I really see the advantages of playing 3rd, but basically I just suck at it. Have the same problem with other 3rd person games, like Uncharted MP.
Loved playing that, but was really mediocre. I'm just better at 1st person games I think.
But I'll set myself a challenge and play 3rd person only today and see how I will fare
Haha, pretty much me when I started using 3rd person. I still don't know how much I like it:
- wider FOV.
- better awareness.
- looks kind of cool and you can see your own emotes
- tiny offset to the reticle affects precise aiming.
- wider FOV also means you're zoomed out slightly more than first person which makes it harder to target distant enemies.
- you constantly shoot objects right in front of you despite the angle appearing unobstructed.
I often switch back to first person for better accuracy in some situations.