Hard to blame them when all it seems they play is Counterstrike, LoL, Battlefield and Blizzard games. Releasing a game on pc is kind of a nightmare.PC gaming is the redheaded stepchild of gaming to AAA publishers.
Hard to blame them when all it seems they play is Counterstrike, LoL,Battlefieldand Blizzard games. Releasing a game on pc is kind of a nightmare.
Or the get 20 hero Hunt kills for 200 creditsAgain, about the challenges: Why is the payout for Destroy 10 AT-STs/T-47 Airspeeders so low? The task is actually really, really difficult and long. Should be worth 800 credits/8000 points AT LEAST (ie the same as get 75 kills which is really, really easy).
Battlefront has feature and content parity with the consoles, performs great, and is on the same release schedule. It's just not getting any of the extra features PC gamers look for.PC gaming is the redheaded stepchild of gaming to AAA publishers.
Oh no more battlefield? Damn.Corrected, not as popular as those others.
However, there's a reason why those games are popular: they get support. Most of them anyway. I think AAA PC gaming would be more popular if publishers would actually invest in it, communicate with players, engage the players. As it is, PC seems to be an afterthought often, meaning less players, which in turn makes publishers say "see, no point in it".
The ball is in their hands...
Again, about the challenges: Why is the payout for Destroy 10 AT-STs/T-47 Airspeeders so low? The task is actually really, really difficult and long. Should be worth 800 credits/8000 points AT LEAST (ie the same as get 75 kills which is really, really easy).
there's text chat in the PC version? cool.
there's text chat in the PC version? cool.
Did you voice any of these issues to their Twitter and official forums? Make your voices heard if not.
You should see the official forums. We are very kind here on gaf compared to themI don't have a twitter handle. (Or facebook or anything such. I don't use them.) EDIT And even if i had a twitter account, i'd take many, many, many messages to voice all the issues i have.
As for the official forums... I honestly don't trust anyone at DICE or EA reads those. Guess i could make a list of grievances... only it is going to take a while to write everything down.
(Besides, in my experience, a game's official forums is the absolutely worst place to discuss about a game, most likely filled to brim with fanboys and idiots.)
Oh no more battlefield? Damn.
But those games also generate a tremendous amount of revenue, so investing in PC gamers there is beneficial. Thus where does the issue truly begin?
And Battlefront is proof, PC market died out so fast. And if PC gamers truly need that much extra support and constant attention then again, it's a nightmare of an investment -- especially with how insane "nextgen" is (gamers really have no idea).
there should be an emote on console that shouts that!!
I don't have a twitter handle. (Or facebook or anything such. I don't use them.) EDIT And even if i had a twitter account, i'd take many, many, many messages to voice all the issues i have.
As for the official forums... I honestly don't trust anyone at DICE or EA reads those. Guess i could make a list of grievances... only it is going to take a while to write everything down.
(Besides, in my experience, a game's official forums is the absolutely worst place to discuss about a game, most likely filled to brim with fanboys and idiots.)
From Battlefrontupdates twitter :
"@SWBFUpdates: Rumored that we'll get a #StarWarsBattlefront DLC announcment on monday and patch on friday!
(Won't make a video until I get some evidence)"
I don't have a twitter handle. (Or facebook or anything such. I don't use them.) EDIT And even if i had a twitter account, i'd take many, many, many messages to voice all the issues i have.
As for the official forums... I honestly don't trust anyone at DICE or EA reads those. Guess i could make a list of grievances... only it is going to take a while to write everything down.
(Besides, in my experience, a game's official forums is the absolutely worst place to discuss about a game, most likely filled to brim with fanboys and idiots.)
In my experience, official forums are the most savage.
Except the BioWare forums for some reason . . . those are just creepy.
Haha, BioWare forums are entertaining nonetheless.
You should've been there during the ME3 debacle.
I mean, everyone complained about the ending but the kind of complaining the BW forums were doing was...something else.
The truth is out thereHope for an update?
You should've been there during the ME3 debacle.
I mean, everyone complained about the ending but the kind of complaining the BW forums were doing was...something else.
I don't bother with the DL-44 as i assume it will be nerfed. No point in learning to use a weapon that won't be the same soon.
Oh I saw some of it. It was actually a welcome break from the typical "why can't Ifuckromance [character]?!"
We're pretty well mannered here.
Well done, you pricks.
And Battlefront is proof, PC market died out so fast. And if PC gamers truly need that much extra support and constant attention then again, it's a nightmare of an investment -- especially with how insane "nextgen" is (gamers really have no idea).
Battlefront is proof of how arseing around your PC build to the detriment of your community has a negative impact. From launch, from launch, I was routinely being matched into servers with 120+ ping. There is zero option to filter to local servers only even if still using the invisible matchmaking. The hacking is prominent and goes unchecked.
I don't doubt extra work is required for a PC build and that cost/investment does need to be considered, but Battlefront is a shit example of this. It's lazy handwaving to blame the PC community/costs/environment/market when you can't even include sensible regional matchmaking filtering in your almost 100% exclusively multiplayer game.
DL-44 fire rate nerf incoming
homing shot is just dumb
oh well
Only a ROF nerf? If it is still faster than T-21 (the only other 2-shot-kill weapon), it will be very good. Me thinks it needs a bit more than just ROF hit, like slightly lower heat capacity.
Also, Homing Shot. DICE really shouldn't have done both HS and Ion Torpedo. Instead, the Ion Torp should have dumb-fire mode and lock-on for vehicles (and no HS at all). As it is, most people don't use Ion Torpedo even in WA/Supremacy because it doesn't do anything against infantry. But if it were a dual-purpose weapon, i could see people using it more.
Of course, vehicles would need considerably health-buff at that point, probably.