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Star Wars Battlefront |OT| Here's Where The Fun Begins

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I hate to be *that* guy, but I don't think I've ever seen a game more in need of balance patches than this game. It's insane how many things need to be fixed, yet we haven't heard a peep regarding any upcoming changes. I REALLY wanted to like this game, but it's frankly absurd how ridiculous some aspects of it are right now.

Nope, I share this sentiment. Sometimes this game can be brilliant but as a lower level player who hasn't got a lot of hours on the clock, and that hasn't unlocked much it honestly feels like I'm cannon fodder for those that have unlocked star cards and better guns. Being 1-shotted by that pistol from distances of 50 meters plus isn't fun, let alone all the other stuff I simply don't have a counter to or spawning me next to a crowd of enemies. I went to play for an hour or so on Friday night and after 15 minutes I turned it off in disgust. I did have a better game on it yesterday for half an hour or so but that was sticking to the smaller modes like Drop Pod.
This game needs some serious balance redressing - right now the season pass is not on the cards.
Jeesh, I can't believe how horribly incompetent these teams are. If I am in a fighter I will get locked 24/7 (ground to air) and our team doesn't even realizes you can shoot the damn fighters.

Also, being first every game with a score that's equal to the sum of player #2-6 is ridiculous..


Jeesh, I can't believe how horribly incompetent these teams are. If I am in a fighter I will get locked 24/7 (ground to air) and our team doesn't even realizes you can shoot the damn fighters.

I think most people see the fighters as rather irrelevant to the ground battle, and they are largely correct. Apart from someone suiciding into the AT-ST, fighters rarely make any impact to the outcome of a Supremacy match on PC (and they don't usually make any difference to WA either).

The other point is that few people actually take Ion Torpedoes anyway:
- most players take the jetpack to move around the map, leaving 1 other option.
- grenades/barrage/homing/pulse are a better source of kills which seems to be the primary purpose of the game (you get by far the best reward for kills, and most of the mission-things are also based on kills).
- ion torpedoes are only really useful if you're on the rebel side in walker assault, or you're on the rebel side in supremacy and the AT-ST is alive and within range.
- if you do manage shoot down a fighter (and it doesn't just barrel roll or whatever out of it), then it just re-appears in a few seconds anyway (the map is usually littered with fighter icons that no-one wants).

Just a quick reminder, if any of you guys wanna pick this up as a gift or wanna spread the word, the Xbox one version is $30 at any Microsoft retail store or the online store (not the Xbox store)
Walker assault on Endor remains funny. We hold down the Rebel's uplink in the bunker early on. Meaning they had three Y-wings or so at phase 1. Then phase 2 hits, and just lol.. Imperials get spawned so far away that taking down uplinks barely matters.
Walker assault on Endor remains funny. We hold down the Rebel's uplink in the bunker early on. Meaning they had three Y-wings or so at phase 1. Then phase 2 hits, and just lol.. Imperials get spawned so far away that taking down uplinks barely matters.

Yeah, phase 2 really fucks you over.


Just took down both AT-AT's together with my partner on the last stage, with both of them having over 66% health. It was glorious :D

This is why WA sucks now, especially on that map. Literally 99% of the match is completely irrelevant. I've lost multiple matches as the empire with both walkers at 90% because all you need is a speeder at the last phase. As quickly as they spin around the walker you can't ion lock them to knock them off.


This is why WA sucks now, especially on that map. Literally 99% of the match is completely irrelevant. I've lost multiple matches as the empire with both walkers at 90% because all you need is a speeder at the last phase. As quickly as they spin around the walker you can't ion lock them to knock them off.
They should make the cable-mini-game harder


I think I might stop playing for a while. There need to be some kind of update to the spawning. Getting spawn killed 5-6 times in a row is not very entertaining.

Only thing that keeps me in the game is playing with friends and plan things. Squads in the game is otherwise the most useless shit ever. The same is that terrible mini-map. sigh


I grabbed the air speeder thing on a recent game of TA and just flew up and down, up and down trying to see something to shoot. I ended up just taking random pot shots at the field below hoping to see the crosshairs turn yellow.
The two games I played, in fact - won one and lost one, neither of them were very enjoyable.

Still, dice did an amazing job turning BF4 around, so I fully expect it will get made into a more enjoyable game at some point.
Rofl, I want decent airspeeder pilots on my team for once..

And man, I preferred barrage over 90% of these people using homing shot, it's just plain annoying and serves no use rather than cheap gimmick kills. Especially when used point blank instead of shooting your damn blaster.

Also, dice release win rate statistics per map pretty please.


Gold Member
What's up with the blast trophie? I have been the one with the most kills at least like 4 or 5 times and didn't get anything..

Same. It is bugged if the game is won before the time expires. If the time expires and you have most kills, then it pops.

It needs to be fixed.


I hate to be *that* guy, but I don't think I've ever seen a game more in need of balance patches than this game. It's insane how many things need to be fixed, yet we haven't heard a peep regarding any upcoming changes. I REALLY wanted to like this game, but it's frankly absurd how ridiculous some aspects of it are right now.

Can't agree more.

Guy procreates and an entire customer relations department of multi-billion, international company shuts down. Couple that with the Reddit drama bomb and you've got a new "how not to do it" template.

DICE ships a type of game they've been making since forever with elementary balance and spawn issues. Developer team on post release vacation just prior to the movie tie-in which just so happens to be one of the largest movie franchises in history.

Game gets "Lukewarm" reception by critics and force choked by players. Release patch with no discernible purpose. Damage control consists of hiding behind words like casual and approachable to mitigate complaints and questions.

Christmas Day millions of casual players will cry out all at once as they get massacred at a spawn point by AT-STs stomping them to unlock the trophy.


Same. It is bugged if the game is won before the time expires. If the time expires and you have most kills, then it pops.

It needs to be fixed.

DICE could not even fix team win display at the end of matches in BF BC2, which was broken after a patch. The winning / losing animation was only right 50% of the time.
I feel like Walker Assault should have been different. Make the Empire stronger but have it as a count down. Like on Hoth you could start as a vehicle heavy start and transmission into more on-foot when they reach the base. That makes the AT-AT's always meaningful rather than too far away at the start. Meanwhile it's up to the rebels to hold them off long enough for the transports to escape, not actually "win" or take them all down.


Gold Member
I feel like Walker Assault should have been different. Make the Empire stronger but have it as a count down. Like on Hoth you could start as a vehicle heavy start and transmission into more on-foot when they reach the base. That makes the AT-AT's always meaningful rather than too far away at the start. Meanwhile it's up to the rebels to hold them off long enough for the transports to escape, not actually "win" or take them all down.

They were stronger, in the beta, then people complained that were not working within the games function (instead playing it like a K/D ratio mode), and thus the nerf.

Bring it back to beta, it was accomplish-able as a Rebel if you did what you were supposed to do. Yes it was tough, but it is supposed to be, nobody watch the movies?

Oni Jazar

I hate to be *that* guy, but I don't think I've ever seen a game more in need of balance patches than this game. It's insane how many things need to be fixed, yet we haven't heard a peep regarding any upcoming changes. I REALLY wanted to like this game, but it's frankly absurd how ridiculous some aspects of it are right now.

Agreed. The post release PR has been deplorable.
Just started playing and have a weird issue. For some reason, both my L1 and R1 skills are going off at seemingly random times without me even touching the triggers. I don't have this issue with any other game so I assume it's something to do with Battlefront specifically. Anyone else heard anything about this?


Rofl, I want decent airspeeder pilots on my team for once..

And man, I preferred barrage over 90% of these people using homing shot, it's just plain annoying and serves no use rather than cheap gimmick kills. Especially when used point blank instead of shooting your damn blaster.

Also, dice release win rate statistics per map pretty please.

Lots of people go all Rambo with the airspeeders on WA without taking into account that speeders are just to towcable there.

Also in TP they just go after AT-ST and then do fuck nothing, ignoring foot soldiers (they're not that hard to aim).


Gold Member
Just started playing and have a weird issue. For some reason, both my L1 and R1 skills are going off at seemingly random times without me even touching the triggers. I don't have this issue with any other game so I assume it's something to do with Battlefront specifically. Anyone else heard anything about this?

Yes, a bug seemed to be introduced with the new patch.
Really disappointed with the ATST being made out of paper and cardboard. There has got to be a way to make them fun without making them overpowered.

Rofl, I want decent airspeeder pilots on my team for once..

And man, I preferred barrage over 90% of these people using homing shot, it's just plain annoying and serves no use rather than cheap gimmick kills. Especially when used point blank instead of shooting your damn blaster.

Also, dice release win rate statistics per map pretty please.

I hate the homing shot. Not fun to get killed by, not fun to kill with. Just cheap. I dont use it.


Just started playing and have a weird issue. For some reason, both my L1 and R1 skills are going off at seemingly random times without me even touching the triggers. I don't have this issue with any other game so I assume it's something to do with Battlefront specifically. Anyone else heard anything about this?

Don't think that's a bug.. If you just started playing Battlefront it may be that you're accidentally touching the DS4 touchpad (assuming you have a DS4 since you said L1 and R1). Touchpad gestures can activate your skills, it can be turned off in the settings.


Gold Member
Don't think that's a bug.. If you just started playing Battlefront it may be that you're accidentally touching the DS4 touchpad (assuming you have a DS4 since you said L1 and R1). Touchpad gestures can activate your skills, it can be turned off in the settings.

That may be my issue as well. The gestures. Probably why I seen it once in a blue moon.

I was thinking of the bug where your cards could not be used until you die first, my mistake.



Well this made me laugh a solid 5 minutes.

Battle Pope

Neo Member
Hell of a shame, the gameplay is a ton of fun but the server/matchmaking is so completely broken I wasn't able to get a game of any sort for most of yesterday.

Ended up getting a refund through EA for the base game and season pass (PC). If they manage to fix things with a few patches I'll pick it up again.


Been playing a little turning point and supremacy. But for the most part, loving the small objective based games ...cargo and drop zone. so much fun. Spawn points are really not an issue in those games either.. Played third person for the first few weeks and now switch to first person really digging it.

$30 off for the Xbox version of the Microsoft store right now ... (Not Xbox store)

$29.99 retail disc
ive seen the light that is bowcaster it is really dumb jet packing and blowing people up with it all day long
Yep, it's amazing. I'm just going to enjoy it until the inevitable nerf. At least not too many other people are using the Bowcaster yet.

It's even better if you combine it with the Bounty Hunter perk, because at level 3 it resets the cooldowns for every kill. Yesterday I was able to get around 10 kills in a row within a minute on Jakku, by combining the perk with Jump Pack/Bowcaster.

Here's a video of somebody else using the combination to great effect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQVpUuE86f8


Hm, a lot of people seem to be playing in 3rd person without using ADS. Am I missing something?
There's just not enough benefit to using ADS/zoom in most fights, and the extra button press/slowed movement will lead to lost gun battles as most people are just running and gunning with no loss of accuracy. Third person allows you to see more of your environment and around corners, so it's only beneficial to you.

All this is completely counter to how I've played recent competitive shooters (mostly Destiny), so yeah, it's been a bit of a struggle. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Yes. All zooming does it decrease your FOV and slow down your aiming. There are no bonuses for using it.

Even from long range with a blaster? I assume using sights at long range is beneficial, it is only close range where ADS is pointless.


Even from long range with a blaster? I assume using sights at long range is beneficial, it is only close range where ADS is pointless.

You gain no accuracy with doing ADs, only a zoom. So yes it can be beneficial to actually see your target, but your aim isn't going to get better.
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