-21 for Long range on Endor and the game spawns me inside the bunkers. So i meet a guy with a pistol and he instakills me easily.

"Np" I think "gonna Switch to pistol myself for CQC"

And then it spawns me outside in the Woods for no discernible reason where I get sniped by T-21s.

Please let me choose spawns or Show me where I spawn.
Is the invincibility bug just in the console versions? I've crashed my ships into the ground (always deliberately, I promise you) and its never happened to me on PC.


How much time does DICE takes to release balance patches usually?

I feel like the Endor's Walker Assault (rest are fine IMO), hero ships HP and OP A-Wing on Fighter Squadron needs to be fixed ASAP. Should be relatively easy fixes (maybe minus the A-Wing thing because it's probably tied to its hitboxes being really small).

Also, seems like today is laggier than usual, but maybe it's me. Still getting my ass handled outside of ships lol


How much time does DICE takes to release balance patches usually?

I feel like the Endor's Walker Assault (rest are fine IMO), hero ships HP and OP A-Wing on Fighter Squadron needs to be fixed ASAP. Should be relatively easy fixes (maybe minus the A-Wing thing because it's probably tied to its hitboxes being really small).

Also, seems like today is laggier than usual, but maybe it's me. Still getting my ass handled outside of ships lol

Yeah, the hero ships have way too much HP. They are too overpowered.
How does "partner spawn" work? Sometimes I'll have the option and can jump right into the action, other times it'll say not available, other times it won't even show up.


Are you guys still having fun ? I held off buying it at launch waiting to see how people would feel towards the game a few days in.


No idea what happened after an amazing day one where I was always top of the scoreboard and always had like a 3.0kdr minimum.

Nobody fucking dies, tank shots like mad and I get instagibbed by nothing but T-21's and EE-3's.

Barely struggle to get a 1.0kdr now with the amount of cheap deaths and bullshit online warrior stuff going on. Kinda burning me out.

Sounds like me when playing the beta.

Now I just get my arse handed to me, grenade spam or just nowhere to take cover upon spawning. I've also lost count how many times I spawn and then get lightsabered or a AT-ST blows me away.

To be honest this game should ditch the KDR stat, it's aimed at a more casual audience, plus when you get a Hero powerup you can slaughter everyone. Not really an indicator of skill.

And don't get me started on the invincibility glitch.

All that said though I am enjoying the game somewhat, but it does have some major issues.


Grenades should share a cooldown (perhaps a half-long only though), to prevent dual-grenade setups from being too good.
And grenades in general should have 2 to 5 second longer cooldowns.

Are you guys still having fun ? I held off buying it at launch waiting to see how people would feel towards the game a few days in.

I have fun. When i get good teammates, that is, too often i get people who just concentrate on personal play. Like, the enemy has good pilots doing strafing runs, and the solution is simple, use Ion Torps to shoot them down. Does anyone do that but me? Nope. Alone it is borderline impossible to shoot good pilots down.


Really enjoying this game so far. My GF hates fiddling around with stuff (like stats/unlocks/inventory or even vehicles) and this game strips all that away to just focus on the shooting. Sure, its a more simple game than Battlefield or something like Planetside 2 but simple doesn't mean bad. Run and gun fun imo. I like it!


Are you guys still having fun ? I held off buying it at launch waiting to see how people would feel towards the game a few days in.
Personally? Yes. I don't know how many hours I've played in total but I know that today I was playing the Walker Assault mode for a couple hours at least, but during the night I changed and spent about 4 hours just playing squadron with a couple breaks playing cargo (Capture the Flag-ish mode).

I haven't even played modes like Supremacy or Drone Run and I'm at least 10 hours into this game (and lvl 22). I think if I keep playing this until Christmas, I will probably go and grab the Season Pass. Visually it's stunning too, so I never get tired of it graphically speaking.


Played for over 10 hours already (you can see playtime in your statistics ingame or inapp). Still love it but I hope they will fix some annoying things like spawns. After 10 hours I am level 20. In comparison, after 24 hours I was only level 30 on battlefield 4.


Already at the point where certain players get a ship and stay in it all game, the spawn camping when getting a ship is insane.


Are you guys still having fun ? I held off buying it at launch waiting to see how people would feel towards the game a few days in.

Yeah still having a lot of fun, eventhough sometimes I get bummed because I get killed too much, but that's because I suck lol
Heros HP need to be reduced.
Fetts jet pack recharge rate needs to be reduced and the rate it uses up the energy needs to be increased.
Grenades recharge rate needs to be greatly reduced.
Small weapon balance tweaks.
And a Conquest game mode. My god. Conquest would be amazing in this game. Supremacy isn't filling that void for me.

Haven't had to deal with hero ships yet.
They probably need to buff Vader. Got one kill with the guy on Sullust. Spawned in the open, got fucked so hard because he's too slow and they nerfed blocking for some weird reason. So you just get picked apart before you do anything meaningful, at least Luke is fast.

Just met someone who was invincible after bailing out of an a-wing?
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