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Star Wars Battlefront |OT| Here's Where The Fun Begins

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Played an hour of Droid Run for an objective and it just about broke my spirit with this game lol. Punishingly boring mode, it goes on for far too long.

I really wish there was more equipment in this so you were at least unlocking stuff faster.
Played an hour of Droid Run for an objective and it just about broke my spirit with this game lol. Punishingly boring mode, it goes on for far too long.

I really wish there was more equipment in this so you were at least unlocking stuff faster.

Wait until you hit around 35. The only thing I have to look forward to is emotes and getting twilek/shadow trooper.


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Is it just me or is Hero Hunt the worst multiplayer mode ever created? I'm trying to get the trophy for a win in every mode because I'm an idiot, but HH is the only one I have left and I'm not sure I'll ever eke out a win there. Landing the last hit on the hero is such a crapshoot given how fast they can kill you, and then every time I become a hero I barely have time to get a handle on their abilities before I eat it since everyone in the match is gunning for you. I managed to lead one match with 16 kills for most of it, but then lost out to someone who got close to 30 in the last few minutes. Looking at how many HH matches I've seen end with a third to half of the players on the list with 0 kills, it seems like a pretty poorly balanced mode in general.

EDIT: Clicking back through the last few pages, I see I'm not alone.

Finally scraped together a win after way too many matches, and... no trophy. I want to die.


Played an hour of Droid Run for an objective and it just about broke my spirit with this game lol. Punishingly boring mode, it goes on for far too long.

I really wish there was more equipment in this so you were at least unlocking stuff faster.
Nah droid run is fun. They can end quick if you have a good team.
Played an hour of Droid Run for an objective and it just about broke my spirit with this game lol. Punishingly boring mode, it goes on for far too long.

I really wish there was more equipment in this so you were at least unlocking stuff faster.

I liked droid run but it should be 10 minutes and not 15.


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Trophy for a win in each mode, right?

Try and go here: http://starwars.ea.com/starwars/battlefront/companion/career

Click: Stats & Progression, scroll to bottom, click Detailed Stats and scroll down to Game Mode Wins and see if there's a mode where it hasn't registered a win. I hope for your sake that it isn't Hero Hunt ;)

Oh thanks much, I didn't know about this (was annoyed there wasn't a way in-game to see your wins per mode). Somehow Team Blast is the one I'm missing, should be a cinch to wrap that one up.


What I wouldn't give to have a competent team in Cargo mode. Nothing worse than getting destroyed by opponents who actually understand we aren't playing team deathmatch.

It didn't help that the last match had 2 players vs a team of 4 for part of the match. Not much you can do in those circumstances.


This one rebel was right by a deactivated uplink. I mean, feet away. It. Was. Right. There.

Couldn't be bothered to leave his blaster turret to go activate it.


Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Is it just me or is Hero Hunt the worst multiplayer mode ever created? I'm trying to get the trophy for a win in every mode because I'm an idiot, but HH is the only one I have left and I'm not sure I'll ever eke out a win there. Landing the last hit on the hero is such a crapshoot given how fast they can kill you, and then every time I become a hero I barely have time to get a handle on their abilities before I eat it since everyone in the match is gunning for you. I managed to lead one match with 16 kills for most of it, but then lost out to someone who got close to 30 in the last few minutes. Looking at how many HH matches I've seen end with a third to half of the players on the list with 0 kills, it seems like a pretty poorly balanced mode in general.

EDIT: Clicking back through the last few pages, I see I'm not alone.

It is unfortunate that the person that gets the last hit get to be the Hero (Villain?). I mentioned a few days ago it should be the person that has dish out the most damage. How this passed testing I'll never know.

As for learning the Hero's and their abilities try out the training, that should help you out a lot.

Not Spaceghost

It is unfortunate that the person that gets the last hit get to be the Hero (Villain?). I mentioned a few days ago it should be the person that has dish out the most damage. How this passed testing I'll never know.

As for learning the Hero's and their abilities try out the training, that should help you out a lot.

Honestly it should be on a rotation, so everyone gets a chance at scoring their points, it should actually courage team work among people who aren't the hero. I've seen heroes get taken down in 15 seconds before so it's not like becoming a hero guarantees a ton of points. But I think a full round should be over after every player has gotten the chance to be the hero 3 times or so.
The game only has 2 player co-op, so how else would you play split-screen?

You can play online co-op too.
I think they meant the regular online multiplayer. What else could they have meant? It wouldn't be the first time a multiplayer game let you go online with split screen. Wouldn't expect it from dice though.


I think they meant the regular online multiplayer. What else could they have meant? It wouldn't be the first time a multiplayer game let you go online with split screen. Wouldn't expect it from dice though.

Oh yeah, I didn't think of that in my reply. I thought they meant 4 player co-op with two local, two online.

I would love to be able to take a friend with me in split-screen in the regular MP modes.

DJ Gunner

It's bugged, the game needs to last the whole 10 mins for it to be given out, which won't happen with full teams. It dropped for me in a game of 2 v 6.

No shit?? So that's the key, eh. Sucks, because I've only played that mode for the trophy and I've lead kills seven times and it's not popped yet. Guess I will wait until they fix it.
Finally got Lvl 25 on PS4 :D DL-44 <3

But IMO there is something off with the hit detection and player feedback on PS4.

Sometimes i just die from 1 shot. Or my enemy is just eating etc.
I think the tickrate of the game is only 10hz like BF4 was at launch instead of 30hz like it is now. I hope they'll up it in a patch soon.
I think the tickrate of the game is only 10hz like BF4 was at launch instead of 30hz like it is now. I hope they'll up it in a patch soon.

Yeah its probably this. It really feels like launch BF4 sometimes.

I hope they fix that really soon. They should even try to get a 40 or 50hz tickrate. Game runs mostly at 60fps.
The game only has 2 player co-op, so how else would you play split-screen?

You can play online co-op too.

I figured it'd let you do splitscreen in the 'main' multiplayer modes like COD and (old) Halo and such, joining online matches with a local player coming along. I didn't buy the game for it or anything so I'm not pissed (just thought I'd break it out with the family today), just disappointed.


Anyone who can explain what is happening here ? We are a hole team doing damage to him and nothing happens. I ran into him 2 times and both times was the same.


And his score (herb_mentos) is also pretty incredible


So I was using the Blaster Pistol to get the 25 Headshot Challenge. It took way longer than I care to admit.
However as soon as I went back to a Blaster Rifle, I was the Top Spot on my team 3 games in a row playing Blast.
I went
Even more important we won every single match.
My K/D is now 1.3.
I am pretty positive I will never, ever do that again. Never.
But I am 95% positive that using just the pistol for so long is the reason I did so good.
I'm in the same boat! Actually glad to hear I'm not the only one. I played blast and did pretty well but in all the other game modes I get crushed repeatedly from the moment I spawn. I'm returning it to the shop this weekend because of it. As amazing as the game can be I'm just too bad at it for it to be any sort of fun.

Why don't you play Battle mode & Survival against the AI? It's all I play and it's pretty forgiving on normal.


Just tried the T21 where its really good. At long range support.
Before i still rushed abit with it and that really didnt work. But when i switched to long range and just picking people off it really started to shine, Lots of 25-2 etc.


I think the tickrate of the game is only 10hz like BF4 was at launch instead of 30hz like it is now. I hope they'll up it in a patch soon.

I did a quick little wireshark analysis, and this could be off cause I only looked for downstream UDP from the server address, but I counted 30hz. It's probably due to the fact that you can't adjust the interpolation like in BF4. (That really helped me :( .)


I never get tired of Fighter Squadron, that mode is so damn fun. I really hope we get some kind of objective based missions or something in the future for single player. All of the assets are there, they just need to set some objectives and challenges. Using nothing but the assets they already have in the game they could easily make missions on par with Rogue Squadron.

Also, I'm really confused as to how some people are so bad at Fighter Squadron. The majority of players get very few AI kills even, and I once saw someone who was in the Slave I the whole match get a total of like four kills including AI. How is that possible? It has to be people that don't know how to lock on, right?


Also, I'm really confused as to how some people are so bad at Fighter Squadron. The majority of players get very few AI kills even, and I once saw someone who was in the Slave I the whole match get a total of like four kills including AI. How is that possible? It has to be people that don't know how to lock on, right?

Yeah, they're probably new, unfamiliar with their fighter's abilities, don't know about locking on for missiles AND lasers and don't know about lowering speed to up weapon power.

I can understand someone not getting many kills in Slave I if they're trying to avoid every missile or laser beam that comes their way; you get a lot of flak in the hero ships, and especially if it's your first time you may not have a feel for how much damage you can actually take compared to a fighter.
Damn, had a very fun match on Fighter Squadron a few mins ago. Got the Millenium Falcon and it was awesome! Also, finally got to level 25! DL-44 O_O holy shit

They can't nerf this gun... come on. It's a reward after getting killed SOOOO MANY TIMES to get here. Please keep it as it is DICE.
Yeah, it's ending up as I'd guessed, about like every other MP game. Missed being able to play for a few days, sit down today, now I've gone from hovering around mid-level to bottom-five every match. Ended up dead last on the team just now. Oh well, guess I'll leave it on the HDD so it can sit there as another blown money reminder that I'm no longer able to devote the time to keeping up with MP games anymore.
Yeah, it's ending up as I'd guessed, about like every other MP game. Missed being able to play for a few days, sit down today, now I've gone from hovering around mid-level to bottom-five every match. Ended up dead last on the team just now. Oh well, guess I'll leave it on the HDD so it can sit there as another blown money reminder that I'm no longer able to devote the time to keeping up with MP games anymore.

You need to learn to use what the game has to offer. Go after the power ups, try getting the hero pickup, etc. It's still fun, although sometimes frustrating :)


Anyone figure out how to get the card decks to save? I can save the first deck fine, but the 2nd hand doesn't. Every time. I tried renaming it too, nope. NEW HAND is so frustrating to see when I get in game.

So I'm stuck with either a hand designed for infantry, or one designed for taking down vehicles the whole match.


Yeah, it's ending up as I'd guessed, about like every other MP game. Missed being able to play for a few days, sit down today, now I've gone from hovering around mid-level to bottom-five every match. Ended up dead last on the team just now. Oh well, guess I'll leave it on the HDD so it can sit there as another blown money reminder that I'm no longer able to devote the time to keeping up with MP games anymore.

I took one day off and felt the same today. Took me 3 hours to get back into it.


I don't like to admit this but i had to quit four games, two last night & two tonight playing as Rebels, because people are more interested in shooting at the Empire than activating the stations, on Hoth just now there were only two Y-wing attacks on the first wave, TWO!

Last night i even lost as Rebels playing on Endor! how are people not able to take down a single AT-AT?

Really enjoyed playing this a few days ago, but this has happened two nights running now & i hope it's not going to continue like this.


I don't like to admit this but i had to quit four games, two last night & two tonight playing as Rebels, because people are more interested in shooting at the Empire than activating the stations, on Hoth just now there were only two Y-wing attacks on the first wave, TWO!

Last night i even lost as Rebels playing on Endor! how are people not able to take down a single AT-AT?

Really enjoyed playing this a few days ago, but this has happened two nights running now & i hope it's not going to continue like this.

I think I was on that game just now. Infuriating really xD
I don't like to admit this but i had to quit four games, two last night & two tonight playing as Rebels, because people are more interested in shooting at the Empire than activating the stations, on Hoth just now there were only two Y-wing attacks on the first wave, TWO!

Last night i even lost as Rebels playing on Endor! how are people not able to take down a single AT-AT?

Really enjoyed playing this a few days ago, but this has happened two nights running now & i hope it's not going to continue like this.
You can get more points killing people than gunning for the objective. I went back and forth several games last night on Supremacy, one with my truaty E-11 where I focused on taking nodes and defending and the other just picking everyone off from a distance. The games where I played for straight kills my face was on the leaderboard and walked away with a higher cumulative end of round score count than the games where I played the objective. The game has devolved a bit to just looking for things to kill.

So long as kills are the highest rank on objective based game modes this will probably continue. People need dem kill counts.
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