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Star Wars Battlefront |OT| Here's Where The Fun Begins

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What do you mean by camping? I usually hang back with them since their have ridiculous range and get focused fire easily in the open.

If anything AT-ST need some type of buff, they are force to sit at extreme ranges or they get melted. Even at range they still die extremely fast to Ion Torpedoes or an A-Wing.

leng jai

If anything AT-ST need some type of buff, they are force to sit at extreme ranges or they get melted. Even at range they still die extremely fast to Ion Torpedoes or an A-Wing.

Yeah, half the time I die within 30 seconds when I get in an AT-ST. The A-Wing pretty much kills you in one swoop with ease. Sometimes I get lucky and have a 5 minute run where I go unnoticed and rack up 20+ kills but that doesn't happen that often.
None of the Imperial heroes come even close to the usefulness of Luke. It's rather annoying. I hope we get a mobile Saber user in DLC.

Also, getting real tired of everyone playing TDM outside on Hoth Supremacy and never going inside to take the control point. I push and push, end up going like 74 and 15 and everyone else on my team barely breaks even or even goes positive.


Yeah, half the time I die within 30 seconds when I get in an AT-ST. The A-Wing pretty much kills you in one swoop with ease. Sometimes I get lucky and have a 5 minute run where I go unnoticed and rack up 20+ kills but that doesn't happen that often.
they really really need to nerf the a-wings, it's absolutely ridiculous. started running with ion torpedoes to try and shoot them down but even then they take several shots to do so and have a scrambling ability that lasts for ages. if someone's decent enough they can stay in the sky for a long time and it's frustrating because you can't really do much to take them down. i guess at least even if ion torpedoes don't hit their target (the amount of times they don't hit is absurdly large) they kind of force a-wings to fly away for a little bit, but it's not enough.


Did they increased the atat health on endor? I just won 3 games in a row as empire. Or is this effect of the new influx of players?


I have this on PC, but am considering picking up the PS4 version on the cheap to play with a friend. Is there a way to partner up with a friend online, or is this a waste of time/money?
Is there a way to partner up with a friend online, or is this a waste of time/money?
Yes, absolutely. It's very easy to do, too. It's also very easy for multiple friends to all join the same game.

Either I'm just lucky or I'm not paying enough attention, but I've not had nearly the problems others here have had concerning players going for the objectives in objective-type games.


I just did my first ragequit. Started a game of Walker Assault, it was early and a Y-Wing hadn't even locked in. Got killed 3 times in a row in less than 3 seconds each because Leia & friends had apparently moved up to behind the back AT-AT to spawn camp.

That should not even be possible. Why design a game where spawn camping like that is possible. I joined the game to play, not to wake up and die.

I still am in disbelief that this kind of stuff made it into the wild. Unbelievable.

The team that designed the portion of the game that in includes spawning and weapon balance is either naive, inept or both.

And for those who like to make the time constraint excuse...

The rest of the game is exemplary. Art, sound, optimization, lack of bugs..everything is polished to a degree rarely seen in the past decade. you would think things like spawning, vehicles, weapons use and balancing would have been a non issue for a company that has had this much experience making shooters. It's just lazy, laziness that is costing them. I'd be pissed at that part of the team if I put the work in that is evident in the rest of the game.


DH-17 might be the most balanced gun in the game. Top 3 for me. It is shockingly good, very underrated and underused.

Everyone should try the SE-14C and DH-17.

Yeah I love the DH-17. I just wish the range was a bit better. I don't like using it on longer range areas.


So tempted to pick this up. At $40 is it worth grabbing. I'm currently on a massive TFA high.

Does it have any offline content? Nothing worse than waking up Christmas morning to a DDoS'd PSN. Happened last time with Destiny.


So tempted to pick this up. At $40 is it worth grabbing. I'm currently on a massive TFA high.

I was in the same boat, but had initially decided to pass on it after hearing it was rather light on content. Though that was before I got an early Christmas present (a $15 GameStop gift card) and while looking for something to get with the gift card I found out about GameStop.com's special offer for the game where you get a Kilo Ren Pop Vinyl Bobblehead figure for free when you buy the game through the website.


Being the Empire on Fighter Squadron can be so frustrating. You can chase someone and fire a missile at them and they will dodge it, at which point 90% of players put their shield up, so you can't hit them with anything else until their shield goes down or your missile comes back. At which point you likely have been killed by someone else randomly flying past, and that's ignoring how hard it can be to hit A-Wings.

All I've seen today is Millennium Falcon players ramming into Slave 1, I had to spend a match just avoiding a guy only trying to fly into me Empire is at such a disadvantage out the game that If there is a good team on the Rebels the Empire just gets decimated in score to the point of there being no point.

They need to sort shields out, they shouldn't block all laser fire, 50% maybe, but give the invincibility it does now, and of course as we have been saying for over a month A-Wings hitboxes seriously need fixing.


I was in the same boat, but had initially decided to pass on it after hearing it was rather light on content. Though that was before I got an early Christmas present (a $15 GameStop gift card) and while looking for something to get with the gift card I found out about GameStop.com's special offer for the game where you get a Kilo Ren Pop Vinyl Bobblehead figure for free when you buy the game through the website.
I had some extra money in my PSN wallet I wasn't using so I grabbed the Deluxe Edition while it was on sale for $46. Need to try out the DL-44 before it gets nerfed anyways :D

Now hopefully my PS4 can download it and install by Christmas...Kappa

DJ Gunner

Being the Empire on Fighter Squadron can be so frustrating. You can chase someone and fire a missile at them and they will dodge it, at which point 90% of players put their shield up, so you can't hit them with anything else until their shield goes down or your missile comes back. At which point you likely have been killed by someone else randomly flying past, and that's ignoring how hard it can be to hit A-Wings.

All I've seen today is Millennium Falcon players ramming into Slave 1, I had to spend a match just avoiding a guy only trying to fly into me Empire is at such a disadvantage out the game that If there is a good team on the Rebels the Empire just gets decimated in score to the point of there being no point.

They need to sort shields out, they shouldn't block all laser fire, 50% maybe, but give the invincibility it does now, and of course as we have been saying for over a month A-Wings hitboxes seriously need fixing.

While I absolutely love this game and believe it is a triumph in both graphics and gameplay, there's no question that certain things are in dire need of tweaks or outright overhauls. I haven't been on a winning Empire team in this mode in weeks. The Rebel advantage is just too strong. Along with WA on Endor and, like someone mentioned earlier, Supremacy on Sullust (and possibly Tattoine), I hope these are addressed sooner than later.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Being the Empire on Fighter Squadron can be so frustrating. You can chase someone and fire a missile at them and they will dodge it, at which point 90% of players put their shield up, so you can't hit them with anything else until their shield goes down or your missile comes back. At which point you likely have been killed by someone else randomly flying past, and that's ignoring how hard it can be to hit A-Wings.

All I've seen today is Millennium Falcon players ramming into Slave 1, I had to spend a match just avoiding a guy only trying to fly into me Empire is at such a disadvantage out the game that If there is a good team on the Rebels the Empire just gets decimated in score to the point of there being no point.

They need to sort shields out, they shouldn't block all laser fire, 50% maybe, but give the invincibility it does now, and of course as we have been saying for over a month A-Wings hitboxes seriously need fixing.

Yeah, I just played a long session last night for the XP and the mode is laughably unbalanced. A-wings are frustrating as hell to actually fight against, and the hero ship swings don't help that at all.
Got to level 38 this morning. Unsure if I'll get any more out of double XP. It came at a time when I was getting overloaded with the game and thus getting frustrated easily. Happens to me with every online game. Just need a break of a few days playing Fallout so I can come back fresh.
Guess it could be coincidence, but I'll last couple matches today (first time I've played in weeks) have been DL-44 Simulator 2015, it feels like over 50% are using it.

Nice that progression is a little less of a slog with double xp (though I'm sure it only winds up highlighting the lack of stuff).

I'm sure I'm the 50th person to say it, but if they do a campaign for the sequel, I'd kill for Battlefront 2: Dark Forces, a remake of the original (or, better, just a new "in the spirit of" game) with pre-Jedi Kyle.


I would be perfectly okay if they just ported BFII's "campaign" and just did it in their engine.

Main reason being that DICE sucks at campaigns for the most part, so just a bunch of mix-and-match skirmishes and factions against each other with some link connecting it all would be cool, too.

The missions in this game aren't really worth a damn.


The background set pieces in this game are amazing. The star destroyers that crash on Hoth WA and Jakku Goazan Badlands are a sight for sure. The super star destroyer that crashes on Jakku WA is awesome.

Does anyone know what exactly triggers the star destroyers crashing on Hoth and Goazan Badlands exactly? Do the rebels have to be winning to some extent?


I wonder why with the full versions on sale. They didn't put the season pass on sale as well for us early adopters.?

Also Fuck the DL 44 it's getting ridiculous on small maps.

leng jai

Just got killed by homing shot 6 times in a row on Jakku, no joke. I was running and jet packing as well and they somehow still kept the targeting on for 5+ seconds. Fuck off.


While I absolutely love this game and believe it is a triumph in both graphics and gameplay, there's no question that certain things are in dire need of tweaks or outright overhauls. I haven't been on a winning Empire team in this mode in weeks. The Rebel advantage is just too strong. Along with WA on Endor and, like someone mentioned earlier, Supremacy on Sullust (and possibly Tattoine), I hope these are addressed sooner than later.

Speaking of Rebel imbalance on Sullust

I'm now 50 on both PS4 and Xbone. Right around 40 hours playtime for each, though the Xbone grind was helped by the double XP weekend. Played a ton of droid run, which I think is the best leveling mode if you suck at air combat like I do.
Why is the Crush them with one swift stroke trophy 0,1% ultra rare? My favorite thing when getting an AT-ST is just to trample around the enemies. There was this one match where I was rushing towards around 10 enemies when they protecting on Supremacy and like 4 of them just used the jetpack in panic to get away. So many lulz. People dont expect you to stomp on them.


Why is the Crush them with one swift stroke trophy 0,1% ultra rare? My favorite thing when getting an AT-ST is just to trample around the enemies. There was this one match where I was rushing towards around 10 enemies when they protecting on Supremacy and like 4 of them just used the jetpack in panic to get away. So many lulz. People dont expect you to stomp on them.

Because the ST is made of paper now and you'll be destroyed before you reach one person.


So its my first time playing this. Got to level 17 with about 5 hrs of play, thanks to double XP. Not really grinding atm. Just playing the game and having fun...and WOW is this game fun. Those 5 hrs flew by so quick.

Only played Heroes/Villans, some Walker Assault, and Drop zone. Probably the best looking game on next gen console imo. I really hope DICE shows this game post launch love. I'd be happy to grab the season pass in return to support.


just picked this up on pc at the beginning of the weekend and I'm getting fucking crushed. Seems like I'm getting one shotted all the time and none of my weapons do any damage. Is it best to fine aim or just shoot from the hip?
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