There is a bit of a delay between pressing the button and it actually activating. Ive only used it a couple times and each time felt like I should have just shot the person. You usually suck up a lot of damage getting that close trying to get the flamethrower to work.
I'm definitely going to test it the next time I get the chance. Ever since the wrist rocket nerf, I've started to use Palpatine more and more (I don't really like Luke/Vader for some reason). I typically run with a jumpcaster loadout using the EE-3 with Explosive Shot these days, so there's almost no advantage in choosing Boba any more.
EE-3 - 3 x 26 damage (21+5 explosive) per burst, with splash damage
Jump Pack - For evasion and Bowcaster cheese
Bounty Hunter - For offensive pickups (imploders, turrets, droids, rockets)
Bowcaster - 1 free kill every 20 seconds or so, plus the occasional BH Rank 3 rampage.
Boba Fett
EE-3 - 3 x 30 damage per burst, with a longer damage drop off but no splash damage.
Flamer - Slow to activate and seems hard to hit anything
Jetpack - Useful for vertical movement but slooooow for horizontal
Wrist Rocket - Barely any splash and only good against infantry
Health - Bigger pool that doesn't regenerate.
To me, there just seems to be very little upside, although jumpcaster is kind of broken. Still, you can swap in Homing Shot or Pulse Cannon for a similar result.
I'm kind of puzzled why they nerfed the wrist rocket when Han's Lucky Shot is arguably far more powerful. Lucky Shot tracks and 1-shots infantry, droids and TIE fighters, whilst also 3-shotting AT-ST's. All with a negligible charge time. It would've made far more sense to add a lock on warning for the wrist rocket instead. Sure, Han can't fly that's not as big a disadvantage as it may seem on paper.